BYO: Festivo dello Estinto II - Rules
2nd V:TES Tournament of the Spanish Grand Slam Circuit
Storyline Lucita d’Aragón (Sabbat Flavour)
Date: April 19th, 2008
City: Zaragoza (Spain)
Address: Freakland; Calle Sevilla 12, Zaragoza
Fee: 11,00 Euros (Only 5,00 Euros for the members of the Association Cónclave Hispánico)
Round 0: Building the Crypt and the Library
The crypt of the deck must contain at least 75% vampires that belong to the Sabbat, the remaining 25% can be completed with vampires from other Sect: Camarilla, Independent or Laibon. As any “Non Sabbat” vampire enters the game, she or he will lose the title and the votes.
The Library can not contain any card that require a different sect than the Sabbat: Traditions, Parity Shift, Blood hunt, Anarch cards, Laibon,… can’t be included on the deck.
Round 1: Legacy of Caine
Vampires can hunt as usual from the Blood Bank or Stealing a blood from a younger vampire as Direct Action with 0 Stealth. Doing so, the blood of the target vampire (the victim) will be considered as the “Blood Bank”, then, any effect of a card that gives a bonus for hunting will mean extra points stolen from the victim (Succulent Vitae, Inbase Discotek, Aaron’s Feeding Razor,…). Imagine what happens when the master card Festivo dello Estinto is played…
Round 2: Lucita’s welcome
In additon to previous round rule, an improved-merged Lucita will be in the middle of the table, full of capacity at the start of the round. Any Metuselah can take control of her during the Master phase till her or his predator’s discard phase. The cost to do so is to burn the edge, paying 2 pool and renouncing to the master phase (complete, no matter if the Metuselah has got extra master phases, all of them should be spent).
When the control of Lucita is over, she returns to the middle of the table, getting one blood from the Blood bank. Any equipment, retainer or any other card played or her is burned. In case Lucita is burned or sent to torpor she will return to the middle instead, gaining 1 blood from the Blood Bank.
Round 3: Vykos comes to the party
In the same way than the previous Round, but this time with a customized version of Sascha Vykos.
Final Round: Clash of Queens
For the final round, both Lucita d’Aragón and Sascha are in the middle of the table to support the Metuselah’s plots.
Every Metuselah participating in the event will receive a Deck Box tuned with the FdE II Logo, together with a nice pack of the new Promo cards and one Marianna Gilbert. In case this is first time the Metuselah is coming to Zaragoza for an V:TES tournament or it’s the first time playing an official V:TES tournament, she or he will receive our exclusive Edge; as this is the Tradition in Zaragoza since the ECQ 2006. Here you have got the pictures of both gifts:
During the event, players will get one booster per Victory Point. The winner of the game will be tittled as Regent of the Sabbat, receiving the Regent Ring:
The other four finalists will be tittled as Seraphs, getting the Diploma and a black gauntlet with the Black Hand Crescent Moon stamped on the palm:
Both, the Regent and the Serafins, will receive additional boosters and starter decks depending on the number of players and the money collected.
By the other side, the players who burned more vampires during the game, in combat or by diablerie, she or he will become Sabbat Inquisitor, whose price is the following Lucita miniature:
More information about the event, flavour story (In Spanish), hotels, maps, preinscription list, etc in our forum
BYO Festivo dello Estinto II - Story
2nd V:TES Tournament of the Spanish Grand Slam Circuit
Storyline Lucita d’Aragón (Sabbat Flavour)
Lucita watched her city from the tower of La Seo. She liked to be there. Seven centuries ago, the members of her mortal family were crowned Kings in this Cathedral. At this time, nobody was around the buildin.
She felt she was at home now. Some months ago, she has reclaimed her Domain on Zaragoza, proclaiming herself as Archbishop of Aragón. In this way, she showed to the Vampire community that her government was not limited to the city has her long shadow covered the whole region, Aragón, the Old Kingdom his father conquered more than 700 years ago.
