The Inner Circle is the administrative board of the V:EKN, and consists of a number of roles to be determined by the Chairman:
Roles Description:
Chairman: Hugh Angseesing
In charge of the day to day running and strategy of the V:EKN.
Community Manager: Henrik Klippström
Shall manage the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. Shall write and post V:EKN announcements in social media, V:EKN forums, etc. Shall answer questions related to V:EKN announcements in social media, forums, etc. And shall write the monthly V:EKN Newsletter.
Ratings Coordinator: Vincent Ripoll
Responsible for maintaining the ratings database and promoting its use among national coordinators and princes.
Website Coordinator: Ginés Quiñonero
Responsible for maintaining the V:EKN’s web presence, this includes adding players, princes and national coordinators to the V:EKN registry and hosting the European Championship page.
Rules Director: Vincent Ripoll
Responsible for building and maintaining the rulings database and assisting players in using the most correct rulings. Also has responsibility for creating design templates both for new cards and any reprint of historical cards.
Organized Play Coordinator: Orian Gissler
Responsible for helping retailers, Princes and National Coordinators (mainly in Europe and North America) run events and getting items out to them, recording those events and advertising them; shipping/storage/central distribution (someone to work with distribution and retailers to get products into and staying in stores); and Kickstarter fulfillment.