Continental Championships
August 5, 2018
Each year, the V:EKN organizes open Continental Championship tournaments.
Championship Formats
There are two formats for the Championship tournaments. Each Championship will be run in one of these formats:
Standard Championship Format
The standard format is a normal 3-rounds tournament with a final round, following the standard V:EKN rules for constructed deck tournaments (in which any players are allowed to play, since it's an open event).
Tiered Championship Format
The tiered format is basically two tournaments. The top X (25 in the case of the North American Championship and 40 in the case of the European Championship) players from the first tournament (Day 1) continue on to the second (Day 2). Players may change cards or whole decks before the second tournament. Each tournament is three rounds. The final, if any, of the first tournament has no bearing on the second.
- Who is qualified for Day 2?
- The top X players in the Day 1 tournament.
- The 5 finalists of the Last Chance Qualifier tournament (which is run before Day 1), if any.
- The winners of any Grand Prix tournament.
Asian Championship
English: No. 52, Lane 80, Section 4, Chengde Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111
Chinese: 台北市士林區承德路四段80巷52號
Date: Sunday Oct 4th, 2015
Location: CaCaCity Boardgame store, JianTan Branch
Format: Standard Constructed, 3R+F (Might reduce to 2R+F depends on time)
Entry fee: FREE
Australian Championship
Melbourne (Australia): Oct 3rd and 4th 2015
Location: GateKeeper Games; 323-327 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North (Melbourne), Victoria
Last Chance Qualifier
Saturday, October 3rd
11am registration, Entry Fee $10
Australian Continental Championship
Sunday, October 4th
11am registration, Entry Fee $10
European Championship
Warsaw (Poland): 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of August, 2015
Venue: Warsaw Plaza Hotel
North American Championship
Columbus (Ohio): 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of June, 2015
Venue: Greater Columbus COnvention Center
- Thursday, June 4th
- Last Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- Last Chance Qualifier (Late Night Edition) — 7 PM
- Last Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- Friday, June 5th
- NAC Day 1 (qualification) — 11 AM
- Shadow Twin (for non-qualified players)
- Saturday, June 6th
- NAC Day 2 (championship) — 11 AM
- Shadow Twin (for non-qualified players)
- Sunday, June 7th
- First Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- First Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
South American Championship
Fortaleza (Ceará): 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of October, 2015
Address: Rua Félix Kogempa, 318, Planalto Icaraí, Caucaia, Ceará, Brasil. CEP 61620120
Organizers: Francisco Márcio Pinheiro and Roberto Mautone Jr.
Telephones: +55 85988476766 or +55 11996604263
Email: Tel : +55 11 99660-4263
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