compress TWD Report Chilean National Tournament 2021 - 34 players - Winner Ivan Urrutia

10 Dec 2021 20:54 - 30 Aug 2022 09:59 #104156 by JUANXO
TWD Report Chilean National Tournament 2021 - 34 players - Winner Ivan Urrutia
Thanks to for host the tournament.

Lasombra Breed and Boon by Ivan Urrutia.

Crypt: 12 cards

4x Gratiano 8 obf pot DOM OBT Lasombra:2
1x Guido Lucciano 5 dom obf OBT Lasombra:2
1x Hester Reed 3 obt pot Lasombra:3
1x Ignacio, The Black Priest 4 dom obt pot Lasombra:2
1x Ramiro 4 dom obt vic Lasombra:2
1x Tabitha Fisk 4 obt pot pro Lasombra:3
1x Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady 2 obt Lasombra:2
1x Cameron 3 dom pot Lasombra:2
1x Dr. Julius Sutphen 5 dom obt POT Lasombra:3

Library: 90 cards

1x Elysian Fields
1x Giant's Blood
1x Humanitas
1x Hungry Coyote, The
2x Obtenebration
2x Path of Night, The
5x Power Structure
1x Powerbase: Madrid
1x Barrens, The
1x Black Forest Base
1x Line, The
1x Coven, The
1x Día de los Muertos
1x Dreams of the Sphinx

7x Embrace, The
5x Govern the Unaligned
3x Creation Rites

6x Shadow Play
6x Shroud of Night
2x Blanket of Night

7x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
8x Consanguineous Boon
1x Crusade: Berlin
1x Crusade: Detroit
1x Crusade: Miami
1x Crusade: New York
1x Crusade: Pittsburgh
1x Crusade: Toronto

4x Oubliette

1x Carlton Van Wyk

5x On the Qui Vive
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics

- Sin "Conditioning", todos se esperaban un sangrando de 6 pero nunca llegaba.
- "Govern" + "The Line" para tirar para abajo o Sangrar en básico.
- "Carlton Van Wyk" solo para contestarlo.
- Las "Crusade:" también para contestar algunos títulos.
- "Humanitas" excelente para rescatar, ya que siempre cuentas con minions en torpor.
- "The embrace" para sangrar y Ritos de creación para las políticas.

Descripción del torneo y rondas por Ivan Urrutia:

Ronda 1:
A los 5 minutos de partida mi presa (un Rush de Pistolas) me torporiza a Gratiano y mi predador (Malkavian que paso a mesa final) me sangra rápidamente sin poder defenderme, ni con sangre para deflectar. Soy el primero de todo el torneo en perder, solo queda fumar.

Ronda 2 (mesa de 4 jugadores):
Mi presa un Rush de pistolas (esta partida sha la vi!) controla la masa de minions y tiene más votos que yo. No puedo hacer mucho, mi predador un nephandos me deja en mala posición, así que solo puedo defenderme a "Consanguineous Boom" rogándole a mi presa para pasar las votaciones.
El nephandus cae, mi presa viendo que me tiene controlado hace su trabajo llendo por su punto y comienzo con sangrados de "The Embrace" para desgastar.
Me mantengo vivo a "Consanguineus Boom" ya que me estaban sangrando 9 pool por turno.
Puedo jugar "Power structure" ahora controlo lo votos y mi presa con uno de sus minions importantes en torpor, veo la oportunidad y sangro con todo. Robo un "Kine" justo cuando mi presa y mi meta presa estaban en 1 y 3 respectivamente, aseguro 1GW y 2VP. Pude haberme llevado los 3 puntos pero preferí asegurar la mesa en vez de ser codicioso.

Ronda 3 (mesa de 4 jugadores):
Sangro a un mazo valkirias, aprovecho de sangrar con 3 + 3 + 2 cuando veo que no tiene posibilidad de enderezarse y eso me dejo en muy buena posición. Mi predador de votos no pudo hacer mucho y pronto nos encontramos dos mazos agüitas de votos peleando pro la mesa, aunque tenia mucho más pool que mi rival. Todo salió bien gracias a "Delaying tactics".
1GW y 3VP.

