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06 Oct 2023 07:03 - 06 Oct 2023 08:14

TWD - Zillah's Tears VI - Unity, Vantaa (Finland) (1 Oct 2023)

Category: Event Reports and TWD

Never really been away AFAIK.

And after looking at it more closely, libraries are the same, just some changes in crypt.

18 players

Deck Name: Fists of the Giovanni
16 Jun 2023 13:55 - 18 Jun 2023 15:55

Road To Vitrolles (France)

Category: Event Reports and TWD

18 players

Deck Name: Fists of the Giovanni
Description: A version of a Weenie Potence based on the G5-G6 vamps. I had tried a version with Computer Hacking and tried for this tournament to replace them with permableed and 1 Heidelberg. I also addressed their blood problem, and included Carver’s but also Coven, after some hesitation: bad idea, should be ditched. Went down from 2 Frontal to just 1, but maybe it should be none, it’s always a risky bet.

Crypt (12 cards, min=8 max=18 avg=3.33)
1x Gianmaria Giovanni 5 POT dom nec obt Giovanni:5
1x Salvatore Giovanni 5 NEC POT dom Giovanni:6
2x Elen Kamjian 4 CEL POT Brujah:6
1x Aunt Linda 4 POT obf Nosferatu:6
1x Domenic Giovanni 4 POT nec Giovanni:6
1x Volo 4 POT pro san Blood Brother:5
2x Bez Dunsirn 2 POT Giovanni:6
1x Eric Milliner 2 pot Giovanni:5
1x Nichodemus 2 pot Nosferatu:5
1x Rayne 2 pot Brujah:6

Library (90 cards)
Master (16; 3 trifle)
2x Archon Investigation
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dis Pater
2x Fame
1x Frontal Assault
2x Haven Uncovered
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Life in the City
1x Morgue Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Montreal

Action (13)
2x Ambush
9x Bum's Rush
2x Harass

Equipment (3)
3x Camera Phone

Retainer (2)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Tasha Morgan

Combat (55)
2x Disarm
6x Fake Out
10x Immortal Grapple
8x Roundhouse
7x Slam
3x Target Vitals
6x Taste of Vitae
3x Thrown Sewer Lid
10x Torn Signpost

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds
13 Jun 2023 13:43

TWD : French championship - 39 players

Category: Event Reports and TWD

It was a very cool tournament with very good players. However, I'm a little disappointed no foreigners showed up despite the early announcement. If you have any feedback about why and what we could do to improve this next year, speak up loud and clear! :)

As for Germany, we currently do not have players visiting VTES tournaments all over Europe (or even the US), except for ECs.
Currently, we "only" have players travelling to Belgium or the Netherlands from the Ruhr area (Bochum etc.).

Before the EC 2019 in Paris, I guess I was the last German player visiting a French tournament: 2015 in Vitrolles. :huh:

Maybe it would help to attract German players with an event very close to the German border (e. g. Strasbourg), but I have my doubts.
08 Jun 2023 09:21 - 18 Jun 2023 15:33

TWD: Fee Stake : Marseille - 25 players

Category: Event Reports and TWD

Jorge Delgado (9290014) win the Fee Stake: Marseille with this deck :

Deck Name: (Combat) Tupdogs & Nephandus
Author: Jorge Delgado
Based on Martin’s deck
Description: Fee stake : Marseille
25 players

1GW2,5 (0, 1GW2,5 , 0)
Finale 2nd seed: 1GW1,5

Crypt (25 cards, min=4 max=20 avg=2.16)
5x Antonio d'Erlette 5 THA dom for pot Tremere antitribu:4
1x Janine 4 aus dom tha Tremere antitribu:4
1x Ember Wright 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
1x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere antitribu:4
1x Saiz 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
16x Tupdog 1 POT VIS Gargoyle:3

Library (80 cards)
Master (24; 2 trifle)
9x Ashur Tablets
2x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Information Highway
3x Parthenon, The
2x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Secure Haven
2x Wider View
1x Yawp Court

Action (2)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
1x Magic of the Smith

