times Re: Domain of Evernight + Outside the Hourglass vs. Carrion Crows + Rotschreck

26 Aug 2011 11:34 - 11 Feb 2013 12:34 #9048 by Erol
My acting Trujah gets blocked by an Tzimisce, I play Domain of Evernight. Combat starts, I play Outside the Hourglass, the blocking player plays Carrion Crows, does my 2 aggravated damage occur before he has the opprtunity to play Rotschreck?

Domain of Evernight
[obf] +1 stealth.
[tem] If this action is blocked, all damage done to vampires in the resulting combat is aggravated.
[TEM] Only usable when an action is successful. Untap this acting vampire. A vampire can play only one Domain of Evernight at superior each turn.

Outside the Hourglass
[obf] Strike: dodge.
[tem] Maneuver, or strike: dodge, with an optional maneuver.
[TEM] Only usable before range is determined. Inflict 2 damage on the opposing minion. A vampire can play only one Outside the Hourglass at superior each round.

Carrion Crows
Only usable before range is chosen.
[ani] Opposing minion takes 1R damage each round of combat during strike resolution. A vampire can only play 1 Carrion Crows each combat.
[ANI] As above, but with 2R damage.

Master: out-of-turn. <Frenzy. > Put this card on a vampire when an opposing minion attempts to inflict aggravated damage on him or her, whether the damage would be successfully inflicted or not. Combat ends. This vampire is tapped and sent to torpor. This vampire does not untap as normal. During this vampire's next untap phase, burn this card.

:laso: :camarilla: :POT: :DOM: :DEM: :PRE: :cap8: - Prince of Karlsruhe, Germany
Last edit: 11 Feb 2013 12:34 by Pascal Bertrand.

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26 Aug 2011 11:58 #9049 by Pendargon
IANPB, but Yes.
Read the Carrion crows text.
Carrion crows deal damage DURING strike resolution. As you inflict 2 aggravated damage BEFORE range is determined, he needs to prevent them, or go to torpor immediately, before even choose strikes phase is reached.

:QUI: :POT: :OBE: :CEL: :OBF: :tore: :assa:

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26 Aug 2011 12:00 - 14 Jan 2022 09:06 #9050 by Ankha
First, the opposing minion can't play Rötschreck if the only damage dealt are those of the Carrion because they're environmental, thus not dealt by the minion (see Rötschreck card text).
Secondly, damage from the Carrion Crows are applied during the normal strike resolution, that is after the damage from OtH are applied and dealt with.

Now, if the opposing minion plays OtH too, he can play Rötschreck and send your acting True Brujah to torpor.
This has been reverted: www.vekn.net/forum/rules-questions/79432-rotschreck-and-non-strike-agravated-damage?start=18#104475

Name: Rötschreck
[Jyhad:U, CE:U, Anarchs:PG, BH:PTr2, KMW:PB, LoB:PA, Third:PTz]
Cardtype: Master
Master: out-of-turn. Frenzy.
Put this card on a vampire when an opposing minion attempts to inflict aggravated damage on him or her, whether the damage would be successfully inflicted or not. Combat ends. This vampire is tapped and sent to torpor. This vampire does not untap as normal. During this vampire's next untap phase, burn this card.

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director
Last edit: 14 Jan 2022 09:06 by Ankha.

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26 Aug 2011 13:36 #9053 by Mael
For completeness, I'm going to point out that he could however play Rötschreck on his own vampire if he feels he would prefer this than being hit with two agg damage (for example if he was on zero blood, or if he had a Telepathic Tracking in his hand to avoid going to torpor from Rötschreck).

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26 Aug 2011 18:40 #9071 by Klaital
No, he could not play rothschreck in any case on either vampire since the damage from OtHG is environmental damage, not strike damage, and rotchreck is only playable when someone attempts to -strike- for aggravated.

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26 Aug 2011 19:40 #9074 by Mael

No, he could not play rothschreck in any case on either vampire since the damage from OtHG is environmental damage, not strike damage, and rotchreck is only playable when someone attempts to -strike- for aggravated.

See the post from LSJ here

What you mean is "OtH is considered damage 'from the minion' rather
than environmental damage."

And that is correct.

Rotshreck does not require damage to be from a strike, only for it to be inflicted by "an opposing minion".

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