file [Submission] The Inconnu

24 Oct 2014 02:45 #66919 by brandonsantacruz
As a storyline I think these cards would be fine. I would not introduce them to the tournament scene because most of them are underpowered. The glaring exception is dark steed. wtf?

Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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29 Oct 2014 02:31 #67051 by alasteir
The Cards need a rebalance, and I believe the bad thing on them is the introduction of a new sect and some traits.

But why not trying them first on a storyline?

Vitor Hugo
Sabbat. Vitor gets +1 vote against any referendum of a political action.

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04 Nov 2014 03:58 #67209 by glaswanderer
Apologies for the delay in completing the Library's information, life sometimes gets in the way.

Heart of Treachery
World of Darkness reference: None

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu have an inherent penalty when bleeding, this twist on Kindred Spirits brings the bleed to the default of 0 stealth.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: Vampire the Masquerade

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The idea of a Kindred’s herd has never truly been represented. The negative stealth represents the lack of hunting one must take if he or she has a herd. This is a great way for vampire that is at 0 blood to gain one just when he or she might need it, especially if a block or bounce is needed.

Created by: Chris Pond

Horoscopic Forecast
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 136

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu are a community of watchers, this gives the Inconnu a means to block those minions causing a lot of pool damage or can multi-act with impunity.

Created by: Chris Pond

Hunedoara Castle
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu needed their own, albeit modified, hunting ground and a great way for untapping those pesky large capacity vampires that need to multi-act.

Created by: Chris Pond

Invitation to the Order
World of Darkness reference: inferred in Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This provides a means for the Inconnu to increase their number, with clauses for removal if those reenter the Jyhad.

Created by: Chris Pond

Knights’ Hall
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 37

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Knights’ Hall is a large room in Hunedoara Castle filled with all the odds and ends that have be left here and forgotten. This is a means for a Methuselah to clean out their library for useful items and streamline their decks. The only drawback: any Methuselah’s Inconnu vampires can take the equip action.

Created by: Chris Pond

Last Piece of the Puzzle
World of Darkness reference: None

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu have a difficulty bleeding due to their inherent negative stealth. This card, inspired by Khabar: Glory, could give the Methuselah much of the pool used to influence their high capacity vampires out but with an increased cost for each one played.

Created by: Chris Pond

Marku Dobos
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 88

How does this card address a compelling game need?: His Disciplines make him versatile for bleeding, blocking, or combat, perfect for any deck, something very few allies can accomplish. His other ability can give some reprieve to the hefty pool cost of your Inconnu vampires.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, the Inconnu’s manipulations range across the world

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This multi-purpose card brings the Inconnu bleed back to a default of 0 stealth with an added untap for members of the Twelve or gives them an opportunity to rid themselves of a potential problem.

Created by: Chris Pond

Memories of Mortality
World of Darkness reference: unknown

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This errata makes this banned card more corner-case and provides a means to rid oneself of it without having to go to torpor for the same cost.

Created by: WotC

World of Darkness reference: Chicago by Night, et al

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This card delves into the other Inconnu that live in the outside world and their activity monitoring the clans. Inspired by No Secrets From the Magaji and Wise Spider; providing a perma-cept against a clan and a bigger hand-size, both are needed for the heavy intercept/block/wall theme that the Inconnu represent.

Created by: Chris Pond

Nikanuuranu, the Fallen
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 93

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The reason the Twelve are trapped in Hunedoara. The ally gives the Methuselah a very versatile minion. His reliance on your other vampire’s Disciplines and lack of bleed can make him (it?) a challenge to play.

Created by: Chris Pond

Of the Order
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden discusses replacements for the Twelve; other sources are unknown to me.

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu need a way to increase their number and this action card provides a way, also see Invitation to the Order.

Created by: Chris Pond

Overcoming the Jyhad
World of Darkness reference: The original references to the Inconnu stated that they had removed themselves from the Jyhad and all the political backstabbing it entails.

How does this card address a compelling game need?: As Protected Resources protects from heavy bleeds this provides protection from political decks.

Created by: Chris Pond

Peles Castle
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This card provides a way to streamline your deck during play by (possibly) removing a great number of equipment cards onto it. The chance of it being burned, e.g. Arson, and having to remove a card to grab one from it is quite a balancing act.

Created by: Chris Pond

Platonic Split
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 143

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Splitting one’s beast is never an easy task. Gaining a minion by copying one of your opponents is something we have not seen in the game.

Created by: Chris Pond

Poenari Fortress
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This is a Spirit Summoning Chamber for Tzimisce. Maybe this will give them love for something other than combat decks.

Created by: Chris Pond

Psychic Double
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 140

How does this card address a compelling game need?: We have as of yet seen an Auspex/Obfuscate card that requires a minion to burn blood to attempt to block and gives and untap.

Created by: Chris Pond

Seeker of Golconda
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden and any other rules book that talks about the search for Golconda.

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Voluntarily having one of your vampires have a ticking time clock might seem counter-intuitive but the pool gain can be life-saving in the end game. Thematically this lends to a kindred searching for his release from the beast.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 89

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu needed a deadly ally (aggravated strikes) as opposed to their more unique, versatile ones (q.v.).

Created by: Chris Pond

Servitor Sending
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 142

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Many allies cannot generate stealth on their own. This card can assist them in the success of their actions or can save them from a combat they most likely may not survive.

Created by: Chris Pond

Snogov Monastery
World of Darkness reference: unknown

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Shapers didn’t have a personal means of blood gain. With a large capacity crypt or star-vampire deck this can provide a lot of needed blood to power cards and Disciplines.

Created by: Chris Pond

Soul Disjunction
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 144

How does this card address a compelling game need?: We haven’t had a Thaumaturgy action that can send a vampire to torpor directly; this fills that need.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 143

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Vicissitude needed an action that does direct damage to minion outside of combat, i.e. A Surfeit of Serpents and Horseshoes.

Created by: Chris Pond

Supernal Awareness
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 136

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu needed a way to stop allies from running rampant and the superior duplicates Veiled Sight

Created by: Chris Pond

Support of the Twelve
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: The Inconnu Twelve are powerful and this card gives them the ability to support others taking actions. Untapping a minion and readying an ally after recruitment are extremely import in any deck.

Created by: Chris Pond

The Erciyes Fragments
World of Darkness reference: The Book of Nod, et al.

How does this card address a compelling game need?: With Shaal Fragment having the Nod fragment trait I felt this card needed the appropriate errata.

Created by: WotC

The Pact Broken and The Pact Kept Whole
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 127 & 145

How does this card address a compelling game need?: These cards represent what happens if the Twelve either continue their self-imposed exile or refuse to be held prisoner any longer.

Created by: Chris Pond

The Sclav
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 90

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This is the personal War Ghoul of the Twelve. It is filled with multiple personalities and there is a chance that during each of the controller’s turns this can change its abilities.

Created by: Chris Pond

The Twelve
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Decks that use Inconnu vampires will have higher capacity crypts. This card will help with the great cost that these minions impose.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: none

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This is an Inconnu hoser card, similar to other hoser clan cards that exist.

Created by: Chris Pond

World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 26

How does this card address a compelling game need?: This card shows the effect of a vampire failing at reaching Golconda. This concept has never been explored and is a way to cancel a Golconda played by another Methuselah. There has never been an opportunity to have a roaming, crazed vampire going on a killing spree around the whole table.

Created by: Chris Pond

Whips of the Erinyes
World of Darkness reference: Lair of the Hidden, p 144

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Thaumaturgy needed a way to slow down decks and providing negative stealth and blood/life loss is a great way of doing that.

Created by: Chris Pond

Prince of Puyallup

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