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- [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
[VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
10 Dec 2017 14:36 - 28 Jan 2018 11:15 #84504
by squirrel
Prince of Ghent
find us at www.facebook.com/groups/vtes.belgium/
VTES European Grand Prix - BELGIUM
Dear methuselahs, welcome to Belgium!
The Grand Prix spans Saturday 24/02/2018 & Sunday 25/02/2018 and is hosted in Mechelen, 12 minutes away from Brussels Airport.
You can sleep, eat and play at our event location. Everything is taken care off for you, except your dinner since you might be on one of the city trips during dinner. Your accomodation is taken care of in your ticket, but you can also join single events and sleep elsewhere.
We start the weekend on friday evening with a guided city trip to our host city.
To let you recover, and allow the late arrivals to join us, our big saturday Draft tournament starts late. The draft will span many sets, using Third Edition as our base and building from there. Every set that includes anarch cards is included in this draft, while keeping other options open as well.
Our dropouts can join the Brussels city trip to visit the landmarks during nighttime.
Bright and early we start our Grand Prix on sunday, the second of the european tour, with exclusive participation awards and prizes for the event winner. The event winner will receive a free acces ticket to the European Championship, with a seat reserved at the VEG Finals table.
Saturday, February 24th: Draft Tournament
Choose your path to victory
Tournament format: Limited Booster Draft (standard)
Entry Fee: 17,00€ or included in your ticket
Round: 3+final
Starting time around 11.30 am (tba)
Door prize: 1 Boosters Third Edition; 1 Booster Twilight Rebelion; 1 Kindred Most Wanted; 1 Booster Anarch; 2 Boosters from (Third Edition / Sword of Caine / Gehenna / Kindred Most Wanted / Black Hand) and sleeves + a surprise.
Proxy: No cards from outside sources allowed!
Prizes: tba (but depending on the players attending, more and more surprises)
Event tickets
VEG Ticket
2 Nights, Breakfasts & Lunches, 2 City Trips, acces to both Events
Weekend Ticket
1 Night, Breakfast & Lunches, 1 City Trip, acces to both Events
GP Ticket (1 night, GP only)
1 Night, Breakfast & Lunch, 1 City Trip, acces to Grand Prix
Detailed Event Planning WIP
Friday 23/02/2018
Saturday 24/02/2018
Sunday 25/02/2018
Accomodation Overview
The location is a hostel, therefore you will share your room with other players. We will arrage your rooms so you can sleep with friends. We can occasionally leave some beds open if there's no one to fill out your particular group with. If you join us with your partner we will arrange you a private room. There are no single rooms available at all.
Our event location is contingent on people sleeping at the hostel, so give it a fair chance when choosing your stay.
The hostel and personel are nice, it's really convenient to reach by Car, Train and Plane.
Get your ticket to reserve your room. We get a discount for it and this discount has been passed on to you. The location will become exclusive if our group gets sufficiently large. Don't book your room, they might cancel your reservation.
Offcourse you can sleep elsewhere in the city. Average prices range from €86 to €140 per person per night.
Transport Overview
Airplane Charleroi (Option)
Airplane Charleroi (Option)
VEGP Saturday 24th of february 2018 - Belgium Mechelen
Draft Tournament.
Included in your ticket or available as a standalone event for €17:
You will receive (and get to keep):
Prizes: tbd
VEKN Draft rules apply
To prevent possible cheating we will collect the unused sleeved printouts, now you wont be able to use that Galaric's Legacy hiding behind it
You can keep the sleeve and the printout if you'd like.
Why these sets?
Most of these have the following disciplines in common: Dem, For, Cel, Ani, Pre, Aus, Obf, Tha, Pro, Dom, Pot
All possible Anarch 3-way card options are available.
There is splash acces to black hand / sabbat tech
Using all of these sets allows for a greatly varied card pool. The person acros form you might want the entire BH/SOC booster while you like to focus down on a discipline and your predator is messing with the anarch stuff. Even fringe decks are possible. These sets allow for 25 unique viccisitude cards to be drafted if you are feeling gruesome.
For more questions, ask them in this post, on vtes.be or to 2wayspeaker
Registration Open
We have made a clean banc account for this event. This way we can clearly verify all registrations without missing one.
Depending on your days of attending the event you can choose your ticket. An extra night from Sunday to Monday is possible, you can book this at the event.
VEG Ticket:...........Friday + Saturday accomodation and both Events..........€94.5
Weekend Ticket:...Saturday accomodation and both Events........................€64.0
GP Ticket:.............Saturday accomodation and GP....................................€50.0
Draft:......................(limited to 50 players).................................................€17.0
Use a standard wire transfer, with an amount corresponding to one of the above.
