Report by Maciej Broniarz, VEKN National Coordinator of Poland:
On Sunday, September 29, 75 players turned up for the 30th Anniversary Tournament in Warsaw, Poland. The event was held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.
Standings after three rounds:
1. Esa-Matti Smolander 2 GW 7 VP
2. Arnold Riegler 1 GW 6 VP 108 TP
3. Alexander Roman 1 GW 6 VP 102 TP
4. Michał Kochanowski 2 GW 5.5 VP
5. Jan Etzel 1 GW 5 VP
Alex was off to a great start thanks to Information Highway and 4 transfers on his first round, which allowed him to oust Jan in 25 minutes. His next target was Michał's Saulot on 6 pool after influencing 3 vampires and playing Heidelberg Castle. Michał proved to be a much more difficult prey, defending and generating 14 pool.
The two political decks worked hard on ousting Alex, who had 9 minions but finally got ousted by Esa-Matti playing Stanislava who now had to deal with Saulot with 1 hour left on the clock. Although Political Stranglehold was resolved successfully, Arnold ousted Esa-Matti the Stanislava player with 16 minutes left on the clock. However, Michał Kochanowski of Poland was able to oust him in the remaining time, winning by being the only player taking 2 vp off the table with Saulot. Congratulations!
Michał Kochanowski’s tournament winning deck: “Saulot for EC”
Crypt (15 cards)
1x Ember Wright 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
1x Feo Ramos 1 aus Pander:3
1x Maldavis (ADV3) 4 for pre AUS Caitiff:3
2x Neighbor John 5 dom for AUS Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Nicholas Chang 2 aus Toreador antitribu:3
1x Nkechi 4 aus for val Salubri antitribu:4
1x Piotr Andreikov 2 aus Tzimisce:3
1x Saiz 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
5x Saulot, The Wanderer 11 dai AUS FOR OBE THA VAL Salubri:4
1x Sister Evelyn 3 aus dom Ventrue antitribu:3
Library: 80 cards
Master (19 cards)
3x Effective Management
1x Giant's Blood
4x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Information Highway
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Wider View
2x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (10 cards)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
9x Spirit Marionette
Ally (1 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed
Action Modifier (13 cards)
1x Enkil Cog
6x Freak Drive
3x Neutral Guard
3x Repulsion
Combat (7 cards)
7x Anesthetic Touch
Reaction (30 cards)
4x Enhanced Senses
6x Eyes of Argus
2x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
2x Precognition
2x Spirit's Touch
6x Telepathic Misdirection
4x Eagle's Sight
“Der Lutz von Hohenzollern” played by Arnold Riegler
Crypt (12 cards)
3x Lutz von Hohenzollern 11 AUS DEM OBF PRE pot inner circle Malkavian:4
2x Adana de Sforza 11 CEL OBF POT PRE PRO aus inner circle Brujah:4
2x Rafael de Corazon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF PRE inner circle Toreador:4
1x Armin Brenner 10 CEL FOR POT PRE ani obf archbishop Brujah antitribu:4
2x Alicia Barrows 9 AUS DEM OBF POT PRE archbishop Malkavian antitribu:4
2x Dmitra Ilyanova 9 CEL FOR POT PRE obf justicar Brujah:5
Library (75 cards)
Master (20; 7 trifle)
1x Camarilla Conclave
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
7x Villein
6x Zillah's Valley
Political Action (14)
1x Ancient Influence
3x Camarilla's Iron Fist
8x Kine Resources Contested
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (25)
2x Bewitching Oration
2x Elder Impersonation
2x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Iron Glare
3x Lost in Crowds
1x Old Friends
2x Perfect Paragon
2x Spying Mission
2x True Love's Face
5x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (8)
2x Charismatic Aura
2x Majesty
4x Staredown
Reaction (6)
2x Eyes of Argus
1x On the Qui Vive
3x Telepathic Misdirection
“stani ec 24 best of the rest” played by Esa-Matti Smolander
Crypt (13 cards)
5x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
1x Hartmut Stover 10 CEL OBF PRO dom for archbishop Gangrel antitribu:3