Ally (5)
5x Nephandus

Equipment (3)
1x Gran Madre di Dio, Italy
1x Hand of Conrad
1x Heart of Nizchetus

Action Modifier (2)
1x Conditioning
1x Unleash the Hounds

Reaction (8)
4x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
2x On the Qui Vive

Combat (34)
7x Brick by Brick
9x Immortal Grapple
9x Raking Talons
3x Target Vitals
6x Torn Signpost

Event (2)
2x Unmasking, The
05 Jun 2023 10:12 - 18 Jun 2023 15:45

TWD : French championship - 39 players

Category: Event Reports and TWD

Orian Gissler (8350023) win the French championship with this deck :

Deck Name: escaped from museum [by TTC_master]
Author: TTC_master
Description: Champion de France 2023.
39 joueurs

2GW8,5 (1GW4, 0,5 , 1GW4)
Finale 2nd seed: 1GW1,5

Crypt (12 cards, min=6 max=14 avg=2.33)
2x Abebe 4 nec obf thn Samedi:4
1x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere antitribu:4
1x Lubomira Hradok 3 OBF Nosferatu antitribu:5
1x Alu 2 obf Banu Haqim:5
1x Bloodfeud 2 obf Malkavian antitribu:4
1x Denette Stensen 2 obf Gangrel antitribu:4
1x Jackson Asher 2 dom Ventrue:4
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:ANY
1x Old Neddacka 2 obf Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x César Holfield 1 obf Caitiff:4
1x Iris Bennett 1 pro Caitiff:5

Library (80 cards)
Master (17; 4 trifle)
4x Agent of Power
5x British Museum, London, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Inceptor
1x Information Highway
2x Not to Be
1x Powerbase: Montreal

Action (21)
5x Graverobbing
8x Pressing Flesh
8x Summon History

Ally (10)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Cry Wolf
2x Escaped Mental Patient
1x Felix "Fix" Hessian
1x Gianna di Canneto
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Ponticulus
1x Tye Cooper
1x Veneficti

Equipment (12)
1x Gran Madre di Dio, Italy
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ritual Goblet
1x Sargon Fragment, The
8x Vial of Elder Vitae

Action Modifier (12)
1x Cloak the Gathering
4x Domain of Evernight
1x Faceless Night
1x Lost in Crowds
1x Spying Mission
4x Veil the Legions

Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Swallowed by the Night

Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1x Gift of Sleep

Reaction (2)
1x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics

Combat (2)
2x Fake Out

Event (2)
2x Unmasking, The
11 Feb 2023 10:47

France National Championship, 03 june 2023, near Marseille (Vitrolles)

Category: Europe

Hello Methuselahs,

It is my great pleasure to announce the

*** France National Championship 2023 ***

Date: Saturday, June 3, 2023.
10h a.m

Type of Event: National Championship

Format: 3 rounds + final
Time limit per round: 2 hours

Espace Nelson Mandela
Place de Provence
13127, Vitrolles , Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

*** Pre-registration ***

As the swiss say: Pre-registration is key to any healthy event planning. If you intend to participate, please sign up as soon as possible by replying to this thread (with your name and VEKN number) or by emailing me at with your information.

Nathanael, Seneschal of Marseille, France
PS: the prince feels the call too strongly, I mind his business.
24 Aug 2022 17:20
12 May 2022 19:28

Support for larger tournaments from Ultra Pro (Only EU EUROPE)

Category: Europe


Little post to formalize the sponsoring request for the second tournament of the weekend of the Grand Prix de France.

This event should attract about the same number of people as the Grand Prix, the players will already be there and will enjoy it. I hope about thirty people for each day.

