file [EC 2012] EC Day1 turn-per-turn report

28 Oct 2012 13:16 #39857 by Pascal Bertrand
1 Randal - Dmitra / Lutz / Undele / Unmada vote
2 Hugh - !Ventrue bleed
3 Erol - Stanislava bleed
4 Tomasz - Princes Guns +1 bleed
5 Tiago - Powerbleed Giovanni

(I can't remember the exact standings, but Randal had 2 GW 9 VPs, and Tiago/Tomasz 2 GW 7 VPs. Not sure about Erol / Hugh


Tiago => Tomasz
Tiago => Erol => Tomasz
Tiago => Hugh => Erol => Tomasz
Tiago => Hugh => Randal => Erol => Tomasz


Turn 1
Zillah's Valley.
Discard Zillah's Valley.

Information Highway.
Influence Lana Butcher.

Discard Pursuit.


Dreams of the Sphinx.

Turn 2
Metro Underground.
Influence Dmitra Ilianova.
Discard Hide the Mind.

Lana bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Discard Deflection.

Discard Eyes of Argus.

Influence Andrea Giovanni.

Influence Owain Evans.
Discard Rolling with the Punches.

Turn 3
Villein for 7 on Dmitra. Pentex Subversion on Owain Evans.
Dmitra bleeds for 1. No block. Forced March.
Dmitra to call her referendum. No blocks. Terms: Dmitra gains 4 blood. Vote passes by 3.

Discussion about the Pentex.
Lana burns Pentex. No block.
Influence Stanislava.

Influence Francois Villon.
Discard Taste of Vitae.

Andrea plays sup Govern the Unaligned.
Influence Isabel Giovanni, Marcianna Giovanni.

Owain plays sup Govern the Unaligned. Tiago taps Marcianna to give Isabel +1 intercept. Action is blocked. Owain: Weighted Walking Stick. Isabel: Spiritual Intervention.
Influence Neighbourgh John.

Turn 4
Discard Villein.

Stanislava plays superior Govern the Untaligned. Villon plays Second Tradition: Domain. Stanislava plays Earth Control. No block. Stanislava plays Forced March.
Influence Caitlin.

Villein 8 on Villon.
Villon steals 2 blood from Marcianna. No block.
Influence Felicia Molstrom.
Discard Psyche!

Marcianna hunts. NJ attempts to block. Block succeeds. Double handstrike. Marcianna goes to torpor.
Andrea bleeds. Owain plays Wake with Evening's Freshness and attempts to block. Superior Bonding. Owain plays Deflection to Randal. No block.
Isabel bleeds. NJ plays Forced Awakening and attempts to block. Superior Bonding. Spectral Divination. No block.
Pays 1 to see 1.

NJ gains 1 blood from Owain.
Blood Doll on Owain. Use BD on Owain to move 1 back to pool.
Owain plays superior Govern.
Influence Blackhorse Tanner.

Turn 5
Dmitra bleeds for 1. Stanislava plays Deflection to Tomasz. No block. Forced March.
Dmitra calls her referendum. NJ attempts to block. Lost in Crowds. Terms: Dmitra and Villon gain 2 blood. Referendum passes (with the edge).
Influence Unmada.

Stanislava gains 1 blood from Owain.
Plays Dreams of the Sphinx, used for handsize.
Stanislava plays sup. GtU. Villain plays 2nd Trad. Stanislava plays Daring the Dawn. No block. Freak Drive.
Lana rescues Stanislava (1 each). Villon plays My Enemy's Enemy. Daring the Dawn. No block.
Discard Deflection. Discard down Conditioning, Form of Mist.

Villon steals 2 from Caitlin.
Discard Concealed Weapon.

Plays The Coven.
Andrea plays sup GtU. NJ attempts to block. Spectral Divination. No block.
Influence Le Dinh To.

Owain gains 1 blood from Owain.
Vessel on Blackhorse. BD on OWain used back to pool.
Owain bleeds for 1, no block.
Pay 1 to see 1.

Turn 6
Villein Unmada for 7. Zillah's Valey.
Unmada bleeds for 1. No block. Caitline plays Deflection to Tomasz. No block.
Discard Parity Shift. Metro Underground untaps Unmada.

Stanislava gains 1 blood from Owain.
Villein for 6 on Stanislava. Plays Backways.
Influence Harmut Stover.

Villein for 8 on Villon. Taps Coven for Villon.
Villon steals 2 from Caitlin.
Influence Marcellus.

Le Dinh To's action against Hugh. NJ blocks. WWS on NJ. Spiritual Intervention.
Andrea bleeds. Blackhorse attempts to block. Superior Bonding. Superior Deflection to Randal. No block.
Pay 1 to see 1.
Discard Murmur of the False Will.

