file Would You Support/Play a New Game based in WoD w/VTES Roots?

05 Jul 2012 18:04 #32815 by RoddimusPrime

I have many views towards a new VTES set.
One of these is very close to KevinM's idea of just creating a new standalone set with rules clarification and just not fix what isn't broken.

However I can see that the license split between CCP and WoC/Hasbro creates a major problem, and cutting out one or the other will ultimatly harm the game.

VTES without Auspex?

VTES without a randomized deck of cards?

I think the answer is fairly simple.
Don't try to fix the game.
Just play the game.

A slight divergence: VTES has always been a CCG at its heart.
Later on in the game pre-sorted decks were released.
I think if a new standalone set were released(I would hope) it would be in the standard CCG format. However the expansion releases and even microexpansion releases, would all depend on how the first release stood.

VTES has always been a huge set of cards and I dont think beginning players want to play against Mr. Suitcase x3 with there new released set vs. 13,000 cards of the old set. But that is only observational and personal experience.
Even though I dont think a Aged/New split is the right answer either.
Anyone with an idea for a happy median?


It's hard to have a happy medium. I have long since despised CCG's due to their addictive cost nature. Magic is the biggest offender. I often hear people say that with any CCG you can build cheap competitive decks (which boxes you in), but also in most cases there are costly cards that can improve the deck. Further, I like the option to play multiple different ideas and decks and that is inherently costly. I am competitive by nature. Whether that is sports, VTES, board games, or otherwise. I also like widening the potential audience by taking the costs out as much as possible as part of the factor of being competitive.

All that aside I did play VTES. If I had never discovered VTES until lets say today, I would skip over it as it is technically a dead game and accessibility is a bitch. Yeah, I would want 20 Deep Song and 4 Enkil Cog, etc. Not to mention it is not a very mobile game. What I mean by that is I can go play board games anywhere or most sports, or even Magic (not that I would). Not saying VTES is bad, but if I didn't already have my current collection it would be a hard sale. Again, VTES showed me how some games can have very nice qualities to them and also led me to meet some very nice and cool people. So I would never take that back.

I really am trying to think about a different system. Rage at one point (and some other games), used a rolling thunder system I believe that was essentially several smaller sets and thus the idea was you were buying less cards, more often. Further, if distribution was decent, even rare cards were fairly easy to get a hold of as you only had to buy so many packs, etc. That could be one way to do it. Granted, it has to be done right. The way some of the LCG games work is that you get a base set and then you buy chapter packs, etc. which are pre-set, but that isn't a bad thing in my eyes. I would like to see everyone on the same playing field and not separated. Maybe there is yet another way you can have a hybrid, but I haven't thought of it yet.

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05 Jul 2012 18:09 #32816 by RoddimusPrime

Secondly, if anyone has played BSG (Battlestar Galactica), Chaos in the Old World, or Game of Thrones I think there is potential in a more traditional board game. And just like Game of Thrones there could be a both a board game and an LCG. Done right I think a good board game variant could be something that is quite fun and competitive.

There already is a board game based on the setting called Vampire: Prince of the City. I think it's quite fun but it was never really very popular.
There is a lot of scope for more board games within the WOD setting, but it would probably be easier to just produce a board game with a similar (non-licensed) setting.

My question to each and every one of you is a serious one. Would you support a new game based in the World of Darkness that contained a formula akin to VTES that makes it so unique (like an LCG)? Further, would you throw financial support behind if there was a kickstarter initiative?

I would consider supporting a new game if it was completely different from V:TES.
I would much rather play V:TES than play a V:TES clone. So if your main selling point was that it's like V:TES but with a smaller cardbase and slightly altered rules, I would not be interested.
On the other hand, if you were to produce a completely different game that also uses the WOD setting, I would judge it on it's own merits and either play it or not depending on how good it was.

Good answers. So you would be willing to play a game set in WoD, that was not a VTES clone. What about a game that had some of the very base ideas employed in VTES (be it in WoD or new)? Here are some examples. Concepts like political intrigue, combat, manipulation, and main/secondary objective's like predator/prey. It may not even have to be WoD or completely card based, but uses some of the base ideas that VTES intertwines so well and uniquely. Not a clone, but employing a similar unique set of ideas into a game.

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05 Jul 2012 18:10 - 05 Jul 2012 18:19 #32817 by RoddimusPrime

Two of the most vocal people no doubt have replied.

Two quickest nerds would probably be closer to truth -not everyone in our small community bothers to read the forum that frequntly...

Even the quickest replies werw written half an hour after the original post.

I'm vocal since I just happened by and replied first ;D

You should get some kind of nerd cred then ;p

Also, to those who did not notice, I completely reworked my original post so it was more to what I was actually striving to say and believe.
Last edit: 05 Jul 2012 18:19 by RoddimusPrime.

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05 Jul 2012 18:32 #32820 by AaronC

Good answers. So you would be willing to play a game set in WoD, that was not a VTES clone. What about a game that had some of the very base ideas employed in VTES (be it in WoD or new)? Here are some examples. Concepts like political intrigue, combat, manipulation, and main/secondary objective's like predator/prey. It may not even have to be WoD or completely card based, but uses some of the base ideas that VTES intertwines so well and uniquely. Not a clone, but employing a similar unique set of ideas into a game.

What about this board game, based on Vampire: the Requiem?

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05 Jul 2012 19:22 #32825 by KevinM

I really am trying to think about a different system.

Perhaps this is the issue that some (many?) of us are having with what you are saying.

what you are saying isn't necessarily bad, we just aren't ready to give up our old game yet. Maybe never, if things continue slowly progressing forward in a beneficial fashion.

Really, just ask me about this in a few years, maybe I'll have a different answer for you.

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
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