1x Xaviar (ADV) 10 ABO ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot justicar Gangrel:3
4x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
1x Mark Decker 8 CEL PRO ani for obf pot prince Gangrel:3
1x Chandler Hungerford 3 PRO Gangrel:2
Library (72 cards)
Master (16; 7 trifle)
1x Camarilla Conclave
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Secure Haven
5x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
Event (1)
1x Fourth Cycle, The
Action (6)
6x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (11)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
2x Camarilla's Iron Fist
1x Kine Resources Contested
1x Parity Shift
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (20)
3x Conditioning
5x Earth Control
1x Enkil Cog
5x Forced March
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
5x Instantaneous Transformation
Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1x Murmur of the False Will
Combat (8)
1x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Reaction (8)
6x Deflection
2x On the Qui Vive
“2024-09-08 - Computer hacking” played by Alexander Roman
Crypt (16 cards)
1x Christine Boscacci 2 dom vic Pander:2
1x Mustafa Rahman 2 dom Tremere:2
1x Ohanna 2 dom Malkavian:2
1x Samson 2 dom Ventrue antitribu:2
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:any
1x Antoinette DuChamp 1 cel pre Caitiff:2
1x Basil 1 obf Pander:2
1x Franciscus 1 aus Caitiff:2
1x Huang, Blood Cultist 1 pro Pander:2
1x Igo the Hungry 1 pre pro Caitiff:1
1x Julius 1 qui ser Caitiff:2
1x March Halcyon 1 for Pander:2
1x Navar McClaren 1 ani Caitiff:1
1x Nik 1 cel Caitiff:1
1x Royce 1 dom Pander:2
1x Smudge the Ignored 1 Caitiff:1
Library (90 cards)
Master (25; 4 trifle)
5x Dreams of the Sphinx
6x Effective Management
6x Information Highway
2x Life in the City
4x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Wash
Action (28)
26x Computer Hacking
2x Thin-Blooded Seer
Ally (1)
1x Mylan Horseed
Equipment (8)
8x Flash Grenade
Action Modifier (10)
2x Conditioning
8x Leverage
Combat (16)
8x Concealed Weapon
8x Fake Out
Reaction (2)
2x Deflection
“30th Anniv.” played by Jan Etzel
Crypt (13 cards)
3x Abraham Mellon 8 AUS DOM OBF for tha Malkavian:6
2x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF baron Malkavian:6
2x Jason "Son" Newberry 7 AUS DOM OBF pre primogen Malkavian:6
1x Andi Liu 6 DOM aus obf pre prince Malkavian:6
1x Darius Shirazi 6 AUS DOM obf Malkavian:5
2x Evan Klein 5 OBF aus dom pre Malkavian:6
1x Colette 5 AUS OBF dom Malkavian:6
1x Ashley 3 dom obf Malkavian:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (15; 3 trifle)
1x Barrens, The
1x Blood Doll
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elder Library
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
2x Secure Haven
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Vessel
1x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (15)
1x Conceal
2x Dominate Kine
11x Govern the Unaligned
1x Slaughtering the Herd
Action Modifier (27)
4x Bonding
4x Elder Impersonation
4x Faceless Night
3x Foreshadowing Destruction
4x Lost in Crowds
4x Spying Mission
4x Threats
Action Modifier/Combat (3)
3x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (5)
2x Majesty
3x No Trace
Reaction (15)
7x Deflection
3x Delaying Tactics
3x Eyes of Argus
2x On the Qui Vive
Report by Maciej Broniarz, VEKN National Coordinator of Poland:
On Sunday, September 29, 75 players had qualified for the Day 2 tournament of the European Championship competed in Warsaw, Poland at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.
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Fantastic photos by Marko Saari!
Standings after three rounds:
1. Danilo Torrisi 2 GW 9 VP
2. Tomasz Pietkiewicz 2 GW 8.5 VP 153 TP
3. Marius Iscru 2 GW 8.5 VP 153 TP
4. Nerijus Mikalajunas 2 GW 8 VP 151 TP
5. Gyula Erdos 2 GW 8 VP 151 TP
You can watch the video of this final, courtesy of Teylen:
Congratulations Danilo Torrisi of Italy, winning with thanks to the highest standing due to a timeout in the final.
