TWD - Hungarian National Championship 2024
29 Jan 2025 18:05 - 04 Feb 2025 07:21 #113629
by Malachy
NC of Hungary
TWD - Hungarian National Championship 2024 was created by Malachy
Hungarian National Championship 2024
Bduapest, Hungary
January 26th, 2025
65 players
3R + F
Tamás Glied's Tournament Winning Deck with 1,5 VPs in the Finals
Deck Name: Vége van kicsi
Author: Tamás Glied
Crypt (12 cards, min=32 max=43 avg=9.42)
1x Alexandra 11 ANI AUS CEL PRE dom inner circle Toreador:2
1x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle Ventrue:2
1x Leandro 11 AUS OBF PRE cel dom inner circle Malkavian:2
1x Anneke 10 AUS CEL PRE dom justicar Toreador:1
1x Democritus 10 DOM PRE aus cel for justicar Ventrue:1
1x Don Cruez, The Idealist 10 CEL POT PRE ani dom pro justicar Brujah:1
1x Queen Anne 10 DOM FOR PRE aus obf prince Ventrue:2
4x Anson 8 CEL PRE aus dom prince Toreador:1
1x Emerson Bridges 8 DOM FOR PRE pot prince Ventrue:1
Library (90 cards)
Master (45; 5 trifle)
9x Ashur Tablets
2x Camarilla Conclave
1x Creepshow Casino
2x Direct Intervention
1x Elysium: The Palace of Versailles
1x Giant's Blood
3x Information Highway
4x Liquidation
3x Minion Tap
2x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
1x Parthenon, The
3x Protected Resources
5x Villein
7x Zillah's Valley
Political Action (18)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
4x Banishment
3x Camarilla's Iron Fist
7x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (10)
6x Perfect Paragon
4x Voter Captivation
Reaction (11)
4x Redirection
7x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (6)
6x Majesty
Bduapest, Hungary
January 26th, 2025
65 players
3R + F
Tamás Glied's Tournament Winning Deck with 1,5 VPs in the Finals
Decklists and seating order on Finals
Warning: Spoiler!
Seating order:
Balázs Sebestyén 1,5 VP -> Gyula Erdős -> Tamás Glied 1,5 VP -> Goran Damjanic -> Márk Virsinger 0,5 VP
Deck Name: Sakk-matt
Author: Balázs Sebestyén
Crypt (12 cards, min=8 max=40 avg=5.83)
5x Shalmath 10 POT PRE TEM True Brujah:6
1x America Johnson 4 AUS vic Tzimisce:5
1x Pearl 4 AUS obf Malkavian antitribu:5
1x Tyler McGill 4 AUS pre Toreador:5
1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5
1x Veejay Vinod 3 AUS Nagaraja:6
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
1x Donald Cargill 1 aus Caitiff:5
Library (90 cards)
Master (15; 5 trifle)
2x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Fame
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Perfectionist
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Tabriz Assembly
2x Vessel
1x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (12)
2x Anima Gathering
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
8x Summon History
1x Vaticination
Ally (1)
1x Veneficti
Equipment (5)
1x .44 Magnum
1x Eye of Hazimel
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Sport Bike
1x Talbot's Chainsaw
Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop
Action Modifier (9)
5x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog
1x Pocket Out of Time
Reaction (20)
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
2x Rewind Time
8x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (27)
2x Decapitate
4x Disarm
7x Majesty
14x Outside the Hourglass
Deck Name: Banu kebab
Author: Erdős Gyula
Crypt (12 cards, min=21 max=34 avg=6.75)
2x Kasim Bayar 9 CEL OBF THA aus pot justicar Banu Haqim:6
2x Oluwafunmilayo 8 AUS CEL OBF THA prince Banu Haqim:6
2x Farah Sarroub 7 CEL THA aus obf prince Banu Haqim:6
3x Kassandra Tassaki 6 CEL THA obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Khadija Al-Kindi 6 CEL OBF THA primogen Banu Haqim:6
1x Warmaksan 5 THA cel obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Nayarana 4 THA cel Banu Haqim:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (29; 8 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
2x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x Information Highway
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Priority Contract
5x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (7)
6x Hunter's Mark
1x Rutor's Hand
Political Action (2)
1x Anathema
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Equipment (1)
1x .44 Magnum
Action Modifier/Combat (4)
3x Resist Earth's Grasp
1x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (9)
9x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (38)
3x Blur
9x Hunger of Marduk
5x Infernal Pursuit
5x Psyche!
