file Doomed Henry (infinite loop)

21 Jun 2011 09:50 #5389 by technobabble66
Luv the deck - *great* original idea w setting up the Henry module & systematically screwing ur prey.
One little query, what is the basic defence against the ol' stealth bleeder? Is the hope a little intercept to slow them enuff to squeeze ur prey first?
And should there be an Elder impersonation to ensure the Doomed gets thru?
Leopold might be handy, but u probably need at least 1 more way to drop the target vamp's blood. I've always liked Free States Rant, but it may be impossible to rely on with this setup. Probably best to go with the gregory winter/impudulu/ossian/young blood combo.
Oh yeah, Hunger moon is awesome for this type of deck (lifesaver in a foul blood deck).

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21 Jun 2011 13:10 #5393 by Ankha
Against bleed stealth, you'll have to rely on the 2 intercept of Henry (Abbot + Sport bike) and the Archon Investigation.

To get the Doomed through, I rely on the Forgotten Labyrinth. 4 stealth is enough to bypass Pascek + 2nd Tradition and most of the intercept people have.

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