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BYO: Baltimore: From the Ashes A Leader Will Rise - Introduction
August 14, 2004 at Games and Comics...and Stuff In Beautiful Downtown Glen Burnie, Maryland
Baltimore Harbor is choked with debris and a sickening pallid slime. The City of Baltimore has been violated. The warehouses along the waterfront have been burned to the ground. The Prince of Baltimore has been irrespectively snuffed, like an iridescent candle the day after a week long carnival has ended. The Camarilla Clans have fled to nearby New York City, leaving Baltimore to simmer in its own spattered blood and humidity. Every conveyance imaginable has been used to escape the onslaught, including the Metro-Liner and the hordes of unlicensed taxi cabs that prey upon the unwary passengers arriving and departing Baltimore-Washington International Airport.
Evil now lurks along the streets of Baltimore in the stench and smell of Semsith as he walks the Lasombra through the narrow streets, lined with marble steps, and leading from the Inner Harbor. Gratiano and his minions are quite pleased with themselves. The acrid air smells good. It's a pleasant, unpolluted fragrance; the relish of a purge.
Greed and distrust drove the in-fighting and splintering that threaten to destroy the Sabbat's fragile hold on Baltimore, but Semsith's arrival in the New World signaled the unavoidable surge of power and the predictable dispersion and sacrifice of all opponents.
It took nearly twenty days for the mammoth conflagration to be extinguished. The city inhabitants dismissed the loss of the abandoned buildings, believing they were set by the drug-addicted and the insane. "Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish," the Baltimore News-American headline proclaimed in 30-point type.
The Ravnos, who betrayed the location of Isaac Goldwin's haven, were sickened. They had naively believed the fire would not be set until after the Prince had left the building. Now they fear the might of the Sabbat and the anger of the Camarilla.
The remains of the Prince of Baltimore now coalesce with the green foam of the Patapsco River, flowing over the Harbor Tunnel, the Fort McHenry Tunnel, under the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and into the Chesapeake Bay. The Port of Baltimore is evermore changed.
The Camarilla and the Independent Clans who took flight, now are contemplating a return to Baltimore, the Monumental City...Charm City, as described in the local media, but more recently described by the Sabbat as Disarm City.
Securing a safe heaven is the top priority and the soon to be returning clans have now begun individual communications, shrouded in mystery, and intent on securing new havens for the chosen of Cain.
The Port of Baltimore demands a ruler...and from the ashes a leader will rise.
This event will mark the limited distribution of two new promo-cards, drawn by locally un-renowned artist, Dan (Do Dirty Red) Coleman. The cards are: "Crown Me" and "Power Lunch, Baltimore." The former is a Action Modifier that comes into play as a Unique Equipment card with special rules and abilities much like the mechanisms of "Eye of Hazimel" and the latter is a Master: Unique Location with special capabilities. Both cards are explained in details in The Special House Rules.
If you are new to playing in Vampire: The Eternal Struggle tournaments, this storyline tournament is an ideal time to try your first tournament. All you really need to play is a constructed deck per the guidelines below (or simply use one of the pre-constructed starter decks from the White Wolf Catalog or your local retailer) and to review the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (the player community for the Vampire card game) standard tournament rules.
Bring a clan-based deck representing who you'd like to control Baltimore. All standard V:EKN Rules will apply. In addition, at least 75% of your deck's crypt is to be comprised of a single clan (for example, in a 12-card crypt, at least 9 vampires must be of the same clan). Complete the rest of your crypt in any manner you please. The tournament Historian will make a record of key battles and of the winning clan at your event and forward the results to White Wolf. Here's your chance to finish this chapter of Baltimore's history.
Crown Me [Promo]
Card Type: Action Modifier
Cost: No cost to play
This action modifier card represents a unique equipment. Successful action means that this card is put into play on the gaining Vampire. The Vampire with this equipment is the Leader of Baltimore (two votes unless titled; if titled, gain one additional vote). It may be played by a ready--and not going to Torpor--Vampire immediately after successfully performing any one of the following actions: 1) Bleed for more than three; 2) Call and win any referendum by more than two votes; or 3) Burn or send to Torpor a Vampire controlled by another Methuselah. This equipment cannot be transferred as normal, but another Vampire may steal it by one of the following acts: A) Bleed the Methuselah controlling the Leader for more than three; B) Call and win a referendum to take control of "Crown Me." This political action starts at 0 stealth. Stealth may be added; or C) Burn or send the Leader to Torpor. If this equipment is stolen, the controller loses two pool and all counters on the card go to the blood bank. Each time the card is equipped the remaining players put a pool on the card. During your influence phase, if the Vampire with this card is ready, you may move one pool from the card to your pool or to one of your uncontrolled Vampires. The card is placed in the center of the table and is uncontrolled if the controlling player is ousted by means other than the three methods described or if the "stealing" Vampire is burned or torporized in the successful act.
