Bartosz Kalińczuk (#8710002)

Country Poland
State Dolnośląskie
City Wroclaw
Constructed Rating 307 (Ranked 359)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Austrian National Championship National Championship 2024-06-08 28 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
Polish National V:tES Championship 2024 National Championship 2024-05-18 14 1 2.5 102 0.0 23
Italian National Championship 2024 National Championship 2024-04-27 16 1 3.0 102 0.0 25
GP 2024 PARIS Grand Prix 2024-04-20 43 0 1.0 84 0.0 9
Vilnius by Night National Championship 2024-02-24 1 1 5.0 138 4.0 198
VtES European 2023 Day Two Continental Championship 2023-10-15 52 0 1.0 102 0.0 9
VtES European Championship Day 1 Continental Championship 2023-10-14 72 1 4.0 96 0.0 29
Polish Nationals National Championship 2023-09-23 30 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
Polish Championship National Championship 2022-09-25 21 0 1.5 54 0.0 11
GP WARSAW Grand Prix 2022-09-24 1 2 8.5 180 4.0 217
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle - Silesian Training Grounds #4 Standard Constructed 2022-06-11 2 2 8.0 144 1.0 87
Silesian Training Grounds #2 Standard Constructed 2022-01-22 11 0 0.0 64 0.0 5
Silesian Training Grounds #1 Standard Constructed 2021-11-27 2 0 0.0 46 1.5 21
Turniej charytatywny o tytuł VamPyry 2021 Standard Constructed 2021-10-23 29 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
Polish Nationals National Championship 2021-09-11 13 1 3.5 120 0.0 27
Breslau League Standard Constructed 2019-04-13 2 1 4.5 138 0.5 69
Bachanalia Standard Constructed 2018-11-01 8 0 0.5 54 0.0 7
Turniej Częstochowa Standard Constructed 2018-09-29 2 1 5.0 126 1.0 74
Pszczyna Last Ride Standard Constructed 2017-12-09 11 0 0.0 64 0.0 5
Wroclaw Again Standard Constructed 2017-07-15 2 1 5.0 126 0.0 54
Championships of Poland National Championship 2013-03-16 19 0 2.0 108 0.0 13
Final of the Polish VtES League 2012 Standard Constructed 2012-12-01 15 0 1.5 118 0.0 11
Praxis Seizure: Nowa Sol II Standard Constructed 2012-11-10 2 1 5.0 126 0.0 70
Polish National Championships National Championship 2012-09-29 19 0 2.5 126 0.0 15
Crusade Breslau Standard Constructed 2012-03-24 26 0 0.0 60 0.0 5