file Burn, burn yes you're gonna burn/ Disco Inferno

05 Sep 2014 20:19 #65295 by delangen
Hi All,

Our group just started using Necromancy.

I read the rulebook regarding which ash heap a card goes in when burned, but am still confused... owner is a little vague... I assume Controler is for methuselah and owner is player? , right?

Let's do a convaluted example that occured:

I used Puppeteer (wraith) ally to steal a methesulah's only minion and then equipped that minion with Talbot's chainsaw, so during that Meth's turn he was forced to torp himself after which I diablerized... now where does the chainsaw go? (I suppose I could have just gotten control with the wraith again and transferred the chainsaw... bah next time) So, If it is his ash heap I need to grasp the ghostly it back or if it's in mine I can retrieve it several different ways. I guess the same goes for stolen minions?

Thank you kindly


:aus: :dom: :tha: :for: :trem:

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05 Sep 2014 21:32 #65298 by Timo
The owner is the player who plays the deck in which the card was when beginning the game.

Which means in your example, the talbot would go in your ash heap

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06 Sep 2014 00:30 #65299 by delangen
Excellent thanks,

I play against alot of temptation/corruption so 'tis good to know I can kill my stolen minions and possession/compel 'em after

:aus: :dom: :tha: :for: :trem:

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06 Sep 2014 18:26 #65309 by ReverendRevolver
Umm what?

You give them Talbots chainsaw, they return to owner.

They eat talbots damage, go to torpor.

You Diablerize the torpid vampire with your chainsaw.

Consult "ye ole laws of Diablery"

They burn.


Gain blood if any, and can fetch a skill card.

If they were redlist, do trophy stuff.

Bloodhunt is called.

So, if you spirit marionette a chansaw onto an Underbridfe stray, and it burns them, the saw goes to owners heap.

You eat the minion with the equipment, you get the equipment.

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08 Sep 2014 07:19 #65335 by kombainas

The diablerist may take any equipment on the victim.

You may not want to take the Saw if it would cost you a minion... So, you MAY leave the saw to burn.

!malk! :OBF: :DEM: :cel: :cap6: Sabbat. If this vampire's bleed is successful, he laughs manicly and untaps.

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11 Sep 2014 13:49 #65411 by Malcolm Sprye

Umm what?

So, if you spirit marionette a chansaw onto an Underbridfe stray, and it burns them, the saw goes to owners heap.

Just a nitpick: you can't spirit marionette a chainsaw onto an Underbridge stray, since heidelberg only works between vampires. :P

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