Alberto Lozano (#3190064)

Country Spain
State Illes Balears
City Palma de Mallorca
Constructed Rating 455 (Ranked 207)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
La vida es un bleeder y yo no deflecto II Standard Constructed 2024-06-30 8 0 1.0 66 0.0 9
Los zapatos de Goretex y el mazo de Goratrix Standard Constructed 2024-04-21 2 1 4.0 132 0.0 50
Si Enkidu tuviese un pórtatil... Standard Constructed 2024-03-24 10 0 0.0 48 0.0 5
En vessels la vida no es como queremos II Standard Constructed 2024-02-04 2 2 5.0 168 1.5 72
Purgas Haderach 2.0: ahora con más purgas Standard Constructed 2024-01-21 1 0 2.0 78 4.0 100
Matusalén,¿dónde está mi promo? Standard Constructed 2023-10-22 2 1 3.0 78 0.0 46
Una P al año no hace daño. Standard Constructed 2023-05-21 9 0 0.0 36 0.0 5
Domingo de Shamblings Standard Constructed 2023-04-16 2 0 1.5 114 0.0 32
Nacional VTES España 2023 - Sevilla National Championship 2023-03-25 125 0 0.0 84 0.0 5
Discutid, que yo gano por tiempo Standard Constructed 2023-03-12 1 1 4.0 184 4.0 133
Black Night 2023 Standard Constructed 2023-02-26 8 0 0.0 36 0.0 5
Plañidera de las Tinieblas Standard Constructed 2023-02-12 9 0 2.0 96 0.0 13
Salir de fiesta no da Kuyens Standard Constructed 2023-01-22 2 1 3.5 174 0.0 57
Centollismo Ilustrado Standard Constructed 2022-12-11 2 2 7.0 156 0.0 79
En Vessels la vida no es como queremos- Liga Balear Standard Constructed 2022-11-20 9 0 2.0 114 0.0 13
Con Dos Kuyens Standard Constructed 2022-10-16 6 0 3.0 108 0.0 17
Cónclave de la Camarilla 2022 Standard Constructed 2022-09-24 20 0 1.0 120 0.0 9
El Warghoul que nunca llegó Standard Constructed 2022-08-14 DQ 0 2.0 66 0.0 13
No estaba muerto, estaba de parranda. Standard Constructed 2021-11-14 7 1 3.5 120 0.0 27
Blood Bath Standard Constructed 2021-09-12 16 0 1.5 102 0.0 11
Blood Hunt 2020 Standard Constructed 2020-12-06 2 2 5.5 168 0.0 68
Cultos de Sangre (Final) Standard Constructed 2020-10-24 16 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Summer Moon 2020 Standard Constructed 2020-06-28 11 0 2.5 108 0.0 15
Life is a Samedi Standard Constructed 2020-03-08 10 0 0.5 72 0.0 7
Black Night 2020 Standard Constructed 2020-02-23 17 0 2.5 126 0.0 15
Torneo VTES GTS Mallorca Standard Constructed 2020-01-25 2 1 4.0 102 0.5 64
Life's a bleeder and I don't deflect. Unsanctioned Tournament 2019-12-29 15 0 1.0 78 0.0 9
Blood Hunt Standard Constructed 2019-12-07 9 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
Fee Stake: Sóller Standard Constructed 2019-11-17 2 2 8.0 168 0.0 89
Nenazas de las Tinieblas Standard Constructed 2019-09-29 11 0 0.5 82 0.0 7
Better call Saulot Standard Constructed 2019-08-11 8 0 2.5 126 0.0 15
Shatter the Gate: Asco de verano 2. Standard Constructed 2019-07-28 DQ 0 0.5 54 0.0 7
Better ban Chameleon Standard Constructed 2019-06-23 16 0 0.0 68 0.0 5
Domingo de Shamblings 2019 Standard Constructed 2019-05-05 9 0 1.0 84 0.0 9
Den of Friends Standard Constructed 2019-03-24 2 1 4.5 142 0.0 59