I cannot guarantee accomodation that has not been reserved in advance. Please dont transfer for multiple things at once. If your transaction is unclear I will contact you on your VEKN account to ask for clarification. Your money is always refundable, should you choose to cancel, send us (2wayspeaker or squirrel) a message here on VEKN.
Registration Overview
We recently received a request for the accomodation as a player with wife and 2 kids. The total for the weekend comes to 260.5 (94.5 VEG, accomodation adult 33, accomodation kid 25)
The night sunday - monday can be arranged with the owner of the hostel during the weekend.
I have also received requests to paypal the money, as alternative to the wire transfer.
VEG Ticket:...........Friday + Saturday accomodation and both Events..........€94.5
Weekend Ticket:...Saturday accomodation and both Events........................€64.0
GP Ticket:.............Saturday accomodation and GP....................................€50.0
Draft:......................(limited to 50 players).................................................€17.0
Use a standard wire transfer, with an amount corresponding to one of the above.
IBAN: BE33 0636 3659 2746
Jonathan Van der Smissen
Then, mention your full name and your VEKN ID number: "Jonathan Van der Smissen 1820008"
If you cannot mention this through paypal, I need you to send me an email along with your payment.
Dear methuselahs, welcome to Belgium!
The Grand Prix spans Saturday 24/02/2018 & Sunday 25/02/2018 and is hosted in Mechelen, 12 minutes away from Brussels Airport.
You can sleep, eat and play at our event location. Everything is taken care off for you, except your dinner since you might be on one of the city trips during dinner. Your accomodation is taken care of in your ticket, but you can also join single events and sleep elsewhere.
We start the weekend on friday evening with a guided city trip to our host city.
To let you recover, and allow the late arrivals to join us, our big saturday Draft tournament starts late. The draft will span many sets, using Third Edition as our base and building from there. Every set that includes anarch cards is included in this draft, while keeping other options open as well.
Our dropouts can join the Brussels city trip to visit the landmarks during nighttime.
Bright and early we start our Grand Prix on sunday, the second of the european tour, with exclusive participation awards and prizes for the event winner. The event winner will receive a free acces ticket to the European Championship, with a seat reserved at the VEG Finals table.
Event location
Jeugdherberg "De Zandpoort"
Zandpoortvest 70
B-2800 Mechelen
Jeugdherberg "De Zandpoort"
Zandpoortvest 70
B-2800 Mechelen
Saturday, February 24th: Draft Tournament
Choose your path to victory
Tournament format: Limited Booster Draft (standard)
Entry Fee: 17,00€ or included in your ticket
Round: 3+final
Starting time around 11.30 am (tba)
Door prize: 1 Boosters Third Edition; 1 Booster Twilight Rebelion; 1 Kindred Most Wanted; 1 Booster Anarch; 2 Boosters from (Third Edition / Sword of Caine / Gehenna / Kindred Most Wanted / Black Hand) and sleeves + a surprise.
Proxy: No cards from outside sources allowed!
Prizes: tba (but depending on the players attending, more and more surprises)
Sunday, February 25th: THE GRAND PRIX!
Tournament format: Standard constructed
Entry Fee: 15,00€ or included in your ticket
Round: 3+final
Starting time around 9.00 am (tba)
Door prize: tba
Proxy: not allowed
Prizes: tba (but depending on the players attending, more and more surprises)
Tournament format: Standard constructed
Entry Fee: 15,00€ or included in your ticket
Round: 3+final
Starting time around 9.00 am (tba)
Door prize: tba
Proxy: not allowed
Prizes: tba (but depending on the players attending, more and more surprises)
Event tickets
VEG Ticket
2 Nights, Breakfasts & Lunches, 2 City Trips, acces to both Events
Weekend Ticket
1 Night, Breakfast & Lunches, 1 City Trip, acces to both Events
GP Ticket (1 night, GP only)
1 Night, Breakfast & Lunch, 1 City Trip, acces to Grand Prix
Detailed Event Planning WIP
Friday 23/02/2018
Hostel Check-in from 17h to 22h.
Preregistration for the weekend events.
Casual games
City trip Mechelen 19h30 (included) You can already take a virtual tour of the city to preview www.poppr.be/virtualtour/mechelen360
Accomodation Friday -> Saturday (included)
Preregistration for the weekend events.
Casual games
City trip Mechelen 19h30 (included) You can already take a virtual tour of the city to preview www.poppr.be/virtualtour/mechelen360
Accomodation Friday -> Saturday (included)
Saturday 24/02/2018
7h30 -> 11h Breakfast (included)
11u Registration of late arrivals.
12u00 -> 14u00 First Round
Lunch (included)
14u30 -> 16u30 Second Round
17u -> 19u Third Round
Evening break
20u30 -> 22u30 Finale
City Trip Brussels 19h30 (included) (For the really late people or for those who got eliminated from the draft) Return hour: Midnight
Accomodation Saturday -> Sunday (included)
11u Registration of late arrivals.
