VTES artist Amy Wilkins. Photo: Kamil Wędzicha.
Greetings fellow Methuselahs,
This time we start out with some words from Hugh Angseesing, VEKN Chairman and Black Chantry Productions CEO:
Hello everyone,
I hope you’re as well as can be – here in the UK I’m working in my office (dining room) with my two co-workers (cats).
Black Chantry continues to work on our VTES Fifth Edition boxed set and will aim to print this once there is more certainty around what can be printed and where considering the corona virus pandemic. In the meantime we will be producing some alternate items in Q2:
• Promo Pack 2 – for future events, containing 10 of each of the previous Anarch Baron promos and 6 other reprints.
• First Blood reprints in English with a barcode for stores.
• 25th Anniversary in a standard tuckbox and available in English, French and Spanish.
• VTES themed card sleeves from Ultra Pro.
Other items:
• Our partners at Drivethrucards printing facilities have shut down and there will be a delay on orders that have been placed with them.
• Orian Gissler and the Grand Prix spring/early summer organizers are looking at alternate dates later in the year.
• The European Championship at the end of July at Ropecon, Helsinki is still on schedule.
• For the North American Championship, the Origins game fair will be making a decision at the start of May.
• Virus can´t stop VTES! There´s a surge in online VTES play on LackeyCCG and Tabletop Simulator. On March 29th there was a 32 player Lackey tournament on the Spanish server, won by Julio García with a Shamblings Hordes & Emerald Legionnaires deck.
• We of course encourage other fun VTES related content and activities online, for example Benjamin Billings Vampiric Disease Competition.
Please stay healthy during these times.
On March 7th, just prior to the current virus crisis, one of the largest non-EC tournaments ever was played at the game store Estalia in Cordoba, Spain. In the wake of Spanish translation of VTES, Grand Prix Ibérico attracted no less than 103 players!
Standings after the three preliminary rounds:
Tomàs López Jiménez 3 GW, 11.5 VP
Juan Carlos Ruiz Arroyo 3 GW, 11 VP
David Rivas 2 GW, 11 VP
Juan Francisco Escamilla 2 GW, 10 VP
Moisés Ferrer 2 GW, 9 VP
Congratulations Tomàs, winning with an interesting Pander vote deck with a couple of Inner Circle 11-caps in the crypt. Here is a 30 minute video of the final, recorded by Franciny Rigo:
Tomàs López Jiménez tournament winning deck: Panders votos con 2 Inners
Crypt (12)
1x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle Ventrue:2
1x Leandro 11 AUS OBF PRE cel dom inner circle Malkavian:2
1x Lena Rowe 3 aus obf pre Pander:2
1x Christine Boscacci 2 dom vic Pander:2
1x Mitchell, The Headhunter 2 obt pot Pander:2
1x Angela Decker 1 pre Pander:2
1x Basil 1 obf Pander:2
1x Feo Ramos 1 aus Pander:3
1x Huang, Blood Cultist 1 pro Pander:2
1x March Halcyon 1 for Pander:2
1x Olga Triminov 1 vic Pander:3
1x Royce 1 dom Pander:2
Library (80)
Action Modifier [18]
2x Cloak the Gathering
2x Cryptic Rider
2x Domain of Evernight
2x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
4x Lost in Crowds
1x Spying Mission
3x Veil the Legions
Action Modifier / Reaction [2]
2x Gift of Sleep
Action Modifier/Combat [3]
3x Swallowed by the Night
Master [22]
1x Barrens, The
1x Black Forest Base
1x Coven, The
2x Dia de los Muertos
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Information Highway
7x Obfuscate
1x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Tribute to the Master
2x Minion Tap
1x Wash
Political Action [35]
2x Autarkis Persecution
5x Banishment
8x Consanguineous Boon
2x Conservative Agitation
1x Crusade: Aragon
1x Crusade: Detroit
1x Crusade: Frankfurt
1x Crusade: New York
1x Crusade: Philadelphia
2x Disputed Territory
7x Kine Resources Contested
3x Legacy of Pander
1x Meddling of Semsith
Because we know you love to read decklists, here are also the other four finalists decks:
