file Test new crypt contest rule league 2020.-report

27 Jan 2020 15:05 #98777 by kschaefer

Well I think no sense steal another vampire with graverobing and you know because of contest this vampire will burned,so have more logic to this vampire stay in play and you pay 2 pool contest,is enough penalty for it. But dont think about that much,I dont beleive to that will happen.

Or I burn my copy because I choose not to contest and then the stolen copy is free. The owner of the original vampire doesn't even have them in their ash heap because his is still in play.

So, I don't see anyone actually paying 2 pool unless it's going to get them an oust this turn.

What you're doing is highlighting problems with your proposed mechanic, which suggests that from a gameplay standpoint is worse than the current one because it's less consistent.

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27 Jan 2020 18:44 #98781 by beslin igor
When think again and again about all,by logic if you stole vampire,you deserve to have 2 same copy,yea,but is not good to one player have in table: 2 enkidu,2 stanislava,2 unnamed.....
so by any way if you contest youself,we use curent rule from rulebook: You can't control more than one of the same unique card at a time, and you cannot contest cards with yourself (if some effect would force you to contest a card with yourself, then you simply burn the incoming copy of the unique card)
so example: if you graverobing vampire control another player:stole vampire is burned-immediately,and you pay pool example for tension of the ranks in play-maybe is beter to you chose diablerie instead. same rule for spirit marionete,tempation,mind rape: :stole vampire is burned-immediately,and you pay pool example for tension of the ranks in play.
we use this rule in round 3,I hope I get advice from ankha or james,and if they give diferent advice rule can be changed in round 4,no before

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27 Jan 2020 22:35 #98785 by beslin igor
Test new crypt contest rule league 2020-round 3

2 tables is played in Europe zone.
25 players participate until now.


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28 Jan 2020 10:56 - 28 Jan 2020 10:57 #98788 by Ankha

About rule if you take control another player vampire,what happen,I see how Lönkka Bloodartist Hakuron have same opinion as me,and kschaefer have diferent opinion.
Well I think no sense steal another vampire with graverobing and you know because of contest this vampire will burned,so have more logic to this vampire stay in play and you pay 2 pool contest,is enough penalty for it. But dont think about that much,I dont beleive to that will happen.
we play 9 games until now and get only 1 contest,how much is chance to you steal vampire controled another player who is contested with you,chance is 1:1000.
but we will see how work if happen,and maye rule be changed during league.
Be good if Ankha or James want to tell his opinion

Well in case of graverobbing, the robbed vampire is sort of permanently lost by its owner anyway, so in that case it makes little difference;

But there are many other ways to temporarily steal such a vampire (temptation, mind rape, spirit marionette), and burning the vampire as a result of one single action would be way too harsh and easy to achieve in my opinion.

Keep in mind that you are in the context of contesting a vampire, which is not very frequent, and that it is easy to burn a vampire with a single action, for instance if that vampire is in torpor.

Anyway, I'd say that the current rules stand: "you cannot contest cards with yourself (if some effect would force you to contest a card with yourself, then you simply burn the incoming copy of the unique card)".

So you cannot play a graverobbing on another unique vampire you already control, and if another effect "forces you" to take control of it (maybe a card like Hostile Takeover), then you burn the copy you just took control of.

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director
Last edit: 28 Jan 2020 10:57 by Ankha.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kraus, beslin igor

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28 Jan 2020 16:18 #98795 by beslin igor
League report (Ke report from discord american zone):

mjvtes521 1VP (Shalmath) > CaspianWhitefish (Shalmath) > Ke 3VP (Weenie Auspex) > Killiam (low cap tzmesci bleed)

mjvtes521 and CaspianWhitefish contested Shalmath for the entire game, but were still able to partially play their game. They also contested Ankara and took turns discarding each others enkil cogs with Vaticination.

Killiam pressured mjvtes521 very quickly; but once mjvtes521 had Anima Gathering and Aranthebes, The Immortal in play he had to wait for an opportunity to lunge.

Ke declined to block CaspianWhitefish's Shalmath for the entirety of the game. Once CaspianWhitefish was ousted and mjvtes521's Shalmath was weak Smiling Jack entered play.

mjvtes521's Shalmath was blocked hunting twice empty and ended up in torpor — this secured the game since his other minion only had 1 blood and Killiam's minions were also in torpor

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28 Jan 2020 16:28 #98796 by beslin igor

About rule if you take control another player vampire,what happen,I see how Lönkka Bloodartist Hakuron have same opinion as me,and kschaefer have diferent opinion.
Well I think no sense steal another vampire with graverobing and you know because of contest this vampire will burned,so have more logic to this vampire stay in play and you pay 2 pool contest,is enough penalty for it. But dont think about that much,I dont beleive to that will happen.
we play 9 games until now and get only 1 contest,how much is chance to you steal vampire controled another player who is contested with you,chance is 1:1000.
but we will see how work if happen,and maye rule be changed during league.
Be good if Ankha or James want to tell his opinion

Well in case of graverobbing, the robbed vampire is sort of permanently lost by its owner anyway, so in that case it makes little difference;

But there are many other ways to temporarily steal such a vampire (temptation, mind rape, spirit marionette), and burning the vampire as a result of one single action would be way too harsh and easy to achieve in my opinion.

Keep in mind that you are in the context of contesting a vampire, which is not very frequent, and that it is easy to burn a vampire with a single action, for instance if that vampire is in torpor.

Anyway, I'd say that the current rules stand: "you cannot contest cards with yourself (if some effect would force you to contest a card with yourself, then you simply burn the incoming copy of the unique card)".

So you cannot play a graverobbing on another unique vampire you already control, and if another effect "forces you" to take control of it (maybe a card like Hostile Takeover), then you burn the copy you just took control of.

Ankha,I see you and james(him answer in fb group) have same opinion about graverobing,so then is same rule for:spirit marionete,mind rape. but what if you have tempation in play,is not action,and if tempation in contested vampire with you,what you will say,can you take this vampire you control this turn(and burn)?

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