7x Pursuit
4x Quickness
2x Rego Motum
1x Sideslip
2x Zip Gun
Deck Name: Tzimisce
Author: Goran Damjanic
Crypt (12 cards, min=6 max=21 avg=3.58)
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
2x Marialena 5 DOM PRO ani Tzimisce:6
1x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
1x Whisper 5 ANI DOM pro Tzimisce:6
2x Prentis Derby 4 ani dom pro Tzimisce:6
2x Susie Kano 3 ani dom Tzimisce:6
3x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
Library (64 cards)
Master (21; 3 trifle)
1x Direct Intervention
1x Failsafe
1x Fame
7x Jake Washington
1x Mob Connections
7x Piper
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Vessel
1x Villein
Ally (11)
1x Asanbonsam Ghoul
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Ossian
1x Vagabond Mystic
1x Vozhd of Sofia
6x War Ghoul
Retainer (4)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Jackie Therman
1x Mr. Winthrop
1x Tasha Morgan
Reaction (16)
3x Deep Ecology
6x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
3x On the Qui Vive
3x One With the Land
Combat (8)
3x Donnybrook
2x Fake Out
3x Trap
Event (4)
1x Dragonbound
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
2x Unmasking, The
Deck Name: montano
Author: Márk Virsinger
Crypt (12 cards, min=9 max=44 avg=7.5)
4x Montano 11 ANI DOM FOR OBT POT 2 votes Lasombra:3
1x Nahir 10 ANI DOM OBT POT tha Lasombra:3
1x Servius Marius Pustula 10 ANI CHI DOM OBT POT obf Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x Antón de Concepción 9 ANI DOM OBT POT aus archbishop Lasombra:4
1x Conrad Adoula 8 DOM OBT POT ani cel Lasombra:4
1x Otieno 6 OBT POT ani dom Lasombra:4
3x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
Library (90 cards)
Master (17; 6 trifle)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
3x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington
1x Rack, The
6x Villein
3x Zillah's Valley
Action (16)
7x Deep Song
9x Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (2)
2x Enkil Cog
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (20)
3x Cats' Guidance
6x Deflection
1x On the Qui Vive
10x Sense the Savage Way
Combat (31)
8x Carrion Crows
8x Dark Steel
6x Immortal Grapple
3x Slam
6x Taste of Vitae
Balázs Sebestyén 1,5 VP -> Gyula Erdős -> Tamás Glied 1,5 VP -> Goran Damjanic -> Márk Virsinger 0,5 VP
Deck Name: Sakk-matt
Author: Balázs Sebestyén
Crypt (12 cards, min=8 max=40 avg=5.83)
5x Shalmath 10 POT PRE TEM True Brujah:6
1x America Johnson 4 AUS vic Tzimisce:5
1x Pearl 4 AUS obf Malkavian antitribu:5
1x Tyler McGill 4 AUS pre Toreador:5
1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5
1x Veejay Vinod 3 AUS Nagaraja:6
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
1x Donald Cargill 1 aus Caitiff:5
Library (90 cards)
Master (15; 5 trifle)
2x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Fame
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Perfectionist
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Tabriz Assembly
2x Vessel
1x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (12)
2x Anima Gathering
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
8x Summon History
1x Vaticination
Ally (1)
1x Veneficti
Equipment (5)
1x .44 Magnum
1x Eye of Hazimel
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Sport Bike
1x Talbot's Chainsaw
Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop
Action Modifier (9)
5x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog
1x Pocket Out of Time
Reaction (20)
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
2x Rewind Time
8x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (27)
2x Decapitate
4x Disarm
7x Majesty
14x Outside the Hourglass
Deck Name: Banu kebab
Author: Erdős Gyula
Crypt (12 cards, min=21 max=34 avg=6.75)
2x Kasim Bayar 9 CEL OBF THA aus pot justicar Banu Haqim:6
2x Oluwafunmilayo 8 AUS CEL OBF THA prince Banu Haqim:6
2x Farah Sarroub 7 CEL THA aus obf prince Banu Haqim:6
3x Kassandra Tassaki 6 CEL THA obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Khadija Al-Kindi 6 CEL OBF THA primogen Banu Haqim:6
1x Warmaksan 5 THA cel obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Nayarana 4 THA cel Banu Haqim:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (29; 8 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
2x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x Information Highway
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Priority Contract
5x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (7)
6x Hunter's Mark
1x Rutor's Hand
Political Action (2)
1x Anathema
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Equipment (1)
1x .44 Magnum
Action Modifier/Combat (4)
3x Resist Earth's Grasp
1x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (9)
9x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (38)
3x Blur
9x Hunger of Marduk
5x Infernal Pursuit
5x Psyche!
