TWD - Blood League III.
03 May 2024 04:38 - 05 May 2024 17:10 #111333
by Malachy
NC of Hungary
TWD - Blood League III. was created by Malachy
Blood League part III.
Kecskemét, Hungary
April 27th, 2024
16 players
2R + F
Ferenc Kósa's Tournament Winning Deck with 1,5 VPs in the Finals
Seating order:
Csaba Teplán 0,5 -> Ferenc László Kósa 1,5 -> Attila Magyar -> Zsolt Gonda 0,5 -> Gyula Erdős 0,5 - TIMEOUT table, 1,5 VP seed won
Deck Name: Malkavian
Author: Csaba Teplán
Crypt (12 cards, min=17 max=31 avg=6.17)
3x Abraham Mellon 8 AUS DOM OBF for tha Malkavian:6
2x Jason "Son" Newberry 7 AUS DOM OBF pre primogen Malkavian:6
1x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF baron Malkavian:6
1x Andi Liu 6 DOM aus obf pre prince Malkavian:6
1x Darius Shirazi 6 AUS DOM obf Malkavian:5
1x Colette 5 AUS OBF dom Malkavian:6
1x Evan Klein 5 OBF aus dom pre Malkavian:6
1x Sully 4 aus dom obf Malkavian:6
1x Ashley 3 dom obf Malkavian:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (14; 1 trifle)
2x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Barrens, The
1x Bleeding the Vine
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Secure Haven
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Wider View
Action (17)
13x Govern the Unaligned
2x Revelations
2x Scouting Mission
Action Modifier (36)
4x Bonding
4x Cloak the Gathering
6x Conditioning
4x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
4x Lost in Crowds
4x Seduction
5x Spying Mission
Action Modifier/Combat (6)
3x Hide the Mind
3x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (13)
3x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
3x Eyes of Argus
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (3)
3x No Trace
Event (1)
1x Bitter and Sweet Story, The
Deck Name: Stanislava
Author: Attila Magyar
Crypt (12 cards, min=34 max=44 avg=9.83)
4x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
2x Hartmut Stover 10 CEL OBF PRO dom for archbishop Gangrel antitribu:3
2x Xaviar (ADV) 10 ABO ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot justicar Gangrel:3
2x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
2x Mark Decker 8 CEL PRO ani for obf pot prince Gangrel:3
Library (90 cards)
Master (20; 6 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
1x Backways
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Ecoterrorists
1x Ennoia's Theater
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
5x Villein
4x Zillah's Valley
Action (9)
5x Govern the Unaligned
4x Thing
Political Action (16)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
2x Banishment
4x Kine Resources Contested
5x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (17)
2x Beast Meld
4x Earth Control
1x Enkil Cog
3x Forced March
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
3x Freak Drive
3x Instantaneous Transformation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (12)
6x Deflection
3x On the Qui Vive
3x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (12)
6x Earth Meld
6x Form of Mist
Deck Name: Salubri block 1.0
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=5 max=8 avg=6.571429)
2x Abaddon 8 cel pot AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
1x Castellan 6 cel dom AUS FOR Salubri:7
1x Ilonka 7 tha AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
2x Malachi 6 AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
2x Opikun 5 aus dom FOR Salubri:7
2x Sakhar 6 dom AUS FOR Salubri:7
2x Seraphina 8 cel tha AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
Library: 90 cards
Master (20 cards)
1x Giant's Blood
2x Guardian Angel
1x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
2x Sight Beyond Sight
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
3x Vessel
3x Villein
1x Wash
1x Wider View
1x Meditative Grove
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (6 cards)
6x Govern the Unaligned
Action/Combat (4 cards)
4x Touch of Valeren
Combat (12 cards)
4x Hidden Strength
2x Rolling with the Punches
2x Telepathic Tracking
4x Concealed Weapon
Ally (2 cards)
1x Gregory Winter
1x Carlton Van Wyk
Equipment (8 cards)
2x .44 Magnum
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
2x Sniper Rifle
1x Sword of the Archangel
1x Bowl of Convergence
Reaction (38 cards)
3x Enhanced Senses
8x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
1x Poison Pill
2x Precognition
2x Spirit's Touch
7x Telepathic Misdirection
5x Deflection
3x Eagle's Sight
Deck Name: Mistress Kecskemét
Author: Erdős Gyula
Crypt (12 cards, min=30 max=43 avg=9.17)
3x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC inner circle Tremere:4
2x Gabrielle di Righetti 10 ANI AUS DOM THA obf pot justicar Tremere:5
2x Orlando Oriundus 9 AUS DOM THA obf bishop Tremere antitribu:4
1x Dr. John Dee 9 ANI AUS DOM THA chi prince Tremere:4
1x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
1x Troius 8 AUS DOM THA cel prince Tremere:4
1x Graham Gottesman 7 DOM FOR obf pre tha prince Ventrue:5
1x Johannes Worringen 6 AUS THA dom archbishop Tremere antitribu:5
Library (79 cards)
Master (33; 9 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
7x Villein
1x Wider View
