check TWD - Last Chance Preparation for Hungarian National Championship

29 Jan 2025 08:32 - 04 Feb 2025 07:23 #113627 by Malachy
Last Chance Preparation for Hungarian National Championship
Kecskemét, Hungary
January 19th, 2025
20 players
3R + F

Richard Stefan Utner's Tournament Winning Deck with 3 VPs in the Finals

Decklist and seating order on Finals

Richard Stefan Utner - András Filius - Zsolt Gonda - Ferenc Kósa - Balázs Ihász

Tournament winning deck

Deck Name: Capuchin and Friends
Author: Richard Stefan Utner

Crypt (12 cards, min=32 max=44 avg=9.5)
5x Capuchin, The 11 AUS DOM FOR NEC THA THN Harbinger of Skulls:5
3x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
4x Abraham Mellon 8 AUS DOM OBF for tha Malkavian:6

Library (86 cards)
Master (17; 6 trifle)
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elder Library
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
6x Villein
1x Visit from the Capuchin

Action (10)
10x Govern the Unaligned

Ally (1)
1x Ponticulus

Equipment (2)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Erebus Mask

Action Modifier (22)
5x Bonding
1x Cloak the Gathering
2x Crocodile's Tongue
1x Enkil Cog
4x Freak Drive
3x Mirror Walk
1x Seduction
5x Under My Skin

Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will

Reaction (21)
4x Deflection
2x Eagle's Sight
9x Eyes of Argus
2x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Telepathic Misdirection

Combat (11)
4x Theft of Vitae
7x Unflinching Persistence

NC of Hungary

Last edit: 04 Feb 2025 07:23 by Ankha.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ankha

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04 Feb 2025 10:32 - 04 Feb 2025 13:16 #113651 by Malachy
The other finalists' decks:

Deck Name: Nephandus 1.0
Author: Zsolt Gonda

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=3 max=7 avg=5.5)
1x Frondator 5 dom tha AUS Tremere antitribu:4
1x Andrew Stuart 5 AUS DOM THA Tremere:4
5x Antonio d'Erlette 5 dom for pot THA Tremere antitribu:4
1x Ladislas Toth, The Torch 7 for AUS DOM THA Tremere antitribu:3
1x Martin Franckel 3 tha AUS Tremere:3
1x Selena 6 AUS DOM THA Tremere antitribu:3
1x Yasmin the Black 6 dom pre AUS THA Tremere antitribu:3
1x Carna, The Princess Witch 7 AUS DOM THA Tremere:3

Library: 90 cards

Master (33 cards)
1x Fear of Mekhet
1x Haven Uncovered
1x Jake Washington
5x Liquidation
3x Parthenon, The
9x Ashur Tablets
3x Villein
2x Wash
1x Wider View
3x Shard, London, The
2x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action (3 cards)
3x Magic of the Smith

Action Modifier (10 cards)
8x Mirror Walk
2x Conditioning

Ally (11 cards)
9x Nephandus
1x Ossian
1x Carlton Van Wyk

Equipment (3 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
1x Bowl of Convergence

Reaction (26 cards)
4x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
5x On the Qui Vive
7x Telepathic Misdirection
5x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics

Event (4 cards)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
3x Unmasking, The

Deck Name: Nosfi Anti toolbox (copy) - developed by community
Author: Ferenc Kósa

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=7 max=9 avg=8.)
4x Julio Martinez 9 nec ANI DOM OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Mateusz Gryzbowsky 8 ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
3x Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit7 ani cel OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
2x Calebos 8 cel ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2

Library: 90 cards

Master (19 cards)
2x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Nosferatu Kingdom
1x Perfectionist
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Shanty Town Hunting Ground
6x Villein
1x British Museum, London, The
2x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action (12 cards)
3x Under Siege
7x Deep Song
2x Abbot

Action Modifier/Combat (6 cards)
3x Shadow Boxing
3x Swallowed by the Night

Combat (30 cards)
8x Immortal Grapple
1x Slam
6x Taste of Vitae
1x Thrown Sewer Lid
4x Torn Signpost
6x Roundhouse
1x Canine Horde
3x Disarm

Retainer (1 cards)
1x Mr. Winthrop

Reaction (22 cards)
4x On the Qui Vive
5x Redirection
7x Sense the Savage Way
4x Cats' Guidance
2x Delaying Tactics

Deck Name: Make some noise (S)
Author: Balázs Ihász

Crypt (12 cards, min=9 max=40 avg=6.58)
5x unnamed, The 10 CEL DAI OBF PRE PRO Baali:6
2x Xeper, Sultan of Lepers 7 OBF PRE ani dai pro Baali:6
1x Arishat 6 DAI OBF PRE 1 vote Baali:6
2x Horde, The 3 dai obf pre Baali:6
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:ANY
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY

Library (72 cards)
Master (14; 3 trifle)
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Perfectionist
1x Rötschreck
1x Wash
1x Wider View

Action (11)
1x Contagion
1x Entrancement
5x Legal Manipulations
1x Summoning, The
3x Unleash Hell's Fury

Ally (3)
2x Infernal Servitor
1x Veneficti

Equipment (1)
1x Kaymakli Fragment

Retainer (2)
2x Homunculus

Action Modifier (28)
1x Approximation of Loyalty
2x Cloak the Gathering
3x Elder Impersonation
3x Enkil Cog
3x Faceless Night
2x I am Legion
8x Instantaneous Transformation
4x Lost in Crowds
1x Psychomachia
1x Spying Mission

Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Swallowed by the Night

Action Modifier/Reaction (5)
5x Sense the Sin

Reaction (4)
1x Delaying Tactics
3x Visions of Zapathasura

Combat (2)
2x Form of Mist

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds

Deck Name: Nosfi Primogen Vote - 2025.01.19.
Author: András Filius

Crypt (12 cards, min=15 max=25 avg=5.33)
1x Nikolaus Vermeulen 7 ANI POT for obf prince Nosferatu:6
2x Dowager, The 6 ANI OBF aus pot primogen Nosferatu:6
2x Larissa Moreira 6 ANI OBF pot primogen Nosferatu:6
2x Lenny Burkhead 6 ANI obf pot pre primogen Nosferatu:6
1x Belinde 6 OBF ani aus pot prince Nosferatu:6
1x Kalinda 6 CEL OBF tha primogen Banu Haqim:6
2x Dominica 3 aus for Salubri:7
1x Baixinho 3 ani obf Nosferatu:6

Library (90 cards)
Master (20; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elysium: The Palace of Versailles
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Labyrinth, The
1x Metro Underground
1x Saulot's Guiding Wisdom
6x Villein
4x Warsaw Station

Action (9)
3x Army of Rats
1x Conceal
5x Creeping Sabotage

Political Action (9)
3x Camarilla's Iron Fist
1x Domain Challenge
5x Kine Resources Contested

Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus

Action Modifier (11)
3x Faceless Night
4x Forgotten Labyrinth
3x Lost in Crowds
1x Veil the Legions

Action Modifier/Combat (5)
5x Swallowed by the Night

Reaction (22)
3x Guard Dogs
3x On the Qui Vive
16x Protected District

Combat (12)
6x Aid from Bats
6x Carrion Crows

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds

NC of Hungary

Last edit: 04 Feb 2025 13:16 by Malachy. Reason: Decks and authers added

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