file Hecata "oblivion" ideas

10 Oct 2021 23:48 - 20 Oct 2021 00:24 #103512 by snegiem
hello all,

It is unknown yet how hecatas and oblivion will be treated in vtes... so i just drop a few ideas here ...

hypothesis: obt and obl will be the same discipline so hecata will have aus+obt+for
linked to these disciplines mix, they would have better either have ousting mecanims similar to walls / smiling jack/ constant revolution. it would make sense as well as they are described as independant and wanting to involve direclty as little as possible in other clan business.
i wanted to exploit more "ash heap" strategies but it will be for another time...

Fatal precognition
no cost
disciplines: oblivion (obtenetration ?) + auspex
obl+aus: the acting minion get -1 stealth. his controler discard a card at random
OBL+AUS: as above but the acting minion also burns 1 blood or life and the discarded card is not replaced until the end of the action.
source: cult of the dead gods, page 204. ritual to foretell someone death.

Passion Feast
no cost
obl+for:hunt action, +1 stealth. if more than a blood is gained during this action, ignore the excess. the vampire unlocks if the action is successful. a vampire can play only a passion feast per turn.
OBL+FOR: as above but if this action is blocked, this vampire is immune to non aggravated combat during the resulting combat.
source : cult of the dead gods page 205, ability to feed from feelings

withering the spirit
x blood
obl+aus: (d) burn a master card costing x. you cannot target masters attached to minions.
OBL+AUS : as above but you can steal x pool from the master controler as well.
source: cult of the dead page 207: ritual to drive a mortal or a vampire crazy (or at least losing grip on reality and / or humanity)

skuld fulfilled
reaction / action
no cost
obl+for: reaction or combat, usable by a vampire not involved in the combat if any. usable when a retainer or ally loses one or more life. This retainer or ally burns another life.
OBL+FOR: action: (d) action. the target methuselah loses 2 pools, burn the two top card of his libray and discard two cards at random. you can only target a methuselah who lost one or more pool this turn
source: cult of the dead page 207, make reappear old sickness, wounds...

secret ways
cost 1 pool
lock to give an independant vampire +1 stealth. only usable on an undirected action.
source: this goes beyond the scope of the hecata only... but as there is few cards for independant vampire and as the hecata are one of the few still to be ....

Lazarene blessing
Cost 1 blood
Obl+for D action move a mortal or animal retainer from any ash heap to this vampire with this card and 1 life. This retainer is now a zombi and cannot gain life. Any other life it gains is lost.
OBL+FOR d action. Remove an ally or retainer from any ash heap from the game and put this card in play. This card is a zombi ally with strength 1, bleed 1 and life equal to the starting life the removed card had. This zombi cannot gain life.
Source : cult of the dead (again). Ritual used to insert a soul inside a dead body.

Split the shroud
Obl + for
1 blood
Obl + for: +1stealth.put this card on a location. The location controler can lock this location to give +1 stealth to a wraith or a vampire with obl
OBL+FOR: as above but the location can be locked to burn the two top card of a methuselah library. If this methuselah library does not have enough cards, he loses 1 pool for each card he does not have.
Source: cult of the dead, ritual to open a breach between this world ans the shadowland

Bind the spirit
No cost
For + obl
+1 stealth
Action / reaction
For + obl (action) Put this card on a minion, an equipment, a retainer or a location. Each unlock his controler burn the top card of his library or loses 1 pool.
FOR + OBL Unlock the acting minion if the action is successful.
Source: cult of the dead, ritual to bind a "tormented" ghost to someone he could haunt

Death servants
Master. Unique.
Requires hecata
Lock during another methuselah turn after you lost one or more pools, your prey loses 1 pool and discard a card at random.
Source: general inspiration from the cult of the dead. Globally the hecata are watching the world crumble and die as they are themselves about to die all.

The family reunion
+1 Stealth Action.
No cost
This action can be used only by hecata, samedi, nagaraja, harbinger of skulls and giovanni.
Put this card on this vampire and move a card from your ash heap or from your hand, which requires one of these clan to this card. He can play other copies of the chosen card as if meeting the clan requirement. If this acting vampire is hecata, unlock him if the action is successful. A non-hecata vampire can have only one family reunion.
Source: the fusion between all death clan following augustus giovanni disappearance.

