file Europe - Card Exchange / Jyhad

19 Dec 2021 19:32 - 28 Apr 2022 07:47 #104241 by lone0*
Good Evening Methuselahs.

I'm based in Europe.

I will list the cards I am looking for, and then afterwards I will list the cards I have available to exchange.

JYHAD - 1994 in Mint of Near Mint Condition!

vampires - Black Cat

Aaron's Feeding Razor
Al's Army Apparatus
Anarch Troublemaker
Arcane Library
Arms Dealer
Art Museum

Behind You!
Blood Bond
Blood Puppy
Body of Sun
Business Pressure

Claws of the Dead
Conquer the Beast
Curse of Nitocris

Disguised Weapon
Dragon's Breath Rounds

Earth Meld
Eco Terrorists

Far Mastery
Fists of Death
Flak Jacket
Flesh of Marble
Fragment of the Book of Nod
Freak Drive

Ghoul Escort
Ghoul Retainer
Giant's Blood
Gleam of Red Eyes
Golconda: Inner Peace
Grave Robbing


Immortal Grapple
Ivory Bow

Jackie Therman

Kindred Intelligence
Kine Dominance

Madness Network
Magic of the Smith
Malkavian Prank
Malkavian Time Auction
Mask of a Thousand Faces
Minion Tap
Monocle of Clarity
Mr. Winthrop
Murder of Crows

Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight
Praxis Seizure: Atlanta
Praxis Seizure: Boston
Praxis Seizure: Cleveland
Praxis Seizure: Dallas
Praxis Seizure: Miami
Praxis Seizure: Washington, D.C.
Psychic Veil
Pulse of the Canaille

The Rack
Rats' Warning
Raven Spy
Ritual Challenge
Rowan Ring
RPG Launcher

The Second Tradition: Domain
Sengir Dagger
Smiling Jack, The Anarch
Society of Leopold
Soul Gem of Etrius
The Spawning Pool
Spying Mission

Talbot's Chainsaw
Thrown Sewer Lid
Torn Signpost
Tremere Justicar

Undead Persistence

Vampiric Speed
Ventrue Justicar

Warzone Hunting Ground

In exchange - you are welcome to dig through any of the following!


Dirty Little Secrets
Dancin' Dana
Dr. Jest
Grendel the Worm Eaten
Mariel, Lady Thunder
Marty Lechtansi
Quira, The Bitch Queen
Sebastian Marley
Sylvester Simms
Tiberius, The Scandalmonger

JYHAD: 1994


Angel x3
Anvil x4
Bianca x2
Crusher x3
Don Cruez, The Idealist x3
Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn x1
Hector Sosa x2
Lupo x4
Miranda Sanova x3
Rake x4
Tura Vaughn x3
Uma Hatch x4
Yuri, The Talon x4


Hasina Kesi x6
Igo the Hungry x2
Navar McClaren x5
Nik x4
Smudge the Ignored x4
Uriah Winter x6


Anastasia Grey x5
Angus the Unruled x5
Badger x1
Basilia x5
Bear Paw x4
Camille Devereux x3
Gitane St. Claire x3
Giuliano Vincenzi x4
Gunther, Beast Lord x2
Quinton McDonnell x1
Ricki Van Demsy x3
Roman Alexander x3
Vliam Andor x6
Wynn x3
Zack North x2


Aleph x4
Brazil x1
Dancin' Dana x2
Didi Meyers x3
Dollface x2
Dr. Jest x3
Gilbert Duane x1
Mariel, Lady Thunder x2
Normal x1
Ozmo x3
Roland Bishop x1
Roxanne, Rectrix 13th Floor x4
Sylvester Simms x4
Zebulon x3


Agrippina x1
Chester DuBois x2
Dimple x3
Duck x3
Ebanezer Roush x6
Grendel - the Worm Eaten x3
KoKo x2
Lucretia, Cess Queen x4
Marty Lechtansi x1
Sammy x5
Sebastian Marley x4
Selma the Repugnant x4
Sheldon, Lord of the Clog x3
Tiberius - Scandalmonger x6
Tusk - Talebearer x4


Adrianne x3
Andreas - Bard of Crete x1
Anneke x5
Anson x7
Colin Flynn x3
Delilah Easton x4
Demetrius Slater x6
Dieter Kleist x3
Dorian Strack x4
Eliott Sinclair, Thespian x2
Felicia Mostrom x4
Kallista, Master Sculptor x5
Masika x2
Ramiel DuPre x4
Tatiana Romanov x4


