Gines Quinonero VTES Preview 2023-05
Preview art by Ginés Quiñonero for an upcoming Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card.

Greetings fellow Methuselahs,

Art preview time again. Ginés Quiñonero made this for a card from 1995 that desperately needs a reprint, and will have it soon. Can you guess what card?


Welcome to the North American Championship of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle! As usual, the main event will be held at the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, this year June 21-25, and as usual it will be accompanied by the ”Week of Nightmares” series of tournaments before. This means no less than 12 VTES tournaments in one place in one week – absolute awesomeness!

June 19: Command Performance in Guard Tower East
June 19: Week of Nightmares 2 in Gemüt Biergarten
June 20: Week of Nightmares 3 in Columbus Metropolitan Main Library
June 20: Week of Nightmares 4 in Gemüt Biergarten
June 21: Week of Nightmares 5 in Columbus Metropolitan Main Library
June 21: Week of Nightmares 6 in Gemüt Biergarten
June 22: Origins - Thursday 1 in Greater Columbus Convention Center
June 22: Origins - Thursday 2 in Greater Columbus Convention Center
June 23: Origins - Friday 1 in Greater Columbus Convention Center
June 23: Origins - Friday 2 in Greater Columbus Convention Center
June 24: North American Championship in Greater Columbus Convention Center
June 25: Origins - Sunday in Greater Columbus Convention Center

Organizers are Ben Peal and Jay Kristoff – reach out to them with any questions.

Also, players are encouraged to donate Nationwide Children's Hospital that has been caring for the child of a Columbus VTES player. Read more about that in this Facebook post or ask the organizers.

Photo Jeff-mika CC BY 3.0

The organisers of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle European Championship 2023 ask you to please register for the event as soon as possible. The place is Barcelona, Spain, and the date is October 13-15. If you register before July 15, you get the tournament exclusive playmat. This will most likely be the largest and best VTES event ever - hope to see you there!

Grand Prix Liverpool winner Nina Nilsson

Grand Prix Liverpool prizes


On May 20th, 27 players gathered at Kimos Restaurant for Grand Prix Liverpool. One can guess most turned up just for that custom Bobby Lemon prize card (see above).

Standings after the three preliminary rounds:
1. David Sykes 3 GW, 7.5 VP
2. Nina Nilsson 2 GW, 8 VP
3. James Salt 1 GW, 6.0 VP
4. Craig Rawe 1 GW, 5.0 VP
5. Paul O'Connor 1 GW, 5.0 VP
Grand Prix Liverpool 2023 final table
Organiser Paul Jones words: ”With so many aggressive decks on the table pool dropped fast, with Cosmo being the first ousted. Nina then went on to take out Craig, before Dave took her out. Down to a 1v1 the game continued fiercely, with James taking out Dave.” So that is 2 victory points for Kim, and 2 for James and 1 for David.

Grand Prix Liverpool final Grand Prix Liverpool final

Congratulations Nina Nilsson, who traveled all the way from Sweden!

Her tournament winning deck: ”Ministry in crime”

Crypt (12)
3x Nonu Dis 8 OBF PRE PRO for Ministry:6
2x Crystal Lynn 6 OBF PRE PRO Ministry:6
1x Elisha Tucker 6 PRE cel obf pro baron Ministry:6
1x Aluc Romas de Leon 5 PRE aus obf pro Ministry:6
1x Doctor Morocco 5 PRO cel obf pre Ministry:6
2x Jenny Silver 5 PRE PRO obf Ministry:6
1x Marcel 4 obf pre pro Ministry:6
1x Milton Fox 3 pre pro Ministry:6

Library (90)
Master (20; 9 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Archon Investigation
2x Bleeding the Vine
2x Blood Doll
1x Coven, The
4x Dabbler
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x House of Sorrow
1x Opium Den
4x Villein

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds

Action (20)
1x Entrancement
2x Field Training
17x Platinum Protocol, The

Ally (1)
1x Saatet-ta

Action Modifier (28)
2x Aire of Elation
3x CrimethInc.
8x Enchanting Gaze
3x Memory Rift
12x Revelation of the Serpent

Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Form of the Bat

Combat (7)
7x Form of Mist

Reaction (11)
3x On the Qui Vive
8x Party Out Of Bounds

Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!
Ultra Pro

VTES Belgium 2023 finalists Ruben, Vincent, co-organiser Maaike, Steffen, champion Bram and Rolf.


