BYO: Hashashin's Creed - Rules
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Register: 10:00 / Start: 11:00
3 Rounds + Final
Cafe Theseus
Bredaseweg 167
Tilburg, The Netherlands
Organizer: Herman Jacobs
The crypt of each player has to apply to the following rules:
1. It has to be storyline legal. This means that 75% has to be of the same clan.
2. The entire crypt has to belong to one faction (e.g. Camarilla, Sabbat, Independent or Laibon).
3. When playing Imbued, the entire crypt has to be Imbued and rule 1. does not apply.
4. Rules 1. and 2. are not relevant when playing Anarchs, but the library should contain at least 15 cards to create Anarchs or that require Anarchs.
5. It is allowed to play with group 1, 2 & 3 or 2, 3 & 4 or 3, 4 & 5
6. It is not allowed to have Janni in your crypt.
* The regular rules apply as well as to following ones.
* Place Janni in the middle of the table equipped with a Saturday-Night Special.
* Add eight Clandistine Contracts to Janni.
* Once each turn a vampire, which is older than Janni can take a +1 stealth (D) action that costs one pool to put one of the eight Clandistine Contracts on a minion of another Methuselah. Janni will be named for this contract and will get into combat with the chosen minion. The acting player can play combat cards that Janni is allowed to use during the combat (Janni pays the blood cost, the acting Methuselah pays the pool cost of the cards).
* Once each turn a vampire, which is older than Janni can take a +1 stealth (D) action to let Janni rush a minion with a Clandistine Contract for which she has been named. The contract doesn't have to be put there by the acting Methuselah.
* It is allowed to give Janni extra equipment (e.g. via Disguised Weapon or Fast Hands) or disciplines (making her older, makes here more difficult to employ for the others).
* All the normal combat rules hold for Janni. She can go to torpor and be burned.
* Any vampire can rescue Janni from torpor (costs 2 blood as usual).
* If Janni isn't at full capacity during the discard phase of a Methuselah, then she gains one blood from the blood bank.
The faction of the person who scores a game win gets 1 point. In case there is no winner, the point goes to the "Independents". If there is a final, then the winning faction scores 2 points. At the end all the points of the entire tournament are counted. The winning faction represents the new sect of Janni. If the scores are tied, Janni stays independent (even when the Independent were not among the highest scorers).
Janni (Advanced)
Clan: Assamite
Group: 4
Capacity: 5
Disciplines: cel, for, obf, qui, xxx
Traits: yyy
Merged: Janni gains one level of Celerity.
Winning Faction:
Independent or Imbued
xxx = 1 extra level of Quietus
yyy = Independent
xxx = 1 extra level of Obfuscate
yyy = Camarilla
xxx = 1 level of Vicissitude
yyy = Sabbat. Black Hand
xxx = 1 level of Abombwe
yyy = Laibon
xxx = 1 level of Protean
yyy = Independent. Anarch
If Independent or Imbued win, we get the following Janni Advanced:
BYO: Hashashin's Creed - Introduction
"Enter" Anastasius shouted as a response to the knocks on the door of his office. The door opened and an elegant young woman entered swiftly the room.
"Ah Janni, what brings you here?" he asked her after she closed the door. Anastasius admired her beauty. The same beauty, which made her into such a perfect assassin.
"Sire", Janni answered calmly, "I've given the following request a lot of thought and I hope you can understand me". Anastasius put down the pen he was holding and bent a bit forward. "I wondered if this is all there is and if other factions aren't better for me", she continued. "I want ...", but before she could finish Anastasius said, "Silence".
He looked at her and he mumbled: "Even after all this training, they still don't know their destiny". Anastasius leaned back and said to Janni: "Less than a century ago your head would have been cut off for even thinking such a thing, but it is better to guide than to destroy valuable members".
"The best way to learn how the others are organized and function is by observing them for some time. And I have the perfect reason for you to observe them." Anastasius opened a drawer of his desk and took some documents from them.