Juan Francisco Miranda Escamilla: Nadie espera a la Inquisición española
Crypt (12)
2x Ermenegildo, The Rake 5 pot DOM OBT Lasombra:4
1x Isanwayen 6 DOM MYT OBT Kiasyd:4
1x Leila Monroe 4 dom obt pre Lasombra:4
1x Lord Vauxhall 7 DOM OBT POT THA Lasombra:4
1x Lucy Markowitz 3 dom obt Lasombra:4
2x Otieno 6 ani dom OBT POT Lasombra:4
3x Badr, Shadow of Granada 7 DOM OBT POT Lasombra:5
1x Dame Hollerton 5 myt DOM OBT Kiasyd:4
Library: 82 cards
Master (12 cards)
1x Elder Library
1x Elysian Fields
1x Giant's Blood
3x Path of Night, The
1x Political Hunting Ground
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (14 cards)
14x Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (32 cards)
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
4x Seduction
6x Shadow Play
3x Shroud of Absence
5x Shroud of Night
2x Tenebrous Form
5x Bonding
5x Conditioning
Ally (12 cards)
12x Nocturn
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Reaction (9 cards)
3x On the Qui Vive
6x Deflection
Event (2 cards)
2x Unmasking, The
Moisés Ferrer: Lasombra Nocturns
Crypt (12)
2x Ermenegildo, The Rake 5 pot DOM OBT Lasombra:4
1x Andrew Emory 5 aus dom pot OBT Lasombra:4
1x Henri Lavenant 7 pot qui DOM OBT Lasombra:3
1x Leila Monroe 4 dom obt pre Lasombra:4
1x Lord Vauxhall 7 DOM OBT POT THA Lasombra:4
1x Lucy Markowitz 3 dom obt Lasombra:4
2x Onaedo 6 aus pot DOM OBT Lasombra:4
1x Banjoko 5 obt pot DOM Lasombra:3
1x Tobias Smith 7 pot DOM OBT PRE Lasombra:3
1x Conrad Adoula 8 ani cel DOM OBT POT Lasombra:4
Library: 77 cards
Master (11 cards)
1x Elysian Fields
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
4x Path of Night, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (16 cards)
16x Govern the Unaligned
Action Modifier (26 cards)
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
6x Shadow Play
6x Shroud of Absence
2x Blanket of Night
4x Bonding
6x Conditioning
Ally (10 cards)
10x Nocturn
Reaction (12 cards)
4x On the Qui Vive
6x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
Event (2 cards)
2x Unmasking, The
David Roldán: Tnergal
Inspired by turbonergal, by Tomàs López Jiménez.
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Jaggedy Andy 1 pot Pander:4
1x Leo Washington 2 cel pro Gangrel antitribu:4
1x Margarite 1 obt Pander:4
1x Mary Johnson 2 for pre Pander:4
5x Nergal 10 AUS DAI FOR OBF PRE THA Baali:5
1x Nichodemus 2 pot Nosferatu:5
1x Walker Grimes 1 ani Caitiff:5
1x Denette Stensen 2 obf Gangrel antitribu:4
Library: 90 cards
Action (28 cards)
11x Eternal Mask, The
3x Psychic Veil
2x Scrounging
12x Call the Great Beast
Action Modifier (62 cards)
3x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
45x Freak Drive
11x Daring the Dawn
Juan Carlos Ruiz Arroyo: Malkavian Stealth and Bleed
Crypt: (12)
2 Rodolfo pro AUS DEM OBF 8 Malkavian Antitribu G3 Bishop
2 Dolphin Black AUS DEM OBF 6 Malkavian Antitribu G2
1 Uncle George aus dom obf DEM 5 Malkavian Antitribu G3
1 Yorik dem obf 3 Malkavian Antitribu G2
2 Kite obf pre AUS DEM 7 Malkavian Antitribu G2 Bishop
1 William Biltmore dom AUS DEM OBF THA 9 Malkavian G3
1 Adelaide Davis aus dem obf 4 Malkavian G3
1 Korah ani AUS DEM OBF 7 Malkavian Antitribu G2 Priscus
1 Marie Faucigny dem tha AUS OBF 7 Malkavian Antitribu G3 Archbishop
Library: (79 cards)
Master (12 cards)
1 Barrens, The
1 Secure Haven
1 Giant's Blood
1 Wash
2 Vessel
2 Dreams of the Sphinx
4 Blood Doll
Action (13 cards)
10 Kindred Spirits
3 Madman's Quill
Action Modifier (25 cards)
3 Elder Impersonation
5 Confusion
4 Lost in Crowds
4 Eyes of Chaos
7 Cloak the Gathering
1 Faceless Night
1 Spying Mission
Reaction (16 cards)
6 On the Qui Vive
7 Telepathic Misdirection
3 Eyes of Argus
Combat (5 cards)
5 No Trace
Equipment (3 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Enchanted Marionette
1 Ivory Bow
Combo (5 cards)
3 Swallowed by the Night
2 Touch of Clarity
Miki Jorge (from vtes.info) had the opportunity to ask the champion Tomàs López Jiménez some questions:
How did you prepare yourself for the Iberian Grand Prix?
