Jan Bjørndalen (#3480080)

Country Norway
State Sør-Trøndelag
City Trondheim
Constructed Rating 86 (Ranked 1201)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0
Prince ID# 348

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Norwegian National Championship 2024 National Championship 2024-08-10 2 2 7.0 148 1.0 86
Norwegian National Championship 2023 National Championship 2023-08-05 14 0 0.0 72 0.0 5
Botched Move Standard Constructed 2023-03-18 6 0 1.0 66 0.0 9

Organized Events

Event Type Country State City Venue Date Participants
The Rising: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim The Princes Haven 2010-03-21 0
Target Vitals: Trondheim Limited Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2010-02-19 0
Heirs to the Blood Launch: Trondheim Launch Event Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2010-02-06 6
Narrow Minds: Trondheim Limited Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2010-02-05 5
Eden's Legacy: Trondheim Storyline Norway Trondheim 2009-11-07 0
Bonded by Blood: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2008-02-23 0
Protect Thine Own: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2008-01-05 0
Divine Sign: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-12-15 8
Lords of the Night launch party: Trondheim Limited Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2007-09-29 0
.44 Magnum Opus: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-09-08 5
Heart of Darkness: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-08-25 5
The Uncoiling: Trondheim Limited Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2007-08-18 5
Last Stand, EC Mini Qualifier: Trondheim Mini-Qualifier Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-07-21 15
Speak with Spirits: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Prince of Trondheims Haven 2007-05-18 0
Liquefy the Mortal Coil: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-04-14 5
Drink the Blood of Ahriman: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-03-24 0
Sword of Caine - Prerelease Launch Event Norway Trondheim Møllenberg 2007-03-18 9
Good Night, Sweet Prince: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Møllenberg 2007-03-04 4
Lupine Assault: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2007-02-10 7
The Unmasking: Trondheim Standard Constructed United States Trondheim Avalon 2007-01-13 8
Millennium Cultist Story Line Storyline Norway Trondheim Avalon 2006-12-09 0
Haven Uncovered: Trondheim Limited Norway Trondheim Møllenberg 2006-10-28 0
Ancestor Spirit: Trondheim Standard Constructed United States Trondheim Gotham 2006-10-21 0
Heart of Nizchetus...anyone? ;) Limited Norway Trondheim Gotham AS 2006-09-30 0
Disputed Territory:Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2006-06-03 0
Heart of the City: Trondheim Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2006-02-11 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-12-10 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-11-12 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-10-08 0
Imported VTES Event Limited Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-09-24 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-09-17 7
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-08-27 8
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-07-09 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-06-04 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-05-14 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-04-09 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-03-12 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-02-12 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2005-01-08 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-12-11 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-11-13 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-10-09 8
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-09-11 10
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Outland 2004-08-28 8
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-08-14 12
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-07-10 15
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-06-26 9
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-05-08 0
Imported VTES Event Continental Qualifier Norway Trondheim Faculty of Health Education and Social Work 2004-04-24 21
Imported VTES Event Limited Norway Trondheim Faculty of Health Education and Social Work 2004-04-23 9
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim NTNU Gløshaugen 2004-04-18 10
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-03-06 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-02-14 0
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Norway Trondheim Avalon 2004-01-10 0