Owain gains 1 blood from Owain. Vessel on BH back to pool.
BD on OWain back to pool. Plays KRCG News Radio.
Owain bleeds for 1. No block.
{Erol: "Not good. 8 (Randal's pool). 9 (Erol's pool). 8. 9. 8. 9."}
Pay 1 to see 1.
Discard Hidden Strength.

Turn 7
Giant's Blood on Unmada.
Undama calls Parity Shift. Erol: Dark Influences.
Discussion about Banishment. Promise of Tomasz on a future Parity Shift.
Dmitra plays Banishment. NJ attempts to block. Base Faceless Night. No block. Terms: Blackhorse. Erol discards a political action card. Blackhorse plays Delaying Tactics.
Unmada bleeds for 1. Caitlin attempts to block. Lost in Crowds. No block. Enkil Cog.
Influence Lutz.
Metro Underground to untap Unmada. (Randal has 3 pool).

Tap Coven for Stanislava. Stanislava gains 1 blood from Owain.
Discussion about Political Stranglehold.
Hartmut plays Political Stranglehold. No blocks. Referendum is successful.
Discard Villein.

Villon steals 2 from Caitlin.

Le DInh To's action against Hugh. NJ blocks. Hands vs WWS. NJ prevents.
Andrea bleeds. BH attempts to block. Superior Call of the Hungry Dead. On the Qui Vive NJ, block successful. Hands vs WWS.
Pays 1 to see 1.
Discard OTQV.

Vessel BH to pool. Owain gains 1 blood from Owain.
Plays Channel 10.
Owain plays sup GtU.
{Randal}Unmada bleeds for 2. Stanislava attempts to block. Into Thin Air. No block.
Influence Louis de Maisoneuve.

Turn 8
Villein 10 on Lutz. Tap Coven for Lutz.
Discard Zillah's Valley, Political Stranglehold.

Caitlin gains 1 blood from Owain.
Villein 9 on Hartmut. Pentex Subversion on Unmada.
Pay 1 to see 1.

Marcellus bleeds. Le Dinh To WwEF and Deflection to Hugh. Louis blocks. Marcellus plays Concealed Weapaon and .44 Magnum. Long range, 2R.

Influence Francesca.
Discard GtU.

BH gains 1 from Owain.
Plays Dreams of the Sphinx.
Owain bleeds for 1. No block.
Pay 1 to see 1.

Turn 9
Dmitra to burn Pentex. Stanislava attempts to block. Superior Forced March. KRCG tapped for Stanislava. Stanislava blocks.?Superior? Form of Mist.
Discard Zillah's Valley, Parity Shift.

Stanislava plays sup GtU. FV plays Quicken Sight. Earth Control. 2nd Tradition. FV blocks. Superior Form of Mist. Action continues, no block.
Influence Ingrid Rossler.
Discard Freak Drive.

Villein 6 on Marcellus.
Marcellus bleeds for 2. Francesca plays Deflection (to Hugh). Louis blocks. .44 to maneuver + strike.
FV bleeds for 2. Francesca OTQV. Isabel blocks. Francois plays Side Strike and Blur (hands twice).
Influence Anneke.

{some weird music happens}

Isabel plays base GtU. Tomasz plays Direct Intervention, Dark Influences burns. BH blocks. Hands vs Hands.
Dinh To bleeds for 1. NJ blocks. Spectral Divination.
Francesca bleeds for 1. No blocks. Conditioning. NJ plays Forced Awakening. My Enemy's Enemy. No block. Coven used on Andrea.
Discard Conditioning.

1 blood on Louis from Owain.
Plays Anarch Troublemaker. Owain's BD to pool.
Owain bleeds for 1. Dmitra blocks with 2nd Trad. WWS vs handstrike. Owain prevents with Indomitability. No pess.
Pay 1 to see 1.

Turn 10
villein 6 on Unmada. Monastery of Shadows.
Dmitra's referendum, NJ tries to block. Monastery stealths. Terms: 1 for Stanislava, 1 for Caitlin, 2 for Isabel. Ref passes.
Influence Undele.
Discard Zillah's Valley.

Owain gives 1 to Stanislava.
Villein 8 on Ingrid. Villein 2 on Caitlin.
Caitlin hunts. Marcus 2nd Trad. Superior Form of Mist (no continuance).
Pay 1 to see 1.

Marcellus bleeds for 2. Francesca WWEF + Deflection to Hugh. No block.
Villon steals 2 from Isabel.
Discard Parity Shift. Pass Coven untapped.

Discard Conditioning.