- No special preparations. My mentality was to win the tournament, but it is the same mentality that I have in all VTES tournaments. Sleeping well, playing serenely, and not being drunk helps.
What was your approach?
- My idea was to play in a friendly way, that is, not being very aggressive, and to help my allies and even my prey. I think you have to be generous, because helping other players generates good empathy, apart from the fact that other players get a good feeling of the game, even if they do not win. This was difficult for me to learn, and it is something I have heard from Aldo and Ginés. Besides, a player being ousted – even if that's your grandprey – is a positive thing, because the game speeds up. It is not always like that in all games, and you have to know how to adapt to each game.
How did you choose the deck and why did you choose that specific one?
- It was a quick decision. Before leaving home, I chose four decks with possibilities: two political decks, a bleed deck and a weenie Obfuscate deck. I ruled the bleed and the weenie Obfuscate decks out because they have little influence in the game. And, between the two political decks, I chose the Pander one, out of sympathy for the clan and because of the advice given by my fellow travelers.
I had to bring a deck that could win three games or at least get two game wins and many victory points, because, with more than 100 players in attendance, it was the minimum to enter the final, and the Pander deck is quite stable.
What can you tell us about your deck? What does it do? What strengths and weaknesses does the deck have?
- My deck starts by bringing out Panders, and usually brings out an Inner Circle member later. Since you normally start fast, the idea is to play Crusade-cards or Legacy of Pander. The Inner Circle member helps with the votes and allows you to bleed as well, apart from allowing you to play Banishment. It may seem that two Inner Circle members are few, but you cycle your crypt very fast.
The deck has plenty of Obfuscate Master Discipline cards, and gains pool with Consanguineous Boon and some master cards. It ousts with Kine Resources Contested and bleeds. It has little defense against combat. The idea is to block rushes against the Inner Circle members with your Pander and rescue them afterward. When there is a combat deck that attacks you, it is essential to rescue your vampires from torpor, and get more weenie vampires. The defense against bleed is pool gain with Consanguineous Boons.
How did you choose your seat in the finals?
- I had no idea about what the other finalists were playing. But from comments they made and from the vampires they used to indicate their seating, I deduced that there were several bleeders and a deck that I did not know. So, I chose to be preyed by the deck I know nothing about, which turned out to be a Turbo Nergal deck, which can bleed for a lot more than the rest of the other decks combined.
How did you approach the final round? What key moments did the game have?
- I started calmly. Table seating was Lasombra bleed 1 -> Lasombra bleed 2 -> Malkavian Bleed -> Turbo Nergal -> Pander. When I saw Nergal as my predator, I thought I would be soon dead, because I knew that deck and how lethal it can usually be.
There were several key moments:
- The Turbo Nergal deck, after performing its combo about three times, got stuck.
- The “Lasombra bleed 1” deck had a good start and was able to oust his prey, who had no Deflections.
- I put myself at risk when I brought out Arika, since I was low on pool and could therefore die. However, I hoped for the Nergal deck to remain stuck. I had a Minion Tap in my hand, and I needed the Inner Circle member for winning.
- I played Consanguineous Boon to benefit the Malkavian player so he could survive the Lasombra deck. This made the Malkavian play more focused on ousting Nergal, which he did, rather than on defending himself.
