file Deck construction challenge: Reveal your wrath, join the dark side

25 Dec 2018 16:54 #92546 by Whisker
Please join me in this most likely futile, but hopefully fun exercise in trying to get the worst of the corruption cards Revelation of wrath to work.

Revelation of Wrath
[Combat] Combat
[Serpentis] Serpentis
[ser] Only usable at the end of a round in which the opposing minion inflicted 2 or more damage or any aggravated damage (even if it was prevented). Put a corruption counter on the opposing minion. A vampire can play only one Revelation of Wrath each round.
[SER] As above, and place an additional corruption counter if the opposing minion inflicted 3 or more damage or 2 or more aggravated damage this round.

The card ir truly horrendous, you'll need to take a beating for 2 or more damage in order to use it and corruption counter(s) provided are of the weaker quality that don't give you control without help from another source.

But, if we combine it with another hard to use if quite a bit more usefull card, we just might have a begining of a deck.

Ex Nihilo
[Action] Action
[Necromancy] Necromancy
[1 Blood]
+1 stealth action.
[nec] Put this card on this vampire. This vampire gets +1 stealth. Damage he or she inflicts in combat is reduced to 0, and he or she is immune to non-aggravated damage. This vampire cannot gain blood; any blood he or she gains goes to the blood bank instead. During your master phase, this vampire burns 1 blood or is burned. You may burn this card during your untap phase.
[NEC] As above, but you may burn this card during any Methuselah's untap phase.

LSJ's last answer in this old thread seems to indicate that the two cards should combo just fine.!msg/

So spamming RoW we now have theoretical ability to create enough corruption counter to take control of Enkidu and her ilk in single turn. The +2 strength crowd is rather sparse so in order to have more targets we need a way to give our opponent more strength. Our choices are unfortunately quite limited.

Drawing Out the Beast
[Combat] Combat
[Animalism] Animalism
Only usable before range is determined on the first round. Frenzy.
[ani] During this combat, opposing vampire gets +1 strength, but he or she cannot use maneuvers to maneuver to long range, cannot use presses to end combat and cannot use equipment. A vampire may play only one Drawing Out the Beast each combat.
[ANI] As above, and the opposing vampire takes 1 unpreventable damage during the press step each round.

Mind of a Killer
[Action] Action
[Dementation] Dementation
+1 stealth action.
[dem] (D) Put this card on a ready minion. This minion gets +1 strength. Burn this card when a combat involving this minion ends. During this minion's discard phase, burn this card, and this minion's controller must inflict 2 damage on another ready minion he or she controls.
[DEM] As above, and tap this minion when this card is burned.

Martial Ritus
[Action] Action
[1 Blood]
+1 stealth action. Requires a ready Sabbat vampire.
Put this card on a younger Sabbat vampire and untap this acting vampire. The Sabbat vampire with this card gets +1 strength. During your next untap phase, burn this card.

They all have their drawbacks. First no vampire has the combination of either :ani: :nec: :SER: nor :dem: :nec: :SER:. There is of course Ian Forrestal, but even he needs level of serpentis to get full benefit out of RoW. Martial ritus with it build in unlock looks fun, but only work on younger sabbat vampires and count of sabbat vampires with both :nec: and :ser: is staggering two, both of them Harbringers.

I think this post is quit long enough. I'll try to post actual deck later, Meanwhile I would like to hear what do you think? Is there anything here, is possible to make actual working deck out of these premises or is it too many hoops to jump through?

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26 Dec 2018 03:50 #92547 by Boris The Blade

They all have their drawbacks. First no vampire has the combination of either :ani: :nec: :SER: nor :dem: :nec: :SER:.

Follower of Set
Capacity: 10
Group: 5
Independent: When Seterpenre enters play, put up to four master: Discipline cards on him from your hand, ash heap and/or library (shuffle afterward). Discipline cards do not affect his capacity.

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26 Dec 2018 08:23 #92548 by Disco_Stu
How about Mirembe Kabbada? Drawing Out The Beast, Trap, Flesh of Marble, then RoW every round.

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26 Dec 2018 10:38 - 26 Dec 2018 10:39 #92549 by Bloodartist
My first thought was to play dawn operation and some form of prevent,
but first a more important question: what are you doing with the corruption counters?
Don't you need something like Corruption (the actual card) to actually steal the minion etc?

Corruption counters themselves have no mechanic associated with them, afaik. (Another design failure) And since revelation of wrath doesn't mention its using them for anything, it just adds counters and thats it?

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
—Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Last edit: 26 Dec 2018 10:39 by Bloodartist.

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26 Dec 2018 23:30 #92553 by Boris The Blade
Cybele has access to Contagion to steal the opposing minion as a strike and :ani: for Drawing.

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27 Dec 2018 00:07 #92554 by Whisker

Don't you need something like Corruption (the actual card) to actually steal the minion etc?

Corruption counters themselves have no mechanic associated with them, afaik. (Another design failure) And since revelation of wrath doesn't mention its using them for anything, it just adds counters and thats it?

As noted in my original post, that is indeed the case. I however do not consider it a design failure. I have no problem with the fact that counters themselves do nothing without card (or rules in case of blood counters) telling them what to do. What I do find irritating is cards like shatter the gate, that requires us to remember what the counters do even when said card is no longer in game.

@Boris the Blade
Good call on Seterpenre, I had totally forgotten his ability also searches through library. I think we have found a star for our setup.

That decided reformation will be our trigger card to allow actual taking over minions, as that and revelation of despair are the only ones that work on minions not controlled by your prey.

[Action] Action
[Chimerstry] Chimerstry
[Dominate] Dominate
[Serpentis] Serpentis
+1 stealth action. Requires a ready anarch.
[chi] (D) Steal an equipment card from your predator or prey.
[dom] (D) Burn 1 blood to steal a hunting ground.
[ser] (D) Put a corruption counter on any vampire. If the number of your corruption counters on the vampire equals or exceeds his or her capacity, you may burn all of your corruption counters on that vampire to gain control of him or her.

And going anarch allows us to utilize this card:

Filchware's Pawn Shop
Master: unique location. Trifle.
Any minion may equip with any non-location equipment card in any Methuselah's ash heap as an undirected +1 stealth equip action (he or she must meet the requirements of the card, if any). That action costs 1 additional pool if the minion chooses a card from his or her controller's ash heap. Otherwise, the action costs 1 less pool or blood (but never less than zero).

to recycle this card:

Mokolé Blood
[Equipment] Equipment
[Follower of Set] Follower of Set
[1 Pool]
Unique equipment.
Search your library and/or ash heap for up to four cards that require Serpentis [ser] and place them on this card (face down). Shuffle afterward. You may look at the cards at any time. This Follower of Set may play a card from this equipment as if from your hand (requirements and cost apply as usual). When the last card is removed, burn this equipment.

Which in turn allows to fetch / recycle our RoWs and Reformations.

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