4x Zillah's Valley
Action (6)
4x Govern the Unaligned
2x Magic of the Smith
Equipment (2)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (11)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
3x Banishment
3x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (8)
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
6x Mirror Walk
Reaction (19)
4x Deflection
4x Eyes of Argus
1x Guardian Vigil
1x My Enemy's Enemy
5x Obedience
2x On the Qui Vive
1x Second Tradition: Domain
1x Telepathic Misdirection
Deck Name: Detroit Gang - Beast Dominate
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=7 max=10 avg=8.5)
3x Julio Martinez 9 nec ANI DOM OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit7 ani cel OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
3x Len Konopka 8 dom ser ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Cailean 10 dom ANI OBF POT PRE Nosferatu antitribu:2
Library: 90 cards
Master (20 cards)
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
1x Information Highway
1x Information Network
2x Nosferatu Kingdom
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Shanty Town Hunting Ground
1x Tension in the Ranks
2x Vessel
4x Villein
1x Wider View
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (11 cards)
1x Heroic Might
1x Tier of Souls
7x Deep Song
2x Abbot
Action Modifier/Combat (3 cards)
3x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (33 cards)
10x Immortal Grapple
2x Stunt Cycle
5x Taste of Vitae
8x Roundhouse
1x Canine Horde
5x Disarm
2x Drawing Out the Beast
Reaction (23 cards)
2x Guard Dogs
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Redirection
7x Sense the Savage Way
4x Cats' Guidance
6x Deflection
Kecskemét, Hungary
April 27th, 2024
16 players
2R + F
Ferenc Kósa's Tournament Winning Deck with 1,5 VPs in the Finals
Decklists and seating order on Finals
Warning: Spoiler!
Seating order:
Csaba Teplán 0,5 -> Ferenc László Kósa 1,5 -> Attila Magyar -> Zsolt Gonda 0,5 -> Gyula Erdős 0,5 - TIMEOUT table, 1,5 VP seed won
Deck Name: Malkavian
Author: Csaba Teplán
Crypt (12 cards, min=17 max=31 avg=6.17)
3x Abraham Mellon 8 AUS DOM OBF for tha Malkavian:6
2x Jason "Son" Newberry 7 AUS DOM OBF pre primogen Malkavian:6
1x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF baron Malkavian:6
1x Andi Liu 6 DOM aus obf pre prince Malkavian:6
1x Darius Shirazi 6 AUS DOM obf Malkavian:5
1x Colette 5 AUS OBF dom Malkavian:6
1x Evan Klein 5 OBF aus dom pre Malkavian:6
1x Sully 4 aus dom obf Malkavian:6
1x Ashley 3 dom obf Malkavian:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (14; 1 trifle)
2x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Barrens, The
1x Bleeding the Vine
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Secure Haven
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Wider View
Action (17)
13x Govern the Unaligned
2x Revelations
2x Scouting Mission
Action Modifier (36)
4x Bonding
4x Cloak the Gathering
6x Conditioning
4x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
4x Lost in Crowds
4x Seduction
5x Spying Mission
Action Modifier/Combat (6)
3x Hide the Mind
3x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (13)
3x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
3x Eyes of Argus
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (3)
3x No Trace
Event (1)
1x Bitter and Sweet Story, The
Deck Name: Stanislava
Author: Attila Magyar
Crypt (12 cards, min=34 max=44 avg=9.83)
4x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
2x Hartmut Stover 10 CEL OBF PRO dom for archbishop Gangrel antitribu:3
2x Xaviar (ADV) 10 ABO ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot justicar Gangrel:3
2x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
2x Mark Decker 8 CEL PRO ani for obf pot prince Gangrel:3
Library (90 cards)
Master (20; 6 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
1x Backways
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Ecoterrorists
1x Ennoia's Theater
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
5x Villein
4x Zillah's Valley
Action (9)
5x Govern the Unaligned
4x Thing
Political Action (16)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
2x Banishment
4x Kine Resources Contested
5x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (17)
2x Beast Meld
4x Earth Control
1x Enkil Cog
3x Forced March
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
3x Freak Drive
3x Instantaneous Transformation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (12)
6x Deflection
3x On the Qui Vive
3x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (12)
6x Earth Meld
6x Form of Mist
Deck Name: Salubri block 1.0
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=5 max=8 avg=6.571429)
2x Abaddon 8 cel pot AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
1x Castellan 6 cel dom AUS FOR Salubri:7
1x Ilonka 7 tha AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
2x Malachi 6 AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
2x Opikun 5 aus dom FOR Salubri:7
2x Sakhar 6 dom AUS FOR Salubri:7
2x Seraphina 8 cel tha AUS DOM FOR Salubri:7
Library: 90 cards
Master (20 cards)
1x Giant's Blood
2x Guardian Angel