Astrid Thomas x4
Cardano x4
Cassandra, Magus Prime x3
Dr. John Casey x5
Ignatius x4
Jing Wei x6
Justine, Elder of Dallas x4
Lazarus x3
Lydia Van Cuelen x6
Merrill Molitor x4
Roreca Quaid x3
Sabine Lafitte x3
Sarah Cobbler x4
Thomas Thorne x3
Ulugh Beg, The Watcher x6


Courtland Leighton x4
Democritus x5
Emerson Bridges x3
Gideon Fontaine x4
Heather Florent, The Opportunist x3
Helena Casimir x4
Jazz Wentworth x2
Lucia Pacciola x1
Melissa Barton x1
Natasha Volfchek x5
Roland Loussarian x7
Rufina Soledad x7
Sir Walter Nash x2
Violette Prentiss x3


.44 Magnum C x16
Academic Hunting Ground U x4
Acrobatics C x1
Aid from Bats C x14
Anarch Revolt U x3
Ancient Influence C x11
Ancilla Empowerment C x8
Animalism C x12

Archon V x2

Army of Rats C x9
Arson C x10
Ascendance C x5
Assault Rifle U x4
Auspex C x13
Autarkis Persecution C x4
Backways U x4
The Barrens C x12
Bewitching Oration C x9
Blood Fury C x7
Blood Rage C x18
Blur C x9
Bomb U x4
Bonding C x3
Boxed In C x13
Brainwash C x6
Bribes C x9
Bum's Rush C x19

Burst of Sunlight R2 x1

Camarilla Exemplary C x8
Canine Horde C x3
Cat's Guidance C x1
Cauldron of Blood C x7
Celerity C x10
Chantry U x5
Charming Lobby U x2
Cloak the Gathering C x16
Computer Hacking C x6
Conditioning C x1
Consanguineous Boon C x6
Consanguineous Condemnation C x11
Conservative Agitation C x15
Cryptic Mission C x16
Cryptic Rider U x2
Cultivated Blood Shortage U x2

Cunctator Motion R2 x2

Dawn Operation U x3
Dead-End Alley C x13
Deal with the Devil C x12
Deer Rifle C x16
Deflection C x13
Delaying Tactics U x3
Disputed Territory C x9
Dodge C x12
Domain Challenge C x7
Dominate C x1
Drain Essence U x4

Dramatic Upheaval V x3

Drawing Out the Beast C x4
Dread Gaze C x7

Eagle's Sight U x1
Earth Control C x3
Effective Management C x3
Elder Kindred Network U x1
Elder Library C x16
Elysium: The Arboretum U x1

The Embrace R2 x1

Enchant Kindred C x4
Enhanced Senses C x12
Faceless Night C x6
Fake Out C x10
Fast Hands U x4
Fast Reaction C x6
The 5th Tradition: Hospitality U x5
Flash C x6
Form of the Ghost C x4
Fortitude C x9
The 4thTradition: Accounting U x3
Frenzy C x12
Game of Malkav U x5
Gangrel De-evolution U x1
Gird Minions C x8
Glaser Rounds U x7
Govern the Unaligned C x9
Growing Fury C x13
Gypsies U x2
Haven Uncovered C x5
Hawg C x12
Hidden Lurker C x16
Illegal Search and Seizure C x4
Indomitability C x11
Infernal Pursuit U2 x2
Information Highway U x1
IR Goggles U2 x2

J. S. Simmons, Esq. R2 x1

Kine Resources Contested C x14
KRCG News Radio U x1
The Labyrinth U x4
Laptop Computer C x10
Legal Manipulations C x3

Lextalionis V x1

Lost in Crowds C x7
Loyal Street Gang U x2
Lucky Blow C x6
Majesty C x4
Major Boon U x3
Malkavian Dementia U x4
Masquerade Endangered U x4

Masquerade Enforcement V x3

Metro Underground U x4
Mighty Grapple C x3
Minor Boon U x4
Misdirection C x8
Mob Connections U x1
Movement of the Mind C x13
Movement of the Slow Body U x2
Night Moves U2 x2
Nimble Feet C x3
Nosferatu Putrescence U x3
Obfuscate C x8
Open Grate C x16
Outcast Mage U x2
Owl Companion U x4

