This event took place at Gamersaurus Rex in Singapore on November 2 with 15 players. Reported by Keith Lee, VEKN National Coordinator of Singapore, with additional comment by the champion:
Standings before the final:
1. Joscar Malacaman: 1 GW, 4 VPs
2. Troy Espiritu: 1 GW, 3 VPs
3. Christopher Choy: 1 GW, 3 VPs
4. Raihan Harun: 1 GW, 2.5 VPs
5. Keith Lim: 3.5 VPs
Report on the final by champion Troy Espiritu is attached.I remember thinking I can probably survive the voters better than being in front of the dominate bleed, so I placed myself behind the Tzimisce bleed. Joscar however understood that the best place for him was in front of me, as my midcap mono potence has no answer for Matasuntha.
Pregame: Voters consider Matasuntha as the table threat. Publicly conspire to eliminate Matasuntha first, then midcap POT, then do a three-way with the Tzimisce.
Game: Keith actually went for both his predator and grand predator, hitting multiple KRCS 2-2 on the Tzimisce, and Matasuntha. The Justicars bide their time, slowly influencing out 3 big vampires; negotiating with its midcap pot prey of no forward action until Matasuntha is ousted. Midcap Pot not moving forward, expecting the voters to actually win his first VP for him. Midcap Pot, realizing only the Baali are hitting Matasuntha and the Tzimisce, start back-rushing to remove Justicar's Obediences, and SCEs.
Matasuntha cannot block the cross table votes. She tried rushing but too much SCE, and when the Dog Pack came, got DI-ed. Oust was inevitable.
Votes continue raining down from the Baali and the Justicars. Midcap Pots mostly backrushing to keep the Justicars and the Baali in check. Negotiations still happening on how to handle the pot-deck, and the Tzimisce. It seems, the Baali wants to give the Tzimisce to the weenies again, so that the Justicars can only have 1 VP when it comes down to the 1v1. Baali then calls an Autarkis, killing both the Tzimisce, and the Justicars. We don't know if this was intentional :)
Down to midcap pot (2 VPs), and the Baali vote (1vp). Midcap Pot has no reaction cards, and cannot vote. Baali hits multiple votes. Down to the wire, pot-deck is on it's last turn pool-wise, Baali running out of minions: Baali with 3 minions, midcap Pot with 5. Only chance was to torpor all his minions. 2 rushes, 2 torpored Baali. 3 more rushes to go, 1 target. Baali top decking combat ends. On the last minion rush, midcap pot top decked a disarm to torpor the Baali's last minion. Baali concede.
Exciting down to the last draws. Thank you Keith for the 3 VPs across the tournament :)
Final result: Me with midcap Pot (4 VPs), Keith with Baali Vote (1 VP). Additional Stat: Midcap Pot tournament torpor count: 18.
The tournament winning deck: “Mid-Weenie POT” by Troy Espiritu
Slightly Modified Deck of Serge Cirri's Fists of the Giovanni. wanted to bring a deck that can bring the hurt, without actually minding if my own minions go down. Priority was to torpor other vamps so the players remember me, and would want to go to next year's ACC for payback :)
Crypt (12 cards, min=8 max=19 avg=3.42)
1x Gianmaria Giovanni 5 POT dom nec obtGiovanni:5
1x Horace Radcliffe 5 ANI POT obfNosferatu:6
1x Salvatore Giovanni 5 NEC POT domGiovanni:6
1x Aunt Linda 4 POT obfNosferatu:6
1x Domenic Giovanni 4 POT necGiovanni:6
1x Elen Kamjian 4 CEL POTBrujah:6
1x Volo 4 POT pro sanBlood Brother:5
2x Bez Dunsirn2 POTGiovanni:6
1x Eric Milliner2 potGiovanni:5
1x Nichodemus 2 potNosferatu:5
1x Rayne2 potBrujah:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (15; 3 trifle)
2x Archon Investigation
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Fame
1x Frontal Assault
2x Haven Uncovered
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Life in the City
1x Morgue Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Montreal
Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds
Action (13)
2x Ambush
9x Bum's Rush
2x Harass
Equipment (3)
3x Camera Phone
Retainer (2)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1x Tasha Morgan
Combat (55)
2x Disarm
6x Fake Out
10x Immortal Grapple
8x Roundhouse
7x Slam
3x Target Vitals
6x Taste of Vitae
3x Thrown Sewer Lid
10x Torn Signpost
Reaction (1)
1x Delaying Tactics
Thanks to organisers, players and to Gamersaurus Rex, a friendly local game store - we need more of them, so please support them!
Finalists, with the champion Tomasz to the right.
This tournament was played on November 9. Reported by James Freimuller, VEKN UK National Coordinator and Prince of Norwich:
26 methuselahs met at Patriot Games in Leeds to duke it out for the title of national champion.
From the start you could see the selection of decks was an interesting one. Allies, swarms, a surprising splash of politics amongst the combat.
