check TWD & Report "German Nationals 2024", Darmstadt, Germany, 07.09.2024

08 Sep 2024 21:00 - 01 Oct 2024 17:12 #112543 by Hakuron
German Nationals 2024
Darmstadt-Arheilgen, Germany
September 7th, 2024
32 Players
3 Rounds + Finals
Alexander Tüschen's Tournament Winning Deck with 2 VP in the finals

Deck Name: The Art of Sword Combat
Author: Alexander Tüschen

Crypt (12 cards, min=4 max=32 avg=4.92)
4x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:any
4x Nuriel 8 AUS FOR VAL cel dom Salubri antitribu:6
1x Ariel 6 AUS FOR VAL Salubri antitribu:6
1x Azrael 5 AUS VAL for Salubri antitribu:6
1x Michaela 7 AUS FOR PRE VAL Salubri antitribu:5
1x Silas 5 FOR aus dom val Salubri antitribu:6

Library (90 cards)
Master (15; 5 trifle)
2x Anarch Revolt
1x Code of Samiel
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Guardian Angel
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Society of Leopold
4x Villein
1x Wider View

Action (4)
1x Constant Revolution
3x Sense Death

Equipment (10)
7x Blade of Bellona
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Kevlar Vest

Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop

Reaction (29)
1x Eagle's Sight
4x Enhanced Senses
5x Eyes of Argus
8x Guardian Vigil
5x Hide the Heart
1x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
1x Telepathic Misdirection

Combat (30)
1x Aura Reading
4x Blessed Blade
7x Concealed Weapon
5x Death Seeker
4x Hidden Strength
1x Righteous Aura
3x Soak
3x Sword of the Righteous
2x Taste of Vitae

Event (1)
1x NSA Trio

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
Last edit: 01 Oct 2024 17:12 by Ankha.
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08 Sep 2024 21:22 #112544 by Hakuron
Wow, 32 Players came to Darmstadt-Arheilgen to decide who should be the next German Champion. (The last time the German Championship was attended by more than 30 players dated back to 2009.) Players from many different German areas attended, some of them returning to the tournament scene after more than 10 years of torpor, as well as players from the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Croatia!
The last players reached the location 10 minutes before the announced start of the tournament, and after a minute of silence for Didi Range who passed away last year, everyone was eager to play THE GAME. The overall atmosphere was both joyful and competitive, and thanks to head-judge Ralf Weppner (and all the participants) it remained so until the end of the tournament.
After three preliminary rounds it turned out that you needed 2 GW and 6 VP to enter the finals, 1 GW 6 VP was not enough. What a competition!

Thanks to the prize support of Ultra Pro, Black Chantry, and the French VTES Store of Nicolas Lombrix Quesnel EVERY participant would take home a prize -- in addition to many promos, a customised "German Nationals 2024" booster, and lots of other special gifts!

What happened in the finals, will be described by (surprise) tournament winner Alexander Tüschen. He returned to the game three months before the event, and it is just his second tournament win.

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lönkka

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08 Sep 2024 21:29 #112545 by Hakuron
Thanks to Jennifer Fuß (Teylen), who streamed the finals as well as a feature table of each of the preliminary rounds, you can find videos of these four tables on YouTube. Enjoy! :woohoo:


Feature Table Round 1:

Feature Table Round 2:

Feature Table Round 3:

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lönkka

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09 Sep 2024 21:18 #112554 by Hakuron
Before the tournament & after the finals

From left to right: Michael K., Alexander (the winner), Jan E., Héctor, Joscha

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
The following user(s) said Thank You: extrala

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14 Sep 2024 11:58 #112598 by Vrumfondel
Here are my thoughts about the final.

!Salubri -> Joscha with Malk Vote -> Jan with Malk Bleed -> Michael with Lasombra Vote -> Hector with Gangrel Vote

I entered the finals with 3 GW and was the last to choose the seating. I did not want to sit in front of a Malkavian and there was some hope, that there will be some contest (wasn’t any). So, I decided to be the prey of Hector. Some players underestimated my Deck at the first three rounds, but there will be no advantage like this at the final.
I had 2x Nuriel and 2x Anarch Convert at my crypt so no side vampire, even after the first Anarch Convert I only drew another Anarch Convert. Beside this the start was not good but OK, my Smiling was Suddend by Jan (cross-table) but I found an early concealed + Weapon for Nuriel. With this weapon I blocked a Gangrel, cancelled his Form of Mist and went to torpor due to Claws of the dead (the only one in his deck). Big mistake! I tried to get out of torpor at my turn but Joscha blocked and diablerized Nuriel with the support of Michael. OK they did not like my deck.
I was very sure, that I did not have any chance and was not so attentive afterwards. Joscha and Michael made a deal to split the table (oust Jan and Hector) and I did not care about the exact conditions. Even after our head judge asked if everyone understood the deal, I just answered something like: Yes, whatever.
So, Jan was ousted by Joscha and a Reins of Power from Michael ousted Hector. Hector was so kind not to choose any vampire so I got 6 Pool more. At this moment I had a new Nuriel (with weapon) and a bowl. We (Hector and me) were very sure, that Joscha made a mistake with his deal and that Michael would win this table. But the Lasombra player put Angelica into play and had only some pool left. Joscha took this opportunity and ousted him with a vote and an Elder Impersonation to prevent the block from Angelica. At this moment I had Nuriel with low blood, Smiling Jack, 3 Pool on Michaela (not in play) and 8 Pool and a Villein at the hand. Joscha had several vampires and a lot of pool (>20). So, I decided to take the risk to play a Code of Samiel and brought Micheala into play, going down to 2 pool and I had to pay 1 pool to the Smiling Jack at my next untap phase. Joscha tried to do something but I was able to block his action (and torporized his minion). In my phase the Villein was not suddend/washed, so I was back at 6 Pool (yeah!). Also Mr. Winthrop joined Michaela.
Joschas Votes or the removal of the Smiling Jack were all blocked (one with 3 Stealth and an Elder Impersonation) and his minions went into torpor one after another. Also, the edge payed for the Smiling Jack after some time. The constant pool loss from this card was too much for Joscha who was ousted eventually.