She had found a sense for her unlife embracing the Sabbat Philosophy and the Blood ties of the Valdurie, now she was not alone anymore. This was the time to demonstrate her loyalty to the Sect; the celebrations of the Festivo dello Estinto would take place in her city and all the Sabbat members of the Iberian Peninsula had been invited to come. A lot of them had confirmed their assistance, but only one confirmation had disturbed the just adquired inner peace of Lucita.
It arrived by post:
A small piece of paper with a sign she knews perfectly: a Dragon eating his own sting.
A cryptic message: “I will be there.”
A name and a Tittle: Sascha Vykos, Cardinal.
(Four Nights Later).
Lucita woke up with a terrible headache, even her heart didn’t beat since she was embraced, she felt the blood pushing and beating in the veins of her brain. She tried to control her vascular system to redirect the blood to another parts of her body, reducing the blood pressure in her head. Once the pressure went down, she tried to reorganize her mind, what had happened during the Festivo dello Estinto? There were some lacks in her memmory, specially about what happened on the third and fourth night of the celebrations.
During the first night, everything happened according to her plans. The vampires all over Spain presented their respect, confirmed their support and recognized her Domain as Archbishop. The Cardinal Sascha Vykos arrived to the Airport with a reduced part of her court, Lucita welcomed her personally in the new Terminal. Sascha expressed her satisfaction as Lucita had finally joined the Sword of Caine; blaming it hadn’t taken place before. Both vampires played the scene according to their expected roles; the enemies for centuries treated now to each other with extreme courtessy and kindness, there were part of the same army now… or not?
Rites started, seventy five kindred shared thier own blood in an amazing valdurie. After that, different Blood Rites and Force demonstration took place. Blood was spilled easily and as results of the “games”, two Malkavian Antitribu find the final death in the hands of a complete flock of Panders blind of blood.
The Second night, just after the Blood Rites were celebrated, the madness extended all over the Sabbat Assistants, a blood frenzy possessed the Kindred. Lucita remembered how Sascha Vykos allowed to some clanless neonates (panders), to drink blood from herself; the representatives of the Regent Galbraith, a pair of Toreador Antitribu joined the orgy of blood with the Malkavian who had celebrated the rites. Lucita herself shared her blood with the member of the Black Hand, the Assamite Antitribu Nizzam al-Latif...
Third and Fourth night were even worst, vampires looked for each other to fight or to share the blood in an unnatural frenzy. Lucita had his fangs and fingernails with still some tracks of this blood, but she couldn’t remember what she has exactly done, and, she was really worried about that. Then, the phone rangs.
- Yes, who is there? – Asked Lucita.
- Madame, I’m sorry to disturb you. Cardinal Vykos is on line, she is calling from a safe terminal in Romania, she wants to talk with you, should I pass her through?
- No problem, Saul, I will talk with her – Replied Lucita.
Lucita holded on while she sat down on the Sofa of her Suite.
- Darling? - The Cardinal’s voice, modulated with the fleshcraft of Vicissitude was even more antinatural through the phone line.
- Tell me, Sascha, what can I do for you? – Asked Lucita with a neutral tone.
- Darling, I simply wanted to transmitt you my congratualations for the wonderful celebration; it’s been a deliciouss Festivo. I have really enjoied the event, but I’m a little bit confussed about what happened on the third and fourht nights...
- I’m glad you have enjoied it, Thanks a lot. I confess you that you are not the only confussed about that
- Humm. I’m sure you are already informed that sixteen kindred found the final death during the Festivo, there is no problem about that, it’s the natural purge of weak neonates, but my agents have informed me than further than some panders, the Assamite Nizzam al-Latif and the two representatives of the Regent galbraith have disappeared.
- My own calculations of the killed kindred where pointing in the same direction, but I haven’t had the time to meet my agents to confirm the exact number and names of the casualties. I am not informed about the missing of the Black Hand member neither the two Toreador Antitribu – replied Lucita showing disappointing.
- Don’t worry darling, this is a healthy tradition of the Sword of Caine, you are not responsible of that. The only thing that disturbs me is the strange flavour that still is in my mounth; I’m proud to say that I can recognize tha taste of the vitae of every blood line; there is a flavour that is still in my tongue that is much more intense than the others…
- I think I know what you mean, Sascha, as I’m feeling the same - Told Lucita.