12u00 -> 14u00 First Round
Lunch (included)
14u30 -> 16u30 Second Round
17u -> 19u Third Round
Evening break
20u30 -> 22u30 Finale
City Trip Brussels 19h30 (included) (For the really late people or for those who got eliminated from the draft) Return hour: Midnight
Accomodation Saturday -> Sunday (included)
Sunday 25/02/2018
7h30 -> 9h Breakfast (included)
9u Registration of late arrivals.
9u30 -> 11u30 First Round (included)
Lunch (included)
12u30 -> 14u30 Second Round
15u -> 17u Third Round
Evening break
18u30 -> 20u30 Finale
Award Ceremony 20h30
9u Registration of late arrivals.
9u30 -> 11u30 First Round (included)
Lunch (included)
12u30 -> 14u30 Second Round
15u -> 17u Third Round
Evening break
18u30 -> 20u30 Finale
Award Ceremony 20h30
Accomodation Overview
The location is a hostel, therefore you will share your room with other players. We will arrage your rooms so you can sleep with friends. We can occasionally leave some beds open if there's no one to fill out your particular group with. If you join us with your partner we will arrange you a private room. There are no single rooms available at all.
Our event location is contingent on people sleeping at the hostel, so give it a fair chance when choosing your stay.
The hostel and personel are nice, it's really convenient to reach by Car, Train and Plane.
Get your ticket to reserve your room. We get a discount for it and this discount has been passed on to you. The location will become exclusive if our group gets sufficiently large. Don't book your room, they might cancel your reservation.
Offcourse you can sleep elsewhere in the city. Average prices range from €86 to €140 per person per night.
Transport Overview
There is a massive parking at 20 meters from the door. This parking is free from friday 18h00 to monday 06h00
If you do arrive outside of this massive window. The ticket for 1 day is €3. Fine is €25.
If you do arrive outside of this massive window. The ticket for 1 day is €3. Fine is €25.
If you arrive by high-speed international train you will arrive in the south station of Brussels.
Brussel-Midi -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €4,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Brussel-Midi -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €4,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Fly to "Brussels Airport (Zaventem)" this will save you a lot of trouble, I promise.
Brussels-Airport -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 12 minutes.
The ride will cost you €8,40.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Brussels-Airport -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 12 minutes.
The ride will cost you €8,40.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Airplane Charleroi (Option)
Fly to "Brussels South Charleroi Airport"
Take a "Brussels City Shuttle" to train station Brussels-Midi
This is a 1 hour busride that costs you €15
Brussel-Midi -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €4,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Take a "Brussels City Shuttle" to train station Brussels-Midi
This is a 1 hour busride that costs you €15
Brussel-Midi -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €4,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Airplane Charleroi (Option)
Fly to "Brussels South Charleroi Airport"
Take a "TEC" bus to train station Charleroi-Sud
This is a 15 minute busride that costs you €6
Charleroi-Sud -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 1h30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €12,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
Take a "TEC" bus to train station Charleroi-Sud
This is a 15 minute busride that costs you €6
Charleroi-Sud -> Mechelen is a single trajectory that takes 1h30 minutes.
The ride will cost you €12,60.
The train station is at 800meters from the event location.
VEGP Saturday 24th of february 2018 - Belgium Mechelen
Draft Tournament.
Included in your ticket or available as a standalone event for €17:
You will receive (and get to keep):
- 1 boosters 3rd edition (11 cards)
- 1 booster Twilight Rebellion (11 cards)
- 1 booster Anarch (11 cards)
- 1 booster Kindred Most Wanted (11 cards)
- 2 boosters mix (3rd SOC KMW Geh Black Hand) (22 cards)
- 1 Anarch Unboud Set (Sleeved Printouts) (9 cards)
- + blood doll, forced awakening, KRC (3 cards)
- 60 sleeves
Prizes: tbd
VEKN Draft rules apply
- You get the equivalent of 7 boosters.
- Your minimum deck size is 35 cards.
- Your minimum crypt size is 7 cards.
- You are allowed 1 recursion.
To prevent possible cheating we will collect the unused sleeved printouts, now you wont be able to use that Galaric's Legacy hiding behind it

Why these sets?
Most of these have the following disciplines in common: Dem, For, Cel, Ani, Pre, Aus, Obf, Tha, Pro, Dom, Pot
All possible Anarch 3-way card options are available.
There is splash acces to black hand / sabbat tech
Using all of these sets allows for a greatly varied card pool. The person acros form you might want the entire BH/SOC booster while you like to focus down on a discipline and your predator is messing with the anarch stuff. Even fringe decks are possible. These sets allow for 25 unique viccisitude cards to be drafted if you are feeling gruesome.
