file Allies of the Salubri Antitribu

11 Sep 2011 19:35 - 11 Sep 2011 19:49 #9956 by Adonai
Deck Name : Allies of the Salubri Antitribu
Author : Lasombra
Description :
Rayzeel's Song has finally been heard, with the superior Valeran level acting as an alternate hunt action when accompanied by a Perfectionist. Group 3-4 seems to be the best for superior Valeran already on the vampires.

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 1 max: 8 average: 5.83333
3x Dela Eden (8):AUS: :FOR: :VAL: :cel: :dom:Salubri antitribu(g3)
3x Uriel (8):AUS: :FOR: :VAL: :ani: :obe:bishopSalubri antitribu(g4)
2x Aredhel (5):FOR: :VAL: :aus:Salubri antitribu(g4)
2x Langa (5):VAL: :for:Salubri antitribu(g4)
2x Anarch Convert (1)Caitiff(g0)

Library [90 cards]

Action [5]
5x Rayzeel's Song

Action Modifier [8]
8x Freak Drive

Action Modifier/Combat [5]
5x Burning Touch

Ally [11]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Gregory Winter
1x Grey Thorne
1x Impundulu
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
2x Ossian
2x Procurer
1x Vagabond Mystic
1x Young Bloods

Combat [27]
6x Armor of Caine's Fury
5x Blissful Agony
1x Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
4x Pulled Fangs
5x Target Vitals
6x Weighted Walking Stick

Event [5]
1x Break the Code
1x Dr. Marisa Fletcher, CDC
1x Hunger Moon
1x Restricted Vitae
1x Thirst

Master [19]
2x Charisma
2x Code of Samiel
1x Giant's Blood
2x Lilith's Blessing
4x Perfectionist
1x Strained Vitae Supply
7x Villein

Reaction [10]
10x Hide the Heart

How do you intend to oust?
Swarm bleeds from many minions.

How do you intend to keep from being ousted?
Bleed reduction, and actively sending my allies against my predator.

What do you want your ready region to look like (ie, how many guys are you planning on getting out)?
Two vampires with superior Valeran, and as many allies as possible.

What do you want your average turn to look like?
Recruit a new ally, have an existing ally act.

What's your metagame like? How do your opponents play?
Pretty much anything is possible, from Imbued to Akunanse and everything in between.

What problems have you observed with the deck in play?
Will have to try it the week after the US Championships, as I'll be in Philadelphia for work that weekend.
Last edit: 11 Sep 2011 19:49 by Adonai. Reason: colors and links

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12 Sep 2011 07:15 #9983 by Exposer
Interesting deck. I am a fan of Hide the Heart. So I was thinking about similar one recently.
In my deep thoughts I was going to use all the 4-th group !Salubri with Qawiyya and Groomings. Also several Bro-in-Arms for swarm tech. A lot of Burning Touch with Hide the Hearts for burning blood and locking allies. I think Loving Agony in combo with Target Vitals is a nice final kick in combat with bloodless victim. Maybe Death Seeker instead of Armor of Cain's Fury will be better for defense.
Adding Event module is a nice idea. Need testing.
Thank you for some inspiration.

NC Belarus

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13 Sep 2011 01:43 #10058 by KevinM
1x Marijava Thuggee?

1x Neighborhood Watch Commander?

1x Sunset Strip, Hollywood?

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!

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13 Sep 2011 16:27 #10105 by Haze

1x Neighborhood Watch Commander?

this ally combos really well with Hide the Heart

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13 Sep 2011 19:13 #10120 by Adonai
Scobax + Neighborhood Watch Commander = SuperCombo

Not too convinced on Hide the Heart + NWC, as HtH requires the actor to be at no blood for the action to auto-fail, and if there is a NWC waiting in the wings the actor is even more likely to pay the blood to make their action succeed.


Will have to try it out in practice....

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14 Sep 2011 17:50 #10201 by Kushiel

Not too convinced on Hide the Heart + NWC, as HtH requires the actor to be at no blood for the action to auto-fail, and if there is a NWC waiting in the wings the actor is even more likely to pay the blood to make their action succeed.


Will have to try it out in practice....

It's quite good. I had a deck based around the combo which I took apart because I couldn't figure out how to make it oust anybody. But the HtH+NWC part worked great; keep in mind that you've still got the NWC untapped for use against blocked actions every time that someone pays the blood to cancel HtH.

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