Backways by Clint Langley.
Greetings fellow Methuselahs,
Release date for the next four preconstructed decks is approaching, and soon cards and deck lists will be revealed. One of the decks is of clan Gangrel, and this time it is an all-Anarch deck. As you might know, in the game setting of Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition roleplaying game, a majority of the Gangrel clan has joined the Anarch Movement, and that is the lore that Black Chantry follow for the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition product line. From the tuckbox:
Clan Gangrel are outsiders, roaming wilderness and suburbs, straying from politics and intrigue. They keep in tune with nature and with their Inner Beast, and they value their freedom and are prepared to fight for it. The clan has now joined the Anarch Movement – they will not be pushed around, and their claws run deep.
The Gangrel deck coming up is a rather defensive deck, but in a toolbox style. Also from the tuckbox:
This deck takes a defensive stance, planning for the late game while occasionally hitting opponents with precise attacks where it hurts the most. Your strengths are animal companions, Anarch tactics and the Protean shape-changing powers of your minions, which help to pass blockers, intercept enemies and excel in combat.
Below you see the classic card Backways with new art by veteran VTES artist Clint Langley, the new card Deep Ecology (art by new VTES artist Kim Aldau) and new vampire Kamile Paukstys (art by Noorva Hirvonen, also a great VTES player).
The VEKN is doing a playtest of a change in the rules for final table seating. The change was first discussed with the National Coordinators in a survey, and they thought it was interesting enough to do test some more.
From VEKN Rules Director Vincent Ripoll´s original description:
"Lurking has long been seen as a necessary evil: choosing the seating in the finals is meaningless if one doesn’t know what the others are playing. However, all players are not equal in the amount of intel they can gather (it depends on who met who during the preliminary rounds, and of how much data you can collect from other players between rounds), and lurking often results in a nuisance as players tend to assist to other games once their game is over.
It can also be difficult for some players to gather information during online tournaments.
In order to remove the necessity of lurking (and thus reducing the need of it) for the purpose of choosing one's seating for the final table, I am considering the following changes (in bold):
3.1.3. Final Round Seating
Table positions are not assigned in the final round. Instead each of the finalists is given an index card (or reasonable substitute) with his or her name on it. ???? ???????? ???????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ??? ???????, ?? ???????. ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ????: ?????, ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ??, ??? ?????? ??????????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??????. Starting with the lowest qualifier, each qualifier places his or her index card faceup in a row on the table. When placing his or her card, each player must choose to position his or her card at either end of the row (one end of the row is equivalent to the other) or may create a space between two cards already placed. After all cards have been placed, they are read from left to right to determine seating positions in the final round. The judge will then determine randomly which player will play first. ??? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?????’? ?????."
A number of countries have entered the playtesting, see this forum post.
Tournaments using the new rule are sanctioned as usual. If you want to know more, please contact your National Coordinator.
NAC Day 1 final 2019.
Live tournaments are possible again in USA, and you are welcome to the "Week of Nightmares" and the North American Championship at the Origins game fair in Columbus, Ohio. Black Chantry's own Ben Peal will be the head organizer for all the events, no less than 13 in 8 days:
• September 26: Week of Nightmares Event 1
• September 27: Week of Nightmares Event 2
• September 27: Week of Nightmares Event 3
• September 28: Week of Nightmares Event 5
• September 28: Week of Nightmares Event 4
• September 29: Week of Nightmares Event 7
• September 29: Week of Nightmares Event 6: Draft
• September 30: Origins - Thursday 1
• September 30: Origins - Thursday 2
• October 1: Origins - Friday 1
• October 1: Origins - Friday 2
• October 2: Origins - North American Championships
• October 3: Origins - Forced Awakening
More information in the VEKN Event Calendar and also (restrictions, venues, discount) at VTES in North America Facebook group. Or ask !
