lock Playtest Application

14 Dec 2011 05:57 #18341 by Alex O
Replied by Alex O on topic Re: Playtest Application
1) Alex Orzulak: . Berkeley, CA. No online gaming

2) Do you promise to keep secret all the cards and content of the playtest until at least 12 months after the release of the set? of course

3) How often do you actually play VTES? Describe in a sentence or two (weekly casual game, tournaments, etc.) Weekly casual games and usually a couple tournaments per year

4) Approximately how many hours per week do you spend on VTES-related things? (including deckbuilding, playing, forum posts, organizing events, etc.)
deckbuilding: 1-3 hours, playing: 4 hours, forums: 1 hour. total: 6-8

5) Pick up to two of the following as your favorite decktypes to build and play (yes, I know it may be hard to pick just two):
anarchs, !Salubri rush

6) If selected as a playtester, do you promise to play at least 2 games per week (for 1 month) using at least some of the cards from the playtest? These would need to be at least 3 player games.
yes our weekly group can do this

7) Pick any card idea from this forum (that hasn't been picked yet in this thread), include a link to it, and describe why it is or is not balanced. Feel free to compare to existing cards, give examples of a potentially broken combo, etc.

New: Misinformation
Political Action, Cost: 2 pool. Requires a !Nosferatu over 6 capacity. If successful, titled vampires controlled by your prey must successfully play two reaction cards to be able to react to bleed, political, or rush actions for the rest of the game. A Methuselah may only play one Misinformation per game.

Pros: It shortens games, and offers new ways to hurt with votes. Abuse with Trochomancy or Force of Habit. Cons: Pool cost. !Nos vote. Sh*t out of luck if Suddened. Non-titles don't care, and they can still block equips, hunts, leave torpor/rescues, burn Smiling Jack...

8) What are the top three things that you think could be improved about the game?

Redo 1st Strike. Ban Tupdog. Enforce going forward.

Our local playgroup in Berkeley varies from 4-7 players, sometimes 8. We have Jeff Kuta still Tariq'ing us and offering great advice, a few longtime players, and a few recently new players. We are combat heavy, votey sometimes, and I like to throw Beatriz the bleedy Inbued into random decks to keep things interesting.

:salu: :OBE: :FOR: :AUS: :THA: :PRE: :obf:
Agitate Responsibly, but Influence Unduly.
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15 Dec 2011 00:45 #18509 by Inyor
Replied by Inyor on topic Re: Playtest Application
1) Ángel Castro (Prince of Jaén, Spain) No online gaming

2) I will keep the secret and I will block the revelations and other evils ...

3) I play every weekend , and sometimes do an extra during the week . I move also 3 or 4 times a year for other local tournaments and national championship.

4) Puf ... I spend many hours a week building decks, playing and reading the forums. Approximately 2 hours per day.

5)Allies - Vote ( or vote + combat :P )

6) Of course, I play more than two games .... muahaha

7) www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/30-expansion-sets-a-card-ideas/18416-card-idea--sabbat-pressure

Name: Sabbat pressure
Cardtype: :political:
Requires a ready archbishop, priscus, cardinal or regent.
Choose a Methuselah. Successful referendum means that you put this card into play. As long as this card is in play, target Methuselah loose 1 pool after each combat between one of his minion and another Methuselah minion. Minions of the target Methuselah can burn the edge to burn this card as a +1 stealth action directed to this vampire

This is a very broken card because, my minion enter combat, he play a ends combat and later psyche. I think this card will be better my version:

Name: Sabbat pressure
Cardtype: :political:
Requires a ready Archbishop, Priscus, Cardinal or Regent.
Choose a ready Sabbat vampire in your control. If this referendum is successful put this card on this vampire . Once per turn when this vampire enter combat with any minion controlled by your prey his/her burn 1 pool , if opposing vampire going to sopor during this combat his/her controlled burn 1 pool. Any vampire may burn this card as a (D) action.

8) Bahari, the political of Sabbat complete the five group of Sabbat

9) Add…… -Does your deck regularly change between a game to another? If yes, select one of these options:

-Because I like test new decks
-Because I want all my decks strengthen
-Because I'm bored of playing always the same
-Another option: _____________

Camarilla Prince of Jaen
:trem: :THA: :DOM: :AUS: :FOR: :ser: :cap9:
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16 Dec 2011 00:55 - 16 Dec 2011 00:58 #18608 by Charles_Bronson
1) Alexandre costa: alexandrembcosta at hotmail.com Maceió,Brasil. I dom't play online.

2) Do you promise to keep secret all the cards and content of the playtest until at least 12 months after the release of the set?
Yes. Spoilers kills all the fun.

