Cos Koniotis VTES 2021Art by Cos Koniotis for a card in the 2022 New Blood set.

Greetings fellow Methuselahs

VTES rule change


From Vincent Ripoll, VEKN Rules Director:

In tournament play, lurking (also known as scouting) has long been seen as a necessary evil: choosing the seating in the finals is meaningless if one doesn’t know what the others are playing. However, all players are not equal in the amount of information about others´ decks they can gather – it depends on who met whom during the preliminary rounds, and of how much data you can collect from other players between rounds. Lurking often also tends to become a nuisance as players interfere in games once their own game is over.

In order to remove the necessity of lurking for the purpose of choosing one's seating for the final table, the following change was tested during the last six months throughout the world, and the feedback was highly positive. Therefore, it will be official as of January 1st 2022 (see Tournament Rules).

3.1.3. Final Round Seating
Table positions are not assigned in the final round. Instead each of the finalists is given an index card (or reasonable substitute) with his or her name on it. Each finalist shuffles his or her crypt and presents it to the judge for additional shuffling and cutting, if desired. The judge then draws three random cards from each crypt and reveals them: those, as well as the number of cards left in the crypt and to whom they belong, are public information until all the players are seated. Starting with the lowest qualifier, each qualifier places his or her index card face-up in a row on the table. When placing his or her card, each player must choose to position his or her card at either end of the row (one end of the row is equivalent to the other) or may create a space between two cards already placed. After all cards have been placed, they are read from left to right to determine seating positions in the final round. The judge will then determine randomly which player will play first. The revealed crypt cards are shuffled back into their owner's crypt.

VTES rankings change


Also from Vincent Ripoll:

Due to the pandemic, online tournaments are more popular than ever with 18 online tournaments in 2020 and 67 in 2021! Don't forget to check the event calendar and the announcements made on the "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - Official" Discord and the forum.

To accommodate this new kind of tournaments, a distinct ranking will be put in place as of January 2022, leading to 4 categories:

  • constructed
  • limited
  • online constructed
  • online limited

Also, some tournament types (such as National Championship Qualifier) are not used anymore, and some others (such as Grand Prix) are missing. The list will evolve to reflect new tournament types.

VTES Online World Championship

After two months of preliminary games, with a total of 57 players, the final of the VTES Online World Championship 2021 was played on December 11. It can be watched in its entirety at the Codex CRCG Youtube channel.

VTES Online World Championship final table
Congratulations Dave Riordan, “Vader Dorian”, new Online World Champion, who got 1.5 victory points in the final.

Dave's tournament winning deck: Pandermonium
Crypt (12)
1x Feo Ramos 1 aus Pander:3
1x Angela Decker 1 pre Pander:2
1x Huang, Blood Cultist 1 pro Pander:2
1x Jimmy Dunn 4 for CEL POT Pander:2
1x Lena Rowe 3 aus obf pre Pander:2
1x March Halcyon 1 for Pander:2
1x Mitchell, The Headhunter 2 obt pot Pander:2
1x Olga Triminov 1 vic Pander:3
1x Rex, The Necronomist 3 pot pro vic Pander:2
1x Royce 1 dom Pander:2
1x Basil 1 obf Pander:2
1x Christine Boscacci 2 dom vic Pander:2

Library: 66
Master (19)
1x Elder Library
1x Fear of Mekhet
1x Fortschritt Library
4x Information Highway
1x Joseph Pander
2x Kaymakli Nightmares
3x Not to Be
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Día de los Muertos
3x Dreams of the Sphinx

Event (4)
1x Slow Withering, The
1x Veil of Darkness
1x Bitter and Sweet Story, The
1x Blood Weakens

Action (2)
2x Embrace, The

Political Action (36)
2x Kindred Segregation
10x Kine Resources Contested
6x Legacy of Pander
2x Neonate Breach
2x Rumors of Gehenna
2x Year of Fortune
7x Consanguineous Boon
5x Conservative Agitation

Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Alia, God's Messenger

Action Modifier (3)
3x Change of Target

Thanks to sponsors, organizers and players!

MEC 2021 Finalists


We totally forgot to report about this event in the last newsletter, but it seems it was a very nice time, so here we go: 25 Methuselahs gathered at Restaurant Centimeter in Vienna, Austria on October 31 to play the Middle European Championship.


Congrats Łukasz Ho Thanh
, the new champion, beating Lukas Vrbicky, Milos Krstic, Richard Utner and Karel Vaigl in the final.