Kiss of Judas Standard Constructed 2019-02-17 2 0 0.5 66 0.0 28
Keeper of the Samedis Standard Constructed 2018-09-23 18 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Padawans Unbound Standard Constructed 2018-08-12 6 1 4.0 126 0.0 29
Shatter the Gate: asco de verano. Standard Constructed 2018-07-22 2 1 3.5 132 1.5 64
Camarilla Conclave 2017 Standard Constructed 2017-11-12 2 1 6.0 156 0.0 71
Spontaneous Power 2.0 Standard Constructed 2017-07-30 13 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Camarilla Conclave 2016 Standard Constructed 2016-08-28 12 0 1.0 78 0.0 9
Camarilla Conclave 2015 Standard Constructed 2015-09-27 2 1 4.0 114 2.0 67
SOLLER AGAINST THE WORLD, SEASON2 Standard Constructed 2014-12-28 10 0 0.5 90 0.0 7
Camarilla Conclave 2014 Standard Constructed 2014-08-10 2 1 5.0 156 1.0 68
preparant el nacional vtes 2014 Standard Constructed 2014-06-14 2 0 2.0 66 0.0 34
Previ Autòcton campionat nacional Vtes 2014 Standard Constructed 2014-06-01 2 1 6.0 150 1.0 64
RODRIGUEZ DAY´S Season1 Standard Constructed 2014-03-09 9 0 0.5 66 0.0 7
EN SABADO PARA LA COMARCA Standard Constructed 2014-02-08 6 0 2.0 78 0.0 13
Sebastià F. Season 1 Standard Constructed 2014-01-18 2 1 5.0 120 0.0 63
HASTUR IS COMING!! (vuelve por navidazz) Standard Constructed 2013-12-15 2 1 4.5 138 0.0 61
EL BARON HA VENDIDO TODAS SUS PIELES Y VIENE A POR MAS,season 1 Standard Constructed 2013-11-17 7 1 3.0 96 0.0 25
Te paro, torn signpost, me alejo y te saludo!! Standard Constructed 2013-11-09 15 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
SOLLER AGAINST THE WORLD (relaxing herbes dolces al tunel de soller) Standard Constructed 2013-10-20 2 2 5.0 150 1.0 73
NOU MAGAJI A CIUTAT Standard Constructed 2013-09-29 2 0 2.5 120 0.0 38
Camarilla Conclave 2013 National Qualifier 2013-09-01 7 1 6.0 156 0.0 37
El Ultimo Bicho Bola Standard Constructed 2013-05-05 6 1 3.0 106 0.0 25
Hay que tantear al Sebas Standard Constructed 2013-04-13 14 0 0.0 54 0.0 5
Misa crismal a Baal. Standard Constructed 2013-03-28 15 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
Clasificatorio Nacional Palma National Qualifier 2012-09-30 2 1 4.0 102 0.0 56
Jocs a Ciutat Standard Constructed 2012-09-23 8 0 1.5 96 0.0 11
Miniclasificatorio de Sóller Mini-Qualifier 2009-09-27 6 0 0.5 0 0.0 7
Baronía De Sóller Standard Constructed 2007-11-04 6 0 2.0 0 0.0 13
Palma de Mallorca: Conclave de la Camarilla 2007 Standard Constructed 2007-09-16 6 0 1.0 0 0.0 9
Praxis Marratxi 06 National Qualifier 2006-09-10 6 0 1.0 0 0.0 9
Cónclave de la Camarilla 2006 Standard Constructed 2006-08-13 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 5
Praxis Seizure: Palma 2006 Standard Constructed 2006-05-21 6 1 3.0 0 0.0 25
Crusade: Palma 2006 Standard Constructed 2006-03-19 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 5
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed 2005-05-22 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 5
2 1 5.0 120 0.0 0