For more questions, ask them in this post, on vtes.be or to 2wayspeaker
Registration Open
We have made a clean banc account for this event. This way we can clearly verify all registrations without missing one.
Depending on your days of attending the event you can choose your ticket. An extra night from Sunday to Monday is possible, you can book this at the event.
VEG Ticket:...........Friday + Saturday accomodation and both Events..........€94.5
Weekend Ticket:...Saturday accomodation and both Events........................€64.0
GP Ticket:.............Saturday accomodation and GP....................................€50.0
Draft:......................(limited to 50 players).................................................€17.0
Use a standard wire transfer, with an amount corresponding to one of the above.
IBAN: BE33 0636 3659 2746
Jonathan Van der Smissen
Then, mention your full name and your VEKN ID number: "Jonathan Van der Smissen 1820008"BIC: GKCCBEBB
Jonathan Van der Smissen
I cannot guarantee accomodation that has not been reserved in advance. Please dont transfer for multiple things at once. If your transaction is unclear I will contact you on your VEKN account to ask for clarification. Your money is always refundable, should you choose to cancel, send us (2wayspeaker or squirrel) a message here on VEKN.
Registration Overview
We recently received a request for the accomodation as a player with wife and 2 kids. The total for the weekend comes to 260.5 (94.5 VEG, accomodation adult 33, accomodation kid 25)
The night sunday - monday can be arranged with the owner of the hostel during the weekend.
I have also received requests to paypal the money, as alternative to the wire transfer.
VEG Ticket:...........Friday + Saturday accomodation and both Events..........€94.5
Weekend Ticket:...Saturday accomodation and both Events........................€64.0
GP Ticket:.............Saturday accomodation and GP....................................€50.0
Draft:......................(limited to 50 players).................................................€17.0
Use a standard wire transfer, with an amount corresponding to one of the above.
IBAN: BE33 0636 3659 2746
Jonathan Van der Smissen
Then, mention your full name and your VEKN ID number: "Jonathan Van der Smissen 1820008"
If you cannot mention this through paypal, I need you to send me an email along with your payment.
Prince of Ghent
find us at www.facebook.com/groups/vtes.belgium/
Last edit: 28 Jan 2018 11:15 by squirrel. Reason: added more registration info
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12 Dec 2017 12:20 #84555
by thelonius reloaded
Lurking in the underground of Bologna, Italy
Replied by thelonius reloaded on topic [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
Is Saturday draft the only event? No side if someone prefer constructed format?
Lurking in the underground of Bologna, Italy
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12 Dec 2017 15:54 #84557
by TapeTaChatte
IC Organized play coordinator
Please contact me with any OP query using the mail in my profile
Replied by TapeTaChatte on topic [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
so sad I can't be there 
I'll talk to you about the VEKN details later but already, same as in Bologna, all VEKN Grand Prix rules apply, including direct qualification and free entrance to EC day 2 for the winner.

I'll talk to you about the VEKN details later but already, same as in Bologna, all VEKN Grand Prix rules apply, including direct qualification and free entrance to EC day 2 for the winner.
IC Organized play coordinator
Please contact me with any OP query using the mail in my profile
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- TapeTaChatte
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- Methuselah
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13 Dec 2017 05:42 - 13 Dec 2017 05:44 #84569
by squirrel
Prince of Ghent
find us at www.facebook.com/groups/vtes.belgium/
Replied by squirrel on topic [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
We wanted to offer something special to the players. We could do a constructed side event if we get enough players on Saturday.Is Saturday draft the only event? No side if someone prefer constructed format?
Prince of Ghent
find us at www.facebook.com/groups/vtes.belgium/
Last edit: 13 Dec 2017 05:44 by squirrel.
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15 Dec 2017 10:42 #84596
by Vlad
Draft is great !
And we will play a Constructed Deck on Sunday already
Pentex Board of Directors
Prince of Oye Plage
Alastor Grand Nord

Replied by Vlad on topic [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
We wanted to offer something special to the players. We could do a constructed side event if we get enough players on Saturday.Is Saturday draft the only event? No side if someone prefer constructed format?
Draft is great !
And we will play a Constructed Deck on Sunday already

Pentex Board of Directors
Prince of Oye Plage
Alastor Grand Nord

The following user(s) said Thank You: squirrel
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17 Dec 2017 10:45 #84609
by darkal
Replied by darkal on topic [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
I'm in
Greiner alain 3200289
and my brother
Greiner Francois 3200293
Greiner alain 3200289
and my brother
Greiner Francois 3200293
The following user(s) said Thank You: squirrel
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- [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18
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Event Announcements
- [VEG] Belgian Grand Prix, Brussels (Mechelen): 24/02/18 - 25/02/18