1x Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
2x Sight Beyond Sight
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
3x Vessel
3x Villein
1x Wash
1x Wider View
1x Meditative Grove
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (6 cards)
6x Govern the Unaligned
Action/Combat (4 cards)
4x Touch of Valeren
Combat (12 cards)
4x Hidden Strength
2x Rolling with the Punches
2x Telepathic Tracking
4x Concealed Weapon
Ally (2 cards)
1x Gregory Winter
1x Carlton Van Wyk
Equipment (8 cards)
2x .44 Magnum
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
2x Sniper Rifle
1x Sword of the Archangel
1x Bowl of Convergence
Reaction (38 cards)
3x Enhanced Senses
8x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
1x Poison Pill
2x Precognition
2x Spirit's Touch
7x Telepathic Misdirection
5x Deflection
3x Eagle's Sight
Deck Name: Mistress Kecskemét
Author: Erdős Gyula
Crypt (12 cards, min=30 max=43 avg=9.17)
3x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC inner circle Tremere:4
2x Gabrielle di Righetti 10 ANI AUS DOM THA obf pot justicar Tremere:5
2x Orlando Oriundus 9 AUS DOM THA obf bishop Tremere antitribu:4
1x Dr. John Dee 9 ANI AUS DOM THA chi prince Tremere:4
1x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
1x Troius 8 AUS DOM THA cel prince Tremere:4
1x Graham Gottesman 7 DOM FOR obf pre tha prince Ventrue:5
1x Johannes Worringen 6 AUS THA dom archbishop Tremere antitribu:5
Library (79 cards)
Master (33; 9 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
7x Villein
1x Wider View
4x Zillah's Valley
Action (6)
4x Govern the Unaligned
2x Magic of the Smith
Equipment (2)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (11)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
3x Banishment
3x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (8)
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
6x Mirror Walk
Reaction (19)
4x Deflection
4x Eyes of Argus
1x Guardian Vigil
1x My Enemy's Enemy
5x Obedience
2x On the Qui Vive
1x Second Tradition: Domain
1x Telepathic Misdirection
Deck Name: Detroit Gang - Beast Dominate
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=7 max=10 avg=8.5)
3x Julio Martinez 9 nec ANI DOM OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit7 ani cel OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
3x Len Konopka 8 dom ser ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Cailean 10 dom ANI OBF POT PRE Nosferatu antitribu:2
Library: 90 cards
Master (20 cards)
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
1x Information Highway
1x Information Network
2x Nosferatu Kingdom
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Shanty Town Hunting Ground
1x Tension in the Ranks
2x Vessel
4x Villein
1x Wider View
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (11 cards)
1x Heroic Might
1x Tier of Souls
7x Deep Song
2x Abbot
Action Modifier/Combat (3 cards)
3x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (33 cards)
10x Immortal Grapple
2x Stunt Cycle
5x Taste of Vitae
8x Roundhouse
1x Canine Horde
5x Disarm
2x Drawing Out the Beast
Reaction (23 cards)
2x Guard Dogs
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Redirection
7x Sense the Savage Way
4x Cats' Guidance
6x Deflection
NC of Hungary
Last edit: 05 May 2024 17:10 by Ankha.
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05 May 2024 17:10 #111356
by Ankha
Replied by Ankha on topic TWD - Blood League III.
I like the idea!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Malachy
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06 May 2024 07:16 - 06 May 2024 07:17 #111365
by Rémi
I am Rémi Cavaillé (), Barcelona (SPAIN). I was the Prince of Lyon (France) a long time ago around 2003
Enjoy Vampire: Rivals games and many other gaming activities in Barcelona (Spain) with Association Khan Jugar:
Replied by Rémi on topic TWD - Blood League III.
Thanks a lot for publishing all decks from top 5!!
Thanks a lot for publishing all decks from top 5!!
I am Rémi Cavaillé (), Barcelona (SPAIN). I was the Prince of Lyon (France) a long time ago around 2003
Enjoy Vampire: Rivals games and many other gaming activities in Barcelona (Spain) with Association Khan Jugar:
Last edit: 06 May 2024 07:17 by Rémi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Malachy
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06 May 2024 16:44 #111371
by Malachy
NC of Hungary
Replied by Malachy on topic TWD - Blood League III.
For the Blood League series I do this mini-informing on the Finals every time. Also there is video material on youtube about some of the rounds and a Finals, in Hungarian, for now. We are trying to improve on quality and methods of recording to make it more enjoyable to wider audiences.
For the Blood League series I do this mini-informing on the Finals every time. Also there is video material on youtube about some of the rounds and a Finals, in Hungarian, for now. We are trying to improve on quality and methods of recording to make it more enjoyable to wider audiences.
NC of Hungary
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lönkka
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