Here are the results pre-finals:
Simon Celine 3 GW 10 VP
Mark Hammond 2 GW 7.5 VP
Mikey Ferguson 1 GW 7.5 VP
Matt Boon 1 GW 6.5 VP (coin toss)
Tomasz Kloczko 1 GW 6.5 VP
Through the rounds we had a clear frontrunner with Simon and his Shambling Hordes he has been evangelising for a while gaining 3GW 10VP pre-final. With two Nephandus decks in the final, he chose to sit between them to hope to benefit from a contest of Antonio. Unfortunately this didn't happen until the second hour of the game and Tomasz got Antonio, AND he didn't see a Shambling horde in his deck after discarding one turn 1.
All five players survived well until ~90 minutes in when Simon was ousted. Tomasz continued to oust Matt while Mikey ousted Mark. The two slugged it out but the timer hit and Tomasz won with 2.5 VP over Mikey´s 1.5 VP. Congrats to Tomasz on the win!
The tournament winning deck: “Nephandus 2024” by Tomasz Kloczko (based on a Tomasz Pietkiewicz & Pawel Kukielczynski deck from the past)
Crypt (12 cards)
6x Antonio d'Erlette 5 THA dom for pot Tremere antitribu
1x Ember Wright 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu
1x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere antitribu
1x Saiz 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu
3x Tupdog 1 POT VIS Gargoyle
Library (70 cards)
Master (30)
1x Archon Investigation
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Frontal Assault
2x Haven Uncovered
1x Jake Washington
4x Liquidation
4x Parthenon, The
2x Secure Haven
2x Shard, London, The
Event (4)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
3x Unmasking, The
Ally (11)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
10x Nephandus
Action Modifier (4)
4x Mirror Walk
Combat (8)
8x Target Vitals
Reaction (13)
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
4x On the Qui Vive
Thanks all for coming this weekend, great to see you all, and thank you for bearing with me through technical difficulties!
Reported by Tito Teixeira, VEKN National Coordinator of Portugal that leaves his position with this. The new NC is Ricardo Marta – good luck at the job Ricardo!
33 players gathered at the Mercadia Games games shop in Lisboa on November 2 for the 2024 Portuguese National Championship.
After 3 rounds, standing at the top of the rankings were
1. Luis Sancho (Gangrel Wall),
2. Tiago Gonçalves (Tzimisce bleed),
3. Diogo Pratas (Unnamed bleed),
4. Eduardo Mateus (Helena wall), and
5. Luis Santos (Ravnos Laibon swarm).
As one would expect given the table seating the Ravnos were unable to gain much momentum and any pool due to Helena's blocks, and so they got ousted first - their demise was speeded up by an Antediluvian Awakening played by Eduardo and a Contagion on The Unnamed.
The Tzimisce were limited to 2 minions as a result of a bad crypt draw and the constant pool drain of the AA and Contagion, so they were also unable to get much past the Gangrel wall. Most bleeds that were not blocked would be deflected to the Unnamed, who had the pool gain to weather a few hits and also got an Unleash Hell's Fury in play. This and the Gangrel claws resulted in the Tzimisce taking several trips to torpor, eventually culminating in a couple of diableries that put Tiago out of the game - his pool didn't last much longer under the combined pressure of the unlock phase effects, the Unnamed bleeds being deflected his way, and a few bleeds by Helena's support team (Zoe and Franciscus).
With the timer close to running out Diogo kept pushing The Unnamed bleeds (who by then had managed to recruit an Homunculus and Enkil Cog) to gain the pool he needed to stay alive, but in doing so he miscalculated and left the Gangrel dangerously low on pool. Eduardo realized Luis was out of wake cards and lunged for the oust, getting his 2nd VP. Shortly after that the timer ended, giving Eduardo the GW.
Eduardos tournament winning deck: “The Downward Spiral”
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Helena (Adv.) 10 dai obf pre tha AUS CEL DOM Independent Toreador:3
2x Helena 10 obf pre tha AUS CEL DOM Camarilla Toreador:3
1x Isabel de Leon 3 AUS Camarilla Toreador:2
1x Yvette, the Hopeless 3 aus cel Camarilla Toreador:3
1x Zöe 3 cel obf AUS Camarilla Malkavian:2
1x Emerson Wilkershire III 2 pre Camarilla Toreador:3
1x Franciscus 1 aus Camarilla Caitiff:2
1x Anarch Convert 1 Anarch Caitiff:Any
Library (90 cards)
Master (18, 6 trifles)
1x Dabbler
2x Wider View
2x Villein
1x Discipline: Fortitude
1x Secure Haven
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elder Library
1x The Barrens
1x Pentex Subversion
2x Antediluvian Awakening
1x Smiling Jack, the Anarch
2x Direct Intervention
Event (2)
1x Waiting Game
1x Narrow Minds
Reaction (70)
9x Diabolic Lure
6x Quicken Sight
6x Enhanced Senses
8x Eyes of Argus
8x Eagle’s Sight
2x My Enemy’s Enemy
8x Telepathic Misdirection
10x Deflection
13x Obedience
All finalists took trophies home along with several goodies. Many thanks to Mercadia Games, Ultra Pro, Black Chantry, and Tiago Gonçalves for the prize support provided.
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