Łukasz´s tournament winning deck: Harbingers Emerald Legion
Comment: "Since Polish Nationals l’ve changed all fortitude prevent for CE (Spiritual Intervention). As it turned out, the change was crucial for the final in Vienna ;)"
Crypt (12)
1x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
1x La Viuda Blanca 6 for obf AUS NEC Harbinger of Skulls:6
2x Mordechai Ben-Nun 8 ANI AUS FOR NEC Harbinger of Skulls:5
1x Pearl 4 obf AUS Malkavian antitribu:5
2x Veejay Vinod 3 AUS Nagaraja:6
1x Hecate 6 AUS FOR NEC Harbinger of Skulls:5
3x Khurshid 8 AUS FOR NEC POT Harbinger of Skulls:6
1x America Johnson 4 vic AUS Tzimisce:5

Library: 90
Master (16)
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Fragment of the Book of Nod
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Barrens, The
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
4x Vessel
2x Direct Intervention

Event (1 cards)
1x Unmasking, The

Action (2)
1x Anima Gathering
1x Abbot

Ally (11)
11x Emerald Legionnaire

Equipment (6)
1x .44 Magnum
1x Ivory Bow
1x Kevlar Vest
2x Sniper Rifle
1x Bowl of Convergence

Action Modifier (5)
1x Kiss of Ra, The
2x Trochomancy
2x Call of the Hungry Dead

Action Modifier/Combat (4)
4x Breath of Thanatos

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Spectral Divination

Combat (5)
5x Spiritual Intervention

Reaction (36)
3x Enhanced Senses
11x Eyes of Argus
5x Forced Awakening
3x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
6x Telepathic Misdirection
4x Eagle's Sight

Thanks to sponsors, organizers and players!

Promos VTES 2021


Black Chantry Productions aren´t lazy on creating new special promo cards – here are more:

Direct Intervention (Two versions)
These are special promo versions (one sketch and one "part painted") for tournament players and volunteers. So far they have only been awarded to a couple of German players and to 25 players at the Spanish National Championship, but more have been printed so don´t pay too much on Ebay for one!

Official The Edge card
This was also handed out at the Spanish National Championship this year, but it can be printed on demand by anyone on


Please help out with material for this newsletter – mail to . Tournament reports (large events mainly) and anything of your own writing have priority for publishing, but really anything that’s cool and about VTES is interesting, to show the game is played all over the world and to inspire others. Two examples:

Nice to see that Russia is playing! (images above). It´s been hard to access recent products and promos, but now some have reached the Russian community, and Moscow tournaments and a Telegram channel is active. Thanks to Denis N, Armen K and others for organizing!

Awesome deckbox by Répliquant, available at Events for games, this one painted by @ewiie83. Anyone can create merch like this, just remember to talk to Black Chantry before using any logos or artwork.

Black Chantry logo


• The big thing this month is that Black Chantry now has its own webshop, Black Chantry Distributions. Its located in Denmark (EU) and run by Jesper Bøje. The primary purpose for creating this is to make it easier for VTES cards to reach people that don´t live close to a friendly local game store that stocks it. Hope you like it!

• The design team thought the Fall of London cards needed another round of playtesting, so round 3 started December 18 and will go on for a month. Some errata for older problematic cards are also being tested.

VTES Tegyrius Promo 2021
In addition to the Direct Interventions and Edge promos mentioned above in this newsletter, a group 6 version of Tegyrius, Vizier was created as a reward for backers of MET Vampire: The Masquerade - War of Ages. It will be made available later, either as normal event promo or in a product.

• Black Chantry have received a lot of feedback about the rulebook and are working on releasing an updated version in 2022. If you have any feedback, please tell by mail or message!

• In summary, 2021 was a busy year for Black Chantry. Of course, the conditions for marketing a multiplayer, (mostly) live card game is not optimal during a pandemic, but efforts were plenty: 500+ cards added to Drivethrucards (not counting the Latin cards craziness!), playtesting of future sets, 20+ new promo cards, the massive Unleashed Kickstarter campaign (330 percent funded!), event support (for the few events that were possible), own webshop and, of course, the four new Fifth Edition precons (Brujah, Gangrel, Banu Haqim and Ministry). As usual, some projects needed to be put on hold to prioritize others, but 2022 has many new things waiting for VTES fans. Black Chantry wish you a happy, healthy new year!

VTES Fifth EditionVTES Products 2021-11

Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mailFacebookInstagram or Twitter.



The World of Darkness team over at Paradox launched "Vampire Jam" at the end of their Month of Darkness, a way for anyone to create a World of Darkness-themed digital game, submit it and get the chance of having it published. The contributions were plenty and some look awesome - check out the videos below!


Upcoming events: Yes, we report about exciting live events in this newsletter, but the VEKN still refrain from generally encouraging physical tournaments. Follow local regulations on what events are possible. Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!

For more information on upcoming events see the VEKN Event Calendar.


If you want more done - do less.