I would be happy, if someone also tries the !Salubri and shares his (oder hers) experience.
The following user(s) said Thank You: extrala, Ankha, Hakuron

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14 Sep 2024 15:43 #112602 by Joscha
Congratulations to Alex once more who played an impressive pelim with 3 Game Wins, wow. In round 2 I lost to his deck already so I knew what he was playing and that my deck will have difficulties with the !Salubri.

In the finals my prey Jan (Malk S/B) and I (Malk vote) had to find a way to not contest any new Malks. So we negotiated that he can bring out Abraham Mellon (which I don't play) and Jason "Son" Newberry (which I had in my uncontrolled region). I went with Juliet Parr (Justicar) and Alexander Silverson (Prince).
My Grandprey Michael got out Moncada (Cardinal) and a Francisco (Archbishop), very fast with the help of Tombs of Rameses, long time no see. Hector got a little Gangrel and then Andre, the Cardmanipulator and Alex Nuriel, my bane from the second round.
I threw away my Combat Ends, as I knew, they would get canceled from Alex with Death Seekers. Shortly after Nuriel entered torpor and Michael gave a hint, that he would be glad, if he gets eaten. As Alex didn't had another ready minion to block a diablerie from my side, he tried to leave torpor. After a quick negotiation with Michael, Juliet blocked that with a Second Trad and diablerized Nuriel (and forgot to take his Sword).
I read the table like this: I needed the Lasombras voting help to achieve anything. I couldn't bleed, as my prey would happily bounce my bleeds to Michael and he most probably to Hector. That would lead to nothing. I had my hand full of hillariously strong political actions (2 CIFs, one Banishment and a KRC), so I listened interested to Michaels request for help for his Banishment of Andre (meanwhile Anarch and Baron of wherever), who was on two blood if I remember correctly. He promised to allow me a CIF on Jan, gaining the pool. So to Hectors dismay we worked together. So Hector lost four pool for reinfluencing Andre. And Jan in my turn lost four pool to the Iron Fist (and Alex 1).
Shortly after this Michael again wanted my help. He wanted to call Reigns of Power to damage his prey for four. Hector was on 6 pool (I really dont remember, why he was so low so fast). My prey was only on 10 IIRC, because he hadn't played any Villein and he would lose 3 for that action. I was unsure, if I should give Michael his VP, but after some negotiation we agreed, that we would take out our preys more or less simultaneously with the help of each other. So Michael played a Anarchist Uprising and after that the Reigns. WRONG ORDER, as it turned out, because Hector just chose no vampire for the Reigns and Alex sacked full six pool, evening out the loss of Nuriel before (more or less). That was a game deciding mistake, Michael and I did not think of that, even though I encountered that move multiple times.
Hector and Alex meant, that I took the wrong choice in allying with the Lasombra, as he would be too strong and have me for dinner. But I thought, I want my VP and after all Michale was fifth seed and I am fourth, so the right player was boosted. ;)
Michael stood to the deal and Jan fell the next turn or the turn after.
I got out Andi Liu, another prince. Michael got out Angelica, a Cardinal. He played a Fear of Mekhet on my Justicar with one blood left and she burned (with me having a Giant's Blood in hand, sigh). So it really looked bad. I got out Jason Newburry and made him Legendary Vampire, so I was back on seven votes against the Lasombra's eight.
Michael couldn't do much against Alex, he removed an Anarch Revolt but couldn't get rid of Alex' Smiling Jack. Michael ended his turn with 4 pool. His vote lock and Angelica's intercept special seemed to be enough to be safe. Alex did not do anything, as he was low on pool and had Jack out.
My hand showed stealth, a Iron Fist and a Telepathic Vote Counting. So I took the chance and called the vote, could outstealth Angelica with three Mastercard-intercept and managed to oust Michael and his Lasombra for my second VP.
Now all I had to do was sitting there and outlast the !Salubri, who were on 2 pool after the CIF. We had a very fast game and it was more than an hour to go. You cannot outlast a Smiling Jack-Deck, but I had not enough stealth to go for the bleed or to make another vote, as Nuriel had found a Bowl of Convergence. Still I was optimistic, as Alex had to pay for Jack and should get ousted that way.
So I ended my turn and Alex played Villein for five, game over.
With no actions I could do I couldn't cycle my hand to find more stealth cards. I tried desperatly, could find an Into thin Air with an Elder Impersonation, but it was in vain. Alex had too many Intercept in his hand (Guardian Vigil and Enhanced Senses with both of his vamps equipped with Interceptcards).
So Alex ousted me with his Smiling Jack, got two VPs and won the tournament because of his better seeding.
Well done, mate!

Baron of Frankfurt
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