3) How often do you actually play VTES? Describe in a sentence or two (weekly casual game, tournaments, etc.)

Two days a week, and 5-7 tournaments a year (as a judge)

4) Approximately how many hours per week do you spend on VTES-related things?

10-14 hours.

5) Pick up to two of the following as your favorite decktypes to build and play (yes, I know it may be hard to pick just two):
Combat and Toolboxing decks.

6) If selected as a playtester, do you promise to play at least 2 games per week (for 1 month) using at least some of the cards from the playtest? These would need to be at least 3 player games.

Easily done. My collection is big, and I can test crypt and library cards in my decks easily with my friends.

7) Pick any card idea from this forum (that hasn't been picked yet in this thread), include a link to it, and describe why it is or is not balanced. Feel free to compare to existing cards, give examples of a potentially broken combo, etc.

you can see the way I think here:


8) What are the top three things that you think could be improved about the game?

both bahari and research mecanics are incomplete and should be "fixed".
also, more fun events that dont destroy the game as gehenna cards. Events like hunger moon and bitter and sweet story are great!

9) ask us if we are having fun with the new cards.

I am death.
Paul Kersey, Death Wish
Last edit: 16 Dec 2011 00:58 by Charles_Bronson. Reason: fixed typos.
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19 Dec 2011 21:36 #18888 by alasteir
Replied by alasteir on topic Re: Playtest Application

1) Vitor Ferreira, , São Paulo/Brazil (mostly).

2) Yes, and will honour our agreement as long as you honour it too.

3) I'm a lawyer with family and girldfirend living far from me, so, I play VTES only once or two times a month. Our playgroup is formed by old guys, and we laugh and make it fgunny, prefering the 4fun style than the tornauments.

4) Approx. 2-3 hours, at the max. level.

5) Vote and toolbox.

6) Yes. In fact, here in São Paulo are many groups, and I can play with them, testing the new cards and mechanics.

7) www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/30-expansion-sets-a-card-ideas/18409-card-idea-millenial-opposition

Name: Millenial Opposition
Requires a ready archbishop, priscus, seraph, cardinal or regent.
Choose a Methuselah. Successful referendum means that Methuselah loses X+1 pool, where X is half the number of master cards in that Methuselah's ash heap, rounded up. Seraphs get two additional votes during this referendum.

Too overpower. Any deck, today, is played with at last 12 masters, and some plays with above 20 masters. Giving a card that could be played by every titled vampire on the sabbat less bishops, can be played mor than once each game, can be a combo with location/path/blood doll burners, Tension in the Ranks, etc, and wich affect not only a condition or thing but an entire type of cards is something should be avoided.

Plus, the card doesn't have balance. We should try to balance decks overloaded by masters, but not make them something wrong or banned. A lot of fun and well deisgned decks uses many masters, and they aren't all vote decks or wall decks, those wich can stop this card, and too few use them in an unproportional and intentional level (as some deck based on the shock troops card).

Plus, the rise of votes for seraphs is useless, as no one will want to put a seraph to rise 2 votes if he can put a PRE vampire and play Awe.

8) Things must be repaired.

a)Imbueds shuld have new cards to make them enjoyable, as it was made for the laibon.

b) low vote sect vampires (bishops, primogens) should have ways and cards to be more playable.

c) we should create more defenses to weenie decks. In VTES, many championships are won by mathematic, not funny: someone with up to 10 minions and some kind of defense to Anarchist Uprising/Ancillae's Empowerment can surely win others with better balanced decks.

9) How can we bring more players to VTES and make it a major game?

Vitor Hugo
Sabbat. Vitor gets +1 vote against any referendum of a political action.
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23 Dec 2011 09:21 #19130 by Andrialfo
Replied by Andrialfo on topic Re: Playtest Application
I don´t know if I have the perfect profile to be a tester as I cannot spend time in the internet to make game testing; but I would like to answer the questions.

1) Alejandro Rodríguez, . I live in Madrid, Spain; but I spent lot of time in Barcelona.

2) Of course. First tradition must be applied...

3) I play weekely a couple or three games and I play as much tournaments as I can.

4) More than 10. Deck making is what I like the most.

5) Block auspex based decks, Combat decks, Tricky decks... It is very hard to choose only two...

6) Of course.. In fact, I like to make draw simulations and test out of a game.

7) I have never saw any card in this forum...

8) Bahari/Imperator cards/effects, Sabbat 5-6 crypt, Imbued and research area are the most forgotten issues that should be repaired.

9) I think one of the important missed questions is For how long have you been playing VTES?

Good luck and happy 2012 with VTES to everyone.
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