38 players turned up for the Belgian VTES championship at Spelfanaat in Mechelen on May 7th – a great turnout!

VTES Belgium 2023 VTES Belgium 2023
VTES Belgium 2023 VTES Belgium 2023

Black Chantry created a special art promo card for this event: Bum´s Rush. The art is by Noora Hirvonen, depicting Belgian players Dennis Devriendt, Emiliano Imeroni and Bram Van Stappen:

Bums Rush promo 2023

The top five after three preliminaries were:
1. Steffen Waschul 2 GW, 8 VP
2. Bram Van Stappen 2 GW, 7 VP
3. Ruben Van Cauwenberghe 1 GW, 7 VP
4. Rolf Engelen 1 GW, 7 VP
5. Vincent Ripoll 1 GW, 6.5 VP

Belgium 2023 final table
Congratulations Bram Van Stappen, champion after getting 2 victory points in the final. Ruben Van Cauwenberghe also scored 2, and Rolf Engelen 1. For a nice report by Ruben, check out this forum thread.

Bram´s tournament winning deck: ”Nobody bounces like Schumi does”
His comment: ”My alteration of Schumacher´s alteration of my Auspex bounce deck. Instructions for use: Pray to God, beg the universe and make a sacrifice to Lilith to have a bleeder behind; sit back, relax and enjoy the show.”

Crypt (12)
1x Elizabeth Westcott 5 ani cel vic AUS Tzimisce:3
1x Goratrix 10 vic ANI AUS DOM THA Tremere antitribu:2
1x Isabel de Leon 3 AUS Toreador:2
1x Kazimir Savostin 7 ani pot AUS VIC Tzimisce:3
1x Little Tailor of Prague 8 dem ANI AUS VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Lolita Houston 4 aus VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Meshenka 8 ANI AUS VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Rose, The 5 aus PRE VIC Tzimisce:3
1x Sascha Vykos, The Angel of Caine (ADV)8 ani dom AUS THA VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Caliban 6 ANI AUS VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Corine Marcon 6 ani AUS VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Devin Bisley 5 vic ANI AUS Tzimisce:2

Library: 90
Master (19)
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Giant's Blood
1x Hungry Coyote, The
1x Jake Washington
1x Library Hunting Ground
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
3x Rötschreck
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
6x Villein

Action (1)
1x Army of Rats

Action Modifier (2)
2x Changeling

Combat (18)
3x Quick Jab
5x Breath of the Dragon
1x Canine Horde
9x Chiropteran Marauder

Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop

Equipment (8)
2x .44 Magnum
2x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
1x Kevlar Vest
1x Leather Jacket
1x Bowl of Convergence

Reaction (41)
7x Eagle's Sight
8x Eyes of Argus
1x Forced Awakening
6x My Enemy's Enemy
6x On the Qui Vive
13x Telepathic Misdirection

Thanks to organiser (and National Coordinator) Tom Vandenberghe, co-organisers, sponsors and players!

NC POD VTES promos

To make it a bit easier for everyone, Black Chantry has now made some promo cards available for print-on-demand. There are only accessible for VEKN National Coordinators (all listed here) and the cost is $0.15 per card plus shipping.

Available are there cards:

Alicia Cortez (No logo)
Anarch Convert - Standard version
Anarch Convert - Harmen version
Boleslaw Gutowski
Charisma (Blank logo)
Direct Intervention - Sketch 1 (full sketch)
Entrancement (Standard logo)
Fee Stake: Corte
Fee Stake: Los Angeles
Fee Stake: Perth
Kuyen- English
Kuyen - French
Kuyen - Spanish
Praxis Seizure: Venice
Raw Recruit
Tangle Antropos' Hand
The Edge card
Tier of Souls (Standard Logo)

If you are a National Coordinator, ask for the list of codes that unlock these cards for order at Drivethrucards!