For this special Storyline event, this card is placed in the center of the table before game play and may be equipped by the first ready--and not going to Torpor--Vampire to successfully perform any one of the three enabling actions.
Power Lunch, Baltimore [Promo]
Card Type: Master
Cost: No cost
Master: Unique Location
Put this card into play. You may burn this card to cancel the effects of any of the three methods of stealing "Crown Me" from one of the Vampires that you control. The action is canceled. No cost is paid by the acting minion; however, the acting minion remains tapped and may not perform the same action during this turn.
For this special Storyline event, this card is added to every deck. Players may still bring a constructed deck of 90 cards, if desired. The addition of this card will permit decks of up to 91 cards.
Because of the fun nature of this event, this would be an ideal time for new players to attend their first tournament. The event will not count toward player ratings, but the event is recognized by White Wolf as a "create your own storyline" and has been placed on the White Wolf calendar.
August 14, 2004 @ Noon
Games and Comics...and Stuff
7452 Baltimore and Annapolis Blvd.
Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061
(410) 863-7418 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (410) 863-7418 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
$3.00 Entry Fee
Games and Comics...and Stuff Web site:
Organizer Name: Dan Coleman, V:EKN Prince of Baltimore
Organizer Email:
Organizer web site:
BYO: Watchtower: Chosen are Called - Introduction
* Fall of the Camarilla
* Fall of the Sabbat
* Rise of the Nephtali
* Seeds of Corruption
75% of vampire from the same sect (Camarilla, Independent, Laibon, Sabbat)
* Tal'Mahe'Ra: a new trait that can be held by any non Anarch Vampire and unique Mage, Mummy, Werewolf and Wraith ally (A Tal'Mahe'Ra vampire can not become Anarch)
* Kherebu: a trait that can be held by any Tal'Mahe'Ra minions ; if the minion is a vampire, he gains 2 additional votes
* Old Clan Tzimisce: a new scarce clan, independent by default. Prime disciplines: Animalism; Auspex; Dominate. Cannot use cards that require Vicissitude
At the begining of the game, place all the Tal'Mahe'Ra cards in the middle of the table
following this distribution:
One card for each vampire.
2x Enoch Sentinel, Hatif (Wraith)
1x Lillian, Verbena (Mage)
3x Infiltrator
1x Blessing of the Aralu
2x Take my Hand!
1x Wrath of the Diwan
4x Nightlife
While in the middle of the table, these vampire are not considered to be in any Mathuselah's
uncontrolled region.
They can still be influenced during the influence phase (as if they were in the Mathuselah
uncontrolled region) by a Mathuselah who controls a ready vampire.
Whenever one of these vampire is burned, move him to the center of the table instead. He can
now be reinfluenced by any player except his previous controller.
While in the middle of the table, the library cards are not considered to be in any Mathuselah's
During his turn a Mathuselah controlling a Tal'mahe'Ra vampire can play one card from the
middle of the table (as if they were in his hand).
Whenever a Tal'Mahe'Ra library card should go to the ash heap, it is removed from the game
Whenever a Tal'Mahe'Ra library card should go to a Mathuselah's hand, it is placed in the
middle of the table instead.
Before the final, the first player may choose one of the vampire. If he does so, this vampire is
place in his uncontrolled region (in addition to the 4 other vampire) and this player will start
the final. Then the second player may choose one vampire from and so on.
A player may choose to pass his turn. If he does so, he take his turn after the fifth player.
A player can never pass more than once.
The fifth player can never pass.