"These are contracts for several vampires. They belong to the Sabbat and the Camarilla. There is even one for a Laibon. Take them and carry them out. Try to get more contracts and study. After that you can make your decision. But know what you are doing, because as a traitor you will be the subject of a contract!"
"Thank you for the advice sire." Janni took the documents, made a bow and disappeared as swiftly out of the room as she had come.
BYO: What Lies Beneath - Rules
1.1a The Storyline is to be conducted over 12 games. At the start of the Storyline Season, each player will elect a Sect that he is representing. In addition to the Standard Storyline Crypt Construction Rules (see 1.1b) 75% of each player’s Crypt must belong to the Sect he/she has chosen to represent.
1.1b Crypts must be constructed using standard Storyline Tournaments rules – i.e. at least 75% of your crypt must belong to a single Clan.
1.2 Imbued are not a Clan.
1.3 For the purposes of tournament reporting and tallying victories, each deck’s sect will be recorded (as well as their Clan). Sect status is based on the Clan that composes 75% of the crypt. The Sect breakdown is as follows:
Gangrel (see 1.4 below)
Tremere (plus Gargoyle Slaves – see 1.5 below)
Brujah antitribu
Gangrel antitribu
Nosferatu antitribu
Malkavian antitribu
Toreador antitribu
Tremere antitribu (plus Gargoyle Slaves – see 1.5 below)
Ventrue antitribu
Blood Brothers
Harbingers of Skulls
Salubri antitribu
Independents and Laibon,
Followers of Set
Gangrel (see 1.4 below)
Daughters of Cacophony
Gargoyles (see 1.5 below)
True Brujah
Anarch (see 1.7 below)
1.4 Gangrel
As Clan Gangrel have changed from being a Camarilla to Independent clan over the course of V:tES, the Sect of a Gangrel deck for the purposes of 1.3 is determined by the majority affiliation of Gangrel within the Crypt. So, if a deck had nine Camarilla Gangrel and three non-Camarilla Gangrel, the deck’s Sect would be Camarilla. If there is an even split between sects (for example, six Camarilla Gangrel and six Independent Gangrel), the player must declare their chosen sect at the beginning of the game. Note that this has no in-game effect on Gangrel’s default sect status (which remains Independent).
1.5 Gargoyles
Gargoyles who are Tremere Slaves may be counted as Tremere for the purposes of achieving the 75% clan rule. Thus, a crypt could legally include eight Tremere and four Gangrel Tremere Slaves. Similarly, Gargoyles who are Tremere antitribu Slaves may be counted as Tremere antitribu for the purposes of achieving the 75% clan rule. Gargoyles without the Slave trait (regardless of their individual sect status) are counted as Independent Gargoyles, and may not be considered Tremere or Tremere antitribu for the purposes of storyline crypt construction.
1.6 Laibon
For ease of tallying, Laibon are included with the Independent sect tally. Laibon are, however, considered a distinct sect within the game.
1.7 Anarchs
At the end of the Storyline game or when a Methuselah is ousted, if at least 75% of a Methuselah’s controlled vampires possess the ‘anarch’ trait, that Methuselah may change their designated sect to ‘Independent (Anarch)’ at their discretion.
2.1 The Storyline tourney will introduce two new types of Cards:
2.2 City Regions
2.2.1 At the start of the game, three Region cards are placed, face-up and uncontrolled, in the centre of the table. These cards represent unique areas of control within the city, larger than a single Location Card. These are as follows:
Downtown Tunnels
This card may be tapped to allow a vampire you control to tap and enter combat with any minion controlled by another Methuselah as a D action. This action cannot be blocked by a younger vampire or ally. If this card is untapped at the beginning of your turn, a vampire you control may gain two blood from the blood bank.
Nightlife District
This card may be tapped to allow a reacting vampire you control to burn one blood and untap with +1 intercept. If this card is untapped at the beginning of your turn, a vampire you control may gain two blood from the blood bank.
