This event was played on October 14. Reported by Devin Villegas, VEKN Prince of New Orleans, with comments from the winner:
We had a total of 19 methuselahs across three days in New Orleans attending tournaments, with a peak attendance of 18 folks on Saturday. There was also an incredible event Friday where someone's collection fell out of their car into a busy thoroughfare. A local bartender saw it happen, notified the game store, and a large group of gamers and bar patrons rallied to safely collect the cards from the street. Quite the display of hospitality and communities supporting each other.
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Above: The place of the incident.
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Standings after round 3:
1. Andy Smith 3 GW 11 VP
2. Mark Figuerola 2 GW 9 VP
3. Norm Brown 2 GW 8 VP
4. Brad Cashdollar 1 GW 5 VP
5. Kelly Lyons 1 GW 2,5 VP
Kelly Lyons comment:
First of all, it was a miracle just to get to the final table. I was ousted in Round 1 in about twenty minutes. Round 2 was just luck. I was sandwiched between two wall combat decks; Tremere predator and Brujah prey. My ally helped me out with a banishment on my Brujah prey. I followed it up with a banishment on him as well. All of sudden I had prey I could handle. Got my game win when the table timed out. Round 3 was like Round 1. I was the first one out. So, I was lucky to have a game win and be in 5th place after Round 3.
Second, the seating for the final was not in my favor. When I looked at it I felt I would be the first one out. Not to mention, I drew the short straw and played first.
Third, Brad and I were essentially playing the same deck. So, contesting was another hurdle.
Fourth, the only real chance for me to win was to back oust Norm. Easier said than done.
When it comes to a Tupdog Deck being my predator I have had plenty of experience over the last two years to develop a strategy. Don’t bring out vampires!!! They have to hunt someone else.
Now, in this tournament I did bring out a 2-capacity vampire, Mateo Garcia, just to have some sort of presence on the table. Norm topored him immediately. So, I spent the next four turns just influencing enough to bring out two vampires at the same time with another one ready to go. I also, set-up my hand to get ready for the onslaught.
Meanwhile, Norm was busy killing the board. He crippled Brad immediately when he burned Diana Iadanza. He then diablerized one of Mark’s vampires and got three Trophy Progenies into play. However, he was down to 10-pool and I had my board and hand set.
I influenced out Catalina Vega and Flavio Goncalves. Flavio has a built in dodge which will come into play. My hand was the following:
1X Majesty
1X Charismatic Aura
1X Resist Earth's Grasp
1X Forced March
1X Voter Captivation
1X Camarilla's Iron Fist
1X Kine Resources Contested
Norm sent three rushes at Flavio. Using the built-in dodge and my combat cards, Flavio, was still in the ready region. He didn’t have blood but he was still there. Flavio hunted, then Forced Marched. I hit Norm for 4-pool damage with Camarilla's Iron Fist. Then followed it up with 3-pool damage with Kine Resources Contested. Norm was left with 3-pool. I let Brad do the rest. Norm was gone and Brad was crippled.
Next, I ousted Mark pretty quick. But, it took over an hour to get rid of Andy. I got Victoria Ash and Mkhokheli into play. With the extra votes and Catalina’s and Victoria’s +1bleed ability I slowly whittled away at Andy. Andy had plenty of Delaying Tactics. I want to say he used four of them against me. He bounced most of my bleeds into Brad. But, over time I got him. Brad surrendered after that.
Andy is a really good player. He won the other two tournaments this weekend. He made all three final tables. I call him my arch-enemy. He says to me, ”How am I your arch-enemy?” He knows why. LOL. He’s always at the final table. I have played Andy at the final table more than any other player I have played against. Especially, all the tournaments and games over 30 years of casual play in Dallas. Andy is one of the best players in the game. He doesn’t get enough credit.