The two events of the weekend:
The Grand Prix de France
Facebook Event Persistence
Facebook Event

To contact me :

To deliver sponsoring:
Laurent Ribeyre
9 rue du Levant
The Haut Bois
13127 Vitrolles

Thank you in advance and thank you to Janne for the time he spends there.
22 Mar 2022 17:02 - 27 Aug 2022 12:40

TWD : Tournoi Vitrolles

Category: Event Reports and TWD

Tournoi Vitrolles

20 March 2022, 10:00 – 20:00

Standard Constructed

10 players

Orian Gissler (8350023) tournament winning deck with 5vp in the finals

Deck Name: Enkidu
Created By: Ankha

Crypt: (13 cards, Min: 7, Max: 44, Avg: 6,23)
5 Enkidu for ANI CEL OBF POT PRO 11 Gangrel Antitribu G4
2 Andre LeRoux aus 3 Toreador G5
1 Iris Bennett pro 1 Caitiff G5
1 Matasuntha ANI AUS CEL FOR PRO 10 Gangrel G5
1 Clifton Derrik cel 2 Brujah G4
1 T.J. cel for 3 Gangrel G4
1 Sean Andrews cel 2 Toreador G4
1 Leo Washington cel pro 2 Gangrel Antitribu G4

Library: (90 cards)
Master (13 cards)
1 Monster
4 Vessel
2 Guardian Angel
2 Archon Investigation
1 Sudden Reversal
1 Fame
2 Wider View

Action (9 cards)
1 Deep Song
1 Sense Death
1 Marked Territory
1 Aranthebes, The Immortal
1 Heroic Might
1 Abbot
1 Bum's Rush
1 Rumble
1 Taunt the Caged Beast

Action Modifier (2 cards)
2 Enkil Cog

Reaction (6 cards)
6 Sense the Savage Way

Combat (57 cards)
16 Psyche!
9 Earth Meld
11 Pursuit
4 Stutter-Step
2 Canine Horde
2 Skin of Steel
2 Flesh of Marble
9 Taste of Vitae
2 Claws of the Dead

Retainer (2 cards)
1 Homunculus
1 Raven Spy

Equipment (1 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus
26 Nov 2021 08:21 - 30 Aug 2022 14:11

TWD - Tournoi Raclette

Category: Event Reports and TWD

Tournoi Raclette
November 21, 2021
Vitrolles, France
15 players
Mikael Lavallee 7460002

-- 2GW10 + 1.5VP

Deck Name: Nanarch Buruku
Description: Des papattes et des revoltes anarchs

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=8 avg=4.166667)
4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
1x Beetleman 4 obf ANI Nosferatu:4
1x Bobby Lemon 4 pro ANI Gangrel:3
1x Fish 5 pre ANI POT Guruhi:4
4x Nana Buruku 8 ANI POT PRE Guruhi:4
1x Stick 3 ANI Nosferatu antitribu:4

Library: 89 cards
Master (27 cards)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
9x Anarch Revolt
1x Archon Investigation
1x Blood Turnip
1x Fame
2x Haven Uncovered
1x Inceptor
1x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Secure Haven
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Twilight Camp
4x Vessel
1x Wash
1x Wider View

Action (10 cards)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
9x Deep Song

Action Modifier (2 cards)
2x Monkey Wrench

Combat (32 cards)
11x Aid from Bats
2x Canine Horde
8x Carrion Crows
3x Groundfighting
2x Target Vitals
4x Taste of Vitae
2x Terror Frenzy

Retainer (3 cards)
3x Raven Spy

Equipment (2 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow

Reaction (12 cards)
3x Cats' Guidance
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Forced Awakening
5x On the Qui Vive

Event (1 cards)
1x Break the Code
18 Aug 2016 12:33 - 17 Oct 2016 09:34
TWD - QCF Barbecue was created by Lestat

TWD - QCF Barbecue

Category: Event Reports and TWD

QCF Marseille

14 August 2016, 10:00 – 19:30
National Qualifier
Jeux M'Amuse
9 rue du Levant
Le Haut-Bois
13127 Vitrolles, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

8 players

Winner : Thomas Morieul - 1004486

Deck Name: Nehemiah
Created By: Thomas Morieul

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 20, Max: 36, Avg: 7,66)
2 Marla Kenyon PRE ser 4 Followers of Set
1 Reverend Djoser Jones pre ser 3 Followers of Set
5 Nehemiah obt POT PRE SER TEM9 True Brujah
4 Neferu dom OBF nec PRE SER THA9 Followers of Set