Danilo´s tournament winning deck: “Politico malkarishat ASHUR”
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Juliet Parr 9 AUS DOM OBF cel pot justicar Malkavian:7
2x Alexander Silverson 8 AUS DOM OBF pre prince Malkavian:6
1x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF baron Malkavian:6
4x Arishat 6 DAI OBF PRE 1 vote Baali:6
1x Andi Liu 6 DOM aus obf pre prince Malkavian:6
Library (78 cards)
Master (16; 5 trifle)
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Asylum Hunting Ground
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Information Highway
2x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (14)
4x Condemnation: Mute
8x Govern the Unaligned
2x Unleash Hell's Fury
Political Action (16)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancilla Empowerment
6x Kine Resources Contested
2x My Kin Against the World
6x Parity Shift
Equipment (2)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Sargon Fragment, The
Action Modifier (16)
2x Elder Impersonation
7x Forgotten Labyrinth
7x Lost in Crowds
Reaction (14)
8x Deflection
6x Obedience
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Other finalists’ decks:
“The Demon and His Clergy” played by Nerijus Mikalajunas
Crypt (13 cards)
5x Huitzilopochtli 10 AUS DAI DOM OBF POT PRE Baali:2
3x High Priest Angra Mainyu 8 DAI OBF PRE dem ser Baali:2
4x Giotto Verducci 7 DAI OBF for pot pre Baali:2
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:any
Library (75 cards)
Master (32; 5 trifle)
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
2x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington
2x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
2x Parthenon, The
1x Secure Haven
5x Tend the Flock
3x Villein
1x Wash
Action (8)
1x Contagion
2x Entrancement
1x Puppet Master
4x Unleash Hell's Fury
Ally (1)
1x Veneficti
Action Modifier (17)
3x Elder Impersonation
2x Enkil Cog
3x Faceless Night
1x I am Legion
4x Lost in Crowds
3x Psychomachia
1x Sleeping Mind, The
Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Hide the Mind
Action Modifier/Reaction (5)
5x Sense the Sin
Combat (3)
3x Majesty
Reaction (8)
3x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
2x Eluding the Arms of Morpheus
2x Visions of Zapathasura
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“Earth Meld is not the problem” played by Tomasz Pietkiewicz
“Deck needs more card cycling. Probably The Barrens and another Dreams.”
Crypt (12 cards)
2x Adrino Manauara 8 ANI DOM PRO pot baron Tzimisce:6
3x Ángel Guerrero 7 ANI DOM PRO baron Tzimisce:6
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
2x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
2x Marialena 5 DOM PRO ani Tzimisce:6
1x Whisper 5 ANI DOM pro Tzimisce:6
1x Prentis Derby 4 ani dom pro Tzimisce:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (14; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
2x Vessel
2x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (12)
12x Govern the Unaligned
Action/Combat (1)
1x Steely Tenacity
Equipment (2)
2x Heart of Nizchetus
Action Modifier (11)
6x Conditioning
5x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Combat (4)
2x Form of the Cobra
2x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Form of the Bat
Combat (9)
1x Donnybrook
1x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Reaction (23)
2x Bait and Switch
7x Deflection
8x One With the Land
6x Organized Resistance
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“Banu Haqim” played by Marius Iscru
Crypt (12 cards)
3x Kassandra Tassaki 6 CEL THA obf prince Assamite:6
2x Kasim Bayar 9 CEL OBF THA aus pot justicar Assamite:6
2x Farah Sarroub 7 CEL THA aus obf prince Assamite:6
2x Warmaksan 5 THA cel obf prince Assamite:6
1x Khadija Al-Kindi 6 CEL OBF THA primogen Assamite:6
2x Oluwafunmilayo 8 AUS CEL OBF THA prince Assamite:6
Master (26; 8 trifle)
1x Alamut
1x Archon Investigation
9x Ashur Tablets
3x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
2x Priority Contract
5x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (7)
6x Hunter's Mark
1x Rutor's Hand
Equipment (1)
1x .44 Magnum
Action Modifier/Combat (6)
3x Resist Earth's Grasp
3x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (9)
9x Second Tradition: Domain
Combat (40)
4x Blur
12x Hunger of Marduk
7x Infernal Pursuit
3x Psyche!