Parity Shift V x4

Peace Treaty C x6
Political Backlash C x5
Political Flux C x8
Potence C x4

Praxis Seizure: Houston R x1

Praxis Solomon V x3

Presence C x4
Protean C x3
Protracted Investment C x6

Psychic Projection R2 x1

Pulling Strings U2 x2
Rapid Healing C x8
Read Intentions C x6
Regaining the Upper Hand C x12

Resplendent Protector R2 x4

Restoration C x7

Reversal of Fortunes V x5

Ritual of the Bitter Rose R2 x1

Rotschreck U x5

Rumors of Gehenna R2 x1

Sabbat Threat V x1
Saturday-Night Special C x8
Sawed-Off Shotgun C x7
Seduction C x7
Shattering Blow C x11
Short-Term Investment C x4
The 6thTradition: Destruction U x3
Skin of Night U x1
Skin of Rock C x11
Skin of Steel C x13
Social Charm C x10
Society Hunting Ground U x6
Storm Sewers U x4
Submachine Gun U2x1
Surprise Influence C x5
Telepathic Counter C x8
Telepathic Misdirection C x11

Temptation of Greater Power R x1

Thaumaturgy C x19
Theft of Vitae C x15
The Third Tradition: Progeny U x1
Threats C x4
Thrown Gate C x15
Undead Strength C x3
Unnatural Disaster C x9
Uptown Hunting Ground U x3

Vampiric Disease R x1

Vanish from the Mind's Eye C x17
Vast Wealth U x3
Ventrue Headquarters U x2
Voter Captivation U2 x5
Vulnerability U x4
Wake with Evening's Freshness C x6
Weather Control U x2
Wolf Claws C x3
Wolf Companion U2 x5

XTC-Laced blood R x1

Zoo Hunting Ground U x4



Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn x2
Hector Sosa x1
Lupo x1
Rake x1
Uma Hatch x1

Navar McClaren x1

Anastasia Grey x1
Angus the Unruled x1
Bear Paw x1
Giuliano Vincenzi x1
Vliam Andor x1
Wynn x1
Zack North x1

Aleph x1
Brazil x1
Didi Meyers x1
Dollface x2
Lucian x1
Mariel, Lady Thunder x1
Normal x1
Sylvester Simms x1
Zebulon x1

Duck x2
Grendel, the Worm-Eaten x2
Selma the Repugnant x1
Sheldon, Lord of the Clog x1
Tiberius, The Scandalmonger x1

Adrianne x1
Dieter Kleist x1
Eliott Sinclair, Thespian x2

Astrid Thomas x1
Cassandra, Magus Prime x1
Jing Wei x1
Justine, Elder of Dallas x2
Lydia Van Cuelen x1
Merrill Molitor x1
Roreca Quaid x1
Sarah Cobbler x2
Thomas Thorne x1
Ulugh Beg, The Watcher x1

Democritus x2
Emerson Bridges x1
Gideon Fontaine x1
Melissa Barton x1
Natasha Volfchek x3
Roland Loussarian x1
Rufina Soledad x1
Sir Walter Nash x1


.44 Magnum C x1
Acrobatics C x2
Aid from Bats C x3
Ancient Influence C x2
Ancilla Empowerment C x3
Archon Investigation U x1
Arson C x1
Ascendance C x1
Autarkis Persecution C x3
Barrens, The C x1
Bewitching Oration C x1
Blood Bond U x1
Blood Doll C x1
Blood Fury C x2
Blood Hunt U x1
Blood Rage C x1
Bonding C x1
Boxed In C x2
Brainwash C x1
Bribes C x3
Canine Horde C x1
Cats' Guidance C x1
Cauldron of Blood C x1
Chantry U x2
Claws of the Dead C x1
Cloak the Gathering C x1
Consanguineous Boon C x2
Consanguineous Condemnation C x1
Conservative Agitation C x2
Cryptic Mission C x1
Cryptic Rider U x1
Cultivated Blood Shortage U x1
Dead-End Alley C x2
Deal with the Devil C x4
Deer Rifle C x1
Deflection C x1
Delaying Tactics U x1
Disarming Presence U x1
Disguised Weapon C x3
Disputed Territory C x1
Domain Challenge C x2
Dominate C x1
Drawing Out the Beast C x2
Dread Gaze C x3
Earth Control C x1
Earth Meld C x2
Effective Management C x3
Elder Kindred Network U x1
Elder Library C x1
Elysium: The Arboretum U x1

