Martin Cuchet (#3840022)

Country France
State Pays de la Loire
City Nantes
Constructed Rating 146 (Ranked 785)
Online Constructed Rating 13 (Ranked 113)
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
The art of Love Standard Constructed 2024-09-01 2 1 7.0 150 0.5 73
Atlantic Cup Online Standard Constructed 2024-03-02 34 0 2.0 96 0.0 13
Les anarchs ont pris Marseille Standard Constructed 2023-12-09 2 1 2.5 102 0.0 44
Spoils of War - Nantes France Standard Constructed 2023-11-12 9 0 3.0 118 0.0 17
Fee Stake : Marseille Standard Constructed 2023-06-04 18 0 0.5 84 0.0 7
French Championship National Championship 2023-06-03 35 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
Tournoi faites du jeu Standard Constructed 2023-04-01 6 0 0.5 48 0.0 7
Rise of the Fallen Standard Constructed 2022-10-02 8 0 0.5 96 0.0 7
BLOOD AWAKENING Standard Constructed 2022-01-29 23 0 0.0 76 0.0 5
Aura Reading Online VEKN France Online Standard Constructed 2021-03-21 14 0 1.5 96 0.0 11
Vampiric Disease, France Online Standard Constructed 2021-01-04 28 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
QCF Rennes 2016 National Qualifier 2016-05-22 12 0 1.0 72 0.0 9

Organized Events

Event Type Country State City Venue Date Participants
Rise of the Fallen Standard Constructed France Nantes Les BerThom 2022-10-02 10