5x Pursuit
4x Quickness
2x Rego Motum
1x Side Strike
1x Sideslip
1x Zip Gun
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“Gangrel EC 2.0” played by Gyula Erdős
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Massimiliano 7 ANI FOR pro baron Gangrel:6
2x Casey Snyder 6 PRO ani cel for baron Gangrel:6
2x Kuyén 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
1x André the Manipulator 6 FOR PRO Gangrel:5
1x Martina Srnankova 6 FOR PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Nathan Turner 4 PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Indira 3 PRO Gangrel:6
1x Joaquín de Cádiz 3 for pro Gangrel:6
1x Ruslan Fedorenko 2 pro Gangrel:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (18; 5 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Backways
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Club Illusion
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Ecoterrorists
1x Ennoia's Theater
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Vessel
3x Villein
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
Action (15)
1x Fee Stake: Seattle
1x Rewilding
13x Thing
Political Action (2)
1x Eat the Rich
1x Revolutionary Council
Equipment (2)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Sniper Rifle
Retainer (3)
1x Mr. Winthrop
2x Raven Spy
Action Modifier (5)
3x Earth Control
2x Monkey Wrench
Action Modifier/Reaction (5)
5x Form of the Bat
Combat (18)
1x Claws of the Dead
2x Donnybrook
9x Earth Meld
6x Form of Mist
Reaction (22)
5x Bait and Switch
5x Deep Ecology
2x Delaying Tactics
3x Eyes of the Wild
7x Organized Resistance
The VEKN wants to thank the whole organisation staff, the sponsors and of course all participants - hope to see you all again in Denmark 2025!
Christian, Nemanja, Simone, Selim and Marko.
Report by Maciej Broniarz, VEKN National Coordinator of Poland:
On Saturday, September 28, 168 players turned up for the Day 1 tournament of the European Championship 2024 in Warsaw, Poland, which made it the third-largest EC attendance in the history of VTES.
The players’ primary goal was to qualify for the Day 2 event, which was only open to the top 50%.
The event was held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.
Standings after three rounds:
1. Simone Parmeggiani 3 GW 12 VP
2. Marko Saari 3 GW 10 VP
3. Selim Ammouche 2 GW 9 VP 148 TP
4. Christain Nislev 2 GW 9 VP 144 TP
5. Nemanja Jovicic 2 GW 7 VP
Congratulations Simone Parmeggiani of Italy, winning thanks to his pre-final standing with 2 victory points in the final. Christain Nislev got 2 vp and Nemanja Jovicic took 1 vp.
Simone´s tournament winning deck: “The queen of æmilia”
"The name of the deck comes from the traveler's queen buried in my hometown Spilamberto, also home of our game community."
Crypt (12 cards)
2x Gathii 5 ANI PRE obf Ravnos:7
2x Roberto Rivamonte 6 ANI OBF PRE Ravnos:7
2x Sreelekha 8 ANI FOR OBF PRE Ravnos:7
1x Doc Martina 6 ANI OBF for pre Ravnos:7
1x Jean-François 4 ani obf pre Ravnos:7
1x Luciano Carvalho 6 ANI OBF pre Ravnos:7
1x Oleg Kaprizov 3 obf pre Ravnos:7
1x Phaibun 5 OBF PRE ani Ravnos:7
1x Zafira 4 PRE obf Ravnos:7
Library (90 cards)
Master (17; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Club Illusion
4x Dabbler
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
3x Effective Management
1x Fortune Teller Shop
2x Wash
2x Week of Nightmares
Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds
Action (23)
16x Break the Bonds
3x Field Training
4x Public Trust
Equipment (1)
1x Shilmulo Tarot
Action Modifier (41)
4x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
3x Lost in Crowds
10x Memory Rift
4x Power of One
4x Spying Mission
2x True Love's Face
3x Veil the Legions
8x Visions of Gehenna
Reaction (7)
2x Delaying Tactics
5x Visions of Zapathasura
The other finalist decks:
“Fanchon's return to Order” played by Sélim Ammouche
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC inner circle Tremere:4
1x Rafael de Corazon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF PRE inner circle Toreador:4