Embrace, The R x1

Enchant Kindred C x1
Enhanced Senses C x1

Entrancement R x1

Faceless Night C x2
Fake Out C x2
Fast Reaction C x2
Flash C x1
Form of the Ghost C x2
4th Tradition: The Accounting, U x2
Gird Minions C x1
Gleam of Red Eyes C x1
Govern the Unaligned C x1
Graverobbing U x1
Haven Uncovered C x1
Hidden Lurker C x3
Infernal Pursuit U x1

Kindred Intelligence R2 x1

Kindred Restructure V x2

Kindred Segregation V x2

Legal Manipulations C x2
Life Boon U x1
Lost in Crowds C x2
Lucky Blow C x1
Major Boon U x1
Malkavian Dementia U x1
Mask of a Thousand Faces U x2
Metro Underground U x1
Mighty Grapple C x1

Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter R x1

Minion Tap C x2
Minor Boon U x1
Misdirection C x1
Nimble Feet C x2
Obedience U x1
Obfuscate C x1
Open Grate C x2

Parity Shift V x1

Peace Treaty C x1
Political Backlash C x1
Political Flux C x1
Potence C x1

Praxis Seizure: Dallas R x1

Praxis Seizure: Houston R x1

Presence C x2
Protean C x1
Protracted Investment C x1
Psyche! U x1

Pulled Fangs R x1

Rack, The U x2
Rampage U x2
Rapid Healing C x1
Rats' Warning C x3
Read Intentions C x2
Restoration C x1

Ritual of the Bitter Rose R2 x1

Saturday-Night Special C x1
Shattering Blow C x2
Short-Term Investment C x1
Sideslip C x2
The 6th Sixth Tradition: Destruction U x1
Skin of Rock C x2
Social Charm C x1
Spirit's Touch C x1
Storm Sewers U x1
Surprise Influence C x1
Taste of Vitae U x1
Telepathic Counter C x1
Telepathic Misdirection C x2
Thaumaturgy C x1
Theft of Vitae C x3
Threats C x1
Undead Strength C x2
Unnatural Disaster C x1
Uptown Hunting Ground U x3
Vanish from the Mind's Eye C x3

Venture Justicar R x2

Vulnerability U x1
Wake with Evening's Freshness C x1
Walk of Flame U x1
Weather Control U x1
Wolf Claws C x3
Zip Gun U2 x1
Zoo Hunting Ground U x1

Dark Sovereigns - 1995


Brujah - Gwendolyn x1
Caitiff - Magdelena Schaefer x1
Giovanni - Gloria Giovanni x1, Stefano Giovanni x1
Malkavian - Leandro x1, Zoe x1
Nosferatu - Amadeo x1
Ravnos - Natalia x1, Tereza Rostas x1
Toreador - Klaus van der Veken x1
Tremere - Etrius x1


Aire of Elation C3 x2
Faithful Servant C2 x1
Far Fatuus C2 x1
Fortune Teller Shop C2 x1
Giovanni Discrimination C2 x2
Giuseppe, Gravedigger C2 x2

Inveraray, Scotland U3 x1
London Evening Star, Tabloid Newspaper U2 x1

Oxford University, England C2 x1
Possession C2 x2

Powerbase: Berlin U1 x1
Praxis Seizure: Frankfurt U2 x1
Praxis Seizure: London U2 x1

Precognizant Mobility C2 x2
Shepherd's Innocence C2 x1
Soul Stealing C2 x1

Strained Vitae Supply U2 x1

Trick of the Danya, The C2 x1

Ancient Hearts - 1995


Gangrel - Faruq x1, Iliana x1, Mirembe Kabbada x3, Panagos Levidis x2 (complete set)
Ravnos - Lazar Dobrescu x2, Petru Sipos x1, Sarisha Veliku x2 (complete set)
Malkavian - Cornelius Ottavio x1, Damaskenos x2, Ohanna x1, Watenda x1 (complete set)
Giovanni - Mario Giovanni x1, Patrizia Giovanni x2, Rafaele Giovanni x1 (complete set)

Abd al-Rashid x1,
Harika Guljan x2
Kanya Akhtar x2
Melek x1
Parnassus x3
Tansu Bekir x2
Thetmes, Caliph of Alamut x2