Things are happening in Mexico:
As in the rest of the world, the situation of the health contingency due to COVID-19 has forced the restriction of meetings and large concentrations of people in closed places, and Mexico is no exception. Currently, with the appearance of other variants of the virus, it has motivated governments to call on the population to be extremely careful regardless of whether they have already taken the vaccine or not. As for the community of Mexico, we have had sporadic game meetings at the home of some of the players and we were thinking of restarting activities in some of the stores to grow the community of players, so we had thought about starting face-to-face tournaments. However, due to the health situation, it seems that it will not be possible shortly. We hope to host our national championship later this year or early 2022.
To maintain the competitive spirit of the community after the experience of the Atlantic Cup 2021, we decided to implement a competition in an online league format through the Discord and LackeyCCG platforms for Mexican players. Each player will accumulate victory points (VP) in weekly games for 4 months – the champion will be the one who accumulates the most VP's. Although initially the tournament was designed for the Mexican community, thanks to the community's social networks, players from both Chile and Brazil have joined, which gives the tournament a wealth in terms of strategies and styles of play, and always benefits the entire gaming community.
Although some countries will be returning little by little to face-to-face activities, it seems to me that online gaming is here to stay, since it allows, in a relatively easy way, to connect communities of players that otherwise would be difficult to find. Thanks to these platforms, Mexican players were able for the first time in 25 years to participate in a world championship last year, an idea that many of us had imagined very difficult. Likewise, these platforms have allowed Spanish-speaking communities to have a more frequent exchange regarding issues related to the game itself, such as the implementation of the rules, standardizing judging criteria or doubts that arise during the games.
Lackey and Discord have become valuable tools for our community, not only for the game but for the exchange of ideas between the different communities, motivating the creation of related content as different as each game of VTES. I invite you to continue using them in each one of your playgroups and among the different communities of the world. We look forward to the next international event soon, and of course, we open the invitation to all players to participate in our league.
Eduardo García Ayala, @LaloVtes
Do you also want to contribute to this newsletter? Please contact the editor at . Hope to hear from you!
Sede de vitae ("thirst for vitae") is a new phenomenon in tournaments, built to occupy space in the weekly schedule of Brazilian players. Each event is a constructed tournament with 2 rounds + final which take place during weekdays: round 1 on Monday, round 2 on Wednesday and finals on Thursday.
The results so far are extraordinary! Here are some numbers related to the first 10 editions:
Total players: 205
Unique players: 49
States: 12 different states
Cities: more than 15 cities
Champions: 8 different champions
Finalists: 25 different finalists
Structure: Discord for voice chat (Desso Alastor's channel), Whatsapp is used for preparing the game and LackeyCCG is the platform for playing.
Live streams of the games happen at Henrikone - Twitch, Blood Faca - Youtube and Channel 10 VTES - Youtube.
There's no fee to play, but players are welcome to donate any amount that they desire, and after every 5 tournaments, in a livestream built for the community, the entire amount received in donations is converted in prizes (portuguese VTES cards from the local distributor Conclave Editora) and drawn between participating players.
As a sidenote, in Brazil the pandemic has caused more than 500.000 deaths and some of those deaths have reached our players. Thanks to the online matches we could escape from this cruel and unpredictable reality spending some quality time with our friends, even though we are far away and behind a computer screen. The events will continue, and every week will bring new adventures. We thank you all for the opportunity"
Desso Alastor, organizer
Black Chantry Rules Director Vincent Ripoll answers some rules questions:
Q: I am a little confused by cards that don’t inflict damage. Does Coma work at long range? What about a strike: combat ends?
A: By default, strikes are only effective at close range. Since Coma lacks the “ranged” word, it does not work at long range (you can play it still for no effect, but remember that you have to pay the cost). Strike: combat ends (as well as a dodge) is effective at any range, because the rulebook says so.
Q: Can I play a Relentless Reaper to avoid the new combat created by Illusions of the Kindred? What about Psyche!?
