file Playing again and reprintings

02 Sep 2018 14:31 - 02 Sep 2018 14:32 #90368 by Kraus
Replied by Kraus on topic Playing again and reprintings
All cards from any set or year are playable and legal, as long as they are not banned from competitive play. See this page, chapter 4.1:

All colour printed proxies made for example with Amaranth deck building tool (remember to toggle 'old layout' before printing the pdf) are legal as well in any play save for "championship" level tournaments. I highly suggest making use of this method.

The Anthology, or "Berlin" set, is highly valuable and well worth the buck for any player, as it includes multi-use cards, valuable in many different decks and strategies. For sure great for any player.

The reprint bundles don't seem too crucial for you to be honest, unless you want to go for the Nosferatu way, but KoT bundles are excellent in content. They don't include too much that would work for the decks you mentioned though. has plenty of resources you can use, mainly Card Lists and Card Rulings on the left hand side panel. This file has all up-to-date card texts:

Amaranth should have up-to-date card texts as well, as far as I know.

"Oh, to the Hades with the manners! He's a complete bastard, and calling him that insults bastards everywhere!"
-Nalia De-Arnise
Last edit: 02 Sep 2018 14:32 by Kraus.

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02 Sep 2018 22:24 #90369 by Oskuro
Thanks a lot

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03 Sep 2018 10:22 - 03 Sep 2018 10:23 #90370 by Bloodartist
Ebay has been the go-to place to buy singleton cards for a long while. There are still plenty of dealers left, if you really want to have cardboard copies of cards (as opposed to printed). For example it should be quite cheap to acquire potence cards from ebay should you so choose. Just type "vtes" and card name into search prompt.

My personal opinion is that the tzimisce would be a good foundation to build upon, as it yields itself well to multiple different decktypes. Tzimi have auspex for bleed bounce and intercept, vicissitude offers some stealth and combat ends and with animalism gives strong combat options. Tzimisce have plenty of vampires with permanent votes as well. Not saying that Setites and Nosferatu won't work, just that they are somewhat less versatile than tzimisce due to lack of bleedbounce clan discipline.

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
—Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Last edit: 03 Sep 2018 10:23 by Bloodartist.

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03 Sep 2018 16:03 #90374 by ReverendRevolver
For Tzimisce, the anthology set contains both Eyes of Argus and Deep Song, as well as Under siege, if you were looking to do more with the clan.

With the mentioned Nos deck, ebay is best bet. Until the physically print TU , your left to printing and cutting pdfs for the new setite stuff. Of course, ebay cards plus those are an option.
Ben mentioned a tentative lineup for BC, being Sabbat themed starter decks, anthology reprints (because, you know, getting them into brick and mortar stores is on the agenda, but it was alluded something will be different. Which I hope that means they leave the Berlin stuff exclusive for now, to be fair. Also hopefully they make Xavier adv, Ghede, and Dana adv replace something...) and also some sort of anarch care package type of thing.

Given BCs basics and proportions so far, and what Ben started doing with HttB precons, cards with supply issues and high demand will likely see reprints peppered throughout relevant products.

So, get an idea of what you want, and if Ebay prices are a bit much, BC will probably release reprints in the near future. (Or the far future of next year with V5 cam tie ins...)

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03 Sep 2018 22:17 #90387 by Oskuro
Ok, perfect. Anyway getting Antholgy right now is quite difficult and very expensive. I always prefered real cards than proxies but i will try to print some things. You can print whatever you want right? not only PDF expansions.


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03 Sep 2018 22:31 #90388 by Bloodartist
Yep. For casual games and in tournaments other than the biggest ones, you can proxy anything. I definitely recommend starting out with some proxies, just to get back into gaming. When you are sure what you want, acquire those cards as real hardcopies.

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
—Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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