Greg Houze (#3200372)

Country France
Constructed Rating 109 (Ranked 921)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
WAR PARTY Standard Constructed 2024-06-15 21 0 0.0 78 0.0 5
GP 2024 PARIS Grand Prix 2024-04-20 21 0 5.0 138 0.0 25
The Unacceptable Appearance of Profile Standard Constructed 2024-01-28 9 0 1.5 90 0.0 11
Coupe de Paris Standard Constructed 2023-03-04 2 1 4.0 126 0.0 68
BLOOD AWAKENING Standard Constructed 2022-01-29 7 1 3.5 132 0.0 27