3rd Edition Release

17 September 2006, 11:00 – 22:00

Launch Event

What is included in the entry fee: 200 CZK as entry fee for 2 days to Czech Nationals 2006, 350 CZK = 1 preconstructed starter and 4 boosters 3rd Edition. Format: preconstructed + 4 booster (vampires rochester draft, library cards booster draft), 4 player table (each one at the table with different deck), 3 rounds + (five players) finals.

Organizer N/A (0000190)
Cultural Centre
628 00, Brno, Czech Republic
Time Limit 2
Proxies are NOT allowed
Fee 550 CZK (19 EUR)
Phone +420 731 616 526
Website www.vtes.cz