A: You can play Relentless Reaper: Illusions of the Kindred will have no effect, and a new round against the opposing vampire starts. You cannot however play Psyche!: since Illusions of the Kindred “queues” a combat, and Psyche! does the same, there is a ruling preventing more than one combat being queued (“An effect which would cause (a new) combat cannot be used if there is already a "to be resolved later" combat.) [RTR 20020501]
Q: Can I play Eternals of Sirius if I am at 4 pool? Or 3 pool?
A: You can play it if you have 4 pool left: you pay the card and gain the pool at the same time, so you would end at 5 pool. You cannot play it if you have 3 pool or less, since you cannot pay for it in order to play it. [See forum thread]
Q: Vivienne Géroux can now play “cards requiring basic Celerity [cel] and/or Fortitude [for] as an Anarch vampire.” Can she play Diversion using Celerity or Fortitude, then Forced March, then Constant Revolution?
A: She can play Diversion using one of those Disciplines (cardtext), then Forced March since she can play cards requiring both Disciplines at the same time. However, she cannot play Constant Revolution since it does not require any of those Disciplines. [See forum thread]
A retrospect by Rudolf Scholz
Summer blues here: rain instead of sunshine, almost no possibilities to play VTES locally with the buddies … For example Stockholm, with a new league season finally taking place again in the Dragon’s Lair game store, sounds like a nice place to be, at least to me.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to look back at the tournament winning decks with the most participants from August 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. It would have been three decks by “Team France”, but I dared skipping Selim Ammouche’s EC 2015 Day 1 win in a field of 95 players (kudos!) to avoid a Stanislava repetition.Year 2000
Untitled deck by Christian King
Deck type: Toolboxy Lasombra stealth-bleed
GenCon 2000 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US – August 13 – unknown number of players
Crypt (12)
2x Gratiano 8 DOM OBT obf pot priscus Lasombra:2
2x Guido Lucciano 5 OBT dom obf Lasombra:2
2x Ignacio, The Black Priest 4 dom obt pot Lasombra:2
2x Ramiro 4 dom obt vic Lasombra:2
1x Angelica, The Canonicus 10 DOM OBT POT cel obf cardinal Lasombra:2
1x Aurora Van Brande, Paladin 6 OBT dom for pot Lasombra:2
1x Aaron Duggan, Cameron's Toady 2 obt Lasombra:2
1x Mitchell, The Headhunter 2 obt pot Pander:2
Library (91 cards)
1x Archon Investigation
4x Blood Doll
3x Dominate
3x Elysian Fields
2x Elysium: The Arboretum
2x Minion Tap
2x Obtenebration
3x Political Hunting Ground
2x Slave Auction
1x Sudden Reversal
1x Bum's Rush
6x Govern the Unaligned
4x Leather Jacket
7x Bonding
6x Conditioning
8x Shadow Play
3x Shroud of Night
3x Arms of the Abyss
3x Entombment
5x Shadow Body
5x Deflection
5x Eyes of the Night
6x Redirection
6x Wake with Evening's Freshness
– Well, back in August 2000, it was not that easy to design a Lasombra stealth-bleed deck. Only 11 Lasombra existed, and only 8 featured Dominate and Obtenebration, and the youngest to have both on superior was the mighty Gratiano. Okay, there were also a few vampires with Obtenebration and Dominate in other clans, but to include one or two of them, like the Ventrue antitribu Gerard, would have made things only a bit easier for Christian crypt-wise.
– Even worse, there existed only two different Obtenebration action modifiers to gain stealth, Shadow Play and Shroud of Night, and the latter can be used on a bleed action only at superior level.
– Besides the awkward size of 91 (Judge!), the library discloses the deck’s pursuit of many important goals: bleed to oust, when needed add stealth, bounce bleeds, block occasionally, be prepared for some combat and gain back some pool from your vampires’ blood.
– Elysium: The Arboretum surely is a surprise, because its effect can be applied only in a combat between Camarilla vampires – these days. However, until 2001, it affected ANY combat with one of your vampires. (Thanks go to Ke for his Amaranth Deck Builder which allows to take a look at card texts of older editions!).