Akram x1
Brachah x2
Vasilis, The Traitor x1

Follower of Set
Dedefra x2
Hadrian Garrick x2
Kemintiri x1
Kephamos, High Priest x2
Khalil Anvari x3
Lalitha x2
Nepata x1

Murat x1
Regilio, The Seeker x3

Makarios, The Seducer x1
Marcellus x2
Radeyah x1

Elisabetta Romano x2
Spiridonas x2

Bindusara, Historian x2
Itzahk Levine x1


Alacrity C2 x2
Ancestor's Talisman, The C2 x1
Arcanum Chapterhouse, Alexandria U5 x1
Arcanum Investigator C2 x1
Atonement C2 x1
Blood Sweat C2 x1
Blood to Water C2 x1
Cairo Int'l Airport R2 x1
Coagulate Blood C2 x2
Covenant of Blood C2 x3
Death of My Conscience, The U5 x1
Death Pact V3 x2
Depravity V3 x1
Disease C2 x3
Eyes of the Serpent C2 x2
Foreshadowing Destruction C2 x1
Form of Corruption R2 x1
Guardian Angel C2 x3
Heartblood of the Clan U5 x1
Hidden Strength C2 x1
Humanitas V3 x1
Imperial Decree C2 x3
Invitation Accepted V3 x1
Khabar: Community, The C2 x1
Kiss of Ra, The U5 x1
Marijava Ghoul U1/V2 x1
Market Square U5 x2
Mark of Damnation C2 x2
Mehemet of the Ahl-i-Batin (Mage) R2 x1
Memory's Fading Glimpse U5 x1
Mummify U5 x1
Path of Blood, The C2 x2
Path of Typhon, The C2 x3
Phobia U5 x1
Scorpion Sting C2 x1
Seeds of Corruption U5 x1
Serpentis C2 x1
Shadow of the Wolf C2 x3
Sins of the Cauchemar C2 x2
Taste of Death C2 x1
Temple Hunting Ground C2 x3
Temptation R2 x1
Uncontrollable Rage U5 x2
Underworld Hunting Ground C2 x1
Violation of Trust C2 x2
Weakness U5 x2
Whispers from the Dead C2 x3
Writ of Acceptance C2 x3



Brujah antitribu
Dodd x2
Hugo x2
Richter, The Templar of Du Mont x1
Rigby, Crusade Vanguard x1

Gangrel antitribu
Blaise x1
Genevieve x1
Leon x1
Monique x1
Samantha x1
Zachary x1

Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady x1
Angelica, The Canonicus x1
Cameron x1
Guido Lucciano x2
Lisette Vizquel x1

Malkavian antitribu
Korah x1
Virgil x2
Yorik x1

Nosferatu antitribu
Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit x1
Cailean x1
Dani x2

Jimmy Dunn x2
Lena Rowe x1
Rex, The Necronomist x1

Toerador antitribu
Lachlan, Noddist x1
Remilliard, Devout Crusader x1

Tremere antitribu
Ayelea, The Manipulator x1
Brooke x1
Bryan Van Duesen x2
Heinrick Schlempt x1
Richard Tauber, Ayelea's Puppet x2
Thelonius x1

Corine Marcon x1
Devin Bisley x1
Horatio x2
Lolita Houston x1
Meshenka x1
Stravinsky x1