Library: (70 cards)
Master (20 cards)
6 Villein
1 Tabriz Assembly
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
1 Monastery of Shadows
1 Creepshow Casino
1 Ferraille
2 Heidelberg Castle, Germany
7 Zillah`s Valley

Action (8 cards)
4 Temptation
1 Vaticination
2 Entrancement
1 Form of Corruption

Action Modifier (12 cards)
4 Perfect Paragon
2 Pocket Out of Time
6 Voter Captivation

Political Action (15 cards)
6 Reckless Agitation
5 Free States Rant
1 Kine Resources Contested
1 Ancilla Empowerment
2 Anarchist Uprising

Combat (2 cards)
2 Serpent's Numbing Kiss

Combo (10 cards)
6 Form of the Serpent
4 Hall of Hades` Court
3 Velvet Tongue
17 Jun 2015 09:53 - 13 Jul 2015 10:44

TWD - ECQ Marseille 14/06/2015

Category: Event Reports and TWD

ECQ Marseille:
Sunday 14th June 2015
Location : Maison de quartier du Liourat - rue Fernand Benoit 13127 Vitrolles
Players: 20
Link: VEKN event

Deck Name: Bibliodèque [9] He-who-shall-not-be-named (Baali stealth/bleed)

Player: Orian TTC Gissler
Author: Orian TTC Gissler with help from Derjudge, Alkardil, Tim on a decklist from Thomas Gibson

The Bibliodèque is a French project made of 99 decklists (and designed to welcome more in the future hopefully) based on Tournament winning Decklists or Archetypes, to help people building decks for their casual play or tournaments, and ultimately print those decks in proxy to have a library of decks available for their playgroup.

Lead designer TTC_master
Much thanks for the French people helping in various ways: Ezra, Tim, Cordovader, Darkal, Stone and so on... and to the players which decks have served as basis for the decks presented (or were shamelessly copied directly)

You may find the complete historic of the project at

and the google drive to the final Bibliodèque will be the following
Google drive

drive to the original Unnamed Bibliodeque deck without tweaks:
Unnamed deck

tweaks for the tournament were made only to adapt my playstyle and the time limit finals.
-1 Secure haven +1 Perfectionist
-1 Lost in crowds +1 Life boon
During all the tournament, I was thinking I should have played more Flurry of action. For the rest, everything is probably fine as it is. Many good tricks in the deck.

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=3 max=10 avg=6.58)
5x Horde, The 3 dai obf pre Baali:6
2x Xeper, Sultan of Lepers 7 ani dai pro OBF PRE Baali:6
5x unnamed, The 10 CEL DAI OBF PRE PRO Baali:6

Library (66 cards)
Master (14)
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
1x Life Boon
2x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Perfectionist
3x Tend the Flock

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds

Action (10)
1x Bum's Rush
2x Flurry of Action
4x Intimidation
3x Unleash Hell's Fury

Ally (2)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
1x Veneficti (Mage)

Retainer (4)
2x D'habi Revenant
2x Homunculus

Action Modifier (24)
1x Approximation of Loyalty
1x Cloak the Gathering
2x Elder Impersonation
4x Enkil Cog
3x Faceless Night
1x I am Legion
4x Instantaneous Transformation
5x Lost in Crowds
2x Psychomachia
1x Spying Mission

Reaction (1)
1x Eluding the Arms of Morpheus

Combat (4)
4x Form of Mist

Combo (6)
5x Sense the Sin
1x Swallowed by the Night
02 Apr 2015 15:28 - 12 Jun 2015 11:07

French NCQ & ECQ Marseille

Category: Europe

Dear all,

I am pleased to invite you to the French and European qualifiers of Marseille.

The event will take place in Vitrolles city during the weekend of June from the 13th to the 14th 2015. (Vitrolles is located about 20km of Marseille at 10 minutes from the Marignane's Airport and 10 minutes from the train station Aix TGV - direct from Paris -.)

