BYO Storyline idea - Faction struggle
05 Jan 2011 05:05 #286
by salem
BYO Storyline idea - Faction struggle was created by salem
Faction Struggle
Author : salem
Description :
The sects have been losing members to the upstart Anarchs for too long. It's time to return order to the kindred and take back what they've lost. Of course, should the Anarchs be causing problems for the rival sects, well then there's no sense in not taking advantage of the chaos....
With the Gangrel gone and the Brujah being a prime recruiting ground for Anarchs, the Camarilla is even looking to the Assamites as a potential inclusion to their sect to add some much needed military power.
A storyline tournament (3+F) concept using random piles of promo cards (plus a few others) for a centre deck to represent the struggles of the various factions.
Each player plays with a standard tournament legal vtes deck. They must declare to all players at the start of the first round (and any time they are asked) what faction they represent. Factions are defined as: Any of the sects, Anarchs, Imbued, or Black Hand. Be reasonable. If your crypt is 75% Sabbat, don't choose Camarilla. If your deck only has titled vampires and no way to turn titled vampires Anarch, then don't choose 'Anarch'. The judge can force the player to choose something reasonable if they believe the player is being unreasonable.
In the centre of the table is the Faction deck; a library and crypt.
At the start of the game 7 library cards are turned face up from the Faction deck, and 4 crypt cards. These form the Faction hand and Faction uncontrolled region. Any player may play a card from the Faction hand at any appropriate time as if from their own hand. Any 'do not replace' clauses on Faction cards are ignored, the card are always immediately replaced from the Faction library. Use normal sequencing rules if more than one player wishes to play the same card.
During a player's influence phase, they may spend 2 transfers to claim a vampire by moving a Faction crypt card from the Faction uncontrolled region to their own uncontrolled region. Draw a new card from the Faction crypt to replace it in the Faction uncontrolled region. The claimed card is generally treated like any other card from the player's uncontrolled region for moving counters on or off, etc, except: it stays face up while in the uncontrolled region, and it only requires half as much pool as its capacity to move it from uncontrolled to controlled (round up). A player may also spend 4 transfers and 1 pool to merge a vampire in the Faction uncontrolled region with the appropriate vampire in their own controlled region, without it having to go via their own uncontrolled region.
Once during their untap phase, a player may discard 1 card from the Faction hand and replace it with a card from the Faction library.
Any Faction cards burned go to the Faction ash heap. Any Faction cards removed from the game are moved to the Faction ash heap after being removed from the game.
If ever the Faction library or crypt is empty, shuffle the appropriate cards from the Faction ash heap into the library or crypt, if any.
The faction represented by the winning player is the winning faction.
Crypt [13 vampires] Capacity min: 7 max: 10 average: 8.76923
1x Jaroslav Pascek 10 CEL POT PRE for obf justicar Brujah:3
1x Karsh 10 ANI CEL FOR POT PRO Gangrel:3
1x Karsh Adv 10 ANI CEL FOR POT PRO Gangrel:3
1x Lucinde, Alastor 10 DOM FOR PRE obf pot tha justicar Ventrue:3
1x Claudio Severino 9 AUS DOM THA cel obf Tremere:5
1x Tegyrius, Vizier 9 AUS CEL FOR QUI pre Assamite:2
1x Tegyrius, Vizier Adv 9 AUS CEL FOR PRE QUI Assamite:2
1x Count Germaine 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Count Germaine Adv 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Jack Drake 8 CEL POT pre tha Brujah:4
1x Yazid Tamari Adv 8 CEL QUI ani dom obf Assamite:3
1x Yazid Tamari 8 CEL QUI ani dom obf Assamite:3
1x Tatiana Stepanova, 7 CHI PRE ani for obf Ravnos:4
Library [50 cards]
Master [17]
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Anarch Revolt
2x Flames of Insurrection
2x Galaric's Legacy
1x Guide and Mentor
1x Hand Contract
1x Infamous Insurgent
2x Lilith's Blessing
1x Seattle Committee
1x Trophy: Diablerie
1x Trophy: Domain
1x Trophy: Hunting Ground
1x Trophy: Revered
Action [20]
1x Blood Hunt
1x Blooding
2x Fee Stake: Corte
2x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
2x Fee Stake: Perth
2x Go Anarch
1x Imperial Decree
1x Open War
5x Public Enemy
1x Red List
1x Undue Influence
1x War Party
Combat [2]
1x Diversion
1x Molotov Cocktail
Event [1]
1x Urban Jungle
Political Action [10]
1x Alastor
1x Anathema
1x Crusade: Paris
1x Imperator
1x Overseer
1x Persona Non Grata
1x Scourge
1x Templar
1x Trumped-Up Charges
1x Warrant
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Wed Jan 5 17:01:34 2011]
Author : salem
Description :
The sects have been losing members to the upstart Anarchs for too long. It's time to return order to the kindred and take back what they've lost. Of course, should the Anarchs be causing problems for the rival sects, well then there's no sense in not taking advantage of the chaos....
