map-pin How to make a deck post look good

11 Oct 2011 22:19 #11838 by Adonai

1. Enter the deck into Secret Library .
2. Use the Export as bbcode function (as shown on top of the decklist).

I disagree, extrala.
Secret Library's export is a much more useful format than the plain text that people post, but it does not 'look good'. All of the text and symbols are jammed together on the left. The updated ARDB phpBB layout really makes a striking contrast to both other styles.


See also:

Deck Name : The Howling
Author : Stephen Sing
Description : Asian Continental Championship Winner 2011

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 1 max: 8 average: 5.58333
4x Howler (8):ANI: :PRE: :SPI: :obf:Ahrimane(g2)
2x The Siamese (7):PRE: :SPI: :ani: :pro:Ahrimane(g2)
2x Tupdog (1):POT: :VIS:Gargoyle(g3)
1x Cynthia Ingold (6):SPI: :ani: :for: :pre:Ahrimane(g2)
1x Nettie Hale (5):ani: :cel: :pre: :pro: :spi:Ahrimane(g2)
1x Bobby Lemon (4):ANI: :pro:Gangrel(g3)
1x Juanita Santiago (4):ani: :pre: :spi:Ahrimane(g2)

Library [90 cards]

Action [22]
8x Deep Song
4x Engling Fury
1x Entrancement
5x Legal Manipulations
2x Muricia's Call
1x Public Trust
1x Vulture's Buffet

Action Modifier [9]
2x Aire of Elation
1x Mole's Tunneling
6x Squirrel Balance

Combat [24]
9x Aid from Bats
6x Carrion Crows
3x Leapfrog
3x Majesty
1x Song in the Dark
2x Terror Frenzy

Combat/Action Modifier [6]
6x Swiftness of the Stag

Master [17]
1x Animalism
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Guardian Angel
1x Wash
2x Wider View

Reaction [9]
1x Ears of the Hare
8x Speak with Spirits

Retainer [3]
1x Murder of Crows
2x Raven Spy

Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Tue Oct 11 20:11:40 2011]

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12 Oct 2011 05:46 #11844 by Hakuron

The updated ARDB phpBB layout really makes a striking contrast to both other styles.

Is there an updated version around that "knows" of cards like Lilith's Blessing?


National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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12 Oct 2011 09:01 #11853 by drnlmza
For comparsion, Sutekh's VEKN BBcode export currently gives:

Deck Name : The Howling
Author : Stephen Sing
Description :
Asian Continental Championship Winner 2011

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 1 max: 8 average: 5.58
4x Howler (8):ANI: :PRE: :SPI: :obf::ahri: Ahrimane(group 2)
2x The Siamese (7):PRE: :SPI: :ani: :pro::ahri: Ahrimane(group 2)
2x Tupdog (1):flight: :POT: :VIS::garg: Gargoyle(group 3)
1x Cynthia Ingold (6):SPI: :ani: :for: :pre::ahri: Ahrimane(group 2)
1x Nettie Hale (5):ani: :cel: :pre: :pro: :spi::ahri: Ahrimane(group 2)
1x Bobby Lemon (4):ANI: :pro::gang: Gangrel(group 3)
1x Juanita Santiago (4):ani: :pre: :spi::ahri: Ahrimane(group 2)
Library [90 cards]
Action [22]
8x Deep Song
4x Engling Fury
1x Entrancement
5x Legal Manipulations
2x Muricia's Call
1x Public Trust
1x Vulture's Buffet

Action Modifier [9]
2x Aire of Elation
1x Mole's Tunneling
6x Squirrel Balance

Action Modifier/Combat [6]
6x Swiftness of the Stag

Combat [24]
9x Aid from Bats
6x Carrion Crows
3x Leapfrog
3x Majesty
1x Song in the Dark
2x Terror Frenzy

Master [17]
1x Animalism
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Guardian Angel
1x Wash
2x Wider View

Reaction [9]
1x Ears of the Hare
8x Speak with Spirits

Retainer [3]
1x Murder of Crows
2x Raven Spy

Recorded with : Sutekh 0.9.0a0 [ 2011-10-12 ]

National Coordinator
South Africa

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12 Oct 2011 22:46 - 12 Oct 2011 22:50 #11895 by Adonai

Is there an updated version around that "knows" of cards like Lilith's Blessing?

The version you have now will do it, if you update the CSV file.

See also:

Please locate your ardb.ini ARDB_3_1_1/ardb.ini
Edit that as a text file.

Add the following:

This will enable the auto update function of the database to work correctly.

Or simply replace your with the one in the Downloads section of this website.
Last edit: 12 Oct 2011 22:50 by Adonai.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Hakuron

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15 Oct 2011 05:21 #12005 by Pascal Bertrand

Testing Ankha's Solution... (the phpBB export worked fine)

Deck Name : Angry Witches
Author : Juggernaut1981
Description :

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 7 average: 5.41667
4x Selena (6):AUS: :DOM: :THA:Tremere antitribu(group 3)
3x Yasmin the Black (6):AUS: :THA: :dom: :pre:Tremere antitribu(group 3)
1x Terrell Harding (7):AUS: :THA: :cel: :dom: :obf:Tremere antitribu(group 3)
1x Antonio d'Erlette (5):THA: :dom: :for: :pot:Tremere antitribu(group 4)
1x Janine (4):aus: :dom: :tha:Tremere antitribu(group 4)
1x Mosfair (4):cel: :dom: :tha:Tremere antitribu(group 4)
1x Lectora (3):aus: :tha:Tremere antitribu(group 4)

Library [79 cards]

Action [18]
4x Biothaumaturgic Experiment [...]

Links in the crypt section are incorrect. "==" was generated where "=" was needed

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19 Oct 2011 07:26 #12270 by CryWolf
Just found some "bugs" with the current export to phpbb filter of ARDB.

When dealing with Imbued creeds, Visionary :visi: resolves to "vis", which the forum software recognizes as Visceratika :vis:.

Also, Judgment :judg: resolves to "jud", which is not recognized by the forum software.

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