7x Pursuit
4x Quickness
2x Rego Motum
1x Sideslip
2x Zip Gun
Deck Name: Tzimisce
Author: Goran Damjanic
Crypt (12 cards, min=6 max=21 avg=3.58)
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
2x Marialena 5 DOM PRO ani Tzimisce:6
1x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
1x Whisper 5 ANI DOM pro Tzimisce:6
2x Prentis Derby 4 ani dom pro Tzimisce:6
2x Susie Kano 3 ani dom Tzimisce:6
3x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
Library (64 cards)
Master (21; 3 trifle)
1x Direct Intervention
1x Failsafe
1x Fame
7x Jake Washington
1x Mob Connections
7x Piper
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Vessel
1x Villein
Ally (11)
1x Asanbonsam Ghoul
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Ossian
1x Vagabond Mystic
1x Vozhd of Sofia
6x War Ghoul
Retainer (4)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Jackie Therman
1x Mr. Winthrop
1x Tasha Morgan
Reaction (16)
3x Deep Ecology
6x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
3x On the Qui Vive
3x One With the Land
Combat (8)
3x Donnybrook
2x Fake Out
3x Trap
Event (4)
1x Dragonbound
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
2x Unmasking, The
Deck Name: montano
Author: Márk Virsinger
Crypt (12 cards, min=9 max=44 avg=7.5)
4x Montano 11 ANI DOM FOR OBT POT 2 votes Lasombra:3
1x Nahir 10 ANI DOM OBT POT tha Lasombra:3
1x Servius Marius Pustula 10 ANI CHI DOM OBT POT obf Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x Antón de Concepción 9 ANI DOM OBT POT aus archbishop Lasombra:4
1x Conrad Adoula 8 DOM OBT POT ani cel Lasombra:4
1x Otieno 6 OBT POT ani dom Lasombra:4
3x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
Library (90 cards)
Master (17; 6 trifle)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
3x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington
1x Rack, The
6x Villein
3x Zillah's Valley
Action (16)
7x Deep Song
9x Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (2)
2x Enkil Cog
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (20)
3x Cats' Guidance
6x Deflection
1x On the Qui Vive
10x Sense the Savage Way
Combat (31)
8x Carrion Crows
8x Dark Steel
6x Immortal Grapple
3x Slam
6x Taste of Vitae
Tournament winning deck
Deck Name: Vége van kicsi
Author: Tamás Glied
Crypt (12 cards, min=32 max=43 avg=9.42)
1x Alexandra 11 ANI AUS CEL PRE dom inner circle Toreador:2
1x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle Ventrue:2
1x Leandro 11 AUS OBF PRE cel dom inner circle Malkavian:2
1x Anneke 10 AUS CEL PRE dom justicar Toreador:1
1x Democritus 10 DOM PRE aus cel for justicar Ventrue:1
1x Don Cruez, The Idealist 10 CEL POT PRE ani dom pro justicar Brujah:1
1x Queen Anne 10 DOM FOR PRE aus obf prince Ventrue:2
4x Anson 8 CEL PRE aus dom prince Toreador:1
1x Emerson Bridges 8 DOM FOR PRE pot prince Ventrue:1
Library (90 cards)
Master (45; 5 trifle)
9x Ashur Tablets
2x Camarilla Conclave
1x Creepshow Casino
2x Direct Intervention
1x Elysium: The Palace of Versailles
1x Giant's Blood
3x Information Highway
4x Liquidation
3x Minion Tap
2x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
1x Parthenon, The
3x Protected Resources
5x Villein
7x Zillah's Valley
Political Action (18)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
4x Banishment
3x Camarilla's Iron Fist
7x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (10)
6x Perfect Paragon
4x Voter Captivation
Reaction (11)
4x Redirection
7x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (6)
6x Majesty
NC of Hungary
Last edit: 04 Feb 2025 07:21 by Ankha.
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01 Feb 2025 15:52 #113633
by extrala
Replied by extrala on topic TWD - Hungarian National Championship 2024
It's 2025 and a deck with Don Cruez in it wins a 65 player tournament. Tamas must truly be an Idealist.
Aren't the times we are living in amazing?!
Aren't the times we are living in amazing?!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ankha
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04 Feb 2025 10:25 #113650
by alf
That amazes me somehow more
Replied by alf on topic TWD - Hungarian National Championship 2024
Well, on top of that, there's even Minion Tap AND Villein in it.It's 2025 and a deck with Don Cruez in it wins a 65 player tournament. Tamas must truly be an Idealist.
Aren't the times we are living in amazing?!
That amazes me somehow more

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