Mesa final (entro 2°):
Tomé la decisión de intentar sangrar al "Unnamed" ya que se veía el que menos bloqueaba de todos, y no quería que el "Malkavian" volviera a hacer las de las suyas como en la primera mesa (que me mató rapidito).
Igualmente cualquiera de los 3 mazos que sangraban eran difíciles para mí.
Muy temprano en la partida controlo los votos "Power Strcuture" y dejo que mi meta predador (Ravnos Agüitas) gane pool indiscriminadamente con el fin de que pueda aguantar los sangrados del Malkavian y sus deflection (que venían del Unnamed).
Juego a acumular masa de minions con "The Embrace" y los "Ritos de creación" y levanto 4 vampiros, tengo los votos. Pronto me veo complicado por mi predador (el Assamita) sangrando de a 4, con 6 pool me puse nervioso y a una ronda de morir. Juego "The Coven" y otra master creo que "The Line", reponiendo un "Carlton" y un "Consaguineous" Uff. Decido lanzar el "Carlton" para que me lo bloquee mi predador (Assamita) y quitarle todo el intercept posible y resultó.
Los 9 pool extras, me meten nuevamente a la pelea desgastando levemente al Unnamed, pero este termina matando ese turno al Malkavian.
El Ravnos Agüitas se pone a cazar con todos sus minions y yo a ganar pool con un par de "Consanguineus", se acerca el final y me lanzo con todo el bleed que puedo al Unnamed... Archon a Gratiano pero tenia otro en la reserva para seguir influenciando. Unnamed queda con 1 pool -.-
Termino de bajar al Unnamed y el Ravnos baja al Assamita, pero tengo un problema hay un "Aranthebes" en mesa y sus Ravnos tienen +1 bleed y +1 fuerza por "Week of Nightmares".
Aquí cometo varios errores: nunca voy a quitar el Aranthebes y descarto sin querer un "Delaying tactics" pensando que era un "Deflection" y para más mi desconocimiento de las cartas nunca muevo contadores de "Week of Nightmares".
Voy a buscar el "The Line" que me habían quitado, sangro con un Govern y tiro un sigilo que me cuesta sangre, ya que me habían ido a quemar la "Senda de la Noche" y al minion no le quedaba sangre ya así que fallaría el sangrado de 3, pero The Line me permitió reducir el coste. Sangro con varios minions y lanzo Kine.
Turno del ravnos, me sangra unos 10 de pool bloqueo todo lo demás con Gratiano y varios minions que se fueron a torpor. Me lanza un "Consanguineous" voto con todo que no pero igualmente lo pasa, "Delaying tactics" salva el día.
Otra ronda bajándonos pool pero sus minions empezaron a quedarse sin sangre y deben cazar, los míos están en torpor pero tengo la ventaja de pool, ventaja sin importancia si pasa alguno de los 2 "Consanguineous Boom" que lanzó el Ravnos. Hubiera sido otro el campeón si le hubiera salido "The Eldest Are Kholo" para ganar los votos, ya que me había equivocado con el descarte del otro "Delaying Tactics".
Como no salió la carta el rival estira la mano y concede, ya que venia más sangrado leve con sigilo que no podría bloquear. Campeón Nacional!


Round 1:
5 minutes into the game my prey (a Pistol Rush) torpors Gratiano and my predator (Malkavian who goes to final table) bleeds me quickly without being able to defend myself, not even with blood to deflect. I am the first of the whole tournament to lose, only smoking is left.

