Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
23 Dec 2023 02:28 - 23 Dec 2023 03:18 #110159
by Revenant
Selective addition of decklists to TWDA? was created by Revenant
Hello, so as the topic title suggests is VEKN/BCP now selectively adding decklists to TWDA, since i see the archive is updated after long time(October) and now includes SOME but not all reported tournament events that have forum post in "Event Reports and TWD". I understand some of those tournaments do not have their corresponding Archon files uploaded yet, but many do and were still ommited for TWDA entery.
For example, on 25th of November Austrian, German, Swedish and UK National tournaments were held in their respective countries and afterwards all four "Event Reports and TWD" posts were made but as of 23rd of December only German, Swedish and UK National tournament results were entered into TWDA, while Austrian one was not. Furthermore only the Swedish one still has no Archon file uploaded but it seems it was still eligible for TWDA entry(user "Khalid1988" even asking in the forum report when it will be uploaded). The missing Austrian Nationals was even showcased on Vekn front page and "Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter November 2023". Why?
There are more examples, the most glaring being the "hole" between 8th of October and ~13th December where almost no tournament results were entered into TWDA.
Why are some results with valid Archon and forum report not updated to TWDA in chronological order while others are, without all required info, and is getting to TWDA now matter of opinion and mood by the people from VEKN/BCP responsible for entering results into it?
Also the pace of updating TWDA with reported results has become erratic lately to say the least, so what is going on there?
I would like answers to those questions by VEKN/BCP people responsible for the curating of TWDA/Rating system/this site. Thank you.
For example, on 25th of November Austrian, German, Swedish and UK National tournaments were held in their respective countries and afterwards all four "Event Reports and TWD" posts were made but as of 23rd of December only German, Swedish and UK National tournament results were entered into TWDA, while Austrian one was not. Furthermore only the Swedish one still has no Archon file uploaded but it seems it was still eligible for TWDA entry(user "Khalid1988" even asking in the forum report when it will be uploaded). The missing Austrian Nationals was even showcased on Vekn front page and "Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter November 2023". Why?
There are more examples, the most glaring being the "hole" between 8th of October and ~13th December where almost no tournament results were entered into TWDA.
Why are some results with valid Archon and forum report not updated to TWDA in chronological order while others are, without all required info, and is getting to TWDA now matter of opinion and mood by the people from VEKN/BCP responsible for entering results into it?
Also the pace of updating TWDA with reported results has become erratic lately to say the least, so what is going on there?
I would like answers to those questions by VEKN/BCP people responsible for the curating of TWDA/Rating system/this site. Thank you.
Last edit: 23 Dec 2023 03:18 by Revenant.
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26 Dec 2023 10:02 #110173
by Ankha
Replied by Ankha on topic Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
Simply because I didn't have the time to add them all in one go.
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27 Dec 2023 01:32 #110184
by Revenant
Replied by Revenant on topic Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
And yet, simply, you found the time to add the tournament you won to TWDA and also the one you organized that does not have the "required" forum report post form you are now using as an excuse for not updating several tournaments to TWDA(yes i saw your late responses to several of them requesting the use of "proper guidelines").
Also that Swedish Nationals still has no Archon file results on the Event Calendar and yet it was still approved for TWDA along with 2 more National Tournaments held the same day, but not the fourth one.
Why are you selectively updating the TWDA on your whim, and if it is true you do not have the time to do proper job with tournament section of VEKN why don't you find someone who will be more agile and meticulous about it and DOES have the time? Otherwise why not resign some or all positions in VEKN/BCP if you can not find the time to do it properly and let others take care of important aspects of VTES and its organization?
These are some serious issues and we need to have answers about them from you or other members of VEKN/BCP. Please respond, thank you!
Also that Swedish Nationals still has no Archon file results on the Event Calendar and yet it was still approved for TWDA along with 2 more National Tournaments held the same day, but not the fourth one.
Why are you selectively updating the TWDA on your whim, and if it is true you do not have the time to do proper job with tournament section of VEKN why don't you find someone who will be more agile and meticulous about it and DOES have the time? Otherwise why not resign some or all positions in VEKN/BCP if you can not find the time to do it properly and let others take care of important aspects of VTES and its organization?
These are some serious issues and we need to have answers about them from you or other members of VEKN/BCP. Please respond, thank you!
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27 Dec 2023 08:01 #110185
by drnlmza
Dude, the TWDA is not a BCP or VEKN project. You can easily confirm that it's not hosted on the infrastructure of either orgnaisation and is purely a volunteer effort
Also, instructions for helping out with the TWDA are pinned in the TWDA sub-forum. If you're really con concerned, you can step u[p and submit the appropriate PRs. instead of jumping to accusations for something that is quite a lot of work to maintain.
National Coordinator
South Africa
Replied by drnlmza on topic Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
Hello, so as the topic title suggests is VEKN/BCP now selectively adding decklists to TWDA, since i see the archive is updated after long time(October) and now includes SOME but not all reported tournament events that have forum post in "Event Reports and TWD". I understand some of those tournaments do not have their corresponding Archon files uploaded yet, but many do and were still ommited for TWDA entery.
