file How to respond to a less predictable community, playwise

12 Apr 2016 10:24 #76388 by Bubbles
Dear fellow methuselahs, this is my first post here, so i hope i am not doubleposting,...
i am looking for advice in playstyle or deckstyle.

But first i need to explain the situation.

I am a player who likes to read the table, and i am pretty good at it. We tested it once semi-scientifically, a few years back. :-) Ofcourse this only works if people are a bit predictable, and with predictable i mean that they have a sense of idea what the best actions are for themselves to take.

The last year my playgroup has changed a bit, and some of the players make play decisions that, i am pretty sure are often going against their own best interest. I don't know why. (spite, revenge, poor insight, personal dislike, roleplaying). It doesnt really matter why. I have tried changing this is several ways and have failed and given up that path.

This resulted in, apart from me having less fun, also in me losing more than i am used to (not that the ones causing the trouble actually win), but it does imply other people are better at adapting/surviving in such an environment than i am And i can't really find out how and why. (or that results are just a bit more random, but let's assume the former).

So here is my question. How do i alter my playstyle or choice of decks, or choice of cards if the table is rather erratic. What would you do?

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12 Apr 2016 10:59 #76390 by elotar
I think you need to be more specific.

But generally people are "crosstable unresonable" when somebody is trying to win big, so just don't do that. The way Hugh plays is a good example (you can fing video from 2013 EC final, i think).

:splat: NC Russia
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12 Apr 2016 11:35 - 12 Apr 2016 11:36 #76391 by Bloodartist

So here is my question. How do i alter my playstyle or choice of decks, or choice of cards if the table is rather erratic. What would you do?

The answer is relatively simple in terms of strategy... choose a strong linear plan (such as powerbleed) that tries to ignore as much as possible what the other players are doing.

I wonder what the other players are doing that is so random that you can't take advantage of it.. Some effect that affects everyone at the table? edit: or is this the case of crosstable allies being unreasonably cruel to you? In such a case you could try rushing problematic vampires to torpor somehow too..

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
—Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Last edit: 12 Apr 2016 11:36 by Bloodartist.

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12 Apr 2016 13:02 #76392 by Ashur

The answer is relatively simple in terms of strategy... choose a strong linear plan (such as powerbleed) that tries to ignore as much as possible what the other players are doing.

I´m not sure if I understand the original question, but I guess I have to second this. If you cannot win by tabletalking, you have to play decks that don´t need much talking, decks that let you just say "CHO-CHO MOTHERF***ERS!" and then run over your preys one by one. I recommend maybe this one , this one or this one. These are not very funny to play, but at least you get to win some :)

"My strategy? Luck is my strategy, of course."

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12 Apr 2016 19:57 - 12 Apr 2016 20:00 #76397 by porphyrion
Just play Weenie DBR and blast away! And be sure to include 2+ Delaying Tactics.

When in doubt, keep the capacities low so you don't have to care too much about losing any one vampire to unlogical deals. !Ventrue Antitribu Stickmen featuring Owain Evans is also quite a safe bet as it gives you something to barter with in every single Methuselah's turn.. Scourge of the Enochians is also killer, even if you do not play it (or do not even hold in hand if you are really tricky). Put extra Pentex in your deck, just in case.

Also, if you play a strong Wall-deck, you automatically have a lot more say at the Table (like with Anneke and 17+ second trads/.44/pursuit). After a few games the people at the table should learn when to make deals, if any. Otherwise, blast away, again, again, again. It is very hard to measure the exact extend of a single 'freak action' (especially in the case of diablerie) or counter-vote at first, but they'll learn as long as you subtly point them to the actual effects of their actions (as opposed to their original intention). Wakes/Delaying/Direct Intervention/Eyes of argus/built-in votes give you options to respond to what's happening, and by explaining the outcome of those options you instruct the newer members of your playgroup.

Vtes has such a depth of play that some players start confusing it with Roleplaying to some degree, but in the end it is better to play very technical games (even if from a Lore-point of view they would be unlikely or even ridiculous). RPG is one thing, Vtes is another. Perhaps playing in some serious Tournaments would show them the errors of their ways, as Table Talk is dealt with differently in such an environment. Good luck!
Last edit: 12 Apr 2016 20:00 by porphyrion.

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13 Apr 2016 18:16 #76407 by Bubbles

I think you need to be more specific.

But generally people are "crosstable unresonable" when somebody is trying to win big, so just don't do that. The way Hugh plays is a good example (you can fing video from 2013 EC final, i think).

Yes, this was along the lines of what i was thinking too. I just have very much trouble playing/thinking like that. Any suggestions along that line? Just keeping your head down, no attention, but getting the points nonetheless. That should at least keep them off my back more,...they will still do unlogical things, but maybe more to others,...

So here is my question. How do i alter my playstyle or choice of decks, or choice of cards if the table is rather erratic. What would you do?

The answer is relatively simple in terms of strategy... choose a strong linear plan (such as powerbleed) that tries to ignore as much as possible what the other players are doing.

I wonder what the other players are doing that is so random that you can't take advantage of it.. Some effect that affects everyone at the table? edit: or is this the case of crosstable allies being unreasonably cruel to you? In such a case you could try rushing problematic vampires to torpor somehow too..

I usually play quite linear decks actually, and even plain rush decks to "punish them" dont really do the trick. Yeah,..they make them lose, but not alter their ways, and still makes me lose too. Like i said, i have given up on trying to put them on the right way of thinking. I am looking for ways to win, despite them playing that way.

And yes, you can think of unreasonably cruel. Not just to me, just to whoever they dont like at the moment,..or some other reason i dont know. Taking weird deals, king making (perhaps they dont see it?) etc

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