lightbulb Koschei's Egg (with concept art!)

22 Oct 2019 16:16 #97501 by LivesByProxy
Card idea to give clans without bleed-bounce better survival.

Koschei's Egg

Cost 1 Blood :blood:
:obf: +1 stealth Action :action: Move 1 blood from your pool to Koschei's Egg. While Koschei's Egg has at least 1 blood on it, you cannot be ousted from the game. Any minion may burn Koschei's Egg as a (D) action at -1 stealth; minions with Auspex :aus: get +1 stealth on that action (+2 stealth instead if they have :AUS:.)
:OBF: Reaction :reaction: Play when you would burn the last of your pool. Lock this reacting minion; you cannot be ousted this turn. Effects that would reduce your pool to less than 1 reduce it exactly 1 instead.

:gang: :CEL: :FOR: :PRO: :cap6: Gangrel. Noddist. Camarilla. Once each turn, LivesByProxy may burn 1 blood to lose Protean :PRO: until the end of the turn and gain your choice of superior Auspex :AUS:, Obfuscate :OBF:, or Potence :POT: for the current action.

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22 Oct 2019 21:10 - 22 Oct 2019 21:11 #97513 by narpassword
un-oustable and removal is -1s?

id rather something more balanced like:

No requirements
No Cost
strike: remove 30 pool from your opponent

or what about:

Master: the game ends and spin a bottle, the player the bottle points to is considered the winner.
Last edit: 22 Oct 2019 21:11 by narpassword.
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23 Oct 2019 00:47 #97514 by LivesByProxy
The game would look a little different if more cards were printed to the Govern / Deflection standard, yes.

Let's go over the common arguments people use when defending X established card or part of the game:

[1] The table will balance things accordingly.
[2] Build better decks!

But really, consider:

The inferior version isn't impossible to deal with. It could probably stand to be unique, for flavor purposes and such, and the superior has a steep opportunity cost (only cycles once you're about to die.) And the -1 stealth (D) action is for flavor: Koschei's Egg was hidden, thus hard to find. That's why vamps with Auspex can find it easier. This is something of a skill-check like what we'd see in the RPG, and something VTES could use more of IMO. It creates interesting board states: makes vamps with out-of-clan disciplines or odd discipline spreads suddenly more interesting just by virtue of a card checking for vamps with that discipline. VTES has kind of done this thing before with a handful of Celerity cards checking to see if the other minion has Celerity.

That said, I do wish Cryptic Mission would let you burn any blood counter off any card in play. That would make CM better.

:gang: :CEL: :FOR: :PRO: :cap6: Gangrel. Noddist. Camarilla. Once each turn, LivesByProxy may burn 1 blood to lose Protean :PRO: until the end of the turn and gain your choice of superior Auspex :AUS:, Obfuscate :OBF:, or Potence :POT: for the current action.

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23 Oct 2019 04:01 #97515 by Mewcat
The superior effect is pretty crazy.

Maybe an action and u out into play and burn to fail a bleed vs u.

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25 Oct 2019 08:23 - 25 Oct 2019 08:23 #97564 by Exposer
Does Koschei exist in World of Darkness?
What clan? What creature? Just curious

NC Belarus
Last edit: 25 Oct 2019 08:23 by Exposer.

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25 Oct 2019 09:55 #97570 by jamesatzephyr

Card idea to give clans without bleed-bounce better survival.

Perennial problem: cards that are easily playable by mainstream vampires with mainstream disciplines will not only be played by decks that are struggling. And it turns out that Obfuscate is played in a whole bunch of good decks already - so you might turn a rickety tier 3 or tier 2 sort of deck into something more playable, but you also boost a bunch of existing top-tier decks.

There are ways around this, but this isn't doing any of them.

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