Ventrue antitribu
Billy x1
Dominique x1
Gerard x1
Vanessa x1


.44 Magnum C x1
Ambush C x3
Amusement Park Hunting Ground U x1
Anarchist Uprising C x1
Animalism C x4
Apportation C x3
Arms of the Abyss C x3
Arson C x2
Art of Love, The U x1
Ascendance C x1
Auspex C x2
Barrens, The C x2
Bewitching Oration C x2
Black Spiral Buddy U x1
Blood Feast U x1
Blur C x2
Body Arsenal C x1
Bonecraft C x4
Boxed In C x4
Brass Knuckles C x2
Bribes C x2
Bruisers, The U x2
Call the Lamprey U x1
Canine Horde C x1
Cardinal Benediction U x1
Carrion Crows C x1
Cauldron of Blood C x1
Celerity C x3
Changeling C x1
Channeling the Beast C x4
City Gangrel Connections U x1
Cloak the Gathering C x1
Coma U x1
Combat Shotgun C x2
Communal Haven: Temple U x1
Computer Hacking C x1
Confusion C x2
Consanguineous Boon C x4
Cryptic Mission C x2
Cryptic Rider U x2
Dementation C x2
Dirty Little Secrets U x1
Disguised Weapon C x1
Disputed Territory C x3
Dominate C x1
Dread Gaze C x3
Elysian Fields U x1
Enhanced Senses C x1
Escaped Mental Patient U x3
Excommunication U x1
Eyes of Chaos C x2
Eyes of the Night C x2
Fake Out C x2
Fast Hands U x1
Femur of Toomler U x1
Fire Dance U x2
Flash C x3
Fleshcraft C x3
Fortitude C x3
Fractured Armament C x4
Gargoyle Slave U x1
Gas-Powered Chainsaw C x5
Gleam of Red Eyes C x2
Goth Band U x2
Guard Dogs C x1
Horrid Form U x1
Immortal Grapple U x2
Information Highway U x1
Institution Hunting Ground U x1
Kindred Spirits C x3
Laptop Computer C x1
Library Hunting Ground U x2
Lost in Crowds C x3
Manstopper Rounds U x1
Meat Cleaver U x1
Media Influence C x2
Mind Tricks C x4
Mob Connections U x1
Night Moves U x2
Obedience U x1
Obfuscate C x2
Obtenebration C x2
Pack Tactics C x1
Passion C x1
Peace Treaty C x2
PentexTM Loves You! U x1
Plasmic Form C x4
Potence C x2
Powerbase: Mexico City U x1
Precognition C x2
Presence C x6
Preternatural Evasion C x1
Primal Instincts C x3
Protean C x1
Pursuit C x3
Pushing the Limit C x1
Quick Exit C x5
Quick Meld C x4
Rapid Thought U x1
Recruitment C x3
Redirection C x1
Regaining the Upper Hand C x3
Revenant U x2
Rolling with the Punches C x2
Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The U x1
Sabbat Inquisitor U x1
Sabbat Priest C x1
Sacrament of Carnage C x4
Scouting Mission C x3
Scrying of Secrets U x1
Secret Horde C x3
Sermon of Caine C x1
Shade U x1
Shadow Body C x2
Shadow of the Beast U x1
Shadow Play C x2
Shanty Town Hunting Ground U x1
Short-Term Investment C x2
Shroud of Night C x1
Side Strike C x2
Skin of Rock C x5
Slaughtering the Herd U x2
Slave Auction R x1
Sleeping Mind, The C x2
Song of Serenity C x2
Soul Burn C x3
Spirit Summoning Chamber U x2
Spirit's Touch C x4
Sport Bike U x1
Staredown C x1
Submachine Gun U x1
Superior Mettle C x3
Survivalist U x1
Swallowed by the Night C x1
Telepathic Counter C x1
Thaumaturgy C x1
Trap C x2
Tribute to the Master C x1
Undead Persistence U x1
Undead Strength C x2
Unnatural Disaster U x2
Vaulderie U x2
Vicissitude C x3
Voter Captivation U x1
War Party U x1
Wolf Claws C x5
Wolf Companion U x2
Last edit: 28 Apr 2022 07:47 by lone0*.

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21 Dec 2021 16:14 #104261 by gotcha
Can i get mail or facebookprofile?

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21 Dec 2021 18:11 #104265 by lone0*
Hi Gotcha -

Because geography - I posted the identical advertisement on the French Forum

You can find me with the same username - the forum there has private message functionality.

Link to the advertisement:

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09 Feb 2022 17:39 #104662 by lone0*
Still looking!

Found another deck of VTES I to add to the pot - have updated the top post to include another 70something cards!

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10 Feb 2022 16:23 #104667 by Cooper
I have sent you a new list of haves for you, in the german forum :-)

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28 Apr 2022 07:51 - 28 Apr 2022 07:52 #105105 by lone0*
10th edition offered and wanted

10th Edition Wanted
Courtland Leighton
Dieter Kleist
Don Cruez, The Idealist
Dorian Strack
Felicia Mostrom
Helena Casimir
Jazz Wentworth
Kallista, Master Sculptor
Luccia Paciola
Ramiel DuPre
Rufina Soledad

10th edition Offered

Dirty Little Secrets
Dancin' Dana
Dr. Jest
Grendel the Worm Eaten
Mariel, Lady Thunder
Marty Lechtansi
Quira, The Bitch Queen
Sebastian Marley
Sylvester Simms
Tiberius, The Scandalmonger
Last edit: 28 Apr 2022 07:52 by lone0*.

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