– To make the deck a viable threat today, you would have to do the usual (main-) streamlining: add a few Govern the Unaligned, diversify the stealth modifiers, reduce the combat module; of course convert most of the Wake with Evening's Freshness to On the Qui Vive, and most Redirection should be Deflection. Pool gain should happen via Villein instead of Slave Auction and Minion Tap, and blood gain via Giant’s Blood, Jake Washington and The Coven besides 1 Hunting Ground. Secure Haven could replace Elysium: The Arboretum.
– Nowadays, if you wanted to bleed fast and dirty with Obtenebration and Dominate, you would and should (!) go for groups 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 and among others enjoy two 5-cap powerhouses with OBT and DOM called Dame Hollerton and Ermenegildo, The Rake. For example, search for “Spanish Ladies” in the TWDA, and you will know what I mean.Year 2005
“Exhibitboon” by François Morand
Deck type: Weenie to Midcap Toreador antitribu swarm bleed & vote
Open de France – Carcassonne, France – August 27 – 75 players
Crypt (14)
2x Jost Werner 6 AUS PRE ani Toreador antitribu:2
2x Lolita 3 for pre Toreador antitribu:2
2x Carter 2 cel Toreador antitribu:2
2x Nicholas Chang 2 aus Toreador antitribu:3
1x Sheila Mezarin 6 AUS PRE cel for Toreador antitribu:2
1x Creamy Jade 5 PRE aus cel vic Toreador antitribu:3
1x Cristos Mantigo 5 aus cel dom obf pre Toreador antitribu:3
1x Mercy, Knight Inquisitor 5 AUS cel dom pre Toreador antitribu:2
1x Remilliard, Devout Crusader 4 AUS pre Toreador antitribu:2
1x Sabrina 4 aus cel pre Toreador antitribu:3
Library (89)
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Creepshow Casino
2x Día de los Muertos
1x Direct Intervention
1x Elder Library
1x Fetish Club Hunting Ground
2x Fortschritt Library
7x Foundation Exhibit
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
1x Humanitas
1x Jake Washington
1x Life Boon
5x Palla Grande
5x Parthenon, The
1x Sudden Reversal
1x Sunset Strip, Hollywood
3x Visit from the Capuchin
3x Anthelios, The Red Star
1x Slow Withering, The
1x Veil of Darkness
6x Art Scam
12x Embrace, The
11x Consanguineous Boon
2x Disputed Territory
2x Rumors of Gehenna
6x Change of Target
6x Dodge
4x Delaying Tactics
– Toreador antitribu breeding, bleeding, voting … Let’s compare it to the Black Chantry deck “Libertine Ball” and have a look at the differences:
– Both decks feature the powerful master cards Foundation Exhibit and Palla Grande, and they use The Embrace to create a swarm of Toreador antitribu taking pool-gaining actions like Art Scam or Consanguineous Boon.
– The two main differences are that François’ deck features much more master cards, which is justified by 5x The Parthenon, and abstains from using any cards requiring disciplines, which allows to add nasty Gehenna events; of which François used even more in his tournament winning deck in a 24 player event 4 months earlier. Anthelios, The Red Star got banned in 2016, though, thus the master card recursion is now gone.
– Crypt-wise, stealthy Jost Werner and bleedy Sheila Mezarin are special forces available only the a group 2/3 crypt, but Klaus Konrecht, even though an 8-cap, is a Cardinal, and he will finally be seconded by a non-PDF version of Mélusine d’Anjou once the Unleashed Kickstarter sets are delivered, woohoo!