Thanks to Devin Villegas the Prince of New Orleans for hosting. Michelle (my wife) and I had great luncheon with Devin and his family. What a great host. Thanks to Go 4 Games. Great store. Wonderful atmosphere. Thanks for having us.
Final result: Kelly Lyons 4 VP, Brad Cashdollar 1 VP.
The tournament winning deck: “Water Dog - Flower Power”
Creators: Kelly Lyons and Randal Rudstam
This is the same deck I ran in Mississippi and got to the Final Table. I did make a few modifications from that deck to suit the current meta I was seeing. You can see the original deck on my Youtube Channel Reading Between the Lyons episode "RBTL - VTES - Episode 0044 - 30th Anniversary Toreador (TWEAKED)". Here are the modifications:
Dropped the following MASTERS:
1 X Anarch Troublemaker
1 X Camarilla Conclave
1 X Dreams of the Sphinx
1 X Elysium: The Palace of Versailles
Added the following MASTERS:
1 X Protected Resources (3 Copies)
1 X Secret Passage
2 X Secure Haven
Dropped the following POLITICAL ACTIONS:
1 X Anarchist Uprising
1 X Ancilla Empowerment
Added the following POLITICAL ACTIONS:
1 X Camarilla's Iron Fist (7 Copies)
1 X Kine Resources Contested (3 Copies)
Crypt (12 cards)
2x Diana Iadanza 9 AUS CEL FOR PRE justicar Toreador:7
2x Catalina Vega 8 AUS CEL PRE for prince Toreador:6
2x Flávio Gonçalves 7 CEL PRE aus for prince Toreador:6
2x Mkhokheli 6 PRE aus cel for prince Toreador:6
1x Maila 6 AUS PRE cel primogen Toreador:6
1x Victoria Ash 6 PRE aus cel dom Toreador:7
1x Kazuki Hanabira 2 aus Toreador:7
1x Mateo García 2 pre Toreador:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (20; 4 trifle)
1x Art Museum
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
3x Protected Resources
1x Secret Passage
2x Secure Haven
6x Toreador Grand Ball
3x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (8)
2x Embrace, The
2x Entrancement
2x Heart of the City
2x Third Tradition: Progeny
Political Action (15)
2x Banishment
7x Camarilla's Iron Fist
3x Kine Resources Contested
3x Parity Shift
Action Modifier (25)
2x Aire of Elation
4x Awe
2x Bewitching Oration
4x Forced March
3x Freak Drive
2x Loup
2x Perfect Paragon
6x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Resist Earth's Grasp
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Scalpel Tongue
Combat (8)
2x Charismatic Aura
4x Majesty
2x Torrent
Reaction (10)
2x Eyes of Argus
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Second Tradition: Domain
4x Telepathic Misdirection
Thanks to Devin, Kelly, sponsors and participants! If you are interested in the other two events, check out the VEKN forum: Abandoning the Flesh New Orleans 2024 and Redeem the Lost Soul New Orleans 2024
Current top 10 standings Gulf Coast Roast Grand Prix (Rank – Name – Points)
1 Kelly Lyons 90
2 Brad Cashdollar 50
3 Dean Garrison 40
3 S. Andy Smith 40
5 Sidney Conklin 31
5 Matthew Hatch 31
7 Darby Keeney 28
8 Norm Brown 26
9 Chance Thebeau 24
10 Mark Figuerola 21
Find out more about the Gulf Coast Roast and its next installment at the Facebook page or at official web site.
This event took place on October 19. Report by Christophe Baltazar, VEKN National Coordinator of France, and TWD comment by the champion:
French Championship 2024 is over. 50 players were in Villeurbanne for this event, coming from many places in France, and also 4 swiss guys, Martin Weinmayer from Austria and a big suprise as Mehdi Mazni came specially from Atlanta ❤ It's been a long time since the French championship gathered so many people, so first of all, I wanna thank everyone of you who make this event a success!
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After 3 rounds we had nearly a Parisian table in finale:
Sélim 1st seed with 2 GW 8 VP 174 TP playing Ventrue obf royalty (Arika ...)
