4.1. What is a V:EKN number?
It is a block of numbers that Princes have to allocate to individual players the first time they take part in V:TES tournaments. V:EKN numbers identify players worldwide, and also enable them to have a V:TES-rating. A V:EKN number consists of a 3-digit Prince prefix followed by four digits (e. g., V:EKN number 3200123: 320 is the prefix of the V:EKN Prince of Paris, and 0123 is a 4-digit number assigned to the new player).
4.2. How can I get a V:EKN number?
If you do not have a V:EKN number yet, please contact a volunteer in your area (see Prince list), who will give you one.
4.3. How do I locate a player's V:EKN number?
Go to the Player Registry and search for that player by name, city, and/or country.
4.4. Who can run a V:TES tournament?
Any player with a V:EKN number who is registered on www.vekn.net and has his V:EKN ID# associated with his www.vekn.net account (see below).
4.5. How can I associate my V:EKN ID# with my vekn.net account?
Contact the National Coordinator in your area.
4.6. Where can I find a copy of the Official V:TES Tournament rules?
You can find it here, in the Rules section.
4.7. Where can I find a copy of the Official V:TES Rulebook?
You can find it here, in the Rules section.
4.8. Where can I find a copy of the official card text of each V:TES card?
You can find it here, in the Rules section.
4.9. Where can I find a copy of the Judges' Guide?
You can find it here, in the Rules section.
4.10. Where can I play V:TES online?
You can play V:TES online on JOL (Jyhad On-Line) and on Lackey.
4.11. What is the V:TES-rating?
Each player has a rating represented by a single number. This number is sometimes referred to as RtP (rating points). Players will be ranked according to their ratings (RtP) beginning with their first tournament. That is, there is no minimum number of events a player must attend before being ranked. A player will be removed from the rankings after 12 months of inactivity (no rated tournament rounds played), but the player's rating and other statistics will be kept indefinitely (to be used when and if the player plays again). For more information about the Rating System, see (http://www.vekn.net/index.php/rating-system)
4.12. My current ranking is not showing or incomplete. Why?
That might be because your Prince or event organizer has not reported the results of one or more tournaments, and/or your National Coordinator has not approved those tournaments yet.
4.13 Where can I purchase V:TES cards?