Lucita understood perfectly what Sascha wanted to explain her. The taste of blood they both had in the mouth bring her back to the deepest rooms of her long term memory. This blood taste was quite similar to that of the blood she drank sometimes from her ally and friend, Anatole, the Malkavian prophet... The vampire who organized the Blood rites of the second day was a Malkavian Antitribu coming from Madrid, she rememberd her face perfectly but not his name...
- I kindly request you to investigate this matter, Lucita. I will support you in whatever you need to bring light to this mistery, I have never liked the Malkavians, they are so... impredictible…
- Thanks Sascha, I take charge, I thank your support. I was planning to visit Madrid, I will accelerate the preparation for this trip. You can be sure I will investigate who is that Malkavian who celebrated the Blood rites of the second day... y will find the answers to our questions...
- Wonderful. I knew I could be confident on you, Lucita. You can alway reach me in this phone line, I remain at your disposal. Please, keep me punctally informed, Darling. Kisses…
- Keep in touch, Sascha, Kisses – Asked Lucita with half a smile in her lips while she switched-off the phone.
BYO: Hashashins Event - Aftermath
Years Later.
Hafsa was waiting for twelve minutes now. "Have you heard about Janni?" she asked to break the boredom.
"Janni, Janni?" mumbled Tegyrius, while a deep frown appeared on his face "Do you mean that loose cannon, who destroys about every vampire she comes across?".
"Indeed that one." Hafsa responded.
"Hmm, what about her?" Tegyrius said after he made a move with his Bishop.
"Apparently she wants to join the Camarilla!" She said while studying the last move.
"If that is the case, why didn't I hear anything about it?" Tegyrius sat straight, looking at his opponent instead of the board.
"Perhaps they found it too trivial for you to know." She answered.
"The bad thing is that you are probably right. Incompetent fools." He shouted. "Anyhow. Tell me what you know."
"Rumor goes that the Lasombra wanted to get rid of her. It seems that Janni assassinated a few too many of their kind." Hafsa quickly hit the button of the chess clock.
"I'm not surprised." Tegyrius still looked at Hafsa, but now with a light smile.
"They sent a team after her, but that team failed." Hafsa continued.
"Again, I'm not surprised, she is quite deadly." he said and moved one of his pawns forward.
"The last survivor of the team told her who was responsible for the assignment. Of course she wanted revenge and went after them. Unfortunately for her some of those Lasombra were very well guarded, so she asked for help. Alas, the clan refused, mainly to keep the peace with some Antitribu Assamites of the Black Hand. There were already some other incidents before this one. Janni was very disappointed and decided to join the real enemies of the Sabbat. Last week she contacted a high placed Toreador for whom she executed some contracts in the past. I don't know what the current status is. Oh and by the way: Check."
Hafsa looked triumphant at Tegyrius, who immediately used his Knight to solve the problem. This was clearly a move Hafsa didn't expect.
"Did you ever ask yourself why a vampire that apparently destroyed that many minions isn't on the red list?" Tegyrius spoke with a silent voice as if he was going to tell a secret.
Absentminded Hafsa nodded her head.
"The reason is that she isn't responsible for most of the assassinations. She has her distinct trademark. Janni sneaks up on them, blows them away with her Webley army revolver and finally decapitates them with a scimitar. It's easy to copy this method and blame her instead. We have done it and I'm pretty sure the others have done it. Putting her on the red list would have aroused too much attention." He paused and then sighed, "Why she is using such an ancient relic of a revolver beats me."
"I believe she uses that thing to make it more challenging." Hafsa said still looking at the board.
"That could be true." Tegyrius laughed.
"Well I'm afraid we have to continue this game another day. Hafsa could you set up a meeting with Madam Guil for me regarding this matter?"
"By all means." Hafsa said while apparently relieved she tumbled over the pieces on the board.
Since Janni joined the Camarilla, we propose the following advanced version of Janni:
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