Vincent Ripoll 2nd seed, 2 GW 8 VP 156 TP, with Baron swarm pro deck
Serge, 3th seed, 2 GW 7.5 VP 174 TP, with a Toreador Grand Ball AAA vote deck
Karim Baloul, 4th seed, 2 GW 7.5 VP 156 TP, with a baron ani deck
Frederic Pin 5th, 2 GW 7.0 VP, with weenie Gangrel Garou
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Serge was ousted first, followed by Selim (Obedience doesn't works vs Garous) and at time limit, with Fred and Karim still alive, Vincent wins his 2nd title of French Champion. Congrats to you Vincent Ripoll!
Fun fact : It's been more than one year that we planned to prepare a book about the French championship since the start in 2000. I've started the job and Vincent spent a lot of time finishing writing and organizing the book. At the end, it was too late to have it for Saturday ... so Vincent will receive it this week ... What's not natural that a winner "prepare" his own prizes?
The tournament winning deck, with comment:
Deck Name: Baron Protean
This deck is heavily inspired by Simo Tiippana's "Garou Rim: Foreshadowing Destruction" deck (TWD 11456) but I tweaked it a lot, removing the "bad" 8-cap barons to include smaller PRO vampire and reworking the master module.
I doubled all the key cards (so that the only copy doesn't end up in the bottom of the deck): Carfax (blood is crucial), Garibaldi (recursion is strong), and Club Illusion (because we need it to oust!). I played the deck at the EC, and noticed that the cardflow could be problematic, so I added two Heart of Nizchetus and a Powerbase: Los Angeles.
I didn't put The Uncoiling, but Scourge is really a pain in the a**, so it could be included somehow.
The Dark Influences completely screwed my predator during the final (by preventing him from getting a Renegade Garou with his 2-cap before any baron was out to block) and other predators during other rounds playing Immortal Grapple or whatever.
The Erciyes Fragments was a last-minute addition, allowing me to oust to preys with their own bleed cards, but also to retrieve Carrion Crows during the final to fight against the Renegade Garous. The Discipline spread is so wide that you can almost play any card.
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Sergio Bueno 8 OBF PRE PRO aus pot baron Ministry:6
1x Ángel Guerrero 7 ANI DOM PRO baron Tzimisce:6
1x Massimiliano 7 ANI FOR pro baron Gangrel:6
1x Valeriya Zinovieva 7 POT cel pre pro baron Brujah:6
1x Vivian VI 7 PRE PRO obf tha baron Ministry:6
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
1x Casey Snyder 6 PRO ani cel for baron Gangrel:6
1x Elisha Tucker 6 PRE cel obf pro baron Ministry:6
1x Kuyén 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Indira 3 PRO Gangrel:6
1x Joseph Fischer 3 PRO Gangrel antitribu:5
Library (90 cards)
Master (27; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Anarch Troublemaker -- to burn any annoying weapon (Sniper, Ivory Bow) or to deliver the final blow
2x Carfax Abbey -- "The blood is the life!"
2x Club Illusion -- plan A for ousting
1x Dark Influences -- a great defensive card
1x Erciyes Fragments, The -- a last-minute addition, allowed me to oust to preys with their own bleed cards
2x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum -- as usual, gets back the bounce or intercept, or the killing votes
1x Papillon -- "The blood is the life!"
