02 Dec 2021 18:35 - 25 Jan 2022 10:31 #104100 by IfritBR
NOVEMBER 27th, 2021
22 players
Tiago Honorato de Castro Ramos (VEKN ID: 6040022 / PRINCE ID: 779)

-- 2gw6vps + 1,5vps in the final

Deck Name : Every breath you take and every move you make, Every bond you break, Every step you take - I'll be watching you!!!
Author : Tiago H. de C. Ramos (VEKN ID: 6040022 - PRINCE ID: 779)
Description : Dmitri is watching you...

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 4 max: 10 average: 8.91667
5x Dmitri Borodin 10 AUS CEL NEC QUI obf Assamite:4
3x Massassi 9 AUS CEL POT QUI obf Osebo:4
2x Kabede Maru 9 AUS CEL OBF QUI abo pot magaji Assamite:5
1x Antara 8 CEL FOR QUI aus obf pre Assamite:4
1x Bertrand d'Anjou 4 aus cel qui Assamite:4

Library [90 cards]
Action [5]
1x Loss
4x Truth of Blood

Action Modifier [5]
1x Enkil Cog
4x Trochomancy

Combat [19]
1x Concealed Weapon
3x Disguised Weapon
7x Pursuit
3x Taste of Death
5x Taste of Vitae

Equipment [9]
3x .44 Magnum
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Ivory Bow
2x Reliquary: Shango Remains
2x Sniper Rifle

Master [19]
1x Direct Intervention
2x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Market Square
1x Rack, The
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Society of Leopold
1x Sudden Reversal
1x Underworld Hunting Ground
2x Vessel
4x Villein
1x Wider View

Reaction [33]
6x Black Sunrise
2x Eagle's Sight
4x Enhanced Senses
6x Eyes of Argus
2x Forced Awakening
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
5x Quicken Sight
5x Telepathic Misdirection

JARBAS JUNIO (VEKN ID: 6180008 AND PRINCE ID:618), organizer of TORNEIO MINEIRO 2021, asked me to report on the event, and I take this opportunity to share my experience on this journey.

This weekend was very special for me...

I decided at the last minute to travel to Belo Horizonte and play the 2021 VTES MINING CHAMPIONSHIP!!! A trip of approximately 10 hours by bus from where I live, Vila Velha - ES.

I talked to Camila, my wife, and she was totally supportive...

After I received my "WIFE FREE PASS" (LAUGHTERS) I decided to call some crazy person to go with me, and then my brother Gabriel (Boy) Waichert (VEKN ID: 6040012) came in, who also got a "WIFE FREE PASS" (LAUGHS AGAIN) and agreed to go!!!

We arrived in Belo Horizonte on Saturday morning, had a coffee and was soon greeted by Daniel Malk, former prince of Belo Horizonte, a great friend and brother who received us in the best way possible (and impossible) in his house...

We straightened things up and headed towards GARAGEM DO NERD, which hosted the tournament...

Then we take a break - MOZART, owner of GARAGEM DO NERD, may we old-timers in the game learn from you... your love and dedication to the game,although I have played for a very short time, it is enviable and commendable...

The whole place prepared to receive the "asylum" and run the tournament in the best possible way...

Arriving at the place, I was able to meet the BROTHERS THAT LIFE HAS GIVEN ME... Juliano, Malk, Zhin, Deca, Thiago, Jarbas, Vinícius, Brunão, Léo, Wand
(who is from my city and was already in Belo Horizonte) and I was able to personally meet a SENSATIONAL crowd that I only knew by groups on social networks...

The tournament was wonderful and it was a pleasure to play with SO FUCKING GUYS!!!

The first table was terrible for me - Val (Gargoyles) -> Juliano (Legionary Grinder) -> Malk (Malk High Cap) -> Mabel (Malk KS) -> Me (Dmitri Block), and I confess that at the end of it i didn't think I could get anything out of this tournament...Mabel, Malk's daughter, PUT ME DOWN WITHOUT MERCY with a very fast deck, and had her VP taking me off the table...

0 GW, 0 VPS

There I just waited for what would come next...

At the second table, another F*CKed match, but this one I did well...

Thiago (!Salubri Rush) -> Krishna (Nosferatu Porradeiro) -> Me (Dmitri Block) -> Gustavo (Mary Anne Political)
Thiago made his VP and started "predating" me with his !Salubri
rush, which I could handle...then Gustavo made his VP over Thiago...