Jedrik, Koldun Scholar Old Clan Tzimisce (group none) Capacity 5 AUS ANI DOM qui nec tha Independent. Tal'mahe'Ra. Jedrik's capacity is increased by 4 while he is controlled. If Jedrik is ready during your master phase, you may spend a master phase action to go through your library and exchange up to five cards from your hand with cards from your library. Shuffle afterward. +1 intercept. Jedrik cannot use cards that require Vicissitude [vic]. Scarce. |
Stepan Old Clan Tzimisce (group none) Capacity 4 AUS DOM PRE ani obf Camarilla Prince of St. Petersburg. Tal'mahe'Ra. Stepan's capacity is increased by 4 while he is controlled. While Stepan is ready, location cards cost you and your minions no blood or pool to play. Stepan may recruit any ally as if he meets the requirements of playing that card. Stepan cannot use cards that require Vicissitude [vic]. Scarce. |
Valenko Dmiritav Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce (group none) Capacity 3 AUS ANI cel dom pot Sabbat priscus. Tal'mahe'Ra Kherebu. Valenko's capacity is increased by 4 while he is controlled. While Valenko is ready and Sabbat, vampires you control get +1 bleed when bleeding a Methuselah who controls a ready Sabbat vampire. +1 Stealth. Valenko cannot use cards that require Vicissitude [vic]. Scarce. |
Shalmath True Brujah Capacity 5 AUS POT PRE TEM for Independent. Tal'mahe'Ra Kherebu. Shalmath's capacity is increased by 4 while he is controlled. During your master phase Shalmath can burn 2X blood to give you X additional master phase actions. If he doesn't do so, he untaps at the end of your turn. +1 bleed. +1 strengh. Shalmat cannot use cards that require Celerity [cel]. Scarce. |
Durga Shakti Nagaraja (group none) Capacity 2 NEC THN abo dom Laibon. Tal'mahe'Ra. Durga's capacity is increased by 4 while she is controlled. Blood hunts cannot be called on Durga. If Durga successfully diablerizes another vampire, his or her controller gains X pool where X is the capacity of the diablerized vampire. Scarce. |
Zubeida, Silent Strider Advanced Clan: Abomination (group none) Capacity 3 OBF PRO cel for pot Independent. Tal'mahe'Ra. Zubeida's capacity is increased by 4 while she is controlled. During your untap phase, burn a pool or burn Zubeida. Zubeida does not have to burn blood to pay the cost of combat cards she plays. She strikes with first strike and gets an additional strike each round. She gets a press each combat. +2 strength. Scarce. Sterile. |
Enoch Sentinel, Hatif (Wraith) Ally 2 Blood Wraith with 1 life. 0 strength, 0 bleed. Tal'mahe'Ra. Only usable by a Tal'mahe'Ra vampire. Enoch Sentinel have +1 intercept. He cannot perform any action. He is immune to damage that is not aggravated. At the begining of your turn, if you control no ready Tal'mahe'Ra vampire, burn the Enoch Sentinel. |
Lillian, Verbena (Mage) Ally 3 Pool Unique mage with 3 life. 0 strength, 1 bleed. Tal'mahe'Ra. Only usable by a Tal'mahe'Ra vampire. Lillian may play cards that require the basic level of each disciplines, vampires you control have. Once each turn, she may untap after perfoming a successful action. She may steal all blood from a vampire in torpor as a D action. |
Infiltrator Master Master: archetype. Put this card on a Tal'mahe'Ra vampire you control. During your untap phase, this vampire may choose to become Camarilla, Sabbat, Independant or Laibon until your next untap phase. Every time this vampire sect changes he gains one blood from the blood bank. A vampire can have only one archetype. |
Blessing of the Aralu Event Gehenna. Tal'mahe'Ra. Requires at least one other Gehenna card in play. Tal'mahe'Ra vampire are no longer affected by Gehenna cards. In addition, Tal'mahe'Ra vampire you control cannot be blocked by non-Tal'mahe'Ra older vampires. |
Take my Hand! Political Action Requires: Tal'mahe'Ra. Political Card -- Worth 2 Votes. Called by any Tal'mahe'Ra vampire at +1 stealth. Choose a ready non Anarch vampire with a capacity above 5. You may also choose a ready unique mage, mummy, werewolf or wraith ally. If this referendum is successful the choosen minion becomes Tal'mahe'Ra. If the choosen minion is a vampire, his or her capacity increases by 1. If this acting vampire is Kherebu and the choosen minion is already Tal'mahe'Ra, the choosen minion becomes Kherebu. If the referendum is successful, untap this acting vampire and the choosen minion. |
Wrath of the Diwan Political Action Requires: Tal'mahe'Ra. Political Card -- Worth 2 Votes. Called by any Tal'mahe'Ra vampire at +1 stealth. Choose a Methuselah. Successful referendum means any minion may bleed this methuselah as a D action until your next untap phase. Minion bleeding this methuselah gain an additional +1 bleed. If the referendum is successful, untap this acting vampire. |
Nightlife Action Requires: Tal'mahe'Ra. +1 stealth action. Requires a ready Tal'mahe'Ra minion. (D) Bleed any Methuselah with +1 bleed. If this acting minion is Kherebu, he or she gains an additional +1 bleed. If the bleed is successful you may choose, instead of removing pool from the Methuselah you're bleeding, to remove from the game a library card controlled by this Methuselah. (The bleed is still considered successful.) |
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