Coroner friend (or forensic contact)
No cost
Requires hecata
Life 1 str 0 bleed 0
The coroner friend can remove a card from an ash heap as a +1 stealth action d action.
Non unique equipments cost him 1 less pool.
Actions by other methuselah to target the coroner gets -1 stealth
Source: cult of the dead, the hecata are dealing with all kind of people dealing with dead people and/or murders.

Dunsirn offshores investments
Master. Investment.
No cost.
Put a counter on this card for each giovanni and hecata you control.
During your unlock phase, you may move a counter from this card to a ready hecata or giovanni you control, if you do not, add a counter. Burn this card when it has no more counters.

Source: cult of the deads, dunsirn bloodline

Prayer to the Baron
Usable by an hecata or a samedi
+1 stealth action
Move a card from your crypt to your uncontrolled area or as a D action burn the top of the crypt of another methuselah

Ritual of Technochtitlan
+1 stealth
1 blood ?
Usable by an hecata or a giovanni
D action. Burn an ally or a vampire in torpor. This is nor considered diablerie.

Monstrous bite
Combat / action modifier
Only usable by nagaraj and hecata
Action modifier: only usable on a hunt, +1 hunt.
Combat: only usable at close.
Strike: steal two bloods. This strike is considered an hand strike.

Harbinger of ashur
Usable by an hecata or harbinger of skull
+1 stealth action.
D action: steal or destroy an ashur tablet in play.
Undirected action: put this card in play if there is no ashur tablet in play. This card is considered as an ashur tablet tablet while in play.

La famiglia giovanni
Action modifier / Reaction
Action modifier: reduce the cost to recruit a mortal ally or a ghoul by 1 blood or pool
Reaction: Usable by an hecata or a giovanni after the resolution of a d action against you.
This reacting vampire enters fight with the acting minion.

The gorgons legacy
Only usable by an hecata or a bahari vampire
Combat card
Only usable at beginning of combat.
This vampire can prevent 1 damage each round of combat. Only one gorgon can be used per combat.

Puttanesca illegal fightclub
Usable only by an hecata
Usable by a vampire not involved in combat.
press to continue combat.

1528 reminder
Action modifier / Reaction card
Usable by a giovanni or an hecata
Only usable during a political action before votes and ballots are cast. If the referendum succeeds and make you lose pool, a methuselah of your choice will lose the same amount (in addition to the referendum effects).

Resurrection cemetery mausoleum, elyseum
Unique master location
Requires hecata
Lock to end combat before range between an wraith or hecata with another non sabbat minion.
Source: chicago by night p92, elyseum built with the support of the camarilla.
Last edit: 20 Oct 2021 00:24 by snegiem.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ashur

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01 Dec 2021 10:34 - 01 Dec 2021 13:17 #104076 by snegiem
Replied by snegiem on topic Hecata "oblivion" ideas
Following the other post, here are a few character (possible crypt cards) :

Mother Anja
Hecata g6
Cap 7
AUS FOR obl dom
Independant. During your unlock, you can add a blood to an hecata with no blood

Mora, death seer
Hecata g6
Cap 8
Independant, during your unlock, you can look at top of a methuselah library. If it has the same name as a card in this player ash heap, you can burn this card.

Lady constanza
OBL aus for cel pro pot
Hecata g6
capacity 4
Independant: while controlled, any player may use cards as if lady constanza is a wraith ally. Burn her if she goes to torpor.
Apparence: muscled business man in his 40s (her soul changed body)

Hiromitsu Asano
Hecata g6
FOR aus obl cel
Capacity 6
Independant: once per combat, Hiromitsu can burn a blood to give a maneuver to a minion in combat.