- I ousted my prey and, in the decisive duel between the Malkavian and me, I had a Banishment in hand and a horrible desire to play it. I had not realized that the Malkavian player had brought out an archbishop, to be added to his two bishops already in play and the Edge, so I played the Banishment, which got voted down. That could have made me lose the game. However, I was lucky enough to be able to play a Meddling of Semsith, a Consanguineous Boon and, each following turn a Banishment, which slowed the Malkavian down and made him unable to oust me. I ran out of cards in my deck in the last few turns, but with Arika and the Panders I delivered a bleed total of 7, which gave me the tournament win.
Which play style do you like the most?
- There are several clans that I like to play. I have Salubri and Salubri antitribu decks (bleeders, wall, combat, mixed, etc.), Daughters of Cacophony decks (Shattering Crescendo, bleeders, political), Lasombra decks (bleeders, political and combat), Assamite decks, Toreador decks, Weenie decks (Caitiff, Panders) and various other decks (around 35 complete decks, no proxies).
In general, I like to play political, bleed and wall decks. But with wall decks I can't really win any games in tournaments. I only did so once. Therefore, I gave that up and just use walls in casual games.
Tell us a little about yourself, when did you start playing? What has been your career as a VTES player?
- I started playing Vampire: The Masquerade the role-playing game, and like many people of my time, we started playing Magic: The Gathering. As Jyhad came out, several of us started playing it. I played in college and with friends. I played a couple of years until by mistake all the decks I had were stolen.
I was in torpor until 2004, when I returned to play with friends and, thanks to Ginés and the internet, I met play groups in Barcelona, so I started buying cards again and grew as a player. I noticed that there were few tournaments around Barcelona, and I had a cool place in the outskirts of Barcelona, in Badia del Vallés. Then, I proposed Kico, who was the prince of Barcelona at the time, to run tournaments there. And, for a time, I would organize tournaments and Kico would make them official, until Kico told me to become a prince. And so I became a prince. There were times when I organized 7 or 8 tournaments a year. I even managed to organize a National Championship. Today we have many princes around Barcelona, so each prince hosts an average of one tournament a year.
Any tips on how to get ready for the upcoming Spanish Nationals?
- The important thing is to have fun, and at the same time to play to win the tournament. Playing bleed decks is usually a good strategy in big tournaments, but it doesn't always give you guaranteed wins. I would choose a deck that can defend itself to some extent from the bleed decks, either through blocking, combat, pool gain or many cards that redirect the bleed.
It is important not to be influenced by other players, unless it is for mutual benefit, and this is very difficult to see. Another important aspect is to leave feelings off the table. I have seen players not win a table because their prey had started to "cry". If you play a very aggressive deck, for example multi-rush, you have to rejoice with the tears of your enemies. You can't decline to win a game just in order to make someone feel happy. You have to put logic before feelings.
And finally, sometimes it is important to die with your boots on. That is, if you see that you are dying and you cannot scratch any victory points, it is better to follow an aggressive strategy and end up dying, rather than to hold on to the table and cry to your predator. I would like to stress the fact that, even when you think you cannot get any more victory points, you have to struggle to find a way to get them.
Team Sevilla - very nice shirts!
Thanks to organizer Daniel Carretero Ferres, Spanish NC Arnau Diez Sans, other volunteers, all players, the venue Estalia and our sponsor Ultra Pro.
Once again we have the opportunity to talk to one of the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card artists. This time it is Amy Wilkins, who illustrates several cards in the uncoming VTES Fifth Edition, as well as several other fresh and future World of Darkness-related products.
Hello Amy! Please tell us about your background as an artist.
- My artistic background is varied. Creativity has taken many forms in my life, but I never actually honed in on anything in particular until later on. I am almost entirely self taught, with the exception of a couple art courses here and there over the years. However, there was one course specifically, about ten years ago, where my instructor gave me some sagely wisdom and inspiration and helped me to see this new path I find myself on. I'm looking at you, Dorian Cleavenger! I suppose you could say that was my turning point, and I haven't looked back since.
What kind of assignments do you prefer?
- I love painting character portraits. There's just something about trying to convey personality and give clues to intent or story through a portrait. I find it really satisfying. Yet, on the flipside, I still have so much to learn. So, challenging myself by getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things is really important to me.