Dude, the TWDA is not a BCP or VEKN project. You can easily confirm that it's not hosted on the infrastructure of either orgnaisation and is purely a volunteer effort
Also, instructions for helping out with the TWDA are pinned in the TWDA sub-forum. If you're really con concerned, you can step u[p and submit the appropriate PRs. instead of jumping to accusations for something that is quite a lot of work to maintain.
National Coordinator
South Africa
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27 Dec 2023 11:53 - 27 Dec 2023 11:54 #110188
by Ankha
I'll tell you how it works: in 2013, Jeff Thompson stopped maintaining the TWDA. I offered to keep it up, maintain it, and host it on my private server when no one else would.
Over ten years, I've spent hundreds of hours adding TWD, fixing wrong decklists. That's a lot of work, so I opened a public repository so that everyone can contribute.
Truth is: there's not a lot of people willing to contribute.
To help me in the task, I created a program that browses the TWD section of this forum and automatically extracts the required information. It does it starting with the newest post (since it's the default order on the forum), that's why the most recent TWD are added first.
When it finds a post it can't parse, it just reports it and I go and check directly the post. If it's a very simple mistake to fix, I fix it myself. Otherwise, I ask people to fix their post because I don't have time to spend a additional 5 or 10 minutes searching for the missing information on each invalid TWD entry, I have enough already on my plate.
- I do it on my free time and I'm not paid for it
- It's a tedious task anyone can participate to, but very little do
When you posted your initial post, I found it a bit aggressive, but I put it on the eagerness to have your name in the TWDA or something.
Now, your second post makes it clear that your behavior is totally unacceptable. I'm not spending time for the community to get insulted or to read insinuations about how'd I favor (for what reason? I don't know) a TWD over another. If you get a look at all the posts, they all get processed at some point, none is left aside.
Now, since I'm really pissed off by your behavior and because sometimes some people need a lesson about how to behave on forums, I'll just remove all your TWD from the archive until you apologize.
And if you want other members of VEKN/BCP to come here and spank you, be my guest.
Replied by Ankha on topic Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
And yet, simply, you found the time to add the tournament you won to TWDA and also the one you organized that does not have the "required" forum report post form you are now using as an excuse for not updating several tournaments to TWDA(yes i saw your late responses to several of them requesting the use of "proper guidelines").
Also that Swedish Nationals still has no Archon file results on the Event Calendar and yet it was still approved for TWDA along with 2 more National Tournaments held the same day, but not the fourth one.
Why are you selectively updating the TWDA on your whim, and if it is true you do not have the time to do proper job with tournament section of VEKN why don't you find someone who will be more agile and meticulous about it and DOES have the time? Otherwise why not resign some or all positions in VEKN/BCP if you can not find the time to do it properly and let others take care of important aspects of VTES and its organization?
These are some serious issues and we need to have answers about them from you or other members of VEKN/BCP. Please respond, thank you!
I'll tell you how it works: in 2013, Jeff Thompson stopped maintaining the TWDA. I offered to keep it up, maintain it, and host it on my private server when no one else would.
Over ten years, I've spent hundreds of hours adding TWD, fixing wrong decklists. That's a lot of work, so I opened a public repository so that everyone can contribute.
Truth is: there's not a lot of people willing to contribute.
To help me in the task, I created a program that browses the TWD section of this forum and automatically extracts the required information. It does it starting with the newest post (since it's the default order on the forum), that's why the most recent TWD are added first.
When it finds a post it can't parse, it just reports it and I go and check directly the post. If it's a very simple mistake to fix, I fix it myself. Otherwise, I ask people to fix their post because I don't have time to spend a additional 5 or 10 minutes searching for the missing information on each invalid TWD entry, I have enough already on my plate.
- I do it on my free time and I'm not paid for it
- It's a tedious task anyone can participate to, but very little do
When you posted your initial post, I found it a bit aggressive, but I put it on the eagerness to have your name in the TWDA or something.
Now, your second post makes it clear that your behavior is totally unacceptable. I'm not spending time for the community to get insulted or to read insinuations about how'd I favor (for what reason? I don't know) a TWD over another. If you get a look at all the posts, they all get processed at some point, none is left aside.
Now, since I'm really pissed off by your behavior and because sometimes some people need a lesson about how to behave on forums, I'll just remove all your TWD from the archive until you apologize.
And if you want other members of VEKN/BCP to come here and spank you, be my guest.
Last edit: 27 Dec 2023 11:54 by Ankha.
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27 Dec 2023 20:37 #110195
by Revenant
Replied by Revenant on topic Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?
I am truly shocked by the attitude in your response and i am baffled why would someone with such manners be allowed to be in contact with BCP customers and volunteers such as myself. There is a lot to unpack here so i will go step by step.
First of all Vtes players are grateful to all the volunteers and personnel included in creating, maintaining and innovating this game and all its related activities. Having said that, it is understood that a certain acceptable standard of professionalism and level of services rendered is expected from all involved and those who are unable for any reason to fulfil that should better leave it to others with more skill/energy/ time to do it. This is why you can see Princes and National Coordinators stepping down when they have nothing more to offer to their players in official capacity and are willing to let someone else do the hard word instead. We thank them for their service but only if that service was on par with the high standards that we try to maintain through all these years togather.