4x Alonso Petrodon 10 ANI DOM OBF POT for tha justicar Nosferatu:5
3x Orlando Oriundus 9 AUS DOM THA obf bishop Tremere antitribu:4
Library (82 cards)
Master (28; 9 trifle)
2x Camarilla Conclave
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
2x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Perfectionist
1x Secure Haven
8x Villein
1x Wider View
8x Zillah's Valley
Action (8)
7x Govern the Unaligned
1x Revelations
Political Action (14)
2x Alastor
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
2x Camarilla's Iron Fist
2x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (2)
2x Helicopter
Action Modifier (16)
3x Elder Impersonation
1x Enkil Cog
3x Faceless Night
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
5x Lost in Crowds
1x Spying Mission
Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (13)
7x Deflection
6x Obedience
“Lords of War ver. 4.1” played by Christain Nislev
CRYPT (12)
1 Angel 2 cel
1 Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn 3 cel pot
1 Hector Sosa 4 pre POT
1 Lupo 2 pot
1 Raziya Samater 3 ani pot
1 Uma Hatch 3 cel pre
1 Vasilis, the Traitor of Don Cruez 2 pre
1 Yuri, the Talon 4 cel pre pot
4 Dodd 5 CEL dom pre pot
LIBRARY (79 cards)
Master (11 cards)
1 Bleeding the Vine
8 Haven Uncovered
1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Waste Management Operation
Events (2 cards)
2 The Unmasking
Allies (19 cards)
2 47th Street Royals
16 Arms Dealer
1 Carlton van Wyk
Combat (13 cards)
13 Concealed Weapon
Equipment (24 cards)
11 Camera Phone
13 Flash Grenade
Reactions (10 cards)
3 Poison Pill
6 Deflection
1 Delaying Tactics
“Graveyard Shift” played by Nemanja Jovicic
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Adrino Manauara 8 ANI DOM PRO pot baron Tzimisce:6
3x Ãngel Guerrero 7 ANI DOM PRO baron Tzimisce:6
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
1x KuyÃn 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
1x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Prentis Derby 4 ani dom pro Tzimisce:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (15; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Library Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Montreal
4x Vessel
2x Wider View
Action (15)
5x Deep Song
10x Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (8)
4x Conditioning
4x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Form of the Bat
Combat (18)
2x Claws of the Dead
9x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Reaction (20)
4x Bait and Switch
4x Deep Ecology
4x Deflection
6x Organized Resistance
2x Protection Racket
“Sergio Chameleon” played by Marko Saari, based on deck by Teemu Sainomaa
Crypt (12 cards)
5x Sergio Bueno 8 OBF PRE PRO aus pot baron Ministry:6
1x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF baron Malkavian:6
1x Vivian VI 7 PRE PRO obf tha baron Ministry:6
1x Atiena 6 CEL obf pot pre baron Brujah:6
1x Elisha Tucker 6 PRE cel obf pro baron Ministry:6
1x Jacques Rouge 6 OBF ani pot pre baron Nosferatu:6
1x Melech 4 OBF pro Ministry:6
1x "Coach" Tyrone Soros 3 obf pre Ministry:6
Library (82 cards)
Master (25; 6 trifle)
4x Abombwe
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Club Illusion
1x Coven, The
1x Dementation
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
3x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Information Highway
1x Opium Den
1x Vessel
5x Zillah's Valley
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (14)
10x Chameleon
1x Entrancement
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth
Political Action (10)
1x Ancient Influence
5x Banishment
1x Exclusion Principle
1x Patsy
2x Revolutionary Council
Equipment (2)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Sargon Fragment, The
Action Modifier (18)
2x Cloak the Gathering
3x Elder Impersonation
1x Faceless Night
3x Forgotten Labyrinth
4x Lost in Crowds
1x Memory Rift
1x Veil the Legions
3x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (3)
1x Earth Meld
2x Form of Mist
Reaction (8)
7x Bait and Switch
1x On the Qui Vive
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