Uptown CBD
This card may be tapped during a referendum to give an acting or reacting Vampire an additional 3 votes. If this card is untapped at the beginning of your turn, a vampire you control may gain two blood from the blood bank.
2.2.3 In order to take control of a Region, a Methuselah must have five control tokens on the Region. Once five control tokens are placed on a Region by a given Methuselah, all control tokens on that Region burn.
2.2.4 Any vampire may take a Control action to place control tokens on a Region. The amount of counters placed by such an action is equal to half the acting vampire’s capacity, rounded up. (i.e. 10 and 11 caps can take control of a Region with a single action, whilst 1 caps can only place a single control token per action)
2.2.5 No effect may prevent or ‘interrupt’ the control (or change of control) of a Region from occurring, beyond cancelling or blocking the action to add counters.
2.2.6 Whilst a Region is uncontrolled, the Control action is undirected. Once a Region comes under a Methuselah’s control, the Control action becomes directed at the Methuselah who controls it.
2.2.7 Placing control counters is a specific action restricted by the NRA ruling.
2.2.8 No actions or effects, beyond those specifically listed above, may add or remove counters on a Region. Similarly, no actions or effects beyond the untap phase and the specific Region card text, may tap or untap a Region. Note that, while Regions are notionally similar to Master cards and Locations, ‘Region‘ is a specific card type and lacks the ‘location’ text. As such, cards that would normally target or affect a master card or location cannot target or affect a Region.
2.2.9 A Region is never considered ‘played’, as they begin the game in play (albeit uncontrolled). They can never be removed from play.
2.3 Events
2.3.1 Five Unique Event Cards will be created for the Storyline event. These are as follows:
Ancient’s Nightmares
Storyline Event. Each Methuselah burns 1 pool during his or her untap phase.
Citywide Quarantine
Storyline Event. If a vampire moves to the controlled region from the uncontrolled region, the controlling Methuselah burns 1 pool. Additionally, vampires have -1 stealth. An acting vampire may ignore this effect of Citywide Quarantine by burning 1 blood as the action is announced.
The Hunger
Storyline Event. Vampires may not hunt as normal. Any vampire may steal 1 blood from another vampire as a hunt action. If this action targets a vampire controlled by the same Methuselah, this action is at +2 stealth.
The Rising
Storyline Event. A Methuselah may only gain pool if he or she controls the Edge. If a Methuselah who does not control the Edge would gain pool by any means, this pool goes to the blood bank instead. A Methuselah who has a Victory Point is immune to the effects of The Rising for the rest of the game.
(Note that The Rising does not prevent a Methuselah from gaining pool from a successful oust, as the victory point is gained prior to the pool.)
Thirst of the Father
Storyline Event. At the beginning of your untap phase, each tapped vampire you control burns 1 blood or remains tapped. You may burn X pool during your master phase to untap X vampires that remained tapped by Thirst of the Father’s effect.
2.3.2 At the start of the game, these five Storyline Events are shuffled and placed face-down in the centre of the table. At the end of the final Methuselah’s discard phase of turn 2, one Storyline Events is chosen at random, turned over, and put into play. This effect also occurs at the end of turns 6, 10, 14 and 18 (i.e., every four turns after turn 2, until the last Storyline Event is played)
2.3.3 While these Events are considered ‘played’, they are not considered played by a given Methuselah, and once in play are not considered to be controlled by a given Methuselah.
2.3.4 Storyline Events cannot be cancelled as they are played, nor can they be removed once in play. Face-down Storyline Events are also not considered to be ‘in the game’ or in play, or in a library or ash heap. No effect can reveal a face-down Storyline Event.
3.1 In addition to the standard list of banned cards, the following cards cannot be included in Storyline decks:
* Recalled to the Founder
4.1 The storyline games will be played at regular VTES sessions. We will devote one game every session to be a designated Storyline match and tally the results.
The winning Sect will be the focus of a storyline Event scheduled for the second half of 2009. Players of the winning Sect will win fantabulous™ prizes!
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