Vessel BH to pool. Owain gives 1 to Owain.
Owain plays superior GtU. No block.
BH plays Ivory Bow. No block.
Influence Jephta Hester.

Turn 11
Villein 6 on Undele.
Dmitra's referendum, NJ attempts to block, Monastery of Shadows. Terms: 1 on Hartmut, 1 on Caitlin, 2 on Isabel. Ref fails.
Discard Temptation of Greater Power, Banishment.

Owain gives 1 to Caitlin.

Marcellus bleeds for 2. Andrea plays Deflection to Hugh, Jephta plays Deflection to Randal.
Villon steals 2 from Andrea.

Owain gives Andrea 1 blood.
Discard Conditioning.

Owain gives Owain 1 blood. Vessel on BH to pool.
BD on Owain to pool.
BH plays base GtU. No block.
Owain plays base GtU. No block.

Turn 12
Dmitra removes Pentex. Stanislava attempts to block. Hide the Mind. KRCG. Block successful, superior Form of Most (Stanislava). Taps Coven on Lutz.
Monastery of Shadows to untap Dmitra.
Discard Kine Resources Contested, Banishment.

Owain to Hartmut.
Discussion about Ancient Influence.
Discard On the Qui Vive.

Marcellus bleeds for 2. Le plays Deflection to Hugh. Jephta plays Deflection to Randal.No block.
FV bleeds for 2. Isabel plays Redirection to Hugh. Louis blocks. Double handstrike, Louis prevents with Indomitability. No press.
Anneke bleeds for 2. Francesca plays Deflection. Jephta plays Deflection. Undele blocks. Anneke dodges with Sidestrike.

Owain gives Francesca 1 blood.
Discard Misdirection.

Owain gives BH 1 blood. Tap Dreams for cards (Dreams burns).Anarch Troublemaker to tap Unmada, Lutz. Vessel on NJ.
Jephta plays base GtU. Dmitra blocks. Double handstrike. Jephta prevents with Indomitability and presses. Double handstrike. Jephta prevents with Indomitability and presses. Double handstrike. No press.
Louis bleeds. No block (Randal). Conditioning. Anneke plays 2nd Tradition and blocks. Anneke: Concealed Weapon, .44 Magnum. Long range, 2R. Coven to Louis.
Owain bleeds. No blocks. Base Conditioning. Unmada plays Eyes of Argus, Telepathic Misdirection to Erol. Stanislava plays Deflection to Tomasz. Anneke plays Eyes of Argus and blocks. Long range, 2R. Owain goes to torpor.
NJ rescues Owain (NJ pays 2). Le plays Spiritual Intervention and blocks. In combat, Le plays Specctral Divination.
BH rescues Owain (pays 2). No block.
Discard Eagle's Sight, My Enemy's Enemy.

Turn 13
Dmitra calls her referendum. No block. Targets: Caitlin, Hartmut, Isabelx2. Referendum passes.
Discard Villein, Reins of Power.

Ingrid plays base Govern. No block.
Hartmut plays base GtU. No block.
Stanislava bleeds for 3. Felicia blocks. Superior Form of Mist to continue the action. Conditioning. No block. FV Eyes of Argus, Telepathic Misdriection to Tiago. Spiritual Intervention on Isabel, blocks. Double handstrike.
{Randal plays Ancient Influence. NJ plays WWEF. Monstery Stealth, KRCG, superior Faceless Night, Channel 10, Lost in Crowds, no block. NJ plays Delaying Tactics.}
Discard: Giant's Blood.

FV bleeds for 2. Francesca blocks; Double handstrike. FV Taste of Vitae, Psyche!. Double handstrike.
Anneke bleeds for 2. Andrea blocks; Anneke Concealed Weapon, .44 Magnum. Long Range, 2R. Andrea goes to torpor.
Felicia bleeds for 1, no block.

Time limit.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Damnans, Adonai, Dr.Mafrune, Stefan, Dorrinal, Tomas, Louhi

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28 Oct 2012 13:57 #39858 by Dr.Mafrune
Tomasz Izydorczyk or Kowalewski ?


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28 Oct 2012 14:20 #39859 by Lech
Given the deck it's Tomasz Izydorczyk.

:laso: :CEL: :DOM: :OBT: :POT: :cap8:
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dr.Mafrune

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29 Oct 2012 06:17 #39904 by alf
Hmm, without pool totals at the end of a players turn it is a bit useless to assess the Game state IMO.


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29 Oct 2012 13:30 #39929 by extrala

Given the deck it's Tomasz Izydorczyk.


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29 Oct 2012 16:09 #39957 by Dorrinal
Why did the other finalists want to knock down Hugh's minions before he ousted the guy who was first seed?


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