What techniques do you prefer?
- Though I did start out traditionally – painting with acrylics – I am now mainly a digital artist. I do miss painting traditionally, however, and hope to find some time to get back to it. Someday I'd really like to try painting with oils, for instance. I've never touched them. As far as my method, I feel like I reinvent it with each new task. I'm not sure if that's a subconscious attempt to learn new techniques and challenge myself, or perhaps I just forget how to paint and relearn with each new project! Either way, I enjoy the process.
Do you work with models and photos?
- My goal as an artist is realism as a foundation. So, I find it necessary for me to refer to photos to try to attain that. I set out with a clear image in my mind of how I see the character – pose, mood, attitude. Then I tend to find a few reference photos for certain elements in combination with imagined elements as well to achieve that. Sometimes I will use myself, my fiance – much to his chagrin – or props and clothing I own as reference for certain angles, lighting situations, or body positions.
Many who read this have seen your recent work for Vampire: The Masquerade, for example Chicago by Night, and the VTES previews. What else have you worked on? Anything you are especially proud of?
- I feel very proud to have done and continue to do work on a number of projects within the Vampire: The Masquerade universe. I still remember as a young kid pouring over the artwork in the original books – fawning over the beautifully dark, gritty artwork that made me completely falling in love with the world. Tim Bradstreet was – and is! – a particular favorite of mine. So, I feel honored to be a part of this amazing legacy myself. Aside from my VTM work, I have done a number of private commissions – and am looking forward to doing some more once my current projects wrap up.
Are there any special upcoming projects that you want to promote?
- There's more Vampire: The Masquerade projects I'm involved with currently that I'm really excited about! And of course, projects that have very recently come out like Chicago by Night, Cults of the Blood Gods and Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. I can only say it's a great time for Vampire: the Masquerade – as an artist and a fan.
We thank Amy Wilkins for this chat. Check out more of her work at www.amywilkinsart.com. If you like artist interviews, these are our previous ones:
- Carmen Cornet
- Riccardo Fabiani
- Noora Hirvonen
- Ken Meyer Jr
- Heather Kreiter
- Mark Kelly
- Javier Santos
- Samuel Araya
• Of course Black Chantry is also affected by the current virus outbreak - CEO Hugh Angseesing tells more at the top of this newsletter.
• With the help of a whole team of friends, BCP rules director Vincent Ripoll has translated the VTES rulebook into French. A draft version is now available for download at www.blackchantry.com/rulebook
• The Fifth Edition preview has continued in March, so far with 18 fantastic pieces of art. As soon as all cards and decks gets the final OK, some actual cards will be shown.
• The playmat depicted below, with the very nice Mark Kelly art, is now available for purchase. Retailers can find out for through
• Currently 18 Black Chantry products are available through Drivethrucards.com and other stores:
- Lost Kindred bundle
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
- Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck
- Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck
- Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck
- Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck
- Anthology I bundle
- VTES Card Creator (Drivethrucards only)
- 25th Anniversary
- First Blood: Malkavian
- First Blood: Nosferatu
- First Blood: Toreador
- First Blood: Tremere
- First Blood: Ventrue
- VTES Legacy Card Singles (Drivethrucards only)
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
Some highlights from this month's activities in the Vampire: The Masquerade franchise:
• Vampire: The Masquerade gets its own comic - learn more in Hollywood Reporter.
• The board game Vampire: The Masquerade - Chapters concluded a very successful Kickstarter campaign with 6,149 backers, some of which claim the Gabriel Tremblay VTES promo card.
• Yet another board game, Vampire: The Masquerade - Vendetta, is ending the Kickstarter drive as this is written, so far with 3,867 backers!
• Vampire: The Masquerade gets audio book series from Harper Collins - read about it at Bleedingcool.com
Upcoming events:
Sadly, we cannot endorse any physical tournaments at this point. Instead, tune your decks, sort your collection and try playing online on LackeyCCG or Tabletop Simulator!
For more information on upcoming events see the V:EKN Event Calendar.
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at V:EKN.net. Also follow the V:EKN Facebook group, the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
Memento mori.