check Report and TWD "New Year's Dawn", 2nd of JAN 2021

04 Jan 2021 18:56 - 29 Nov 2021 09:34 #101369 by Hakuron
"New Year's Dawn" (online)
Hosted in Darmstadt, Germany
2 Rounds + Finals
17 players

The new year has its first tournament winner:
In this online competition, which saw 17 players from 4 continents, Lauri Salmi from Finland succeeded with an Assamites Swarm deck.

1 Lauri Salmi 1 4 3 78

2 Nikica Novakovic 1 3 2 78
2 Karl Schaefer 2 6 0 120
2 Marius Iscru 1 4,5 0 114
2 Erol Hammer 2 6 0 120

6 Bram van Stappen 0 2 84
6 Igor Beslin 0 2 84
8 Jay Kristoff 0 2 82
9 Rudolf Scholz 0 1 76
10 Kevin Heise 0 1 60
11 Alejandro Nava Ramirez 0 0,5 54
12 Carlos Eduardo Plaza 0 0 56
13 Thomas Stellmach 0 0 46
13 Joab Rogerio 0 0 46
15 Bill Troxel 0 0 36
15 Miquel Masoliver 0 0 36
17 Richard Aumann 0 0 18

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
Last edit: 29 Nov 2021 09:34 by Ankha.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Joscha, Ankha, lip

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05 Jan 2021 09:21 #101372 by Lönkka
Onneksi olkoon Late!

Finnish :POT: Politics!

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06 Jan 2021 21:54 #101375 by Cerion
I wasn’t sure day before the tournament if I have time to actually play, but had already selected deck in case I manage to join. There is reason behind my choice of deck. I’ve been doing lately a special project or kind of challenge of my own. The challenge is pretty simple to get a game win with each clan, doesn’t matter what game. Most will come in casual games more than likely, as I’m not gonna be usually that predictable on the clan I’m playing in tournaments. This time I felt is safe, noone would know from start that I actually am on Assamite on the challenge. So I chose to continue that on the tournament, and seems it paid out.

1st game
Thomas (Al’muntatir summon history) , JoabMontano Baltimore purge), Txino (don’t remember his real name, as he was replacement on the table as Rich had technical issues, which delayed our game like 50 minutes ) (Unnamed) – me (Assamaite Alamut swarm bleed + vote)

So the game starts with Joab getting ultimate start.. 2 transfer, zillah valley and next turn information highway and Montano comes out. 3rd turn Montano plays baltimore purge and what happens next his turn is that Txino had opted out not to bring his vampire up yet.. So my single vampire got into torpor and so did Thomas. Thomas made a deal with Joab not to bleed him in two turns, so that Thomas won’t diablerize his vampire so instead Joab crosstable diablerizes my Amaravati. The game goes on that I bring next vampire olugbenga up and Montano continues his play with baltimores.. eventually graverobbing Toms Al’muntatir and my Olugbenga.. There’s mind rape on Txinos unnamed and I think Thomas Eurayle.

At this point it seemed Joab will just glide into the win, but with few mistakes suddenly Txino has all vampires down in torpor, Joabs Lucita burns in archon, I contest Olugbenga and Thomas contest Al’muntatir.. Joab yields Olugbenga so I get him back and Joab diablerizes Unnamed, and doesn’t realise he will burn as I got Magaji votes, 1 vote card and Thomas also has 1 vote card, so blood hunt is called and bye bye Montano.

Thomas actually didn’t keep his deal of not bleeding, though he was kinda shamed of himself not remembering the deal and just going fast forward, so that also helped me a lot in that game.

Suddenly I’m in situation where my prey has 2 pool and my grandprey also has 2 pool and I just oust them on my turn.. leaving me with Unnamed player without unnamed, and 12 more pool, at that point it was easy to oust him and get full sweep on the table I thought I lost at turn 4 with diablerized vampire.

so basically I got into finals with real luck, but I suppose once in a while you ought to have some luck in game like this.
4VP + GW

2nd game
me – Miquel () – Nikica (Ventrue AT grinder) – Kevin (Obfuscate weenie)

This game was a blur, I was first and had a really slow start and my predator got fast start bringing out small obfuscate vampires, and bleeding ones with 3 stealth on me enough that I really didn’t get to play about anything in that game and was out in less than half an hour. So not much to report on this game, and apparently I don’t even remember what my prey Miquel was playing.

so I got into finals as 4th seed, so no much choice were to sit, just to watch where rest of the finalists are sitting after Nikica obviously)

Erol (Legacy of Pander – Nikica (Ventrue AT grinder) – Karl ( Luke Fellows bleed) – Marius ( Nana Buruki master heavy rush) – me ( Assamite swarm bleed and vote)

as you can watch this on Lionels Twitch channel Codex of the Damned I won’t be going into details of the game, instead I will opt commenting and like that on the finals.

First I thought I don’t really get to play when Marius brought up Nana, and I was like oh well, I have absolutely 0 combat defence in my deck, well okay that was lie, I got one .44 magnum, but that’s really one off, which I manage to play in the finals but that was rather end game anyway. So I got lucky that Karl was pushing so much against Marius that he didn’t have much of a choice but to put his effort backwards and I actually was safe, and without much pressure almost all of the game.

Veil of Darkness propably hurt me less than rest of the table, and it didn’t last much anyway and erol was almost out at the point he manage to get that, earlier that might have been quite game changing though.

When I played Neonate Breach I only chose Erol, cause I didn’t really want to practically kill all the table and that might have given Erol even his oust, it’s always tempting to choose everyone, but at that point I didn’t see a point, helping anyone but myself with it. This is direct comment on what commentators said on Twitch, which I watched today.

But all in all, the fact that Marius had to go backwards about all of the game, kept me safe and allowed me to build up and gain pool enough to well survive… and I love Khabar community, that 1 stealth on bleeds was amazing for this final.

As to Reckless agitation there is two of them in the deck, first I thought only one. And yes I think only Amaravati can play it but with Olugbenga I have 4 Amaravati in crypt, so it’s highly likely I get that up.

Thanks for Rudolph organizing, and everyone attending, thanks for Hugh for judging the finals.. and Special thanks to Lionel for streaming as well as commenting with Chris, was awesome watching the finals afterwards while writing this report. See you all next time, I had fun.

Baron of Vantaa
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lönkka, Hakuron, Kiddo, Khormag, kschaefer

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06 Jan 2021 21:54 #101376 by Cerion
Almost forgot decklist.

1 .44 Magnum
8 Embrace, The
4 Faceless Night
2 Forgotten Labyrinth
1 Ancestor Spirit
8 Haqim's Law: Leadership
1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Kduva's Mask
1 Khabar: Community, The
2 Khabar: Glory
5 Kine Resources Contested
5 Loss
4 Lost in Crowds
2 Neonate Breach
2 No Secrets From the Magaji
2 Obfuscate
2 On the Qui Vive
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
2 Reckless Agitation
6 Bamba
1 Underworld Hunting Ground
3 Veil the Legions
2 Wider View
1 Black Throne, The
5 Cloak the Gathering
7 Consanguineous Boon
5 Alamut
1 Coven, The
3 Deflection
1 Direct Intervention
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
4 Amaravati
1 Kamau Jafari
1 Kashan
4 Olugbenga
1 Basir
1 Alu

Baron of Vantaa
The following user(s) said Thank You: Joscha, Ankha, Hakuron, Kiddo, beslin igor, lip, kschaefer, cdiegor

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