times TWD - Torneo del Pilar 12 october 2014

08 Dec 2014 18:04 - 19 Jan 2015 12:02 #68016 by Glinlos
Torneo del Pilar www.vekn.net/event-calendar/event/7825
Badia del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain
October 12, 2014
13 players
3R + F
Frank Gallurt Tournament Winning Deck with 4 VPs in the Finals

Deck Name : Ganador torneo Pilar
Author : Frank Gallurt VEKN#4960005
Description :
1VP, 1Vp, 1GW4VP and 4VP in the final

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 6 average: 4.5
2x Andrew Stuart (5) :AUS: :DOM: :THA: Tremere (group 4)
1x Muhsin Samir (6) :DOM: :THA: :aus: :pot: Tremere (group 4)
1x Claus Wegener (5) :DOM: :aus: :for: :tha: Tremere (group 5)
1x Donatello Giovanni (5) :DOM: :aus: :pot: :pre: Giovanni (group 4)
1x Emily Carson (5) :DOM: :for: :pre: primogen Ventrue (group 5)
1x Esoara (5) :DOM: :aus: :for: :pot: Tremere antitribu (group 4)
1x Zane (5) :THA: :aus: :dom: primogen Tremere (group 5)
1x Frank Weisshadel (4) :dom: :pot: :tha: Tremere (group 4)
1x Tarrence Moore (4) :aus: :dom: :tha: Tremere (group 5)
1x Keith Moody (3) :DOM: Tremere antitribu (group 4)
1x Ezra Hawthorne (2) :tha: Tremere (group 4)

Library [90 cards]

Action [20]
3x Dominate Kine
1x Far Mastery
9x Govern the Unaligned
4x Magic of the Smith
1x Scouting Mission
2x Slaughtering the Herd

Action Modifier [24]
3x Bonding
1x Command of the Beast
6x Conditioning
7x Mirror Walk
7x Seduction

Ally [1]
1x Ponticulus

Combat [8]
1x Burst of Sunlight
4x Rego Motus
3x Theft of Vitae

Equipment [4]
1x Gran Madre di Dio, Italy
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Incriminating Videotape
1x Signet of King Saul, The

Event [1]
1x Bitter and Sweet Story, The

Master [17]
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Antediluvian Awakening
1x Arcane Library
2x Blood Doll
1x Chantry
1x Coven, The
3x Misdirection
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Sudden Reversal
2x Vessel
1x Visit from the Capuchin
1x Wash

Reaction [15]
4x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
1x Eluding the Arms of Morpheus
3x On the Qui Vive
5x Redirection
1x Wake with Evening's Freshness
Last edit: 19 Jan 2015 12:02 by Ankha.

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08 Dec 2014 18:20 #68017 by BenPeal

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