With 4 minutes to go, my ONLY CHANCE TO GET SOMETHING IN THE TOURNAMENT was to get Gustavo out...and with the MY DECK EMPTY, counting only with the cards in my hand... And i win with ONLY 1 MINUTE TO CLOSE TABLE TIME!!!

1GW, 2 VPS

Then came the third table - Erica (Grand Ball) -> Zhin (Tremere Cryptic Mission) -> Me (Dmitri Block) -> Gabriel Boy (Mono CHI)

The table starts with Zhin drying Erica's vampires and Boy setting up...

I had a Smilling Jack with 4 Counters and Zhin tried to convince Erica to burn it... I told her to let Zhin burn himself, but it was a hell of a fight...

Well, I'm not proud of that, but I said I would burn myself if Zhin took Smilling's damage (which would be good for Erica)

Coming to my turn, Boy with no chance of defense and with 4 pool I didn't think twice and made my VP...

Erica was upset with me and I apologize again, but it was MY CHANCE to win, Boy had a WEEK OF NIGHTMARES in hand, and if I hadn't taken him AT THAT TIME the table would have been his...

Soon after I took Erica and Zhin in the "head 2 head" there was no chance... I made my GW with 4 VPS...

2GW, 6 VPS

With this result I went to the final in first place...and then came the most tense part in my opinion - DECIDE WHERE TO SEAT AT THE FINAL TABLE!!! And, particularly, I chose the best option!!!

Finalists in rank order:
1 - Me (Dmitri Block)
2 - Jarbas (Brujah Debate)
3 - Thiago (!Salubri Rush)
4 - Brunão (Caitiff Voting Weenie)
5 - Mozart (Ravnos Eldest Are The Kholo)

The position of the table was like this: Brunão -> Thiago -> Mozart -> Jarbas -> Me
I chose to prey on Brunão...Brujah Debate stops in Dmitri besides not passing bleed...and the setup takes longer than Mozart's Eldest.

Brunão, being the only political deck that HURTS with Kines, became a threat if he crossed the table with Kines, and I wouldn't have a chance to block directly (by the rules of the game)...

So I just let chaos reign...JARBAS AND BRUNÃO NEEDED TO FIGHT TO PUT THE PRAXIS INTO PLAY!!! And that created chaos...

Mozart had a vote, Jarbas had a vote, Brunão had a vote and they fought each other to make the shares pass...Meanwhile, Thiago and I just watched...

Thiago took Mozart's Laibons, making his votes unfeasible, and got the this I also did the VP over Brunão before he could take Thiago out, which would have happened if I hadn't blocked his definitive KINE...

That left me with 1 VP, Thiago with 1 VP and Jarbas with 0VP coming all over me...

Just like on the second table, my deck ended... and I was playing with the setup that was on the table and in my hand ONLY 1 Assamite HG, 1 DI, 1 Taste of Death and 1 Market Square...

Jarbas had taken out my Massassi and my Kabede Maru, leaving only the MONSTER, DMITRI BORODIN!!!

Thiago rush Jarbas and they both had considerable losses, ending up with Jarbas with 3 vampires on the table, 2 of them without blood, Thiago without any Vampires and I only with Dmitri...and then I held back...

When the chronometer rang and the table closed for the time, I couldn't stand the emotion... I cried like a child...


My close friends know about my history with Belo Horizonte, it was the place I went with my father every year... and this trip was important to close a cycle of father passes away in FEB/2019...

Other than that, 20 days ago I had lost my grandmother...and I had an emptiness in my soul that THIS TRIP and the reunion with friends HELPED FOR A FUCKING to fill the hole...

The title, ahhhhhhh, the title, was just a little detail...

We're not talking about a game, or being a better player, about being a champion...the VTES for me is about FRIENDSHIPS, about brotherhood, about sharing stories and life experiences...

Every day I thank all Gods for having these friends in my life... for learning, for growing as a person... and this using a little card game as an excuse...

And what I have to say is - THANK YOU!!!

A big hug to all this family that VTES gave me...

Tiago H. C. Ramos
Prince of Grande Vitória - ES - Brazil

Prince ID# 779

VEKN# 6040022

Last edit: 25 Jan 2022 10:31 by Ankha.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ankha

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04 Jan 2022 01:30 #104347 by IfritBR
Please include this deck in TWD!!!


Tiago H. C. Ramos
Prince of Grande Vitória - ES - Brazil

Prince ID# 779

VEKN# 6040022

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25 Jan 2022 10:08 #104575 by lip

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25 Jan 2022 18:04 #104581 by ResurrectioN

Did the PR:

Finally, a way to boost my github contribution count!
I can't add all these engineering management meetings to any codebase :)

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