map-pin How to make a deck post look good

09 Oct 2011 14:31 - 04 Feb 2012 15:50 #11701 by Adonai
Step 1) Download ARDB 3.1.1 . (once)

Step 2) Fix the deck2phpbb.xsl file. (once)

Step 3) Enter the deck in ARDB, and use the Export deck to phpBB option.

Step 4) Start a new thread in the Deck Clinic or the Event Reports and TWD section of the forum.

Step 5) Paste in the text from your exported file. Use the Preview Pane Below button (below Bold/Italic) to see the results before you post.

Step 6) Click on Submit.

I also usually take a few additional steps.
> Fix the 'group' label. To fit each vampire on one line and not have the table wrap those lines, I use Notepad's CTRL-H function to replace "group " with "g".
> Check Imbued ability names with the preview to ensure that it is going to display the symbols correctly, replace "vis" i.e. Vision with VSN, and "jud" with JUS.

I've attached the file for Step 2. Unzip the file to your ARDB main folder (in the same folder as the exe file) - {may need to put them in the XSL subdirectory instead, depends on OS and ARDB version installed}.

Attachment not found

{File was updated 2/4/12 with another fix from Ankha!}

Or follow Ankha's steps to manually edit the file yourself.

Here's an example deck with everything fixed up.

Deck Name : Eye Prime
Author : Lasombra
Description :

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 1 max: 11 average: 7.41667
4x Uriel (8):AUS: :FOR: :VAL: :ani: :obe:bishopSalubri antitribu(g4)
3x Dela Eden (8):AUS: :FOR: :VAL: :cel: :dom:Salubri antitribu(g3)
2x Saulot, The Wanderer (11):AUS: :FOR: :OBE: :THA: :VAL: :dai:Salubri(g4)
2x Aredhel (5):FOR: :VAL: :aus:Salubri antitribu(g4)
1x Anarch Convert (1)Caitiff(g0)

Library [90 cards]

Action [11]
2x Abbot
2x Renewed Vigor
7x Sense Death

Action Modifier [7]
6x Freak Drive
1x Repulsion

Ally [1]
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)

Combat [29]
3x Armor of Vitality
6x Death Seeker
11x Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
4x Skin of Rock
5x Soak

Equipment [4]
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers
1x Flak Jacket
1x Heart of Nizchetus

Master [15]
2x Code of Samiel
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Fame
1x Guardian Angel
4x Rotschreck
4x Villein

Reaction [20]
4x Eyes of Argus
10x Hide the Heart
5x On the Qui Vive
1x Telepathic Misdirection

Retainer [3]
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Mr. Winthrop
1x Tasha Morgan

Recorded with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Sun Oct 09 12:28:28 2011]
Last edit: 04 Feb 2012 15:50 by Adonai. Reason: File was updated 2/4/12 with another fix from Ankha!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dorrinal

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09 Oct 2011 18:28 - 09 Oct 2011 18:31 #11713 by extrala
1. Enter the deck into Secret Library .
2. Use the Export as bbcode function (as shown on top of the decklist).
3. Paste the text on the next page into the forum post.
Last edit: 09 Oct 2011 18:31 by extrala.

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09 Oct 2011 18:30 #11714 by Boris The Blade
For comparison, here is an example of an unedited Secret Library output:

Deck Name: Aire of Elation: Destructo
Name of Event: Aire of Elation: The Prince's Anniversary
Location: Paladin's Place, Darmstadt, Germany
Date: 08 Oct 2011
Number of Players:16
Rounds: 2+F
Winner: Erol Hammer

Original Version had 15 Ashurs, 8 Liquidation and 3 Heroic Mights. I reduced the numbers and put some Villeins in. IMHO it helped a lot, regarding survivability. Always had enough combat cards and rushes. I would only try to add following things, another Monster, a Golconda, an additional Taste of Vitae. Dragonbound could be an option, who knows?!?

Crypt (Capacity min=5 max=9 avg=7.92; 12 cards)

1x Ellison Humboldt 9 pro ANI OBF POT PRE Nosferatu:3
1x Fish 5 pre ANI POT Guruhi:4
1x Gustaphe Brunnelle 8 obf ANI DOM POT Nosferatu:4
1x Lukas 8 pre ser ANI OBF POT !Nosferatu:4
4x Nana Buruku 8 ANI POT PRE Guruhi:4
3x Nangila Were 9 obf ser ANI POT PRE Guruhi:4
1x Sundown 6 obf pre ANI POT Nosferatu:3

Library (90 cards)

Master (31 cards)
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Blood Doll
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Haven Uncovered
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
1x Lilith's Blessing
6x Liquidation
1x Monster
1x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Luanda
4x Villein

Event (1 cards)
1x Anthelios, The Red Star

Action (16 cards)
4x Bum's Rush
6x Deep Song
5x Legal Manipulations
1x Well-Marked

Combat (42 cards)
2x Burning Wrath
2x Canine Horde
7x Carrion Crows
3x Glancing Blow
9x Immortal Grapple
7x Slam
5x Taste of Vitae
7x Torn Signpost

Created with Secret Library v0.9.3. (Oct 9, 2011 23:30:01)

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10 Oct 2011 21:00 #11786 by drstrange26
I have seen the changes that you made here Adonai and can I get your permission to use the changes in the ARDB Beta?

I will take a look at the == and shorting the group label as well.

The Master of the not-so Mystic Arts.

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10 Oct 2011 21:39 #11790 by Adonai
Go for it.
I didn't make the original changes, but I haven't been able to find the post that had it originally.

It would be great if there was a download that resolved these extra steps.

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10 Oct 2011 21:51 #11793 by Juggernaut1981
I get an error saying:
Can't open XSL File: ((Location of ARDB))\xsl/deck2phpbb.xsl (timestamp)
An error occured while saving (timestamp)

I'm a bit too inept at this to be able to realise what is going on.

:bruj::CEL::POT::PRE::tha: Baron of Sydney, Australia, 418

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