– Library cards to consider for breed deck like this: Not to Be and/or The Uncoiling to defend against Scourge of the Enochians (a threat born with the release of the Keepers of Tradition set in 2008); Aranthebes, The Immortal to contest Aranthebes, The Immortal; Pentex Subversion (How could he do without it?) and Gird Minions. And even more events, like Narrow Minds or Fall of the Camarilla.Year 2010
“!Ventrue pour CF 2010” by Pierre Tran-Van (“Stone”)
Deck type: Ventrue antitribu pseudo grinder
French NC 2010 – Salle des Pavillons, Lyon, France – August 29 – 47 players
Notes from Pierre (translated): “Originally a Ventrue antitribu deck with a Concealed / Desert Eagle / Magazine / Scattershot module, tested once in a friendly game and 4 times in a 5 player tournament. Because of limited time, the module was removed and, well, replaced by some filling stuff. It made a sweep in a friendly game at ‘Troll de Jeux’ the Tuesday before the tournament. In this state, it's an unpretentious thing, a kind of tap'n'bleed in disguise. The surprise Orgy of Blood, the wet dream Last Stand and the submarine kill Slaughtering the Herd have never been played during the tournament.”
Crypt (12)
3x Neighbor John 5 AUS dom for Ventrue antitribu:4
2x Owain Evans, The Wanderer 8 AUS DOM FOR cel pre Ventrue antitribu:3
2x Blackhorse Tanner 7 AUS DOM FOR Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Charice Fontaigne 6 AUS DOM for pot Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Jefferson Foster 6 AUS DOM for tha bishop Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Katherine Stoddard 4 dom for Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Sister Evelyn 3 aus dom Ventrue antitribu:3
1x Ulrike Rothbart 3 dom for Ventrue antitribu:4
Library (90)
2x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Corporate Hunting Ground
1x Direct Intervention
1x Giant's Blood
1x Last Stand
3x Misdirection
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
3x Vessel
3x Wash
1x Uncoiling, The
13x Govern the Unaligned
2x Slaughtering the Herd
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
2x Bonding
8x Conditioning
1x Daring the Dawn
2x Seduction
4x Indomitability
1x Orgy of Blood
2x Rolling with the Punches
3x Target Vitals
4x Weighted Walking Stick
7x Deflection
5x Delaying Tactics
2x Eagle's Sight
2x Enhanced Senses
4x Eyes of Argus
3x Forced Awakening
1x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
1x Telepathic Misdirection
– When either of the notorious vampires Owain Evans, Blackhorse Tanner or Neighbor John enters the game’s controlled region, the usual expectation is to meet the “Grinder” archetype (please read VTES One´s archetype article for a detailed description).
– However, it seems like Pierre designed his deck for a special metagame: 5x Delaying Tactics, fewer combat cards, 6x “European Stealth” (again, see VTES One for reference). I guess he made a few of his VPs in that tournament by simply surprising his opponents.
– A group 3/4 Ventrue antitribu deck is very successful in general, when played correctly, and allows a lot of tweaking and metagame choices. The most unconventional card I witnessed so far was Masochism, and Pierre’s pick Last Stand is on the same level of strangeness in my opinion.
– I suggest entering the three main vampires in the TWDA crawler of your choice (I work with Codex of the Damned and VDB) to get a survey.Year 2015
Untitled deck by Otso Saariluoma
Deck type: Auspex Presence bounce and bleed
EC 2015 Last Chance Qualifier – Warsaw, Poland – August 28 – 74 players
Notes by Otso: “The deck itself has the usual suspects with AUS PRE. It is inspired by a similiar deck popularized by Martin Weinmeyer's EC win back in 2009 – although with higher caps, more auspex and lacking fortitude and Daring the Dawns. This version has problems with dedicated blockers and stealth vote, but otherwise has proven to be quite resilient with lots of reactions and combat ends, which gives the flexibility to alter your tempo and possibly wait for an opportunity to present itself.
In the preliminary rounds I really would have needed Darings against my ani pro prey. In the second round I got lucky as Kim was one card short of running away with the game, which would have costed me the spot in the finals. And I got lucky again in the finals drawing half of my combat ends in the first quarter of the library against Pascal's Enkidu – but some luck is obviously needed in this game. In the heads-up against Noora's The Unnamed the deck transformed into a half-decent block deck.