1x Poacher's Hunting Ground -- more blood, or if someone has already a Papillon or Carfax out
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles -- required to cycle more
6x Protean -- we don't need 8 of them for the 8 Childe, as we never play them all. Can be used on some barons to give them PRO
1x Rötschreck -- nice ot have, but not crucial at all
1x Tribute to the Master -- never drawn at the right time
6x Villein -- probably better than Vessel / Blood Doll, allows to get more vampires out, and I rely on the HG to regain blood
Action (10)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal -- to contest, always useful anyway
8x Childe of the Revolution -- bleed or Revolutionary fodder
1x Constant Revolution -- I removed it, then put it back because it's a great end-game card (before, it's just fun, no need to defend it)
Political Action (2)
1x Eat the Rich -- easy to call, recursive with Garibaldi
1x Revolutionary Council -- endgame oust and/or threat removal (Ivory Bow or strong locations)
Equipment (2)
2x Heart of Nizchetus
Action Modifier (6)
4x Earth Control
2x Monkey Wrench -- for the surprise bleed boost, recursive
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Form of the Bat
Combat (14)
6x Donnybrook -- agg threat is efficient (can be retrieved with Garibaldi)
8x Earth Meld
Reaction (25)
6x Bait and Switch
1x Delaying Tactics -- I added it for the EC, never used
16x Organized Resistance -- spam! spam! spam!
2x Protection Racket
I would like to thank Ultra Pro for their support, once again, they send us several products for finalist.
Thanks also to Thibaut Trampont, our french distributor for his support too because he offered us several bundles of cards!
Thanks to Octogones who host us the week-end.
Thanks to Mickael Lavallée who co-organized this event with me and spend his entire week-end providing demos.
This was not a national or continental championship, but we got this nice report, so we might as well include it here! :) Reported by Daniel Bravo, VEKN Online Prince:
On August 31 of this year, the Chilean VTES community celebrated the Twilight Camp 2: Descent into Darkness tournament. The Twilight Camp tournaments are an annual event organized by the VTESConce community in conjunction with the Barony of Santiago, held in the coastal town of El Tabo, offering participants the opportunity to stay overnight.
The Twilight Camp tournament has become one of the most anticipated events for the Chilean VTES community, due to its location and the atmosphere created in each edition. This year, Twilight Camp 2 became the tournament with the most participants in VTES history in Chile to date, with a total of 40 players across 8 tables.
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The winner this year was Walbert Ibarra, who emerged as the best player with a combat/bleed Banu Haqim deck in a final table that included Aurelio Zamora with a bleeding Malkavian deck with Dominate, Juan Rodríguez with a Ghede deck, Iván Gómez with an anarchist Gangrel blocking deck, and Boris Aracena with a Followers of Set bleeding deck with Dominate.
The winner's account for this year is as follows: “The final table was in a tense balance, with each player being careful and intelligent in every action. No one was looking to take a clear advantage over the table. The turning point came when my prey, who was a bleeding deck, could eliminate their prey, another bleeding deck. At that moment, I decided to control their vampire and easily sent it to torpor. At that point, my predator, who had a Ghede deck, came for me since I had tilted the table in my favor, and it was the right move. Once in combat, I maneuvered back three times, using Hunger of Marduk + Lightning Reflexes, stealing 10 blood from Ghede along with a shot from the Magnum, which set the table in my favor.
As for playing, you control your first predator, using them as a blood bag. You concede that point while gradually damaging your prey but letting them play forward. When they are about to eliminate their prey, you finish them off. By that time, you should have your second predator with you, and you repeat the process. It’s a deck that bets on killing two, gaining the table point, and the GW.
It was a very good event. Each event aims to create a particular excitement, and this event generated camaraderie and friendship. The location is beautiful, the weather was sunny and great, and the organization was a 7 out of 10. I left with a great impression, and we need to keep supporting these initiatives.”
The tournament winning deck:
Master (15)
6x Ashur Tablet
4x Haqim´s Law: Retribution
5x Villein
Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds
Action (13)
11x Hunter's Mark
2x Magic of the Smith
Equipment (3)
1x .44 Magnum
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (51)
5x Blur
1x Flash
19x Hunger of Marduk
5x Lightning Reflexes
6x Psyche!
9x Pursuit
2x Quickness
4x Rego Motum
Reaction (5)
5x Second Tradition: Domain
Thanks to all organisers, sponsors and players!
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