BYO: Carnaval - Rules
Standard Storyline Constructed (75% of a Crypt belonging to the same sect : Imbued, Camarilla, Sabbat, Independant or Laibon)
Starting Pool : 33
3 R + Final
Carnaval Master Capacity 5 Tap to give any minion +2 stealth (not usable during a bleed or political action). Tap and burn one pool to give any ready vampire up to three blood from the blood bank (not usable during combat). No more than 5 Carnaval can be in play the same time. Any Methuselah may discard an event card during his master phase to burn a Carnaval. |
Jean Bart (Wraith) Ally 2 Blood Unique Wraith with 3 life, 2 bleed, 1 strength. Jean Bart is immune to non-aggravated damage. Jean Bart cannot be contested. If a second Jean Bart comes into play, burn the first Jean Bart in play instead of contesting him. If you control a Carnaval, Jean BartJean Bart gets +1 strength and +1 stealth. |
Denis, Monitor of Armorique Clan: Toreador Capacity 9 aus pot CEL PRE SER Independant Denis has two votes (titled). +1 strength |
Gabriel, l'Archiviste Clan: Malkavian Capacity 9 AUS CEL DEM POT Camarilla. Prince of Corrèze. Gabriel may recruit a werewolf ally as if he meets the requirements of playing that card. |
Jah, Black Hand Emissary Clan: Assamite Capacity 9 CEL CHI FOR QUI Independent. Black Hand. Jah has two votes (titled). Jah can put a spliff counter on any minion as a +1 stealth action. A minion with a spliff counter doesn't untap as normal but the spliff counter burns during Jah's next discard phase. (The Blood Curse does not affect Jah.) |
Clan: Giovanni Capacity 9 cel dom NEC POT Independent. Anarch Baron of Marseilles. As a +1 stealth action, Nhetic can put a Wraith in play from your hand, library or any ash heap. |
Petit Reuze Clan: !Gangrel Capacity 7 ani cel chi FOR PRO Sabbat. Archbishop of Oye Plage |
Round 1:
2 Trophy Progeny
1 Trophy Domain
2 Black Spiral Buddy (without clan requirements)
Round 2:
1 Trophy Domain
1 Trophy Progeny
1 Trophy Diablerie
1 Samuel Haight
2 Black Spiral Buddy
Round 3:
Trophy Revered
1 Trophy : Chosen
1 Trophy Safe Passage
1 Ossian
1 Samuel Haight
1 Black Spiral Buddy
Finals :
1 Unmasking
1 Jake Washington
1 Powerbase Montreal
1 Heart of Nizchetus
2 Embrace
BYO: Carnaval - Introduction
Paris, France.
Somewhere under the Louvres, a shrieking cry of pain fills the night... François Villon wakes from his (supposed to be peaceful) slumber... All parts of his body is covered with a bloody sweat... As always, the only thing he can remember is his Sire's smiling face : the beautiful Helena of Troy...
The same night, at the Elyseum :
François looks worried, his Nosferatu informants reported him that Helena, the new primary target on the Camarilla red List is coming back to Europe.
After the events in Montréal Helena was in a hurry to leave the New Continent and even if François knows that it might cost him his unlife, he is pretty sure that when he will be in her presence, he wouldn't be able to fight against their Blood Ties...
That's why he decided to disappear... The Praxis of France is now empty...
With the storms surrounding every move from Helena, the Marquis (equivalent to Princes in France, but all under François Villon's authority) decided to organize a Grand Conclave :
Gabriel, Ruler of Corrèze Denis, Monitor of Caen Jah, Emmissary of Alamut, Nhetic, Baron of Marseilles Petit Reuze, Archbishop of Brussels
decided to offer Bounties for every Kindred ready to hunt the Fiend : the possibility to sire a Childe, to claim a Domain in France, of course if Helena doesn't accept to surrender, the Amaranth, even if distateful, might be sanctioned...
Learning that, Enkidu sent some of his own minions to help Helena fleeing the Camarilla...
The last news from Helena came from the North of France... Why would an ancient Greek goddess go there ? Because of two things : the Carnaval, a period lasting from January to April during which every week the streets are filled with people feasting (and sometimes drinking a lot), all disguised so differently that even Nosferatus can go unnoticed with their real faces... So much easy Blood to gorge upon !!!
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And the better one is Jean Bart, an ancient Pirate from Dunkerque who became corsary in order to save the Kingdom of France from the famine... His presence is as strong and powerful as some ancient local pagan deities...
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