Crypt (12)
2x Rebekka, Chantry Elder of Munich 8 AUS PRE THA pot Tremere:2
2x Jost Werner 6 AUS PRE ani Toreador antitribu:2
1x Sheila Mezarin 6 AUS PRE cel for Toreador antitribu:2
1x Felicia Mostrom 5 AUS CEL pre Toreador:1
1x Ramiel DuPre 5 PRE aus cel dom Toreador:1
1x Mariana Gilbert 4 PRE cel Toreador:1
1x Remilliard, Devout Crusader 4 AUS pre Toreador antitribu:2
1x Violette Prentiss 4 PRE dom Ventrue:1
1x Gideon Fontaine 3 PRE Ventrue:1
1x Isabel de Leon 3 AUS Toreador:2
Library (82)
2x Anarch Troublemaker
2x Blood Doll
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Vessel
1x Wider View
10x Enchant Kindred
3x Entrancement
3x Intimidation
2x Legal Manipulations
5x Mind Numb
2x Public Trust
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Heart of Nizchetus
7x Aire of Elation
1x Change of Target
2x Charismatic Aura
8x Majesty
2x Delaying Tactics
6x Eyes of Argus
4x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
8x Telepathic Misdirection
– Please check July’s Deck to Beat article and the year 2000 deck by Steve Coombs. Steve’s idea was to combine the bounce and block powers of Auspex with the bleed and combat powers of Presence. Now, look again at Otso’s deck – and enjoy its virtuosity.
– Changes and additions to consider: 2 or 3 copies Force of Personality, among other things to increase the chances of making Entrancement work, and Scourge of Enochians against swarm decks.
That’s it for this time. Thank you for reading!
• The Unleashed Kickstarter is still under delivery. All cards weren´t printed at the same time so there was some delay before things could be packed to deliver. Hopefully all US backers have had their cards, and rest of the world is being served during September.
• Black Chantry CEO Hugh Angseesing was at UK Games Expo 2021 in Birmingham and ran demo games, sold some products and chatted with players and potential players. Thanks to you who attended!
• The next batch of Legacy Card Singles has been proofread and will probably appear at Drivethrucards soon.
• The next four preconstructed decks (Banu Haqim, Brujah, Gangrel and The Ministry) are at the printer, as is the annual promo pack. Release dates are still vague, but sometime late October/early November.
• A new version of the thin First Blood decks is being prepared. This time they will not be all reprints, but feature some new cards too. Release: Early 2022.
• The Fall of London-themed mini expansion has gone through playtesting. Artwork is dropping in, looking excellent! Release: Early 2022.
• Currently these Black Chantry products are available through and other stores:
Lost Kindred bundle
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Anthology I bundle
VTES Card Creator (Drivethrucards only)
25th Anniversary
First Blood: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
VTES Legacy Card Singles (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 1 (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 2 (Event promos only)
VTES "Parity Shift" playmat
VTES card sleeves
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition (Stores only)
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Latin (Drivethrucards only)
Fifth Edition: Malkavian (Stores only)
Fifth Edition: Nosferatu (Stores only)
Fifth Edition: Toreador (Stores only)
Fifth Edition: Tremere (Stores only)
Fifth Edition: Ventrue (Stores only)
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
The fifth and final season of “L A by Night”, the streamed Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle, is now airing. Check out the trailer and an interview with storyteller Jason Carl in the August 27 World of Darkness News. The show streams once a week at World of Darkness on Twitch and is also available on the World of Darkness Youtube channel.
Apart from that, of course we are most thrilled with the upcoming Sabbat sourcebook. It was discussed with Elisa Teague from Renegade Game Studios in the August 20 World of Darkness News, and is scheduled for a September release – super-exciting!
Upcoming events:
VEKN still refrain from generally encouraging physical tournaments. Follow local regulations on what events are possible. Notice that online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!
For more information on upcoming events see the VEKN Event Calendar.
Sanity is for the weak.