Other hecata mentioned in the cult of the dead:
- zelda booke : former lamia and lilin so bahari
- roger de camden: prince of edinburgh
- lenelle, mambo of birmingham: former samedi
- lia milliner
- ambrogino giovanni
- euan dunsirn
- ranald dunsirn
- serena praha: cappadoccian, indicated the importance of cycle for the three faces of clan
- adisa: lilin, bodyguard of cerena st cyr
- cerena st cyr: cappadoccian
- matthew sharkey: hecata fledgling. Qo probably cap 2 or 3
- casius aubespin: former samedi
- monica giovanni: great great child of ignazio giovanni and looking to destroy him and the rest of the giovanni not affiliaged with the hecata.
- amr salib: Old cappadoccian of unknown sire
- josette: former samedi
- marchesa lilliana: wearer of the triple faced mask. Former harbinger of skull
- accorri giovanni
- tony ambrose of the puttanesca
- Maria Pisanob
- Berlin giovanni
- zebadiah: former habringer of skulls. Enjoying death of others. Eager to die as well: maybe an ability like when a minion burns, he gains 1 blood. When zebadiah burns, you gain 1 or pools.
- christof giovanni: ready made character
- franziska hollander giovanni: ready made character
- jan puttanesca: ready made character
- heather milliner: ready made character. Strong in computer field. Maybe something as + 1 intercept for each electronic equipment or +1 stealth or bleed when bleeding with computer hacking or electronic equipments.

Other possible card :
The Venetian jar
Unique equipment
Requires hecata or giovanni
Move an ally or retainer to your hand or move a vampire from your ash heap to your uncontrolled region as a +1 stealth.
Last edit: 01 Dec 2021 13:17 by snegiem.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ashur

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01 Dec 2021 12:00 - 16 Dec 2021 09:50 #104078 by snegiem
Replied by snegiem on topic Hecata "oblivion" ideas
Besides, i would really enjoy to see a new ousting mechanism and i really think that that the hecata would need it as none of the hecata disciplines (for, obt, aus) is really providing bleeds.

I m thinking maybe to replace one of the power idea above by one of the following:
- inferior: d action. If there is less than 10 cards in his library or ash heap, this methuselah loses 2 pools, then burn 10 cards from target methuselah library or remove 10 cards from target methuselah ash heap.
- superior: as above but for 3 pools

+ 1 stealth action
put this card in play. During each other methuselah unlock, you can add a counter, if you do, this player loses x pools unless he burns x cards from his libraryand / or removes x cards from his ash heap, where is new is the number of counters on this card.
Any minion can attempt to burn this card as a d action costing 1 blood or life.

+1 stealth
D action. Put in play. Whenever your prey plays a card, he cannot replace it unless he choses to burn a card from his library for each www in play.
Any minion can attempt to burn this card as an action costing a blood or life.
Last edit: 16 Dec 2021 09:50 by snegiem.

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18 Dec 2021 18:21 - 18 Dec 2021 18:23 #104226 by Lech
Replied by Lech on topic Hecata "oblivion" ideas

Besides, i would really enjoy to see a new ousting mechanism and i really think that that the hecata would need it as none of the hecata disciplines (for, obt, aus) is really providing bleeds.

To be fair, :OBT: is providing some bleeds with nocturns, and :AUS: have Pulse. But indeed, the discipline combo don't have much going on for them, except wallish grinders.

Milling library isn't really that good and proven to be awful winning condition. I'm sure they will get some wraiths to be playable and perhaps sport ally-based ousting.

:laso: :CEL: :DOM: :OBT: :POT: :cap8:
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
Last edit: 18 Dec 2021 18:23 by Lech.

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28 Feb 2022 18:21 - 28 Feb 2022 19:51 #104742 by snegiem
Replied by snegiem on topic Hecata "oblivion" ideas
I totally forgot the nocturn and "pulse of the canaille" "bleeding" aspect.
however both cards cost blood... (lot of blood in case of the pulse)

they would need advantage like "obt cards cost this vampire 1 blood" or "action cards cost this vampire 1 less blood" to make it viable.... specially as crypt cards woould probably not go above cap 8-9
(in comparison, lasombra can rely on badr and path of night for nocturns)

For the milling aspect: i just think it is one of the way to play that could be exploited as it is almost void at the moment.
I tried to play with the idea viable as making cards milling and making lose pool (or ash heap removal)... however i wonder how many cards should be milled by a single action ...
80 cards x 4 players => 320 cards / 12 action made successfully per game... roughly 30 cards per action ?? but it seems to me a lot specially as people even without mill will get fewer cards as the game go further. => 20 cards then ??
Last edit: 28 Feb 2022 19:51 by snegiem.

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