file Vamp Diseases - TtCB/BA

28 Jul 2011 00:51 #6964 by technobabble66
Just toying w an idea for a deck - basically blood attrition:
Vamp Disease (many copies) combo'd w Taunt the Caged Beast or Blissful Agony

I kno this is not new, so i was wondering what other people's experience with either option is, & whether its worthwhile.

I kinda figure it may work best w TtCB -> combos w ANI w regular Aids/Crows combat for extra impact + Deep Song, plus large lower-cap crypt.
On the other hand, BA has slightly less restriction (aside from the somewhat large restriction of being in combat) & may combine well w !Salubri intercept plus some rush.

Any other handy tricks w this?

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28 Jul 2011 05:26 #6977 by Lönkka
Replied by Lönkka on topic Re: Vamp Diseases - TtCB/BA
Petri W has used VD (appropriate, eh? Heh, the card has actually been locally nicknamed as the Tasmanian jumping clap...) in several of his decks so he might have some good hints.

If you have yourself long distance combat (guns, Thefts or Bats etc) or play with Imbued/ally heavy decks you should be able to freely spread the disease around with little to no risk to yourself.

Lunatic Eruption also gets other guys to fight.

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28 Jul 2011 06:36 #6983 by Boris The Blade
With Blissful Agony you also have Hide the Heart.

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