Round 2 (table of 4 players):
My prey a Gun Rush (this game sha I saw it!) controls the mass of minions and has more votes than me. I can't do much, my predator a nephandos leaves me in a bad position, so I can only defend myself to "Consanguineous Boom" by begging my prey to pass the votes.
The nephandus falls, my prey seeing that he has me under control does his job by going for his point and I start with "The Embrace" bleeds to wear down.
I keep "Consanguineus Boom" alive since I was bleeding 9 pool per turn.
I can play "Power structure" now I control the votes and my prey with one of his important minions in torpor, I see the opportunity and bleed with everything. I steal a "Kine" just when my prey and my meta prey were at 1 and 3 respectively, I secure 1GW and 2VP. I could have taken the 3 points but I preferred to secure the table instead of being greedy.

Round 3 (4 player table):
I bleed a valkyrie deck, I take advantage of bleeding with 3 + 3 + 2 when I see that he has no chance to straighten up and that left me in a very good position. My predator of votes could not do much and soon we found two decks of votes fighting for the table, although I had much more pool than my opponent. Everything went well thanks to "Delaying tactics".
1GW and 3VP.

Final table (I entered 2nd):
I made the decision to try to bleed "Unnamed" as it looked the least blocking of all, and I didn't want "Malkavian" to do the same as in the first table (which killed me quickly).
Anyway, any of the 3 bleeding decks were difficult for me.
Very early in the game I control the "Power Strcuture" votes and let my predator meta (Ravnos Agüitas) win pool indiscriminately in order to withstand the Malkavian bleeders and their deflection (which came from Unnamed).
I play to accumulate mass of minions with "The Embrace" and the "Rites of creation" and I raise 4 vampires, I have the votes. Soon I am complicated by my predator (the Assamite) bleeding by 4, with 6 pool I got nervous and one round away from dying. I play "The Coven" and another master I think "The Line", replacing a "Carlton" and a "Consaguineous" Uff. I decide to throw the "Carlton" to be blocked by my predator (Assamite) and remove as much intercept as possible and it works.
The extra 9 pool, put me back into the fight slightly wearing down the Unnamed, but it ends up killing the Malkavian that turn.
The Ravnos Agüitas starts hunting with all his minions and I start winning pool with a couple of "Consanguineus", the end is near and I throw myself with all the bleed I can to the Unnamed... Archon to Gratiano but I had another one in reserve to continue influencing. Unnamed is left with 1 pool.
I finish to lower the Unnamed and the Ravnos lowers the Assamite, but I have a problem there is an "Aranthebes" on the table and his Ravnos have +1 bleed and +1 strength for "Week of Nightmares".
Here I make several mistakes: I'm never going to remove the Aranthebes and I unintentionally discard a "Delaying tactics" thinking it was a "Deflection" and to add to my ignorance of the cards I never move "Week of Nightmares" counters.
I go to look for the "The Line" that they had taken from me, I bleed with a Govern and throw a sigil that costs me blood, since they had gone to burn the "Path of the Night" and the minion had no blood left so I would fail the bleed of 3, but The Line allowed me to reduce the cost. I bleed with several minions and cast Kine.
Turn of the ravnos, I bleed about 10 pool I block everything else with Gratiano and several minions that went to torpor. He throws me a "Consanguineous" I vote with everything that I don't but he still passes, "Delaying tactics" saves the day.
Another round down pool but his minions began to run out of blood and must hunt, mine are in torpor but I have the advantage of pool, unimportant advantage if any of the 2 "Consanguineous Boom" that the Ravnos threw. It would have been another champion if he had gotten "The Eldest Are Kholo" to win the votes, as I had made a mistake with the discard of the other "Delaying Tactics".
As the card didn't come out, the opponent stretched his hand and conceded, since he had more light bleeding with stealth that he couldn't block. National Champion!

Baron of Santiago, Chile
Last edit: 30 Aug 2022 09:59 by Ankha.

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30 Aug 2022 09:53 #106208 by Ankha
Could you please fix your submission by following the guidelines

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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13 Dec 2022 14:41 #107024 by Ankha
Up (or if there's any good will to submit a PR as described here:

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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