The application period is still open for the 2024 Vampire: The Eternal Struggle European Championship.
Interested organisers are encouraged to submit their proposals for consideration between today and August 31st to .

The proposals should include the following information (fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.), in addition to any other information that the organisers deem relevant:

*Approximate dates:
*Scheduled off season (Y/N):
*Head judge:

*All inclusive location (room, hotel, food, refreshments) (Y/N):
*Accommodations close to venue (Y/N):
*Snacks and meals on-site (or within 5 minutes) (Y/N):
*Distance to major hubs:
*Distance to major city:
*Non-smoking venue (Y/N):
*Air-conditioned venue (Y/N):
*Enough area suited for mass registration (Y/N):
*Free WiFi available (Y/N):
*Microphone/loudspeaker announcements (sound system) (Y/N):
Video projection system (remaining time) (Y/N):

Opening hours:

*Enough room for 200 players (Y/N):
*Separate rooms for side events (Y/N):
Comfortable chairs (Y/N):
Table cloths (Y/N):
Round tables for 5 players (Y/N):
Are toilets close to reduce game delays? (Y/N):

*On-site registration on multiple computers (number of players/30) (Y/N):
On time registration, breaks and events (Y/N):
Using armbands to indicate registration type (Y/N):
FAQ (handout at registration) (Y/N):
Lunch breaks (Y/N):
Two head organisers (side events/main tournament) (Y/N):
Organizers and judges properly identified (Y/N):
Assistants (non VTES players) (Y/N):
Documentation/archiving person (traceability) (Y/N):
Spouse info/events (Y/N):
Seating print-outs on multiple spots (Y/N):

*Last Chance Qualifier:
*EC Day 1:
*EC Day 2:
*Side events:

Live webcam as weekend documentation (Y/N):
Detailed final round(s) report (Y/N):
Final round video recording/streaming (Y/N):

Thanks for your application!

Black Chantry logo


• A new art version of Brujah Debate was revealed, to be included in the upcoming New Blood: Brujah pack. Just like the previous Camarilla ones, this will be 54 card mini-decks for Banu Haqim, Brujah, Gangrel and Ministry with some new options for the clans, both cool reprints and some brand new cards. They are heading for the printer in June and is estimated to ship for stores in August or September.

Brujah Debate - Gines Quinonero

• The Echoes of Gehenna and Shadows of Berlin now have a shipping date: June 12.

• The third round of playtesting of the next three preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce) has ended, and coodinators are assembling their final reports, and there will be a final round of thoughts in the design team. Hopefully no more playtesting is needed and production can begin!

Gabriel Tremblay VTES Chapters promo
• Gabriel Tremblay has been seen in the wild! This legendary, "lost" promo card was a part of the Vampire: The Masquerade - Chapters crowdfunding campaign, and the game has now been delivered to at least some USA backers. So, again: Just because an announced promo card is late, it is never lost! Black Chantry never forgets! And yes, Gabriel Tremblay will now soon be made available also to others, but without the exclusive red Chapters logo.

• Speaking of promos, the Bum´s Rush for the Belgian National Championship is a fun one. See the tournament report above in this newsletter. Also this one will probably be available to others at a later time.

Fall of London has been added to the print-on-demand offer at

Black Chantry Products 2022 October

Currently these Black Chantry products are available through and other stores:

Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mailFacebookInstagram or Twitter.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse


• More pages were added to the Werewolf: The Apocalypse preview PDF - full book is out August 31, preorder available now!

• New fancy text-based interactive novels from Choice of Games are up on Steam: For Werewolf: The Apocalypse we have "The Book of Hungry Names" by Kyle Marquis, and for Hunter: The Reckoning there is "The Beast of Glenkildove" by William Brown.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong premiered on Steam this month!

• Daphne and Jimmy from By Night Studios were interviewed in the latest World of Darkness News show, so if you are interested in news about live-action roleplaying of Vampire: The Masquerade, check that out. War of Ages is now available for backers, and a V5 version of core rules Laws of the Night is in the works!

Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!


Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:

Brazil x9
Chile x3
Czech Republic
Finland x2
France x2
Italy x2
Spain x6
USA x13

For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.

Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!


You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES 

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.