BCP on the other hand is a for-profit company making and selling Vtes cards and related accessories and as such its main goal should be profit and i hope satisfying their customers i.e. us - The Players. So let me draw you a beeline here - You, Vincent Ripoll are founder/employee of BCP and as such you work to advance Vtes so you could reap more profit. You, Ankha are a player, prince, rules director, ratings coordinator, member of VEKN and person responsible for updating TWDA in an orderly fashion. No one asks how you do all those things, do you have the energy, knowledge or time for it but we only ask if YOU chose to do it, to please do it right and not sloppy. BCP prints and sells cards so players could play them in official national tournaments, Grand Prix and Continental Championships and get ratings and TWDA enteries since otherwise we can all just play casual Vtes games with home-printed cards without any financial expenditure or hassle with ordering/shipping/customs fees that is attached to cards printed and sold by BCP. Ergo, no proper game support from you - people do not buy your cards - you lose profit and customers - Vtes goes back out of print. So you see, YOU are not JUST a volunteer spending your time but instead you are an interest holder and you do not have the luxury of doing things "when, how and if you want" no more then employees of White Wolf had it while they were printing and selling Vtes.
As for your tantrum about "being insulted" and "insinuations of favoritism" i can only say i had not once insulted you, and if you can not take criticism of your work with some dignity that is on you. Same can be said about those "insinuations" only you see, and that should obviously not bother you if there isn't any truth to it.
Regarding your threat to remove all my TWDA-s i can only say i laugh at it since that would be a can of worms you do not want to open, trust me. Regarding one thing tho you are right, i should apologize indeed. I apologize to all Vtes Players suffering your arrogant and snide attitude here on VEKN forum as well as on social platforms such as Discord for not speaking sooner against it so you could curb your behavior a bit and start acting in a more dignified manner,
And in the end, are you ok man? Are you so stressed out that you threaten me with physical violence by your friends from VEKN/BCP? Are you 12 years old and this is your playground or do these thuggish remarks mean you are in a gang?
Please check yourself before you wreck yourself and do try to do your PAID jobs better so this game doesn't die out like several times before, but with no torpor rescue this time.
All the best to you and take it easy.
First of all Vtes players are grateful to all the volunteers and personnel included in creating, maintaining and innovating this game and all its related activities. Having said that, it is understood that a certain acceptable standard of professionalism and level of services rendered is expected from all involved and those who are unable for any reason to fulfil that should better leave it to others with more skill/energy/ time to do it. This is why you can see Princes and National Coordinators stepping down when they have nothing more to offer to their players in official capacity and are willing to let someone else do the hard word instead. We thank them for their service but only if that service was on par with the high standards that we try to maintain through all these years togather.
BCP on the other hand is a for-profit company making and selling Vtes cards and related accessories and as such its main goal should be profit and i hope satisfying their customers i.e. us - The Players. So let me draw you a beeline here - You, Vincent Ripoll are founder/employee of BCP and as such you work to advance Vtes so you could reap more profit. You, Ankha are a player, prince, rules director, ratings coordinator, member of VEKN and person responsible for updating TWDA in an orderly fashion. No one asks how you do all those things, do you have the energy, knowledge or time for it but we only ask if YOU chose to do it, to please do it right and not sloppy. BCP prints and sells cards so players could play them in official national tournaments, Grand Prix and Continental Championships and get ratings and TWDA enteries since otherwise we can all just play casual Vtes games with home-printed cards without any financial expenditure or hassle with ordering/shipping/customs fees that is attached to cards printed and sold by BCP. Ergo, no proper game support from you - people do not buy your cards - you lose profit and customers - Vtes goes back out of print. So you see, YOU are not JUST a volunteer spending your time but instead you are an interest holder and you do not have the luxury of doing things "when, how and if you want" no more then employees of White Wolf had it while they were printing and selling Vtes.
As for your tantrum about "being insulted" and "insinuations of favoritism" i can only say i had not once insulted you, and if you can not take criticism of your work with some dignity that is on you. Same can be said about those "insinuations" only you see, and that should obviously not bother you if there isn't any truth to it.
Regarding your threat to remove all my TWDA-s i can only say i laugh at it since that would be a can of worms you do not want to open, trust me. Regarding one thing tho you are right, i should apologize indeed. I apologize to all Vtes Players suffering your arrogant and snide attitude here on VEKN forum as well as on social platforms such as Discord for not speaking sooner against it so you could curb your behavior a bit and start acting in a more dignified manner,
And in the end, are you ok man? Are you so stressed out that you threaten me with physical violence by your friends from VEKN/BCP? Are you 12 years old and this is your playground or do these thuggish remarks mean you are in a gang?
Please check yourself before you wreck yourself and do try to do your PAID jobs better so this game doesn't die out like several times before, but with no torpor rescue this time.
All the best to you and take it easy.
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- Selective addition of decklists to TWDA?