This event will happened during all the week-end long (saturday and sunday).
On Saturday 13th : the FCQ Marseille (French Championship Qualifier).
On sunday 14th : the ECQ Marseille.

Those event will take place in La maison de quartier du Liourat [url=,+13127+Vitrolles/@43.438043,5.256986,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!

1s0x12c9e8cd73f01ffd:0xff2cbe53bae6d481?hl=fr]rue Fernand Benoit 13127 Vitrolles[/url]

Entrance fee : 7€ per day

Date : Saturday, june the 13th 2015
Adress : Maison de quartier du Liourat - [url=,+13127+Vitrolles/@43.438043,5.256986,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!

1s0x12c9e8cd73f01ffd:0xff2cbe53bae6d481?hl=fr]rue Fernand Benoit 13127 Vitrolles[/url]

Schedule :
- Inscriptions : from 09 AM
- First round : 10 AM
- End of the tournament : around 8 PM
- The room will be available until 11 PM for playing

Fee : 7€
Standard format in 3 rounds + 1 final

Facebook Event
VEKN Event

Players registered :
  1. Thomas Morieul - 1004486
  2. Laurent Ribeyre - 8300053
  3. Laurent Guillet - 8300032
  4. Alain Greiner - 3200289
  5. Christophe Bolo - 1004380
  6. Maxime Socroun - 3200321
  7. Mathias Skubich - 1009990
  8. Pascal Bertrand - 3200189
  9. Patrick Benoit - 1004183
  10. LaLy Sept - 8300081
  11. Mylène Roussel - 8300082
  12. Orian Gissler - 8350023
  13. Rudolf Garski - 5810002
  14. Paolo pasqualin - 3290001
  15. Marco Vassallo - 3460023
  16. Danilo torrisi - 3460018

Date : Sunday, june the 14th 2015
Lieu : Maison de quartier du Liourat - [url=,+13127+Vitrolles/@43.438043,5.256986,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!

1s0x12c9e8cd73f01ffd:0xff2cbe53bae6d481?hl=fr]rue Fernand Benoit 13127 Vitrolles[/url]

Schedule :
- Inscriptions : from 09 AM
- First round : 10 AM
- End of the tournament : around 8 PM
- The room will be available until 11 PM for playing

Fee : 7€
Standard format in 3 rounds + 1 final

Facebook Event
VEKN Event

Players registered :
  1. Thomas Morieul - 1004486
  2. Laurent Ribeyre - 8300053
  3. Laurent Guillet - 8300032
  4. Alain Greiner - 3200289
  5. Christophe Bolo - 1004380
  6. Maxime Socroun - 3200321
  7. Mathias Skubich - 1009990
  8. Pascal Bertrand - 3200189
  9. Patrick Benoit - 1004183
  10. LaLy Sept - 8300081
  11. Mylène Roussel - 8300082
  12. Fabien Garcia - 8300031
  13. Orian Gissler - 8350023
  14. Rudolf Garski - 5810002
  15. Nelson Fernandes - 8300083
  16. Paolo pasqualin - 3290001
  17. Marco Vassallo - 3460023
  18. Danilo torrisi - 3460018

For the both tournaments :
Decklist not mandatory.
Opaque sleeves mandatory.

Banned Cards :
  1. Edge Explosion (Night of Reckoning)
  2. Dramatic Upheaval (V:TES)
  3. Kindred Restructure (V:TES)
  4. Lilith's Blessing
  5. Madness of the Bard (Dark Sovereigns)
  6. Memories of Mortality (Ancient Hearts)
  7. Protect Thine Own (Ancient Hearts)
  8. The Return to Innocence (Ancient Hearts)
  9. Succubus Club (V:TES)
  10. Any cards that are usable only when playing for ante, including:
  • Cunctator Motion (V:TES)
  • High Stakes (V:TES)
  • Playing for Keeps (Dark Sovereigns)

Pre-inscriptions on this post with Name + VEKN number and precise if your inscription concern FCQ, ECQ or both.

If you need accommodation, please email me.

Contact/details :
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