With the Gangrel gone and the Brujah being a prime recruiting ground for Anarchs, the Camarilla is even looking to the Assamites as a potential inclusion to their sect to add some much needed military power.
A storyline tournament (3+F) concept using random piles of promo cards (plus a few others) for a centre deck to represent the struggles of the various factions.
Each player plays with a standard tournament legal vtes deck. They must declare to all players at the start of the first round (and any time they are asked) what faction they represent. Factions are defined as: Any of the sects, Anarchs, Imbued, or Black Hand. Be reasonable. If your crypt is 75% Sabbat, don't choose Camarilla. If your deck only has titled vampires and no way to turn titled vampires Anarch, then don't choose 'Anarch'. The judge can force the player to choose something reasonable if they believe the player is being unreasonable.
In the centre of the table is the Faction deck; a library and crypt.
At the start of the game 7 library cards are turned face up from the Faction deck, and 4 crypt cards. These form the Faction hand and Faction uncontrolled region. Any player may play a card from the Faction hand at any appropriate time as if from their own hand. Any 'do not replace' clauses on Faction cards are ignored, the card are always immediately replaced from the Faction library. Use normal sequencing rules if more than one player wishes to play the same card.
During a player's influence phase, they may spend 2 transfers to claim a vampire by moving a Faction crypt card from the Faction uncontrolled region to their own uncontrolled region. Draw a new card from the Faction crypt to replace it in the Faction uncontrolled region. The claimed card is generally treated like any other card from the player's uncontrolled region for moving counters on or off, etc, except: it stays face up while in the uncontrolled region, and it only requires half as much pool as its capacity to move it from uncontrolled to controlled (round up). A player may also spend 4 transfers and 1 pool to merge a vampire in the Faction uncontrolled region with the appropriate vampire in their own controlled region, without it having to go via their own uncontrolled region.
Once during their untap phase, a player may discard 1 card from the Faction hand and replace it with a card from the Faction library.
Any Faction cards burned go to the Faction ash heap. Any Faction cards removed from the game are moved to the Faction ash heap after being removed from the game.
If ever the Faction library or crypt is empty, shuffle the appropriate cards from the Faction ash heap into the library or crypt, if any.
The faction represented by the winning player is the winning faction.
Crypt [13 vampires] Capacity min: 7 max: 10 average: 8.76923
1x Jaroslav Pascek 10 CEL POT PRE for obf justicar Brujah:3
1x Karsh 10 ANI CEL FOR POT PRO Gangrel:3
1x Karsh Adv 10 ANI CEL FOR POT PRO Gangrel:3
1x Lucinde, Alastor 10 DOM FOR PRE obf pot tha justicar Ventrue:3
1x Claudio Severino 9 AUS DOM THA cel obf Tremere:5
1x Tegyrius, Vizier 9 AUS CEL FOR QUI pre Assamite:2
1x Tegyrius, Vizier Adv 9 AUS CEL FOR PRE QUI Assamite:2
1x Count Germaine 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Count Germaine Adv 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Jack Drake 8 CEL POT pre tha Brujah:4
1x Yazid Tamari Adv 8 CEL QUI ani dom obf Assamite:3
1x Yazid Tamari 8 CEL QUI ani dom obf Assamite:3
1x Tatiana Stepanova, 7 CHI PRE ani for obf Ravnos:4
Library [50 cards]
Master [17]
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Anarch Revolt
2x Flames of Insurrection
2x Galaric's Legacy
1x Guide and Mentor
1x Hand Contract
1x Infamous Insurgent
2x Lilith's Blessing
1x Seattle Committee
1x Trophy: Diablerie
1x Trophy: Domain
1x Trophy: Hunting Ground
1x Trophy: Revered
Action [20]
1x Blood Hunt
1x Blooding
2x Fee Stake: Corte
2x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
2x Fee Stake: Perth
2x Go Anarch
1x Imperial Decree
1x Open War
5x Public Enemy
1x Red List
1x Undue Influence
1x War Party
Combat [2]
1x Diversion
1x Molotov Cocktail
Event [1]
1x Urban Jungle
Political Action [10]
1x Alastor
1x Anathema
1x Crusade: Paris
1x Imperator
1x Overseer
1x Persona Non Grata
1x Scourge
1x Templar
1x Trumped-Up Charges
1x Warrant
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Wed Jan 5 17:01:34 2011]
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05 Jan 2011 12:24 #302
by Joscha
Baron of Frankfurt
Replied by Joscha on topic Re: BYO Storyline idea - Faction struggle
Just to be sure: the influenced vampire becomes controlled just with the before moved pool counters on it, not at full capacity?It stays face up while in the uncontrolled region, and it only requires half as much pool as its capacity to move it from uncontrolled to controlled (round up).
Baron of Frankfurt
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05 Jan 2011 16:07 #311
by salem
Replied by salem on topic Re: BYO Storyline idea - Faction struggle
That is correct. No free blood. Just what you've put on it.
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